so this is officially the naughtiest chapter so far and broke the "eventual incest" warning on this fic, which was inevitably going to happen at some point - that point being now. i'd put this at the beginning, but if you felt the need to scroll down at all... now would be the time to "turn back" and repent, because it gets pretty dirty really fast.

next chapter will be kinda probably cute! and sweet! watch out for those cavities!

Almost immediately, Sora raised his head and turned to look at him, bewildered. "R-Roxas!?"

"I didn't— expect you up here," Axel said to him, tightening his grip on Sora's head to shove it back down and hold him against the sheets, and he only gripped his hips harder— slamming into him if only to elicit a loud yell, his lips curled into a smile as he focused all his energy into the boy beneath him. "What, got bored or something?"

Roxas found he was unable to look away, no matter how hard he tried. His hand was still subconsciously searching behind him, but all it did was bump into things. "I— uh, no, I just—"

It wasn't that it was Sora who left Roxas so speechless— it was the simple fact that he was relating it directly to him that did. Usually, Axel didn't get so rough with him— but now was a special occasion, and Roxas could see that more than clearly. He was trying his hardest not to look at Sora's face, instead choosing to stare at Axel, but at some point... the temptation proved to be too much, and his eyes flickered briefly to his brother's expression.

Oh. Roxas felt his cheeks grow hot; Sora's face held more than a dozen emotions— pleasure, mostly, his eyebrows furrowed as his mouth hung open. He was turned so that he wasn't completely pushed into the bedspread, his fists clenched into the sheets as he endured the force of Axel behind him— and if anything, Roxas would have identified it as ecstacy. He looked lost in it, at mercy to the pleasure that overtook him, and hisnoises... even with Riku, Roxas didn't think he'd ever heard Sora sound like this. He sounded like him.

Sora whimpered. "R-Roxas is here," he gasped. "This is so embarrassing—"

Roxas' hand stopped. Rooted in place, his legs were frozen and he couldn't move. This should be the part when I leave, he thought to himself.Forget about the controllers!

But no matter how hard his thoughts willed them to move, his body ignored them. What was worse— he couldn't tear his eyes away from Sora.

Axel noticed this.

His hand, which had been previously wrapped around Sora's neck, slid upwards as his fingers tangled in his hair and pulled his head up; despite the fact that it looked painful, Axel was being as gentle as he could, and discomfort was nowhere to be found on his face. "You're putting on a show so great that even Roxas can't look away," Axel said.

"Axel," Roxas warned.

Their eyes met. Roxas' chest tightened and he averted his gaze the moment they looked at each other. But yet, Axel's voice still rang loud and clear in his ears— and despite how hard he was trying to tone everything out, he was able to do everything but ignore it. He shouldn't be watching this— shouldn't have even come in here. This was his second bad idea of the night. "Did you really need those controllers?"

Yes! Roxas wanted to scream. Yes, I did! But instead, he said the exact opposite. "I was just—"

"Curious?" Axel smiled at him and tightened his hand in Sora's hair, and he snapped his hips forward if only to prove his point.

Sora reached up to grab the headboard of his bed with both hands. His head was stuck in place as Axel held it up, but yet his body was free to do as it pleased— and that, it seemed, was tremble and push back on what was inside him. "Roxas," he choked. "Oh—"

He was at a stand still. For the first time in awhile, he had no idea what to do.

"I wasn't curious, I was just—" He was slowly beginning to regain feeling in his feet, and it took hardly a second, then, for Roxas to forget all about the controllers entirely. Marching towards the door, he mentally blocked everything that was to his left and stared straight ahead, his voice completely straight as he tried not to show any emotion; it was obvious that Axel had already witnessed his distress, but if he were to show he was practically— well, hopeless— he'd probably never hear the end of it. Something else he wouldn't hear the end of, unless he got out of there, was Sora— and it seemed that Roxas' face only got hotter and hotter, despite his quick approach to the exit. "Nothing! It was nothing, forget about the controllers, I'll just wait downstairs for you guys to finish, it's no big deal—"

"Hey, Roxas..."

"What!?" Roxas involuntarily whirled around and stared at Axel, hard. "I'll let you get the last word in, and that's it! ...And stop holding Sora's hair so hard!"

"You know," Axel mused. Apparently, in the time it'd taken for Roxas to begin his leave, Sora had been flipped onto his back and was now spread out, his mouth covered by his arm— and from the angle he was at, Axel could easily turn to look at Roxas past his shoulder. In that position... no matter where he was standing, Roxas could see the sight before him clearly. "There's room for one more."

Room... for one more? He stared at Axel with wide eyes.

"Is this a joke?" Roxas' voice was flat.

Sora's voice piped up. "Hey!" But Axel was quick to shush him, turning that "hey" into a moan as he slid back into him. Clearly unaccustomed to the new position, Sora writhed and gasped beneath him, his arm moving up to block his eyes.

"Do I ever joke around with you?" Axel's voice is smooth and husky, but he was still trying to pay attention to both Roxas and Sora at the same time— mostly Roxas, though, standing in the door way, bewildered. "I'm offering for you to join us, Roxas— I hardly think I'd joke around about that."

It took awhile for him to find his voice. What was he supposed to say to this? It wasn't like it was rare for him to be speechless, considering he was just hardly a minute ago— but this time, it was because he had no idea how to respond. Axel's eyes were narrowed dangerously, his hands holding Sora's hips so hard they could bruise— and he couldn't, wouldn't— no... didn't want to look away. Thoughts began to churn inside his head— bad ones— the gears turning over and over as he felt his heart sink into the pit of his stomach. It was heavy, and it hurt, but it was what made Roxas realize, with heavy disdain, exactly what was happening.

"Fuck," he said under his breath. "Goddammit." He was hard.

Axel grinned at him. "You can't hide that from me," he said.

Obviously not. Roxas groaned loudly. "I fucking hate you," he said tersely.

But what led him to close the door was not hate, really— it was something else entirely that drove Roxas to make that decision, and it was one of those things he simply couldn't put his finger on. When he eventually began to move towards the bed, Sora moved his arm to peek past it and looked at him with lidded eyes— eyes filled with want and desire and most of all, need; he nearly mimicked such an expression perfectly as he cast a glance in Axel's direction, the redhead giving him a look of his own. But this one didn't match— hardly. The look Axel gave him was dirty and mischievous and excited. Roxas swallowed.

"Glad you could make it," he said. "Now... where was I?"

It startled Sora, when Axel thrusted into him then— enough to surprise a gasp out of him as he reached down to hold his hands, pressed to his hips. Carefully, he pulled Axel closer to him— not because Roxas had chosen to join them, but because he felt embarrassed— and his voice was nothing more than a whisper as he bit his lip and leaned his back into the pillows. "Deeper," he said, tightly wrapping his legs around his waist. "Please..."

Axel obliged. "Anything for you, Sora," he said. But there was no forgetting about the sudden third party, and this much was obvious. "And... Roxas? What would you like Roxas to do?"

Sora looked indecisive. It seemed that he was about as flustered as his brother— their eyes meeting briefly. "...I—" He turned his head and looked at him. "Shit..."

Roxas looked back at him. Sora's face— everything— it went straight down to his cock, which was beginning to press uncomfortably against the front of his jeans. It was all unexpected, how this made him felt— this hadn't happened when he walked in, so why now? It had to be Axel, who was always managing to involve him in things— but that wasn't the center of his attention. Instead, Roxas was focusing on the harsh realization that sparked in his head, then— how badly he liked the way Sora looked, fucked out and panting as Axel began to build up a rhythm inside him. He looked... cute, Roxas thought— and in an instant, he felt weirdly unapologetic. His hands began to itch. Desperately, he reached down to pull up his shirt and tear it off, tossing it to the floor.

"Fuck it," he said. "I don't care anymore."

He crawled onto the bed and hovered over Sora, his hand positioned directly above his head and the other beside it— and he dipped down so that he could press their lips together, throwing all caution to the wind. Axel, behind him, made a pleasantly desperate and pleased noise, his own hands too preoccupied to go anywhere else but where they were— but he managed, touching Roxas on the very tail of his back, his palm pushing flat against it— beckoning him to lower his body. In the process, he grew closer to the both of them until he was lying sideways over Sora's chest, and he sighed when he felt a pair of arms wrap around his neck.

"That's it," Axel said. He reached down and tugged at his belt.

Sora moaned against his mouth and kissed him back. Shuddering, Roxas moaned back and parted his lips, kissing him harder— deeper. But at some point, he had to abandon his position and break the kiss to work his belt buckle out— pulling it free as he yanked it out of his pants and tossed it to the floor. Unzipping them, he let the fabric hang loosely around his hips as he wiggled them off, and Sora looked at him with dazed, lost eyes. For a moment, he wasn't sure if he even knew what was happening— if he even knew just who was kissing him or who was on top of him.

But it took no time at all for that worry to dissolve, because no less than a second later, Sora moaned his name.

"Fuck," Roxas heard. Axel was cussing quietly under his breath, his hands tugging Sora towards him as their hips pressed close together. Mesmerized, he watched— paying more than enough attention to the fast pace of Axel's thrusts, hard and deep into Sora, who squirmed and gasped in response. The harder the thrust, the harder his brother held onto him, and Roxas bent down at an angle to both watch and kiss messily down his neck as he took everything in— too focused on it to look away. Every so often, Axel would growl and hold the position for a moment— buried to the hilt before he'd pull out and press back in, and Roxas— in turn— would look at his expression and lose himself in it.

"Axel—" Sora moaned. "I— I'm—"

Wrapping his hand around Sora's leg, Axel leaned back to push it back and hold his thigh down. "Yeah? You wanna come?" He asked. His voice was husky— laced with want. "How badly, baby? How badly do you wanna come?"

"Bad!" Sora's voice was loud— uncensored. "Badly, please— I want to—"

Axel smirked, his forehead beading with sweat. "Roxas," he asked, without looking at him. "Can he come?"

Roxas stared at Axel, surprised, his cheeks flushing darkly. "I—"

"Can he?" He repeated, and slid his hand up to hold Sora's hip— right beside his erection, lying hard against his stomach. "Quickly—"

Roxas swallowed the groan he was holding. "Yes," he breathed— and without thinking about it, reached down there to find Sora's cock and slowly wrap his fingers around it; they may have been twins, but not every aspect of them was identical— and Sora was his size, but smaller, still. It felt warm and wet in his hands and he tightened his grip, slowly pumping him to the rhythm of Axel's thrusts— and judging by his instantaneous reaction, it seemed as though he hadn't been touched there once since they began. "Yes, he can—"

So— he watched Sora tense up and try to curl away as he came, arching his back and going taut with the sheer power of his orgasm. He went quiet— grabbed his wrist and tried to pull it away, and he spilled over Roxas' hand silently as he clenched his teeth and turned away from him. Axel simply let him ride it out, shallow thrusts pulling it right out of him— and then it seemed to burst from him all at once— reality snapping back to Sora in an instant as he rocked his hips into Roxas' hand and keened. He tilted his head back and let out a long, high moan.

"Stop," he gasped. "Stop!"

Roxas, looking at his hand with narrowed eyes, pulled it away. "Holy shit," he said.

"Goddamn," Axel groaned, biting down on his lip as he shifted his hips back, and he slid out of Sora slowly— his cock popping out to rest flat against the curve of his thigh. It was an indicator that he still hadn't come yet, and he looked a bit displeased with that fact as he rubbed Sora's thigh apologetically, calming him through his post-orgasm twitches. "Damn, do you tighten up with you come," he gasped. "'Fuckin hot, though..."

Sora didn't respond. His mouth was open, his chest heaving with every breath he took. "Sorry," was all he managed. "I didn't mean to..."

"It's fine," Axel said. "But we've got a problem."

Roxas looked at him. "Take care of it yourself," he said. But it wasn't as if Axel was the only one who had a problem— between the two of them, it was mutual, and Roxas definitely couldn't ignore the weight that still sat heavily in his stomach.

"But I'd much rather take care of it with you." Axel mocked sounding hurt by his words. "We both know that you won't take care of yours by yourself, and besides..."

Roxas flared up. "Besides...?"

"Besides," Axel continued. "Who's to say we have to put much work in? Sora deserves a front row seat too, doesn't he?"

Not many people got to say they'd been fucked by Axel. Actually, Sora wasn't exactly sure if it were just Roxas who got to say that, but if so— he was very, very lucky. He hadn't come like that in ages— hadn't even come that hard yet with Riku, who he knew would be beyond jealous. Now he knew why Roxas always seemed to be in a good mood if he came home late. But maybe, they would get to that point— maybe, if they waited, Riku would grow to be just as old as Axel and deliver upon him the most intense orgasms of his entire life.

Yeah, he blissfully thought, lost in the hazy goodness that was his afterglow. He smiled stupidly. I can wait for that.

But as he sat there, dazed, Roxas and Axel were having a conversation. When he came, the world had begun to spin uncontrollably, but now it was beginning to slowly come to a halt. Though their voices were blurry, it wasn't impossible for Sora to make them out— and he managed to tune in right at the moment he heard, "Sora deserves a front row seat, too."

"I— I what?" Sora stammered. He opened his eyes, finally. Roxas was looking at him worriedly. "A... A front row seat? To what?"

"Well," Axel said to him. Sora blinked. "I haven't come yet. I'm surprised you lasted so long, but unfortunately... it wasn't long enough."

"Hey!" Roxas said. Sora noticed he was shirtless. Why... why was Roxas shirtless? Oh, right. At some point, they had been kissing— quite nicely, actually, and Roxas had been touching him— and... his pants were off, too. What? "He tried his best!"

"I'm well aware of that," Axel said. "He did a great job. And now, he gets to relax and watch. Can you move, Sora?"

Sora raised his arm. "A... A little," he said weakly. "Why?"

"Why don't you help Roxas?" Axel asked. "Y'know, take the rest of his clothes off."

"I'm just wearing boxers, you idiot," Roxas said. But Sora, despite his predicament, could not mistake the tone of his voice— the desperation, then. It must have been from what he just watched, he realized. What he'd done. Not only that, but just by looking down, Sora could easily make out the outline of his cock— hard and thick against the fabric of his underwear.

"Roxas," Sora said quietly. "I'll... I'll help."

It didn't take him much convincing. Roxas did let him help, to his surprise, and Sora felt a little strange helping his brother get all the way undressed. He hooked his fingers into the elastic of his boxers, tugging them down Roxas' thighs— and he tried not to let it faze him, when he finally saw what was underneath. He swallowed, hoping he wouldn't get aroused again— as badly as that sounded. But it seemed as though he was too tired for his body to react. He was lucky, at least. He could only hope it stayed that way. (It wasn't because he didn't want to do anymore— no, that wasn't it at all. Sora was simply too... well, exhausted.)

"Do you need anything?" Axel asked. He was searching through the sheets for the lubricant. Once he found it, Sora heard him uncap the bottle and throw it down again a moment later.

"No," Roxas squeaked. "I'll be... I'll be fine."

Wait... but why? It had taken them at least ten minutes to warm Sora up in preparation for it, so why not Roxas? Was he really that brave? Did they do it like this all the time? That couldn't be, once he thought about it... or else he would've noticed Roxas having trouble more than enough times. He wanted to ask, but found he couldn't find the courage to do so— but the more he thought about it, the more he began to come to his own conclusions. Had... they done this recently? They must've! The only thing Sora could think of at this point was that Roxas was already prepared, and didn't need much more. The thought made his face hot. It looked like his luck was over.

"Crawl ontop of Sora," Axel commanded. Roxas quickly obliged, though he was careful when he moved to hover over him— his arms positioned either side of his head to keep him supported. He got on his knees, trapping Sora's body underneath him, and he looked embarrassed— flustered to be in such a position.

"What do I do?" He asked. His hands hovered unknowingly above Roxas' hips.

"Hold them," Axel said. "Hm... Touch him."

He did. He touched Roxas' waist, first, then went higher— running his hands up his chest and down his stomach. He dragged them over his hips, holding him there— feeling the smooth skin under his touch. Roxas was responding eagerly to the sensation, it seemed, his neck already flushing a light pink in response— and then Sora lowered his arm, moving it underneath him, his fingers cautiously finding his cock. It was hot and heavy in his grip.

"Sora," Roxas gasped, rocking into his hand. "Shit..."

"You're thicker, down there..." Sora said, his eyes lidded, and he wondered just how turned on he really was. "You're— um, bigger than me..."

He wrapped his hand around it, testing the waters. In the same moment, Roxas shuddered hard and hung his head, his arms trembling. Axel wasn't in him yet— but his fingers were, wet and big as they slid into him. But Sora, adamant on helping him through it, began to work him slowly from base to tip, despite it being a little backwards. However, Roxas appreciated it— and greatly. Or at least his body did.

"Axel," he rasped. "Fuck, hurry it up—"

"I am," Sora heard. "Just... give me a second, damn—"

Roxas moved back a bit. Sora's free hand, which had been resting on Roxas' hip the whole time, was covered by Axel's, who held him there— and then, Roxas lifted his head and squeezed his eyes shut, his face flushing instantly as his thighs twitched in place. He groaned loudly as Sora felt Axel move above the both of them— and it didn't take a genius to figure out what was happening. He was inside him, finally— the indication written all over Roxas' face. His dark eyebrows were furrowed in concentration, his mouth open.

He heard something along the lines of, "I might not last" and "God, you're good". It wasn't Roxas, of course, who suddenly could not speak or spit vulgar words— but Axel, his voice muffled through both of their bodies. But he couldn't say he was surprised to hear them; though Axel hadn't come when it was him, he was probably pretty close... and this had to be the icing on the cake. Sora was content just watching, really— obviously aroused by what he was seeing, but not enough to care. It was satisfying on its own, just looking up at Roxas— looking up at him to see the most perfect expression on his face.

He was watching his twin get fucked. By Axel. Which was both hot and interesting all at the same time, but mostly hot. These were faces Sora had never seen on Roxas before— new ones that only Axel probably saw, and with good reason. It was oddly exciting, in a way, to be the one to witness it— though he was sure the understanding was mutual just fifteen minutes ago. He looked... nice, God— just thinking about it that way made Sora feel hot. His noises, too, were blissful— laced with ecstasy and pleasure Sora was sure he could sympathize with. Actually, he was positive— knew that pleasure all too well. After all, he had experienced it just a few moments prior.

But this was different. Roxas was tensing up in his hands and his body moved with each thrust— jolting forward as Axel fucked him hard— fast. An endless stream of words flew out of his mouth: "Fuck, faster, more, please, harder," and they had never sounded so dirty until now. His fingers were beginning to hurt from how hard Axel held them— clutching them as if he were afraid to let go. His own groans were loud and unstable as they came out relentlessly, a harmony that merged incredibly with the noises coming from Roxas— Sora, himself, could not resist one in response, though his voice was tiny and weak. Whenever Roxas would moan, Sora moaned back— and then, he was silenced.

His fingers no longer ached. Axel had pushed him down, holding his back, Roxas' head tucked under his chin and against his neck as he cried out into his skin— his arms were trapped against Sora's stomach, too, his legs open and tense. "Fuck!" He yelled. "Oh, fuck!" He reached up to clutch Sora's shoulders tightly. "Yes! Fuck— I'm gonna come— "

Sora was vaguely aware he still had his hand wrapped his cock. Finding the head of it, he swiped his thumb over his slit and rubbed it quickly. "Roxas—"

Roxas went stiff. His voice cracked. "Sora!"

He came suddenly, shooting against Sora's stomach and over his hands, his voice breaking off until it was no more than a whimper. They rocked against each other as he helped Roxas ride out his orgasm, and it was one of the most wonderful things he'd ever seen— heard, too, in his life. He sounded like him— mimicked his exact voice and everything— didn't moan like him, but was close. And very much like Sora, he twitched and spasmed as his orgasm took over him— his head turning against his neck as he panted into the open air.

But he didn't go limp just yet.

Only Axel remained, though he followed soon after; he bottomed out in Roxas and pushed deep into him one last time, his teeth clenching as he leaned over and came inside him. He swore— that much was coherent, his face flushed and drenched with sweat as he slid his hand up Roxas' back and held him there. "Fuuuuck," he groaned, long and loud. "Yeah, that's good..."

Roxas, defeated and worn out, went still against him. He sighed, deeply, but didn't say anything.

Sora didn't know what to do. Panicking, he decided to just reach up and stroke Roxas' hair. It was a pitiful attempt, but it looked as though it was appreciated. "Are you okay?"

Roxas nodded.

A few minutes passed. Eventually, Sora felt Axel move and get up off the bed to get rid of the condom. But it wasn't long before he felt Axel flop down beside him, his arms spread out. He couldn't turn his head, since Roxas was still on top of him— but judging by the silence, it seemed as though all they were doing was enjoying the last few moments of bliss. Roxas didn't speak, Axel didn't speak, and Sora didn't speak. It was nice while it lasted.

"That was... damn," Axel said, speechless. "I got to fuck a pair of twins, one of them being my own boyfriend, and listen to good music. I'd say... today was a good day. I'd say more, but I am way too tired."

Roxas still didn't reply. Sora spoke for him. "Yeah," he said, feeling a bit loopy. "I, um— I can't really... talk," he stuttered. His bottom half felt numb and everything was fuzzy.

"Mm... that's all right," Axel said. "Is Roxas okay?"

Roxas was motionless. His breath was labored, but it was beginning to slow down and become even again. Sora realized he had fallen asleep. So quickly? He looked to his left at the clock on his nightstand. It was 12:45 in the morning. When had it become... so... late?

Instead of thinking about it, he simply nodded. He felt the mattress protest under Axel's weight, then, as he sat up and leaned over the side of the bed. Whatever he picked up was warm and thick— a blanket?— as he draped it over all of them, and then he settled back down next to Sora again and scooted up to him.

"We kicked it off," Axel said. His voice was raspy— worn out.

But Sora was too sleepy to pay attention. By the time Axel spoke again, he was already asleep— Roxas comfortably resting on top of him.