It had been something more than painful.

Sweat clung pink hair to her neck and forehead and her body was in intense pain.

"Close her up, we need to stop this blood loss!" Cried a nurse.

Somewhere amongst the chaos, Sakura had caught sight of a baby.

Her baby.

Darkness greeted her when she couldn't hold on any longer.


"Hino, come on now. Let your mother rest, we need to get ready to go." Mused a rather smiling Itachi. Hinotama smiled brightly at her father and nodded, her dark hair falling into her emerald eyes as she jumped down from her spot at the counter where she'd been talking with her mother and ran to her room to change into school clothing.

She was to be assigned teams today at the academy.

"Itachi, please make sure to remind Naruto that I will be getting Baruto and Himawari after school today – he asked for me to take them for the night so he and Hinata-chan can have a date night. Shikamaru is finally allowing him out of the office for the night." Sakura mused as she busied herself with cleaning up the kitchen.

"Of course." Itachi smiled, wondering over to his wife, kissing her deeply before resting his forehead against Sakura's. "We're still having ours this weekend, right?" He murmured softly, "Because I really wanna see you in that dress..." He whispered against her ear, nibbling on her earlobe playfully. Sakura sucked in a deep breath and bit Itachi's neck.

"Ew, guys, get a room." Mused Hinotama as she slung her book bag over her shoulder.

"I'll see you both later. I love you." Sakura pulled her daughter into a hug before kissing the girl on her head and kissed her husband once more.

"Love you too, mom! Come on dad! We need to get there before Baruto!" Hinomata cried as she ran out the door, leaving her parents with a smile on their face.


Years had passed since that day in the hospital. It was a close call for Sakura, she had lost a lot of blood and the only thing that saved her was releasing her strength of a hundred seal. Her daughter had been passed along to her worrying husband, whom was happy for all of 5.2 seconds when he realized his wife was no where to be found yet and the doctors and nurses were being tight lipped. When she was finally able to be seen, Itachi was lightheaded from the worry he had been filled with.

When she woke up, Itachi passed their baby over to his tired wife. The child had emerald eyes like her mother and thick, black hair like her father. As the child grew, it was becoming abundantly clear she was a prodigy just as her father had been. She had amazing chakra control and her sharingan had come to light during a rather heated sparing session with her father. She was fast and strong,learned just as fast and was a quick thinker, and she had a rather hot temper just as her mother did.

She was her parents' child.

As he watched his daughter run into the academy, Uchiha Itachi smiled brightly – something he had done much more of since his wedding day. He had it all, his wife, his daughter, his family. He didn't know what he did to deserve such a thing, but he was grateful to Kami for all that he had.

The darkness that once clouded his sun was now gone, and his life shined brightly.

- End-

Author's note:

I apologize if this seemed rather anti-climatic or a rather abrupt ending but I honestly had no idea what else to do. At any rate, I have a couple of stories going now. I have "Pink" which is just a series of one shots and I have "Voices" which has an undetermined pairing so far... its leading to something but I'm unsure if it will stay that way just yet. Any who, thank you for all the love and support all this time!

Much love!