"Nick, we have to leave here, too many people know where you live and if you want Adalind and the baby to be safe. We have to get you a new place. I'm sorry I didn't tell you about this, but they want to help, it's what they do. They are kind of like us, only wesen." Trubel stated as a woman walked in, and Nick recognized her as Agent Chavez.

"Trubel, what the hell is going on?"

"Nick, you're in danger, and here is the perfect place for an ambush. Everyone who is anyone knows that you live here and that includes the Royals now thanks to Juliette. We have to get you a new place somewhere where very few people know where you, Adalind and the baby are. And once you get Diana back her too. I'm just trying to keep you and anyone else that you want safe. Chavez can help with that, she helped me get Josh settled into a new place. Please just hear her out." Trubel pleaded, and Nick could see the compassion and caring written on her face. Nick knew that she was telling the truth.

"I'll hear her out, I won't make any promises though."

"That's all that I ask Nick."

"Nicholas Burkhardt, it's nice to finally meet you as you and me at least the wesen world of us, anyway. I have acquired a place for you, Miss Schade, Theresa, and Miss Schade's children. The condo is in Theresa's name, so no one would know that you or Miss Schade are there unless you want them to, though I wouldn't tell too many people."

"And what are you going to do with my house?" Nick asked.

"After you take what you want to, we'll torch it. There are too many memories for you here to stay here, Nick. This is for the best. I promise." Trubel explained.

"What about Juliette?" Nick asked with tears in his eyes, and Trubel could see the pain there.

"I'm sorry, Nick, but do you really want to know." Trubel said as she crutched down next to him, pulling Juliette out of his arms and setting her down on the floor.

"She'll be torched with the house?" Nick stated, but it sounded more like a question.

"Yeah, but she's gone, Nick, and I'm sorry that I had to kill her, but you're more important than her. She betrayed you and everyone else by doing what she did and I know that you love her but we need to get you safe, and Adalind too." Trubel stuttered. "Let's get you upstairs to pack your clothes." Trubel pulled Nick up and then up the stairs. They walked into his room and they found some suitcases to pack his clothes. Trubel started pulling clothes out of the dressers and Nick started on the closet as they just tossed clothes into the bags. Trubel reached Nick's sock drawer and found the engagement ring, and she slipped it into her pocket for safe keeping for now. Nick moved to the bathroom and packed his toiletries and tossed them into the bags. Nick was quiet the whole time until they were done and Trubel was about to take the bags downstairs to load into Nick's Jeep, when Nick spoke up.

"Is this condo furnished?"

"Yes, you don't have to bring any of the furniture if you don't want to, or you can have it loaded into a moving van and placed in a storage locker. Though it just has furniture, no kitchen stuff. So plates and utensils and stuff we'll have to pack up."

"Won't that look suspicious?"

"It will if they put out the fire before the house is gone, but we plan to torch it so nothing is left. This is a new start, Nick. I know you might not like that right now because Juliette is gone, but it's something that you need. A little off the grid for a little while. I already talked to Sean about you taking some time off, so no one will be looking for you. You just have to confirm it with him before we torch the place or they might go looking for you, thinking you were kidnapped, or dead."

"I understand thanks, Trubel." Nick walked up to her and wrapped her in an embrace; something that she wasn't expecting from him since she just killed his kind of girlfriend.

"No problem, Nick. You're like a brother. I'd do anything for you."

"I want the furniture put in a storage locker, all of it." Nick said before he let go, and grabbed the bags. "You won't see me for a little while I need to clear my head of everything before I start fresh, but you guys can move the furniture to a storage locker, grab Adalind and move her to the condo, and torch the place. I'm going to talk to Captain to take some time off, and then going off grid on my own for a while. Don't come looking for me." Nick said, and he started walking out of the room, but turned at the door and said, "Take anything you need for the condo. Any money you may need for Adalind r the storage locker. I'll be in touch."

Nick walked out and snuck out of the house and packed his things into his car without anyone noticing, before he took off. His first stop the spice shop. Luckily, everyone was still at Bud's, so Nick used the key that Rosalee had given him in case he needed to get into the shop to look at or get some of his Grimm things that were left from the trailer. Nick collected everything and loaded them into his car with everything else, and he headed to the next place he needed to go, the Captain's house. He pulled up to the house and knocked on the door.

He stood there for a couple of minutes, before the door opened and there stood Captain Sean Renard. "Nick, what are you doing here?"

"Trubel said she talked to you about me taking some time off for a little while, I came to confirm that I will be using some of my time off that I have collected. I don't know when or if I come back, but I want Adalind and the baby to be safe, I want her to be happy. I'm going after them, and I'm going to find Diana. I know what you're going to say and you can't. You have to stay here, and take care of everything here. I will find her and try to bring her back, even if it's the last thing I do. I'll be in contact with something that you can use to contact me if anything happens."

"Nick, you can't do this on your own. You should take someone with you. Trubel, maybe. You're in the wrong state of mind, Juliette leaving with my family, losing your mother again, the baby, losing Diana. You'll hurt yourself, because you're not focused."

"No, I need Trubel here to take care of Adalind, keep her safe, or she need to go back to Josh and keep him safe. I don't care, she has other obligations, and I can't drag anyone down with me. I'm doing this and no one is changing my mind. I just need one more piece of information from you before I leave."

"Anything, Nick."

"How was your father going leave the country?"

"I tracked down a ship that was parked in the harbor that he arrived on. I assume he would return on it. Please, Nick; rethink this. Juliette isn't going to come back."

"She already did; I tried to kill her until I realized that I couldn't, and then she kicked my ass, and Trubel killed her. Good-bye for now, Captain. Hold onto this for me." Nick pulled his badge off his belt and handed it to Sean, and he walked away before he could process what happened. Nick pulled away and his car was gone before Sean realized what happened.

Sean grabbed his coat and keys, and he locked up and jumped into his car, racing off to Bud's house where everyone probably still was. When Sean pulled up to the house, he ran up to the house and pounded on the door, and Hank opened the door. Sean walked in, and into the living room, and said, "We have a problem." Everyone looked up at him, and he noticed Trubel sitting on the couch next to Adalind.

"I've already clued them in. I assume, Nick went to talk to you."

"Yes, only you don't know everything." Sean said as he held up Nick's badge. Everyone was staring.

"Shit!" Hank stated, the first one coming out of his stupor. "He quit. That is not good."

"He didn't quit, but he made it sound like he might not make it back. He's going after Diana." Adalind stood up then.

"He what?" Adalind screamed. "What is he thinking? Your father has her, and they're going to Vienna. He can't take on the entirety of the Verrat."

"I don't think he cares, Adalind. He wants to right his wrongs with you, before the baby is born. At least that's how he made it sound."

"Nick, can't do that on his own, he's out for vengeance, for Juliette, and his mom. Juliette may be dead, but he still loved her, it's why he couldn't kill her. He at least loved the girl he remembers she could be." Trubel stated.

"Wait, Juliette is dead. How she was with your father, Sean?"

"She came back, I don't know why or how, but she did, and I killed her." Trubel answered and everyone was staring at her.

"Wait, you killed her and Nick was okay with that? This is definitely not good. We need to get to the spice shop, and stop him, if he's going somewhere he's going to grab the stuff from the trailer." Monroe said as he grabbed his keys and took Rosalee's hand.

"I'm taking Adalind to the condo that we have set up for her and Nick, but I can't stay there, so I need someone to come with me to stay with her."

"Why can't you stay with me?"

"There's something Nick gave me to do with the house, and it has to be done before the sun rises, and Juliette's body could be found by accident." Trubel stated.

"I'll go. Nick trusted me to keep here safe." Sean said. "Everyone else should head to the spice shop, and try and stop him, or at least try to calm him down." Sean, Trubel and Adalind headed out to Sean's car, while Hank, Rosalee, Monroe, and Bud climbed into Hank's police cruiser. Hank headed towards the spice shop and Sean took directions from Trubel to get to the new condo.

Meanwhile, Nick was heading out to the mansion that the Royals had rented and he followed a path that they would have used to get to the port, and as he was driving down the road in a path that would cross paths with their route, Nick caught sight of a lump on the side of the road, and he pulled over and walked up to the lump. He discovered that it was a body, and he wasn't sure but it looked a lot like the King, but after he was thrown out of a plane or helicopter. Nick pulled out his cell phone that he hadn't discarded yet, and he called 911.

"Hello, I would like to report and accident. I was driving down Highway 26 and I found a body on the side of the road."

"Can I have your name and location sir?"

"Highway marker 315." Nick hung up the phone, and he looked around thinking of which way the helicopter would go. Someone threw the king out of the helicopter and let Juliette go, they obviously landed, so where would they land. Nick saw a field up ahead and he climbed back in his car and headed in that direction. He reached the field and he saw gravel spread across the road, and a helicopter sitting in the field. Nick followed the tire tracks as they left dirt tracks down the road. They headed away from Portland, and Nick followed them.

Nick followed them until he saw the tracks turn north, and he turned to follow them. He followed them until he saw the tracks turn into a driveway, so he followed them. They lead to a house and Nick pulled right up to the house and stepped out. He walked right up to the house and knocked on the door.

A man came to the door, and he woged. "Grimm, what do you want?"

"Diana," Nick stated as he pushed his way into the house and then the living room, where he found a little girl sitting there. "Diana?" Nick questioned and he looked up at him.

"Yes. Who are you?"

"I'm Nick, I know your mommy."

"Kelly. You know my mommy, Kelly?" She asked and Nick pulled her into his arms.

"Yes, I knew her, but you know she wasn't your mommy right. She just took care of you because some bad people were after you and your real mommy. Would you like to meet her?" Nick asked.

"Yes, they hurt her didn't they?"

"Not these men, but yes she's got hurt, sweetheart. Do you want to come with me?"

She nodded her head and asked, "Are you my daddy?"

"No, but I can take you to him too." Diana wrapped her arms around Nick and he picked her up when a man walked into the room.

"What are you doing?"

"Taking her home and you can't stop me." Nick stated, and the man woged, looking into Nick's eyes. He stepped back a little and Nick chuckled.

"You're a Grimm? What is your interest in the little girl?"

"I want to take her home to her mother and father. They've been out of her life for too long, and honestly, no one deserves to have her: the Royals or the Resistance. I'll take care of her and protect her as will her parents."

"You are a brave one, Nicholas Burkhardt."

"I'm aware. Wait until you find out what my stop is after I drop her off is?" Nick walked out of the room, and he placed Diana in the passenger seat, buckling her up with care. He then climbed into the car and took off, heading back to Portland. He was away from anything that would remind Diana of her time with the royals and got back on the highway.

"Your name is Burkhardt? Did you know my mommy?"

"Yes, she was my mom, Diana." Nick said as he pulled out his cell phone to call Sean for the address to the condo, because Trubel would probably take him with her and Adalind.

"Nick?" Sean answered on the second ring.

"Yeah, Sean. It's me. I found her, though I think the Resistance was a little pissed. Tell, Adalind that I'm bringing her home."

"Really, you've found her. Wait, the Resistance had her, what about my father?"

"Dead, at least I think it was him. Pushed from the helicopter." Nick said as he saw a pair of headlights coming from the passenger side of the car as they came up to an intersection. All Diana could do was scream as Nick shouted her name and unbuckled and he wrapped his arms around the little girl, putting himself between the girl and the door of the car as the lights made impact with his car. Time seemed to slow down as the car flipped through the air. Nick heard screaming coming from his phone as he held tight to the little girl in his arms, keeping her tight against the seat so she wasn't caused any harm in the crash.

Nick fell to the roof as the car landed on its top, and he was almost knocked out but he couldn't move. He briefly remembers seeing the little girl's eyes turn purple as two men approached the car. Nick could hear faint screaming as he slowly drifted off, but before he did he felt a little weight land on his chest and a little voice say his name. Nick had enough energy to wrap his arms around the little girl before he passed out.

Sean could hear Nick scream Diana's name as he heard a little girls scream in the background, then it sounded like a car hitting another car as he hear the car flip over, though he didn't know that at the time. Sean heard faint screams as if someone were being tortured, and Sean hung up the phone after shouting Nick's name a couple of times.

Sean then dialed 911. "Hello, my name is Captain Sean Renard, I need a triangulation of Detective Nick Burkhardt's cell phone and for ambulances and police officers to his location. I believe he has been in an accident. Once his cell has been triangulated I would like to be notified of his location." Sean hung up the phone and turned to Adalind. Trubel already left to do the job that Nick had told her to do. "We have to leave. Nick's been in an accident, he had Diana with him."

Adalind was on her feet and grabbing a coat, before Sean could say anything else, so Sean did the same, and they headed towards the elevator. "They had better be alright." Was all Adalind had said as they went to Sean's car, and they pulled out of his parking spot. Sean received a phone call a few minutes later finding out Nick's position. "Nick Burkhardt's cell phone had been triangulated to mile marker 320 on highway 26. The phone hasn't moved since it was triangulated, and ambulances and police officers have been dispatched to his position."

"Inform the officers that they are not allowed to touch anything until I reach the scene." Sean hung up before the officer could respond. Sean turned his police lights on and took off through town as he dialed Hanks number.

"Griffin." Hank answered on the second ring.

"Hank, its Sean. Nick's been located, but there's some bad news. He's been in an accident, he took Diana from the Resistance, and they crashed his car, at least that's what I think happened. I was on the phone with him when it happened. And since he had the remaining contents of the trailer in his car I need you to get a vehicle or something out to the crash site to collect it before someone finds it and people start questioning Nick. Mile marker 320 highway 26. Get there as soon as you can." Sean hung up the phone, and he floored the gas petal.

"Sean, I'm eager to see our daughter and make sure Nick isn't in trouble, but I am pregnant and if we get in an accident, Nick won't be happy about it."

"Well, if we are, Nick might not make it to find out." Adalind shut up after that, and they drove the rest of the way in silence.

Nick came to, and he was lying in his bed in his house he lived in with his parents before they died. He was about to sit up when a hand pushed him back down, and he heard a voice that was unmistakable. "Nicky, you need to go back. It isn't your time yet. You have to take care of Diana, she needs you more than ever, especially when she finds out that I'm dead. You have to tell her, and tell it too her straight, don't say I'm hurt or anything like that. I was blunt with her before you can do that now. As long as she has you and Adalind she will be alright, eventually."

"Mom, I'm so sorry that this happened to you. I should have told you not to trust Juliette."

"I know, Nicky. She's here with me, and she explained everything. She's sorry, but she couldn't face you. It's time for you to go back, now, before it's too late and you're stuck." Nick felt as if he was falling, and when he opened his eyes he was in his car, looking at the seat the Diana should have been occupying, but then he realized she was in his arms.

"It's time to leave we need to find a safer place." Nick kicked out the shattered windshield, and he crawled out of the car with Diana in his arms he went to the back of the car and pulled out as many weapons that he had holsters for as possible, and he fastened them to his person in a couple different places. He then picked Diana back up and he ventured into the woods. "Everything is going to be alright, Diana, I promise." Nick tried to comfort the little girl, but it seemed like she was doing that more for him, her just being in his arms.

She had her arms wrapped around his neck to hold on as they trekked through the woods. Nick could hear sirens in the distance as they pulled up to the scene of the accident. Sean obviously calling in to have his phone triangulated to find out what happened to him. Nick kept going, though, not knowing who he could trust, especially now that he had Diana. Nick trekked his way in the direction that he remembered seeing the helicopter in, until he came across the field that it was in. Nick climbed into the helicopter and he buckled Diana into the second pilot's seat and himself into the first. Nick had never actually flown a helicopter, but when he was younger he used to play video games that involved flying helicopters, because his Aunt Marie thought it might be pertinent to know such skills just in case.

Nick went through everything that she had taught him, and they helicopter lifted off the ground as the copter grew higher, Nick saw another set of police lights fly past him followed by another car speeding quickly towards his accident scene. Nick figured it was Sean, but he wasn't going to land to find out or not. Nick turned the copter and headed north, hoping that it would make it to Canada or close enough to steal a car to get there to buy an actual car using his credit card that he would have to withdrawal a lot of money from and cut up the card.

"I thought we were going to go and find my parents?" Diana asked, and Nick looked over at her and smiled.

"We will, we just have to make sure that the bad guys aren't going to follow us and come after you again. I don't know who I can trust right now, so I can get you to your mommy. Alright, Diana?" Nick asked as he reached over and brushed his hand through her hair.

"Well, mommy and I lived in Darrington. I can show you. No one knew that we lived there."

"That's perfect." Nick headed towards Darrington, and he hoped no one could follow him or would. Nick looked over at Diana, and he sighed. "Why don't you try and get a little sleep, Diana. I'll wake you when we land, alright?"

"Okay." Nick watched her close her eyes and drift off to sleep out of the corner of his eye as he watched the sky and gages in front of him. He secretly hoped that Captain would call Hank to get his things out of his car before anyone could find them, and go on a man hunt looking for him. Nick pushed the pain to the back of his mind as he got farther and farther away from Portland and closer and closer to Darrington. He just hoped it was safe.

Sean pulled up to the scene of the accident, and Hank pulled up in his police cruiser behind him. There were police cars all around, but there were no ambulances and he didn't see any pass him on the highway. He walked right up to an officer that was standing in front of the crime scene tape, and he stated, "I'm Captain Sean Renard, this vehicle belongs to one of my officers. Has the crime scene been secured and where are the ambulances that I asked to be sent to the scene?"

"Yes, nothing has been touched as per your request sir, but the ambulances were sent back for only two bodies were found and both were dead, two men in their 30s by the looks of it. Detective Burkhardt was nowhere to be found."

"Nick wasn't found. What does that mean Sean?" Adalind asked from behind him as her arms wrapped around her enlarged stomach.

"I don't know, but we will find him." Sean whispered to her, and he turned towards the officer. "I would like to take the scene from whoever is in charge, and handle this investigation through my department."

"Yes, sir. I'll take you to the person in charge. She'll probably be rather angry, I warn you, she is a FBI agent."

"Really? I'd like to meet her." The officer directed him through the crowd, and brought Sean and Adalind to a woman standing next to someone that looked rather familiar, but neither Adalind nor Sean could place her until she turned around.

"Captain Renard, this is Agent Chavez and Agent Rubel. Agents, Captain Renard. This vehicle belongs to one of his detectives."

"You're dismissed officer." Sean stated as he and Adalind stared at Trubel. Once the officer was gone, Sean addressed Trubel. "Trubel, what the hell is going on?"

"I have connections now, and I had Nick's cell triangulated and followed, when it was stopped in the middle of the highway for too long, I called Agent Chavez to bring me to his location. He was gone when I got here. There's evidence that I believe we should pack up and get out of here before someone finds them and sends a man hunt out for Nick. Where would he have gone, and why was he way out here. I thought he was tracking your family down to find Diana?"

"He found her, and he was bringing her home to us when this happened. He probably ran not know who he could trust now that he had Diana. Diana probably informed him of where he and Kelly had been living, and he probably headed there."

"It's unfortunate that we could never locate where she actually was before Juliette set a trap for Kelly." Adalind commented.

"Yes, but Nick is intuitive. He will probably figure out a way to contact us." Sean said as he wrapped an arm around her shoulders. "We'll find them, Adalind. Don't worry, it's not good for you this late in your pregnancy." That's when Hank, Rosalee, and Monroe walked up.

"Hey, so where's Ni…Trubel? What are you doing here?" Monroe asked.

"Already been answered. Nick's missing and so is Diana. We need to get this stuff packed up before someone notices what the stuff actually is." Monroe walked over to the back of Nick's car and he opened the trunk.

"Looks like some of the stuff is missing. That can't be good can it?"

"Unless Nick took it with him. If he was conscious enough to flee the scene of an accident then he was probably conscious enough to be smart about it and take some weaponry." Rosalee responded as she walked up next to her husband. "Let's just get it back in the truck that he had and get it to the car."

"Well, let's hope he contacts us soon, because if what I think happened he'll be in rough shape." Trubel stated and everyone looked at her. "The car was hit on the passenger side. The back seat was covered in Nick's stuff, so Diana had to have been sitting in the front seat, and Nick didn't have little kid seat in his car. So with Nick's new parenting instincts and his Grimm instincts, he would have unbuckled his seatbelt somehow managed to get in the passenger seat to make sure Diana wasn't hurt too badly in the crash. After the crash he would have landed on his back on top of all the broken glass on the ceiling. See this blood here, I think it's Nick's; if I'm right, he's not looking so good, and he's the only protection that Diana has right now, that doesn't sound like good odds to me, even if he were to just stumble upon a wesen in his condition, the wesen might win, even with Diana on Nick's side."

Everyone looked at Trubel with concern and now worry written on their faces. "We have to find him, Sean." Adalind was the first to speak up. "Our baby can't lose his father before he's even had the chance to meet him. I can't keep doing this." Adalind said, but kind of screamed it, and all of the officers turned to look at them, and Sean wrapped his arms around her to quiet her screamed sobs.

"Pregnancy hormones. Sorry, baby daddy's missing." Hank stated to the officers, and they all turned and went back to what they were doing. They collected all of Nick's things from the car and piled them into Sean's car. Monroe, Rosalee, and Adalind rode back to Nick's new apartment with Sean while Trubel rode with Hank. Agent Chavez stayed behind to deal with the accident.

When they reached the apartment building, they all climbed out and started carrying things up to the apartment. Stopping on every floor too throw anyone that might be following them off their tracks. After everything from the car was up in the apartment, Hank and Trubel arrived and showed themselves up to the apartment trying the same technique to avoid being followed. Once everyone was there Rosalee, Monroe, and Hank started cataloging what was there and what Nick possibly took with him, if he wasn't taken by the Resistance everyone was secretly thinking but not wanting to say it out loud.

Nick landed the helicopter a few miles outside of Darrington in an empty field, and he torched it, destroying any evidence that he was there. They were far enough from the surrounding towns that he could have gone to any of them for safety. He just hope he could make it to the address that Diana had given him before he encountered anything that wanted to kill him or his injuries made him incapable to move. Nick trekked toward Darrington through wooded areas, and ducking into fields with planted vegetables. Hopefully people would be drawn towards the burning helicopter and away from him and Diana.

Nick had made it pretty far in his condition, and he wasn't giving up until he had Diana back in a familiar surroundings, and he could keep her safe. He put off telling Diana about his mom until he could sit her and himself down to do so, and not in the middle of the woods where her powers could bring a lot of attention that he didn't want if she didn't take it well. Finally, Nick made it to the outskirts of Darrington, and he made his way to the address Diana gave him with a little bit of Diana's help.

They finally reached the house, and Nick looked up at the house, and it looked rather a lot like the house that his mom had raised him in until Aunt Marie took him in. Nick could see way she was drawn to that house. Nick unlocked the door with a key that Diana directed him too, and then once inside Nick locked them inside, closing all the blinds. He sat Diana down on the couch and he looked her in the eyes.

"Diana, there is something that I want to tell you, and you might be upset by this, but first you must know this. I took care of the men that did this to your mommy."

"She's dead, isn't she? She told me stories about people that were after us and that was why we were hiding, from the bad people that wanted to use my powers for bad things."

"Yes, Diana, she is, but I cared a lot about her too, and I took care of the guys that hurt her. They won't come after you again, at least for a while, but there's this other group that wants you too, and they want to use that power of yours too. Do you understand?"

"Yes, but what do you want with me?"

"I just want to get you back to your real mommy, because you see, I care a lot about her too, and having you back would mean a lot to her."

"Alright. Mommy had a first aid kit in the bathroom I can get it for you."

"No I'm alright, where's your bedroom, you should get some more sleep." Nick said, and he picked her up and carried her to her bedroom. Where he changed her out of the dress that the Royals had placed her in and into a pair of pajamas that he found in her drawer. When he had finally gotten her down to sleep he walked back downstairs and he looked around, finding another set of car keys on the counter and he walked out into the connected garage to find another vehicle. "You're a genius, Mom." Nick walked back into the house and shut the door.

Nick walked to the bathroom, and he found the first aid kit that he had been looking for, and he took a quick shower and then patched himself up. When he was done he walked back up to Diana's room and sat down in a chair she had in the corner of her room next to the only window she had in her room and he watched her sleep and watched the neighborhood around them. Nick thought about everything that had happened, and he thought about what he was going to have to do to make it here at least until he was well enough to get back to Portland.

His mom had to have had a computer or a disposable cell that he could use, so he ventured to her room and looked around finding a hidden floorboard that reveled a secret compartment. He opened it and found a laptop, a couple disposable cells, and a lot of money: American and otherwise, and a bunch of IDs, some with her picture, some with Diana's, and some with his own. Nick wondered if his mother had saw this coming or hoped that he would come with her at some point. Nick pulled out the all of the IDs with his picture on them, and he pocketed them and the American money.

He walked back to Diana's room and she was sitting up watching him come back into the room. "Nick?" she whispered, and Nick was hit over the head from behind, though, it didn't take him out. Nick rolled on the ground and pulled his weapon to find a Hundjäger staring down at him, but before he could attack, the Hundjäger's head exploded. Nick looked up at Diana in time to see her eyes turn from purple back to the same blue as Adalind's eyes. Nick stood up and ran to Diana, and he scooped her up into his arms.

"Are you alright?"

"Yes, that man said that he was going to hurt you, so I stopped him."

"It's alright, but we're getting out of here. Do you have a bag that you have a bag that you can put your clothes in?"

"Yes, Mommy said that I should always have a suit case on hand in case we have to leave on short notice."

"Alright well go grab it and start putting some of your clothes in the bag. I have to grab somethings and I'll be right back." Nick left the room and he ran for his mother's room, finding a backpack and throwing all of the things in the little cubby into the backpack. He put some of his weapons in the bag, and strapped the rest to his person like he did before. He went back to Diana's room and found her sitting on her bed ready to leave. "Alright, ready to go?" Nick asked as he scooped her up and grabbed her bag, and he headed down the stairs and snatched the keys off the counter and moved into the garage.

He opened the back seat and strapped Diana into her car seat and put her bag next to her and then he climbed into the driver's seat, and opened the garage door and pulled out of the garage and down the street. He didn't know where he was going to go, but he pulled out one of the disposable cells and dialed the spice shop, hoping that Monroe or Rosalee were there. The phone rang three times before someone picked up on the other line.

"Hello, Tea and Spice, this is Rosalee."

"Rosalee, don't react, act normal like it's a normal call."

"Alright, what can I get for you, sir?"

"I'm running Rosalee. I stole a helicopter, and flew to a field in exactly the same distance from three different towns, I set it on fire and walked I don't even want to know how many miles to find my mother's house that she lived in with Diana. Then we were attacked by a Hundjäger, and it cracked me over the head with something, and then Diana blew its head off, and now we're in my mother's car trying to find a new place to stay. They're going to keep looking for me and Diana, Rosalee. I can't come home, not until I know it's safe."

"Nick, calm down. Everything is going to be alright, we'll find something. We have your things from your car, and Adalind is freaking out but okay. Keep her safe, and I'll let everyone know that you're alright here."

"What if I'm not okay, Rosalee? I'm not a parent yet, and I'm really injured from that car accident. It's like when I had my ass kicked by that Siegbarste. Ask Monroe about that. Only I'm worse I hurt everywhere, and the only reason I can still move is because I want to keep Diana safe. Rosalee, I can't take much more at this point." Nick sounded defeated, and Rosalee was scared for him.

"Nick, listen to me, don't give up. You have a little boy to be expecting and Adalind really wants him to meet his father. She want you in his life; she wants you to be there to help explain everything to him with her. Think about him, and Diana how you need to keep her safe, so they don't find her. Keep running we'll deal with the Resistance and the Royals if need be. I'll email you with updates or you can call when needed."

"Thanks, Rosalee, I needed that. Is Adalind there with you?"

"Yes, do you want to talk to her?"

"Yes, give me a second." Nick turned to the backseat and looked at Diana. "Diana, do you want to talk to your real mom?"

"Sure, is she nice?"

"Yes, she is."

"Nick?" Adalind said on the other end.

"Adalind, hey. How are you?"

"I'm good, our little boy is very active. How are you doing?"

"I've been better. Someone wants to talk to you."

"What's the matter, Nick?"

"Nothing," Nick turned back to Diana and handed the phone to her. "Here you go sweetheart."

Nick could hear Adalind's voice softly coming out of the phone as he handed it back. "Nick, what's going on?"

"Hi, Mommy." Diana said as she took the phone from Nick. "I'm alright, Nick is keeping me safe. He's nice, I like him, Mommy." They talked for a little while as Nick drove farther north. Diana talked to Adalind for a while, and Nick reached the border of Canada. He stopped at the border stop and pulled out a passport with his picture on it, and he showed it to the man. Then the man asked for a pass port for Diana, so Nick pulled one out with a corresponding name and showed it to the man.

"What is your business in Canada?"

"My daughter and I are taking a road trip, and we just wanted to get away."

"Where's the girl's mother?"

"At home she couldn't get away from work, she's a lawyer, so it's difficult for her, but she told me to just take her and go for it. Have a little father daughter bonding time."

"Alright, you may pass." The man handed the passports back to Nick and he pulled forwards as the gate went up. Nick pulled away as quickly as he could without acting suspicious.

"Alright, Diana, can I have the phone back and talk to mommy?"

"Yes. Bye, Mommy," Diana said and handed the phone to Nick and Nick took it from her.

"Hey, Adalind. I'm sorry that I have to do this. I will protect her with my life and more. I will get her back to you, I promise. If anything happens, email me, but use code that I could figure out but not easy enough for anyone else to figure it out, alright?"

"Yes, Nick. I trust you. I'll let you know if anything happens with our little boy, or if you can bring our daughter home."

"Did you just call her our daughter?"

"Yes, because though she is Sean's you're also going to be a part of her life now, and probably more than Sean. Especially, if we're going to be living together."

"Okay, it just caught me off guard."

"Stay safe, Nick. I know how hurt you are, so just see a doctor when you get settled."

"I will. Good-bye, Adalind. Tell everyone else, good-bye for me. I can't do it."

"I will. Good-bye for now, and please keep in touch as much as you can?"

"I'll try." Nick hung up the phone, and he tossed it on the seat. Nick pulled over to the side of the road, and he ran his fingers through his hair and across his face. He turned back to look at Diana, and she smiled at him. "Hey, sweetheart. So would you be alright with calling me dad, because that would make this easier, until we can get you back to your parents?" Nick asked and Diana nodded her head. "You tired?" Diana nodded her head again, and Nick continued, "Why don't you try and get some sleep sweetheart?" Diana barely nodded as she drifted off to sleep, and Nick pulled back onto the road and drove.

Adalind hung up the phone, and she turned towards the back room and walked in holding her stomach. "Does he want to talk to someone else?" Monroe asked, and Adalind looked up and met his eyes.

"No, he's gone. I talked to her and now she's gone again." Rosalee stood up from her seat next to Monroe and she wrapped her arms around her.

"Shhh, it'll be alright, Nick will take care of her, and he'll keep us updated as best he can. He cares about all of us, and he wants what's best for his new life with you and the baby, and he has to get used to the fact that Juliette isn't there. This'll be the best for that as well. He'll come back and be clear minded about it all." That's when the bell chimed, and Hank held up his hand for everyone to be quiet and to stay where they are. Then he opened the door slightly and peeked around the door, and he disappeared.

"Trubel, damn it. Call first, that would be helpful."

"What are you guys still doing here? You should have gotten Adalind to the apartment hours ago."

"She was on the phone with Nick and Diana." Hank said as he opened the door into the back room, and they both walked through.

"Wait, Nick called. How is he? Where is he? What's he doing?"

"He's fine. He didn't say, and he's running. At least until we make sure the Resistance and the Royals don't go after her again, so she can live a normalish life. He knows what he's doing, and he'll be here if we need him for anything." Adalind was the one to speak up, and everyone turned towards her.

"He told you that?"

"Yes, he's going to do anything to protect my little girl and our little girl, and if that means that he has to keep my little girl from me just a little while longer until we get this all sorted out. Then I'm alright with it; I trust Nick, and we're in this together now. That's what he told me. Now I'm tired, can someone drive me home, please?" Adalind walked out of the room and everyone looked around at each other.

"Wow, have times changed, it's weird." Monroe said as Trubel walked out of the room to take Adalind to the apartment since Sean was trying to deal with the Resistance. They reached the apartment building, and when they reached the apartment, Adalind walked right to the bedroom that they put all of Nick's things in. She couldn't believe how much she was missing Nick. Through the past few years that she had known him, and now she was missing him like he had always been a part of her life.

She walked over to the dresser and pulled out on of his shirts, and she inhaled the scent of Nick. She wrapped her arms around her stomach, and she whispered, "Daddy's going to be alright. He's going to bring your sister home, and we're going to be a proper family. I just hope he comes home in one piece." Adalind looked up to find Trubel standing in the doorway.

"Nick is a tough guy, and he's been through a lot, but he'll always make it through when he needs to. You miss him?"

"Yes, but I don't know why. It's not like Nick and I were ever on good terms until this little man came into our lives on accident."

"It's because of the baby. He's going to be half-Zauberbiest and a Grimm. He's special, and I think, he's drawing the two of you together." Trubel walked into the room, and she pulled the sheet back on the bed. "Why don't you just sleep in here, Nick's not going to mind?" Adalind changed into a pair of Nick's pajama pants and one of his baggy shirts, and she crawled into the bed. "Try to get some sleep, Adalind. They'll both be fine, they're both very powerful, and are watching each other's backs. Not that I think that it's a good thing that Nick's back is being watched by a 9 month old who looks three, but she trusts him by the sound of it."

"I just hope that we get this resolved soon so they aren't gone for too long." Adalind mumbled as she drifted off to sleep. Trubel then walked to her room, and dialed the number that came into the spice shop earlier. No one answered, so Trubel left a message. "Nick, its Trubel, call me back at this number?"

She hung up, and then her phone rang a couple of minutes later. "Hey," She answered.

"Hey, Trubel. Is everything taken care of?"

"Yeah, we'll torch the house tonight. I brought your sheets over to the apartment and put them on the bed for you for whenever you come home, and everything that was in your kitchen is now in the new apartment. Your furniture is in a storage unit in my name, that you are paying for by the way, and Adalind is asleep in your clothes on your bed, so that's interesting."

"You guys haven't gotten her new clothes yet?"

"Yeah, we went shopping today."

"And she wants to sleep in some of my clothes?"

"She misses you, Nick. I don't know how to explain it, but I think it's the baby, trying to pull you two together. If that's possible."

"Trubel, I've been taking care of Diana for the past couple of days, anything is possible to me."

"You see a doctor yet?"

"No, I'm still driving. I'm, trying to find a busy place so no one would really be able to track us down if they tried. A big wesen community, but they apparently don't have them up here. You would think that they would because you wouldn't expect to find a Grimm in the middle of nowhere unless they're on the run."

"Nick, don't tell me too much about where you are."

"Trubel, I'm in the middle of nowhere, nowhere is practically everywhere north of Portland."

"Okay, no more than that because north is a hefty clue to find you."

"I could be heading northeast, I could be heading northwest, or I could even be heading straight north. Better?"

"Yeah, better. Keep in touch, Nick, and see a doctor, you need it."

"Yeah, I'll try. Especially because I think I broke something."

"Nick, you need to take care of yourself, especially now with Diana and the baby."

"I know, Trubel. I have to go. I shouldn't be on the phone for as long of time that I have today." Nick hung up the phone and Trubel crawled into bed, and she fell asleep.

Author's Note: Alright so I just wanted to get this out. This idea of what was going to happen in season 5 was stuck in my head and it was messing with me being able to write my other Fanfic, so I just wrote it out. I realize that this probably isn't how the beginning of next season is going to go, but I just had to get the idea out there and I think that this would be kind of cute way of Adalind and Nick to become closer. I hope you guys like it even with the feels twists and turns in there. comment what you think, and there's possibly more to come.