A/N: I thank you all so, so much!
I appreciate all your kind, funny, & loving reviews for my story. You made me smile and laugh. Your reviews made my day! 1000+ & counting!

Epilogue (2 years later)


I'm sitting in my home office, at our Aspen home. We're celebrating my birthday here. It's my 30th birthday today. I wanted some time alone with my little family before everyone arrives. Our loved ones will be joining us tomorrow. It's quiet right now, it gives me time to think.

I can not believe how drastically my life has changed. From my rough start, being sexual abused, making my first million, then billion, my BDSM lifestyle with submissive women, to being a husband and a father. Each step totally different than the one before. And how I wouldn't change my life now for anything in the world. I am grateful for the love Ana and I have. And the love we made together.

Next month will be our 2 year wedding anniversary. Our lives have been perfect after we found out Anastasia was pregnant. Dr. Greene assured us, Ana being on the shot while she got pregnant would not harm our baby. Anastasia and I welcomed our little boy into the world that spring. Theodore Raymond Grey. I can hardly believe he's been with us for 14 months. It almost feels like he's always been here. I can't imagine life without him. We've moved into the house on the Sound. My parents love that we're closer to them. They take our son off our hands as much as we allow. Which is whenever they want. It gives daddy time to play with mommy. And daddy enjoys playing with mommy. Very much.

Elliot is, surprisingly, still with Katherine. He was a man-whore. A love 'em and leave 'em type. And now he is planning on proposing to her tomorrow night, when we all go out to dinner. They have been living together since Anastasia and I returned from our honeymoon. I don't know why it's taken him this long to propose. Mia and Ethan have been, on again, off again, dating. I don't know how I feel about. That fucker wanted Ana. Now he wants my sister. I'm glad they're not serious. José and Hannah have been talking since he moved to Seattle. They're not official yet. Ray moved to Seattle, after we announced that Ana was pregnant. He said now that we're expecting, he doesn't want to miss his grandbabies growing up. He's a wonderful grandfather. Just like I knew he would be, from the stories Ana would tell me about her childhood with him. He said he wasn't surprised how quickly I got Ana pregnant. Our relationship has always been rushed. I plan to slow down, though, and take it all in. Just enjoy my life. Ray often takes me fishing with him, José, and José Sr. José Sr. is José's father. It's a great, sort of father, son/son in-law, fishing trip. I can't wait to take Teddy with us.

I look down in the playpen, at my baby boy. Mine. He's sleeping peacefully, napping. Anastasia wanted to lay down for a nap, so I said I would look after the little guy, while she got some rest. She gets exhausted when we travel, even though, there is a bed on our private jet. Teddy and I played with his cars for awhile, until he started to yawn and his eyes become heavy. I laid him down for a nap, while I looked up some things on my computer. I want to talk to Ana about having another baby. Maybe we'll have girl this time. Oh, god. A girl. No, let's have another boy. I know we can't control what the gender of our children will be. I will love them just the same. I'm looking up how to track her ovulation schedule and what we need to do, to improve our chances of conceiving. I don't know when I should talk to her about it. I hope she agrees. She wasn't very thrilled the first time she found out about this little guy. She's a great mother, though, just like I knew she would be. She's a very hands on mother. She's very attentive and patient with him. Although, maybe we should wait a few months to start trying. I wouldn't want blip number two to be born so close to Ted's birthday. It's funny, I thought I never wanted children of my own. When I look at Ted, I want more. I don't care how many. Two. Five. I chuckle a little remembering when I told Ana, jokingly, that we needed more than five bedrooms for all our children. I don't care how many more we have. I just know, I want more.

I think back to Teddy's birth.


"Mrs. Grey, you've been in labor for fifteen hours. Your contractions have slowed in spite of the Pitocin. We need to do a C-section. The baby is in distress." Dr. Greene says to Ana.

"About fucking time!" I growl at the doctor and run my free hand through my hair. My other hand, holding Ana's.

"Christian, please." Ana squeezes my hand. She's weak and drifting away. But determined. "I want to push him out myself." She says in a low and weak voice.

Oh, god, baby! She's fading fast.

"Ana, please. C-section." I plead with her.

"Can I sleep then? I'm so tired, Christian."

"Yes, baby, yes." It's almost a sob. I'm so worried. I kiss her forehead and rest mine on hers.

"I want to see my baby." She says.

"You will." I assure her.

"Okay." She whispers.

"Finally." Dr. Greene mutters. "Nurse, page the anesthesiologist. Dr. Miller, prep for a C-section. Mrs. Grey, were going to move you to the OR. Now." They urgently push Ana's bed out of the room and into the hallway. "Mr. Grey, you'll need to change into scrubs."

"What?" Change?

Fuck! I don't want to leave my Ana. I look at My Beauty. She's looking at me, she looks so scared.

"Now. Mr. Grey." Dr. Greene says urgently. Fuck! Something must be wrong.

I squeeze Ana's hand and kiss her lips. I release her and follow a nurse.

"Christian!" Ana calls my name panicking.

I turn back around to watch them still pushing Ana's bed down the hall.

"I'll be right there baby!" I call out just as they push her bed through the double doors.

I follow a nurse into a supply room. She hands me blue scrubs and blushes when I start putting them on over my clothes. For fuck's sake, my wife is having a baby! She shows me the room Ana is in. I walk in seeing the doctors and nurse rushing around wearing green scrubs. My Ana is laying on a bed. I rush to sit beside her and hold her hand.

"I'm frightened." She whispers. Me, too.

"No, baby, no. I'm here. Don't be frightened. Not my strong Ana." I kiss her forehead. Fuck! If anything happens to her...

"What is it?"

Fuck! She can always tell when something is wrong with me.

"What?" I try to play it off.

"What's wrong?" She continues to pry. I'm fucking terrified, baby.

"Nothing. Nothing's wrong. Everything's fine." I quickly get out. "Baby, you're just exhausted." Fuck! I've never been this scared? This worried?

"She's having another contraction." The nurse says.

Ana crushes my hand. Fuck, she's strong! She rides it out. I don't like seeing her in pain. Fuck, this is hard! I kiss her head once the contraction passes.

I murmur against her head. "Good job, baby. Good job. You're doing so well."

"Mrs. Grey, the anesthesiologist is here. He's going to adjust your epidural, and then we can proceed." About fucking time! A few moments later Dr. Greene asks. "Can you feel this, Mrs. Grey?"

I'm looking at Ana, she at me.

"Feel what?" She drifts again. Fuck! Baby, stay awake!

"You can't feel it?"

"No." She mutters weakly.

"Good. Dr. Miller, let's go." Dr. Greene says urgently.

Fuck! This is it! I'm going to be a father. What if Ana's right? What if we're like our birth-parents?

"I love you." I look at her, hearing her whisper.

"Oh, Ana." I sob. "I love you, too, baby. So fucking much." I kiss her lips.

"Suction!" I hear the doctor say. "Good..."

I look over the screen. Holy fuck! Look at that. They have my son half in and half out of his mother. They suction his mouth and nose. Suddenly, there's a piercing angry cry. 'You tell them buddy'. I internally say to my son. They take him out of his mother's womb the rest of the way.

"You have a boy, Mrs. Grey." Dr. Greene says. "Mr. Grey, would you like to cut the umbilical cord?"

Fuck yeah, I would! I stand up and take the scissors from a nurse and cut my son's umbilical cord. The nurse picks him up and takes him to a warm bassinet. I can't keep my eyes off of him. My baby. I feel tears forming in my eyes.

"Can I see him?" I barely hear Ana ask.

I go to the bassinet. The nurse has cleaned him and dressed him in a diaper. She wraps him, like a tiny burrito, in at least four or five blankets. She hands him to me, smiling. I hold my son. Theodore Raymond Grey. I take him to his mother, so she can see him. I sit back on the stool, I was sitting on, near Ana. I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket. I ignore it. Nothing is more important.

"Here's your son, Mrs. Grey." My voice strained and hoarse. Fuck! I'm emotional.

"Our son." Ana breaths. "He's beautiful."

"He is." I kiss our beautiful boy's forehead. I close my eyes and breath in his newborn baby scent.

I look at my son, sleeping peacefully in my arms. I will let no harm come to you. I look back at Ana. She's so beautiful. She gave this to me. This life. The life I am now living happily with her. And now our son. She gave me a son.

"Thank you, Ana." I whisper so sincerely and feel a tear fall from my eye.


I'm not going through that again, elective caesarian from now on. She nearly fucking died. I can't loose her.

A baby's coo brings me out of my thoughts. I look in the playpen. My son is awake playing with his feet. He looks at me with his mother's big blue eyes. He giggles and smiles at me. My heart soars. I smile back at him. He sits up and stands in his playpen. I pick up Teddy and walk out of my office, to find our Anastasia.

"Let's go find your mommy, buddy."

I look in the kitchen. The library. The master bedroom and bathroom. Where is she? Teddy coos 'mama' in my arms. I bounce him.

"I'm looking, buddy."

I walk back downstairs. I go into the family room and look out the window. I see her standing outside, her back to me. Her hair blowing in the summer breeze.

I wander over to the patio doors that looks out over the backyard and the mountains beyond. It's a beautiful view. It's a clear, powder-blue summer day, and my beautiful wife is about twenty feet away, looking at the view of our Aspen home's backyard. I can see her silhouette from this angle. She has her arms wrapped around herself and looks deep in thought. Teddy squeals in excitement, seeing his mother. I laugh and open the patio doors. I walk up to My Beauty. I wrap one arm around her, the other holding Teddy. She jumps startled. I kiss her temple. She looks at us and smiles.

"What are you doing out here, baby?" I ask her.

I rub my nose against hers and kiss her soft lips. Teddy palms our faces. We laugh at our little man.

"Just thinking." She says distractedly.

She takes Teddy from my arms and holds him on her hip. She kisses his cubby cheek.

"About?" I probe.

"What to get you for your birthday."

"I told you I don't need anything. I have you. I have Teddy."

"I know. But I want to get you something." She giggles. "It'd be easier if you just tell me."

Maybe I could ask her now?

"There is something."

She looks at me with her big beautiful blue eyes. "What?"

"Another baby."

She smiles at me. "I'm pregnant."

Welcome Phoebe Grace Grey!

The End!


This was my first ever Fanfiction. And first time ever writing. (I know it probably showed and I apologize for that.)
I hope you enjoyed reading my story, as much as I have enjoyed writing about of our favorite couple.
Christian and Anastasia.
I thank you for reading and I thank you for reviewing! And a big shout out to all my regular reviewers! You know who you are!

Until Laters, Baby!
