Disclaimer: I do not own the Hunger Games or the Hunger Games characters. All rights go to Suzanne Collins.

Chapter 1.) Birthday Punishment

Suddenly, there is a familiar hand on my shoulder, shaking me out of my slumber. I rub my eyes as I yawn. My eyes flutter open. Right in front of me is my "adorable" 14 year old brother with a beaming grin on his face and his shining grey eyes, known as the "Seam eyes" and blond hair. On the other hand, I have my father's beautiful blue eyes and my mother's dark hair. People describe it as a nice combination for a Mellark child.

"What is it Rye?" I say with a tired voice. I throw my pillow that is next to me at him causing his perfect blonde hair to fall over his eyes. "Let me sleep." I say as I close my eyes. Literally, 5 seconds later I feel his hand shaking me again. I open my eyes again and he is in front of me but this time with a box in his hand.

"Happy Birthday Ash!" He exclaims. Oh my God. How could I forget my own birthday? I jolt upright in a sitting position. "This is for you sis" he says handing me the wrapped box that was in his hands. "Thanks Rye." I say while I take the box. I quickly tear of the wrapping paper. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes before I took the lid of. However before I could open my eyes I feel something hairy scurry across my arm. I open my eyes and I see a hairy spider. I scream as loud as I can, causing Rye to laugh. How did I not guess? It has to be Rye. "Did you like my gift?" He questions putting a serious look on his face, which soon turns into a chuckle.

"I'm going to get you for this Rye." I scream as I quickly push the duvet off of me and leap out of bed. Rye has already dashed to the door, knowing I am an incredibly fast runner. I run down the stairs past the kitchen, where my parents are. I quickly examine their faces as I pass them. They both have a smile of their face, but it is fake. I can see the worry on their brow. Something is wrong. Dad is in the kitchen baking, obviously, my birthday cake or cheese buns (which are, alongside my mum, my favourite). Mum is sitting on the chair by the kitchen counter, probably talking to Dad about something serious. They have been worried for the past few weeks. I am not sure why.

I let it pass as I see Rye heading for the living room. Rye is running so fast that he doesn't notice the coffee table and stumbles over.

"Rye be careful" I hear my Mum say in a worried tone. "You to Ashlyn." Yes my full name is Ashlyn Mellark, nicknamed Ash. Rye stumbling over causes him to slow down and I finally get my hands on him. I push him onto the sofa, while I stand over him, both of us panting.

"Ha, revenge time" I say putting forward my hands. I start to tickle him, knowing that my dear brother is extremely ticklish. Perfect revenge. I hear his laughter get louder as he brings forward his fingers and starts to retaliate. My dear brother also knows my weakness. We have the same weakness. We both stop and get off the sofa and then burst into laughter. A great start to my birthday.

I suddenly realise I hadn't even talked to my parents. I swiftly run over to my Mum and give her a huge hug. My Dad and Rye soon join us hugging us both. I feel safe. I never want this moment to change.

"Happy 16th Birthday Ash." Dad says as we all let go.

"Happy Birthday Ashlyn." Mum never calls me by my nickname but I honestly do not know why.

"Thank you" I say as I pick up one of the cheese buns Dad made. Mum instantly slaps it out of my hand.

"Did you have a shower?" She asks. I shake my head in shame and I walk up the stairs.

After having a 40 minute shower, I get dressed in a black and white striped top and comfortable jeans. I walk downstairs to find everyone already eating.

"Thanks for waiting for the birthday girl guys." I state.

"Don't worry Ash. We weren't eating, we were just tasting it to see if it is perfect." Rye says. I laugh it off and just pat him on the shoulder before taking my seat. We are soon done with breakfast and I insist that we watch the news. Every year there is a news report on my birthday because after all I am the daughter of the star-crossed lovers. However, this year my parents are hesitant. I plead because this is the one time in the year I get attention from the Capitol. Even after 24 years of the rebellion people decided to call it the Capitol as they were all used to it. After a lot of begging they finally agree.

I perch myself between Dad and Rye on the sofa with Mum on the other side of Dad. Mum switches the TV on and puts on the news channel.

On the TV we can see the usual District 12 reporter standing in front of the renovated Justice Building of District 12. She says "I am here in District 12, home of the legendary Katniss and Peeta Mellark and their children Ashlyn and Rye Mellark." We all glance at each other for a while and then carry on watching. "As you all know today is the day the daughter of the Mockingjay, Ashlyn Mellark was born and today she is turning…"

All of a sudden the screen goes black. We all look at each other, confused. Suddenly comes another telecast but it is not set in District 12 but from the Capitol.

On the screen shows President Paylor knelt down in the background, hands tied behind her back and a familiar yet unfamiliar face in the foreground. His face looks a lot like a person I had seen in my history textbooks but I cannot put my finger on it. The man looks like he is in his 30s. He has a black French beard and thick black hair. He has snake-like eyes that looked directly at the camera. He has a strange and unsettling grin on his face.

"Citizens of Panem. I am Mr Aquilo Snow, grandson of the honourable ex-President Coriolanus Snow. My team of rebels situated in the Capitol have successfully taken over the Nut in District 2 and have wiped out District 13 completely." He says. They next broadcast a video of District 13 being bombed. I close my eyes for most of it. "Due to the capture of the current and disappointing President and the taking over of the government, I will be crowned President of Panem tomorrow and take control of all Districts and the Capitol from tomorrow onwards. An early warning has now been issued about changes. In penance for all the lives lost in the pointless rebellion and a reminder that lives are valuable the annual Hunger Games are now being reinstated with each District providing one male and one female tribute aged between 12 and 18. The reaping will take place exactly one month later. Rules will be the same unless told otherwise." I put my head in my hands as a tear begins to roll down my cheek.

"And one more thing. Happy 16th Birthday" He adds and simultaneously a gun is held up pointing at Paylor's head and the gun is shot as she falls to the floor. Our President is dead. I starts to burst into tears. I know who he is targeting. I know who is going into the Games.


I cannot believe this is happening. After 24 years of peace we are back to where everyone started-before the rebellion. For what so many people sacrificed their lives for, for what so many people fought for is coming back.

I soon realise that taking over Panem wouldn't have been that difficult. Especially the Capitol. It was known that the Capitol people did not like the absence of the Hunger Games and was very disappointed with the government for not continuing them. It wouldn't have been hard for Aquilo to convince them to support him and the Hunger Games.

The Hunger Games. I know almost everything about the Hunger Games because we learn about the Hunger Games in detail in history. Also my parents are the star-crossed lovers and they have survived the Games twice, which is why they told me everything when I was 12-Reaping age. They told Rye 2 years ago. Oh my gosh. Rye. I completely forgot about him. He is eligible for the Reaping too. He will probably go into the Games to. After all he is a Mellark. Aquilo will obviously rig the Reaping to make the Mellark kids go in- to break the Mockinjay.

I soon snap out of my daze. I realise that I have been crying out an ocean. I feel a pair of hands on my shoulders pulling me into a hug. I look up to see it is my Dad. Wait. My parents. They must've known about this for weeks. That's why they were so worried. I get up swiftly.

"You knew about this, didn't you?" I burst out catching my parents off guard. They both jump up. "You knew about the Nut, 13 and the Capitol, didn't you?" I say. "Why didn't you tell us?" I ask.

Dad walks up to me. "Ash, I'm sorry dear but we didn't want to get you worried" he says.

"Well look who's worried now." I say rudely.

Mum walks up to me too. "Ashlyn, listen dear…"

"I am going out to the woods." I interrupt as I put my (my mother's) hunting jacket on.

With that burst of emotions, I dash of out of our house in the Victor's Village and off towards the fence. As I run I hear many people wish me a happy birthday. Those are probably the people who haven't yet heard the news. As I ignore the numerous birthday wishes, I catch the quizzical looks of the people of District 12 as I run past them because I am a very social person so I make sure I say hello to everyone.

Finally, I reach the fence, which is as usual not powered. It hasn't been because going past the fence is no longer illegal. I heard stories about how my mum used to sneak into the wood back in the time when it wasn't allowed. I run into the woods. The woods is the place I find peace at. I go there at least 3 times a week to hunt. Mum started training me when I was 5 even though there was no need. But now it will come to use. I can use a bow and arrow, knives and a spear, however I do specialise with a bow and arrow. I can even set up snares. My survival skills are excellent mainly because of the family book on plants. Dad didn't focus on training and decided to encourage me to paint and bake. I can paint but not bake. Rye can do both and is extremely strong. Just like Dad.

In my own thoughts I don't realise how far into the woods I ran. Carelessly, I run stumbling over every twig or branch coming in my way until suddenly I bump into someone.

"I'm so sorry, it was an accident." I say looking at my feet. A pair of hands grasp my shoulders.

"Ash, what are you saying? Who else would be in the woods other than us two?" He says. That is when I look up. I go on my tiptoes and take him in an embrace.

"Jay!" I exclaim and burst into even more tears soaking the back of his shirt.

"What's wrong birthday girl? I have been waiting here for the past hour." He says. Jesse Remington is my best friend. He is the same age as me. We have been for the past 8 years. We met in the woods and became friends after we shot down the same rabbit and argued over who deserves it. We are extremely close. So close that people think that we are a couple. However we have both made it clear that we are best friends. In fact he is in a relationship. We are so close I call him Jay, occasionally. Jesse pulls apart and holds me at arm length.

"J…Jesse" I say as my hands shake. "The Hunger Games." "They are coming back." His eyes widen in shock.

"What! How…how can they be back?" He asks, obviously not expecting this.

"President Paylor is dead and Snow's grandson, Aquilo is going to be president tomorrow. Jesse I am going into the Games. I know I am." Jesse pulls me back into an embrace, mainly to console me.

"Ash, the odds you will be picked is not high. Your name will only be in there 5 times and there are many children in the District who could be picked." He states.

"Even if I don't get picked, someone will. Someone who doesn't deserve to die." I say.

Jesse does not try to make me feel better any further as he knows it is pointless. Instead we stay in each other's arms, knowing that is the only way we both feel better. I don't even realise when we both doze off knowing that the other one is there to protect them.

About three hours later my eyes flutter open to see that Jesse has already hunted down 3 rabbits. Despite all this tension he is still thinking about his family. His family owns an antique shop, which hasn't been doing so well these days, which is why Jesse hunts to earn money and food for his family.

"Finally, you're awake birthday princess." He says as bows down.

"Shut up Jay" I say throwing a twig at him.

"I think it's time to go." Jay says as he packs the rabbits in his bag and points at the sun, which travelled to the highest point in the sky. Noon.

I do not argue. We walk slowly and gently taking in the peaceful atmosphere, which is probably temporary. As we approach the fence Jesse stops me. I look at him, confused. He has a strange expression. A fearful expression. I have never seen him this scared before. I follow to what he is looking at, which is in front of us. There is a giant line of about 10 Peacekeepers in front of us on our side of the fence, all with their guns ready to attack. All 10 of the Peacekeepers march towards us provocatively. I feel Jesse find my hand and squeeze it. He, despite not looking at me, can tell how petrified I am. One Peacekeeper steps forward out of the formation in front of us. He takes his helmet of. That is when I see his face. He has a square face and grey hair and small green eyes that give us a death glare.

"Rufus Donnelly. Head Peacekeeper. What brings you out of the District today?" He asks looking down at Jesse's bag from which a rabbit's paw is seen. "Ah, Hunting. Fabulous. Well I am sure you two know that hunting and venturing out of the District is now against the law." I have a confused expression on my face. Rufus obviously reads this expression as he continues. "President Aquilo has written a new set of laws, which means you two trespassers will be punished severely."

Rufus continues to give me an unsettling glare as he holds a gun up at my head and the same is done to Jay by another Peacekeeper to threaten us to do what he says. Violently, he grabs my arm and drags me through the fence, towards the square. I feel my knees graze the grass and then the pavement as he pulls me across. He walks extremely fast that I eventually give up and get dragged across the pavement. Finally we reach the square, filled with many people with perplexed looks as a punishment of this sort was very rare. Rufus ties me up to a pole with me on my knees and the same done to Jay. I try and wriggle my wrists out of the rope but it is of no use, as all I feel is more pain of the rough rope. I turn my head to try and see the crowd, gasping at the sight of me being punished, but all I can see is Rufus' deadly expression telling me that that is the end, with his arm held high in an attack position, and a sharp whip in his hand.

In shock and fear I turn my head and close my eyes and wait for the pain….


Hey guys, this is my first fanfiction. I literally love Katniss and Peeta that's why I am writing a story about their daughter

I know their daughter's name is Willow but I named her Ashlyn for a reason you will find out soon.

I hope you guys review because I want to know your opinion. Even if it is for improvement, I appreciate reviews. I will try my best to improve my fanfic based on reviews. Please feel free to follow and favourite my fan fiction.

Thanks guys ;)