Her Knight in Shining Armor


As a young warlock, Merlin, finds himself strolling through the training grounds in the great kingdom of Camelot, he hears a young man shouting.

"Where's the target?" The man had neatly combed blond hair, however the slight winds caused a few strands to stick up around his face. Merlin looked at the scene in awe as he realized that he was one of Camelot's knights, dressed in armor and carrying a sword.

As a child, Merlin had wanted to become a knight. He figured his powers were given to him for a reason. To help and protect people. And what better position to do that than become a knight of Camelot? However he soon realized that becoming a knight of Camelot will be no more than a silly pipe dream. Especially considering that he will lose his head using magic.

After all, he was no nobleman.

"There, sir?" A serving boy pointed towards the object in question.

"It's into the sun?" The man retorted.

"It's not that bright."

"A bit like you then?" The men surrounding the blond man laughed. Merlin frowned. The servant, Morris, picked up the target and began carrying it into another spot. "This'll teach him." The prat took out a knife and threw it at the target. Morris peeked from behind the object, stopping his movements. "Don't stop!" He threw another dagger at the target. "Come on. Run!"

He continued the practice until the target dropped and began rolling towards Merlin's direction where the boy stepped on it before Morris can reclaim it. "Hey, come on. That's enough." Merlin's frown deepened by the time the target reached him. He thought knights were honorable, not arrogant. He was quite disappointed with the revelation.


"You've had your fun, my friend."

The blond-haired man began walking towards him. "Do I know you?"

"Er, I'm Merlin."

"So I don't know you." He stated, and Merlin shook his head. "Yet, you called me friend."

"That was my mistake." Merlin nodded. "I'd never have a friend who could be such an ass."

"Or I one who could be so stupid." He said. "Tell me Merlin. Do you know how to walk on your knees?"


"Would you like me to help you?"

Merlin laughed. "I wouldn't, if I were you."

"Why?" He chuckled. "What are you going to do to me?" He raised his arms, tempting him to hit him. Merlin tried to punch him, but he grabbed his wrist and twisted it behind him. "I'll have you thrown in jail for that."

"Who do you think you are? The king?"

"No, I'm his son." He said in his ear. "Arthur."

"Oh no." Merlin was currently stationed in the stocks as Gaius watched on, laughing. Merlin ducked to avoid the tomato being launched at his head. Once he put his head up again, the children had gone and a young woman walked towards him. Merlin froze at the beautiful sight.

She had dark curly hair, and light brown skin with light freckles decorating her face. He thought she was one of the prettiest girls he had ever seen. "Beautiful." He mumbled. The woman blushed, pretending not to notice his comment.

"I'm Guinevere," she introduced herself. "I'm the Lady Morgana's maid."

"I'm Merlin." He tried giving her a hand to shake before realizing he was in the stocks. Gwen reached out and took it, smiling. "Though most people just call me idiot."

"No, no, no." She shook her head. "I saw what you did. It was so brave."

"It was stupid."

"Well, I'm glad you walked away. You weren't going to beat him."

"Really?" He looked at her. "What makes you think so?"

"You look the part, you do," she started. "But it didn't seem like you have the skill." Merlin frowned. "Well, it's great you stood up to him."

"You think so?"

"Arthur's a bully, and everyone thought you were a real hero." She smiled.

"Oh yeah?" She nodded as the children from earlier reappeared. "Oh, excuse me, Guinevere? My fans are waiting."

"You know, I've been thinking about Arthur. I wouldn't touch him with a lance pole." She walked behind her changing screen. "Pass me that dress, will you, Gwen?" Merlin widened his eyes, stopping his movements for a bit before grabbing the dress. "I mean the man is a total jouster." She slipped her current dress off her shoulder. He placed the new one on the screen.

He had seen her when he first arrived at Camelot, watching from her window the execution of Thomas James Collins. She was quite the sight, as beautiful as they say. Long raven black hair accompanying her pale skin and light green eyes. Her voice was soft, all of her words flowing smoothly out her mouth. It was like music to his ears.

"I need help with this fastening." She quickly stated, causing Merlin to panic. "Gwen?"

"I'm here." A new voice said. 'What are you doing here?' Gwen mouthed to him. He pointed to the sleeping draught, smiling as he quickly walked out of Morgana's chambers.

As the people settle into their seats, Uther Pendragon stands up to make a speech. The people of Camelot celebrate with a feast after the beheading of an ordinary sorcerer, Thomas James Collins.

"We have enjoyed twenty years of peace and prosperity. It has brought the kingdom and myself many pleasures, but few can compare with the honor of introducing Lady Helen of Mora." The members of the court and the guests applaud at the sight of the Albion's finest singer. Uther and the people sit back into their seats as they hear the music begin to play and Helen start to sing.

However, the people in the room are ignorant of the true identity of the woman singing. For the Lady Helen was really Mary Collins, Thomas's mother seeking revenge for her late son.

"An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, a son for a son."

As they continue to listen to her singing, the people of the room begin falling asleep and the room becoming visibly darker. A young boy, Merlin, notices everyone falling under the spell and quickly covers his ears. Webs begin to form around the sleeping beings. Merlin watches as the woman looks to Prince Arthur and begins walking forward, pulling a dagger from her sleeve.

In a spur of the moment decision, he uses magic to drop the chandelier on her as she raises her arm to throw the dagger. The guests begin to awaken in confusion, pulling at the webs. King Uther and Prince Arthur rise to find Mary Collins lying in Lady Helen's place. She pushes herself up just enough to throw the dagger at Arthur.

As the dagger swings across the room, Merlin slows time down long enough to reach Arthur and pull him out of the way. The only sound heard after the incident being the knife stabbing into Arthur's chair as the boys fall on the floor with a thud and Mary taking her last breath. The king and his son look to the young warlock.

"You saved my boys life," Uther breathed. "A debt must be repaid."

Stammering, he answered. "Oh, well."

"Don't be so modest. You shall be rewarded."

"No, honestly, you don't have to, Your Highness."

"No, absolutely. This merits something quite special."


"You shall be rewarded a position in the royal household. You shall become a knight of Camelot."

Chapter 1 - The First Official Meeting

Merlin walks into the armory to find another man waiting for him. "You must be Sir Merlin." He smiled.

"Uh, it's just Merlin." He stuttered. The man had long dark blond, light brown hair and good posture. Merlin shook his hand.

The friendly man smiled again, showing his straight white teeth. "I'm Leon." He nodded. "I'm going to be training you."


"Nervous?" He asked.

"I guess. Not really the fighting type." He said. "Unlike you. You look like you were born to be a knight."

The other man laughed. "Well, my father was a knight so I guess you could say that. I always trained to become a knight as a child. It was my dream."

"That's honorable." Merlin complimented as the man he was speaking to was quite modest. Surprising him as he expected to see knights to have the same personality as the cocky and arrogant Prince Arthur.

Leon nodded, opting to change the subject. "Well, first things first. We're going to get you suited in your armor." The pair walked over to a table where the equipment lied. The other man began to explain which parts go on the body as Merlin intently listened. He started with the gauntlet and ended with the helmet. "I'm sure you know where the helmet goes." He chuckled, and Merlin smiled.

He reached for the chain mail when two women walked into the armory. Leon looked up in surprise. "Milady! Guinevere! What are you doing here?"

"Good morning, Leon." Gwen curtsied. Merlin looked and realized The Lady Morgana and her servant, Guinevere were staring at them.

"Just wanted to see the new knight." Morgana smiled. "Perhaps, help him with his armor and lighten your work load." Merlin looked down as he felt himself blush under the lady's almost flirtatious gaze.

"Uh, okay. I'll see you on the training grounds then." Leon shifted on his feet slightly, patting Merlin's shoulder. "Be careful around the Lady. Wouldn't want the king to have your head." He whispered as Merlin shuddered, warning him. He smiled at Gwen and Morgana as he walked out.

Morgana picked up the chain mail that Merlin previously reached for and helped him get in his armor. "Don't worry. I used to help my father with his armor. I know what to do." Merlin nodded, but he couldn't quite seem to take his eyes off of her. She was quite the sight. She wore a light purple dress that flowed beautifully as she walked gracefully towards him. As she entered his personal space, he silently inhaled the delightful smell of lavenders emitting off of her. "So what's your name?"

"Hm?" Merlin shook his head to jump back to reality as he felt Morgana's hand leave his body as she stopped fastening his chain mail. "Uh, Merlin milady." Guinevere watched the scene in amusement, stifling a giggle.

"Pleasure to meet you, Merlin. I'm Morgana." She properly introduced herself, holding out her hand for him to kiss. Merlin smiled lightly, grabbing a gentle hold of her fingertips and softly kissing her knuckles. His eyes focusing on the lady.

"The pleasure's all mine," he blushed, a shy smile adorning his face.

Morgana smiled. "You're sweet."

By then, Guinevere had finished fastening the rest of his armor and eventually handing his helmet back to him. "You look great. The armor fits you perfectly and it will protect you."

"Thank you. For your help. As you can tell, I have no idea what I'm doing." He joked. Nodding at the girls with a smile, Merlin began to leave the armory when Morgana cleared her throat, causing him to turn around. "Yeah?"

"Aren't you forgetting something?" She raised her eyebrow. Merlin looked down at his armor quickly, confused as he mentally went through a checklist of the parts of armor and feeling them to make sure he's wearing them. The girls began to giggle quietly. When he looked up, they were both sheepishly hiding their amused smiles. "Your sword?"

"So," Guinevere began. "What do you think of Sir Merlin?"

"He's different," she said as she watched Merlin take another blow to the gut. He was currently being trained by both Sir Leon and Sir Lancelot. He actually wasn't doing so bad, but he wasn't do so good either. He was better at defending himself than he was at attacking. "I can't quite put my finger on it, but he's not like everyone else."

"Is that a good thing?"

"He's special." She smiled. "A good kind of special."

"Well, he certainly did catch your eye." Morgana narrowed her eyebrows, not taking here eyes off of Merlin.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, you don't just go around helping people with their armor."

"I- I wanted to thank him." She stuttered a little. Gwen raised an eyebrow at her. "You know- for saving Arthur."

Guinevere grinned. "Of course you did, but I don't remember you showing your appreciation. You didn't mention Arthur to him once."

"I forgot."

"Well, that explains why we helped him with his armor. Does not explain why we came here to watch him train."

"I forgot to say thank you before, so I decided to wait until he's finished to say thanks. That's it. Just to say thanks."

"Really?" Morgana avoided Gwen's amused gaze. She's been her servant since she was ten years old when she first came here. They were practically sisters.

Morgana groaned. Guinevere knew her too well. "Of course." She tried again, hoping she would stop asking questions.

"Really?" Gwen asked again.

Morgana turned her head sharply. "Is it such a crime to make sure that Camelot's knights will be capable of protecting the kingdom?"

The handmaiden shook her head. "Of course not," she smiled. "It's also not a crime to have a small crush on a certain newbie knight-"

"I do not have a silly crush," Morgana snapped. "Just-"

Gwen interrupted before she can finish her sentence. "-making sure the knights are fit to fill their armor?"


"Sir Merlin sure is cute though." Morgana blushed a very light shade of pink that almost went unnoticeable by her friend. Before Gwen could continue her teasing, a loud clap was heard from across the training grounds. Merlin managed to knock Sir Leon down.

"You're a quarter of the way there, Merlin!" Sir Leon laughed. "You are a little better now than you were a while ago." He added after he stood up.

"Impressive." Gwen commented. "He put down Sir Leon within the second hour."

Merlin looked across the field to see Gwen and Morgana. Tiredly, he waved at them with an adorable smile on his face. Morgana waved back with a shy smile. When she turned her head back, Gwen raised an eyebrow at her.

Morgana inhaled sharply. "He is cute, but that doesn't mean I like him." She stood up abruptly. "We should go."

"To do what?" She smirked. "I thought you wanted to give your thanks?"

"To- I need to-" Morgana bit her lip. "brush my hair."

Next Chapter: There's a bit of a time jump to Season 2 Episode 3 - The Nightmare Begins. Everything else is pretty much canon except he's a knight and stuff. I think it'd be boring to rewrite all of that so I'm skipping to season 2 where it's a little different.