
"Hey..." Franklin said, walking into the store

"If you're looking for Ryan, he's not here."

"Shit man I haven't seen him since we did the job."

"Yeah well when it comes to Ryan, he's careful with putting out his friendship to just anybody, and well, so he felt like he was backstabbed."

"I tried talking to Mike dog...but he didn't wanna hear it."

"What are you doing here anyway? I thought you were laying low."

"I am, so that's why I'm staying near home, Mike and I agreed not to even see each other for a little while."

"Oh yeah he left something for you."

"What?" Franklin turned and was met with one of Ryan's prized possessions, his sniper rifle.

"He told me to give it to the right person to hold onto it for a while, and I figured since he only knows you, Lamar and Michael, you'd be that person."

"I don't know man..."

"Take it, he clearly has trust in you if he just willingly hands it out. Not even I'm allowed to use it."

"Where is Ryan anyway?"

"Well...let's just say not in Los Santos at the moment. He told me he was blowing off steam and didn't want to kill any people so he's currently driving his bike around Sandy Shores."

"He's all the way over there?" Franklin asked

"That's right."

"Wow...that's crazy." Franklin was careful with Ryan's sniper, slowly picking it up before leaving the store.

Sandy Shores

Ryan was doing exactly what the Ammu-Nation clerk said, driving his PCJ 600 around the town of Sandy Shores, going a fast as he could, taking sharp turns, nearly crashing into poles and trees, but he wasn't just blowing off steam

"Come on!" Ryan focused his sights on an incoming jump, hitting the gas and going full speed, trying to hit the landing perfectly

Ryan was really trying to perfect everything on the bike, knowing that a bike caused his demise in the Jewelry store heist

"Shit!" Ryan again was too late when pulling back, and nearly hit the pavement head first as he crashed, his bike however took some damage.

"How am I ever going to get Michael's trust when I can't even do a simple jump?!" Ryan growled and picked his bike up, he was heading for the jump again, when suddenly, he saw 5 people by the 'Sandy Shores beach front recreation center' sign. 4 men, 1 woman, who was Ashley Butler, messed up and clearly still a drug addict. One of the men had cargo shorts and a red dress shirt, he also had a knee brace on his left knee, the one to his right had a black and white shirt, blonde hair that was tied back and jeans, the main one screaming was a man with a white shirt and grey pants, he was balding and looked really mad, along with carrying a bottle of booze...While the last one...

"Johnny Klebitz..." Ryan mumbled and got off his bike immediately, balling his fists up "I never knew the Lost MC was here in San Andreas. I haven't seen them since Liberty City"

"Hey c'mon...shh...hey"

"I don't mean nothing by it man." Johnny said, with his head down

Johnny continued to apologize, but the man's sudden sincerity was obvious bullshit

"If Johnny can't call his bluff then he's clearly let himself go." Ryan frowned, and hid behind his bike

"Gimme a hug...yeah...shh" The man in white spoke, giving Johnny a brief hug

Then, out of the blue, Johnny was gripped by his throat and thrown to the ground, then received a bottle to the head and brutal footstomps

"Fucking shit! Cunt! Cunt! Cunt! Cunt!" The man furiously stomped on Johnny's skull four times

"Who the fuck are you speaking too?! Who? Who? I'm talkin' to you! You fuck!" He continued to shout, completely ignoring Ashley's cries for Johnny

"Next time don't get in my fucking face! I just saw a ghost and now I gotta hear your crap?!" He walked away but then turned to stare down Johnny's corpse again "Get up! Get up!" No response from Johnny "...Fuck you then!"

"Holy shit..." Ryan's eyes widened "Johnny was the 2nd toughest guy in Liberty City, and within 10 seconds, he's dead." Ryan shrugged, chills running down his spine "I wonder how'd it go if it was Niko..."

Ashley, with tears sunk to her knees and mourned Johnny, while the men in white and red both walked away

"Wade!" The one in red shouted

"R-right...!" He said, with a lisp, slowly returning to them, when he noticed the bike...and Ryan

"Trevor we got someone! He saw ya!" Wade said, sprinting right at Ryan

"Shit!" Ryan frowned, he rose to his feet, and countered an incoming Wade by launching him into the bushes

"Freeze!" The man in red spoke as he approached Ryan with a pistol at hand

"No you freeze!" Ryan snapped and reacted perfectly, by turning in place, taking his pistol out and aiming right for both of them, ignoring Wade, who struggled to get on his feet

"I'm not in the mood for this right now!" Trevor shouted, kicking Ryan's bike over like it was a piece of trash

"Easy there." Ryan said, nervously aiming at Trevor "Call him off."

"Fine. Ron put the damn gun down before I hurt you worse than any gun ever could!" Trevor shouted

"B-but Trevor..."

"Are you questioning me?" Trevor looked right at Ron

"N-no Trevor." Ron said, putting his weapon away

"Alright you!" Trevor said, looking at Ryan, showing no fear despite having a gun to his head "What the fuck do you want?!"

"..." Ryan said nothing

"Speak up before you end up like the cowboy over there!" Trevor angrily pointed at Johnny's corpse

"Look." Ryan started "You guys clearly go by no witnesses right?"

"Right." Ron spoke up

"Well I don't want to die, so we're working out something right now."

"Are you making demands?" Trevor said

"Damn right." Ryan said, showing more aggression now.

"Hmm..." Trevor looked at Johnny then at Ryan "Fine. We're about to go take out the rest of the lost! You know them?"

"Yeah I-!"

"I don't care." Trevor spat out "All I need to know now is if you're willing to take them out, right now?"

"I never liked the lost mc, I always thought they were spineless cowards. And I have history with-!"

"I didn't ask that!" Trevor shouted

"Yeah I'm in!" Ryan fired back

"Good. Get in the damn truck!" Trevor said, but not just to Ryan, but to Wade and Ron too.

"I can take my bike-!"

"Forget your bike." Ron said, clearly not wanting to hear more anger from Trevor

"Fine, but if it's gone when we get back, you owe me. Big time!" Ryan said, pushing past Ron, getting in the passengers seat

"Fuck!" Trevor shouts as the started up his truck

(He's not so bad...) Trevor said to himself

"The wheels are in motion. We got to reach out to the rest of 'em." Trevor began to recklessly drive, going full speed

"Now you! Name! Now!"

"I'm ryan."

"You don't look like you're from around here...where ya from?" Trevor asked

"Liberty City, moved to Los Santos a few years ago"

"So why'd you move here? I heard great things about Liberty City." Ron spoke up

"The Lost MC, that's what made me move here." Ryan responded

"..." Trevor wanted to ask why, but they would soon reach more Lost MC members "So you hate them?"

"Damn right." Ryan nodded

"Good, we're on the same page then!" Trevor said "Now listed up Wade! This ghost I saw. His name is Michael Townley. Sounds like he's living in Los Santos. Find him."

(Michael Townley...?) Ryan immediately thought of Michael De Santa.

"Really? Uhh, my cousin's there, but... I don't..." Wade said, scratching his head.

"Find him! Wade."

"Does this mean I don't have to come see the bikers?"

"We're in a hurry but not that much of a hurry." Trevor stomped on the gas pedal harder as they approached the Lost MC's farm

"The bikers are meant to be in this farm to the right." Ron said, making trevor the hit the breaks and swerve off the road, nearly making Wade and Ron fall off the tuck all together

"Woah woah woah woah..." A member of the small pack spoke

"Terry Thorpe" Ryan mumbled to himself, staring down the two on the bikes "And Clay Simons" Ryan chuckled "He looks so old now..."

Wade and Ron exited the truck with weapons at hand while Trevor and Ryan remained unarmed

"Hey, you seen Ashley? Johnny's looking for her." Terry asked casually

"Oh, you know as a matter of fact I just did, just ten minutes ago. Yeah, I saw her on the end of this penis here." Trevor said, making hand motions at his crotch, getting a laugh out of Ryan, who chuckled

"What's so funny?" Clay stared at Ryan, somehow not recognizing him

"..." Ryan's laughter slowly faded as he stared at Clay too "Absolutely everything you stand for."

"What did you say?"

"Shut it Terry!" Ryan grinned and grabbed his handgun

"How do you know my-!"

"You didn't hear him?!" Trevor shouted "HE SAID SHUT UP TERRY!"

Terry and Clay frown and simply get back to the earlier conversation

"Stay away from Ashley." Terry said

"Yeah, johnny ain't gonna be cool if you messing with her again." Clay followed up

"Oh really, what, you don't think so? Huh? Well why don't we just ask him then, huh?" Trevor said with a brief smile appearing

"What?" Ryan looked at Trevor, who lifted his foot, showcasing a bloody boot with a chunk of Johnny's brain still on Trevor's boot "Oh shit..."

"Hey cowboy, do you mind that I fucked your lady? Sorry, what was that? What? No, no? You don't mind? Oh, because you're a dead man, and the only sentient part of you left is this little bit of brain on the end of my boot? Well, thank you very much, cowboy!" Trevor ripped the piece of brain off his boot and threw it at the bikers

"Bullshit!" Terry shouted off the top of his lungs as he and Clay were on their feet

"Oh, I like it! Denial! That is the first part of the grieving process, brothers. Now let's all hold hands, huh?"

Bikers scurried into a van with their logo on it

"Well it looks like you got something you want to say, huh? You got something you need to say?" Trevor stretched his arms out, expecting something

"This better be bullshit." Clay said as he and Terry took off on their bikes while the rest went in the van

"Where you guys going, huh?"

Trevor ran back to his truck, instructing Ron, Wade and Ryan to get back on

"If that van takes us back to the camp, this area ain't gonna have a biker problem much longer."

Trevor slammed his foot on the pedal, nearly smashing into the bikers, but slowed down when he noticed Ryan reaching for his gun

"We can't fuck with the van, but we can drop those bikers."

"Alright..." Ryan nodded and aimed, despite the bumpy road, Ryan was still able to get a clean shot on Terry's back and head, instantly dropping him from his bike

"Wow!" Ron cheered on "Get the other one!"

"With pleasure." Ryan said with a cold tone, aiming right at Clay "For everything you and Johnny did to my family you piece of shit." Ryan shut his eyes and fired away, by the time he opened his eyes again, trevor was past the two now dead bikers, with Clay having received two bullets to the head

"Down he fell! Verified kill!" Ron cheered again and patted Ryan on the shoulder "You're alright."

"Thanks I guess..." Ryan shrugs

"Trevor...I'm not question your plans but...I can't see us takin' out all the bikers this go, boss. I mean, there'll be some by that airstrip, and some over you know...that..."

"If not today, their time will soon be upon them." Trevor frowned at Ron and started swerving on purpose

"You need some seatbelts back here, or - or straps, or something." Wade said, holding onto the truck for dear life

"I only keep things in the back I don't mind losing..."

"O-oh..." Wade said, quickly going quiet while trevor raise the volume of the radio, blasting rock music

"W-well...Do we know where they're going yet?" Wade asked

"I got a feeling, yeah, but we gotta make sure." Trevor responded all while hitting a huge bump and going across and steel bridge

"Once you know, drop me and Wade off at the trailer, maybe bring Chef to finish them along with this guy..." Ron pointed at Ryan

"NO!" Trevor blurts out "We do this now Ron! All of us."

The Van couldn't shake Trevor as they pulled into 'Stab City,' awaiting Trevor and his group

"Alright!" Trevor said and parked his truck "Hmm..." He looked at Ron, Wade and Ryan

"You!" Trevor pointed at Ryan "You want to get rid of the lost just as much I don't ya?"

"Right." Ryan nods

"Good, you're joining me then. Ron! Wade! Hold down the perimeter fuckwits!" Trevor commanded as he grabbed a pistol and shotgun and ran right into the trailer park

"Shit." Ryan made his way out of the truck and followed Trevor, but splitting up so that Trevor takes one side and Ryan took the other

The only words processing through Ryan's head were Trevor's, any taunting or insults by The Lost bikers were cancelled out

"You bastards killed my father...while Madrazo's people killed my mother and my sister..." Ryan clutched his fist, removing the silencer from his pistol, unleashing perfect shots on every biker he laid his eyes on, head shots, chest shots, even heart shots

"This is hard for me too ya know!" Trevor said as he stomped on a biker's corpse "I've had to kill half the tweekers in the county!" Trevor shouted with anger and happiness as he dropped more and more bikers

"Die! Die! Die!" Ryan said with pure hatred, letting revenge take over, making sure every present biker was dead, even the one's trying to get away

"We got runners!" Trevor shouts as 2 bikers take off, one on foot, one on a bike

"Not for long!" Ryan jumped out of his cover and aim for the biker, finally calming down, breathing slowly, making sure his aim was perfect, and yet again, it was. The biker's tires were shot out and popped immediately, making him crash on the ground

"PERFECT!" ARRGH!" Trevor chased after the bikers and killed both with shotgun shells "YOU!' Trevor points at Ryan "We're not done yet!" Trevor ran back to his truck

"Alright." Ryan ran back to truck, jumping on the back as Ron had now taken the passengers seat

"Can I get you two anything? Soda? Snacks? GET IN THE TRUCK!" Trevor shout at Ron and Wade all while hopping in the drivers seat, realizing Wade was still around

"Wade! What are you still doing here?!"

"Y-you said..."

"I said, go find a fuckin' ghost in Los Santos, alright? You looking for motivation?"

"N-no trevor." Wade got off and got a face full of dirt as Trevor drifted away

"And get me some sticky bombs!" Trevor looked back before driving away once more

Ryan again, started to day dream while Ron and Trevor talked, completely ignoring what they were doing next

Then, the truck stopped, and they were in front of a trailer

"Ortega runs the whole county!"

"He don't any more." Trevor said and let his truck go free, completely slamming into Ortega's trailer, ramming it all the way into the river

"Woah what the fuck!" Ryan said

"WHAT THE FUCK TREVOR?!" Ortega screamed as he got up and out of the river

"This is the fuck, my soggy friend." Trevor aimed his shotgun at Ortega "You are out of business. The Lost MC are out of business. The guns and the crank in this area go through Trevor Philips Enterprise, or they ain't going!"

"Saying something don't make it true man...I thought you was crazy, man, not stupid!"

Trevor without hesitation headshoted Ortega

"I guess he don't run nothing no more... We can go now right?" Ron asked, but got no response, he and Trevor got back in the truck and Trevor drove away

"Ughh... This is an unprecedented turn of events."

" I always said I was gonna take over." Trevor said

"People say all kinds of stuff when they're three days into a smoking party."

"You calling me a bullshitter, Ron?!" Trevor raised his voice

"Clearly not T, You're a man of your word."

"If I say something is going to happen, it's going to. Maybe not today, or tomorrow, but as soon as the moment is opportune."

"Understood. Yes, sir." Ron got quiet

Trevor and Ron then began to talk about Trevor's old friends, Michael Townley and "Brad" About how Michael is somehow alive, Brad being locked up, to Ron trying to console Trevor, only to get scolded yet again until they reached Trevor's trailer

"Get out of the car Ron. I need time to think." Trevor said

Trevor then noticed Ron simply walking back inside his place

"Urgh... Run!

Ron scurried into his place as Trevor parked his truck back where it originally was

"You!" He turned to face Ryan "You live in Los Santos right?"

"Yeah." Ryan nods

"Not for the next few days, I have business to do, and you're helping me."

"Ummm but-!"

"Yes yes, you'll have have somewhere to stay, in there!" Trevor pointed at his trailer

"No thanks, really I-!"

"I'm offering you the most generous hospitality and you're turning it down! What the fu-!"

"Okay Trevor I'm in." Ryan said, getting out of the truck and following Trevor into his trailer, which looked like a complete mess

"You get the couch. Make yourself at home." Trevor said as he got a call from Ron

"...Great...what a lovely place." Ryan shrugged, looking at all the dumped clothing, food, beer and gasoline

"Then make it quick" Trevor said as he spoke to Ron on the phone, and within 9 seconds, he was angry "YOU SAID THAT ON THE PHONE?! WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?! DAMN IT RON! NOW I'M GONNA HAVE TO DISCIPLINE YOU AND YOU KNOW HOW I FEEL ABOUT THAT!"

Trevor quickly bolted out of his trailer and made his way to Ron's

"What the hell have I gotten myself into?" Ryan sighed, cleared out the couch and lied down for some shut eye.