Hello readers, and welcome to my latest and greatest.

Hunter Taylor has recently come into quite a bit of time on her hands, and thinks watching Red vs Blue is the best way to pass it. Unfortunately, this ex-military woman bites off a lot more than she can chew when a kidnapping lands her right in the beginning of her favorite web series. Can she help the guys out, or will she just get them in more trouble? OC/Tucker

So there are a few issues I'm having with this story. One being, I'm not that familiar with military stuff. Google can only get me so far, so I would like to make one blanket apology right now.

I'm sorry for any mistakes or weird things that I get wrong in this story at any point,

The second thing is that I am unsure of who I want Hunter to end up with, Tucker or Washington. I have a solution in mind to my problem, but I will get to that later. For now, I hope you enjoy.

Disclaimer: I don't own Red vs Blue.

"Wow." I exhaled, sitting back on my bed, staring at my ceiling. The last few episodes were just… unbelievable. Church/Epsilon failing, Carolina falling off the cliff. I couldn't wait for next week for episode twelve to come out.

I had basically binged watched all of Red vs Blue the last few days. I had seen the series once before, but only up until season ten. With the new seasons out, I thought I should refresh my memory before watching eleven through what was out of thirteen, and boy was I happy I did.

Thinking back to all the things that happened to them, I couldn't help but feel empathetic. I understood some of the things they went through better than most fans of the show, being ex military myself.

"I feel so bad for them. I wish I could be with them, from the beginning, help them out. Besides, I could be so badass." I voiced my frustrations aloud into the empty space that was my bedroom.

I had just moved here about three months ago. The house was small, but located in a good neighborhood in a town in Michigan. I didn't have much to start with, and I had bought a few things to make it more like home, but there still wasn't much around.

My room was pretty simple. The walls were painted a nice cream color, the floor hardwood. A black dresser was along the wall to the right of my bed, along with a floor length mirror. My closet was pretty big, no doors or curtains in the way. It was built into the wall in front of my bed, and my door leading to the rest of the house was to the right of it when your looking at it. Minimal amounts of clothes hung in the closet, and those that did were greens, creams, and blacks.

The only thing that was a different color was the stuff on my bed. A dark blue comforter was neatly made on top of it, and two pillowcases matched. The sheets themselves were a lighter blue with dark blue stripes.

To my left was a black side table, filled with random things. A lamp, a book, and my cell phone stood out, because they were the largest. Birth control pills too. Yay being responsible, even if I wasn't currently getting any from anyone.

All in all there wasn't much, and this pattern was seen throughout the whole house. I really should get some decorations or something. Maybe a nice picture.

The sound of something rolling across my hardwood floor broke me from my thoughts, and I moved to look over the side of my bed. Had I dropped something? I didn't have anything on the bed with me except my laptop, and those don't roll.

My eyes landed on a small black canister that had just come to a stop right next to my bed. It wasn't smoking or anything, but I knew it was active.

"Shit" I rolled to the side, grabbing my pillow and just managed to wrap it around the back of my head and over my ears when it went off. A loud noise pierced my ears, the pillow not helping that much, followed with light that was way too bright. Temporarily blinded and deaf didn't mean I couldn't feel though. Multiple sets of hands were grabbing me, and I had the sense of being picked up and carried. Three sets of arms held me, one each at my feet and another held my hands that were stretched out above my head.

I thrashed about, trying to get out of the arms that carried me but they were strong, and had me pinned in such a way that made it impossible. Just as the thought of screaming crossed my mind, someone shoved something cloth into my mouth. Just how many of these guys were there?

I was carried out of my room and down the hall, through the living room and out the front door. By now there was ringing in my ears, and vague background noises. I could see some vague shapes too, just enough to see me being carried out and into the front lawn, where a van was waiting. As we got close the van's doors opened, and I was being loaded in. I kept fighting, twisting, pulling, just struggling really. I would not make this easy for them. But as we started driving away I realized my only hope now that someone noticed my kidnapping. Would my neighbors see? Would someone call the cops and help me?

The men in the van held me down, but they were getting hurt in the process.

"Knock her out." I heard a voice say. Glad my hearing returned for that joyful news. Pain blossomed in the back of my head and my vision faded once more.

"Why are we doing this again?"

"She needs to be able to take on an AI if, hold on, she's waking up. Damn it!"

"Put her back under now, we can't have her…."

"Excuse me. Sleeping person. Its time to wake up now."

"Five more minutes." I muttered to the voice. I just wanted to stay in my bed… only I wasn't in my bed. Scrunching my nose, I immediately became more aware of the cold metal pressed against, well, everything. I opened my eyes and had to blink a few times. I was looking through some sort of glass at blue armor covered feet. Was I on the floor? When did I get on the floor?

Groaning I moved to stand up, every muscle protesting the movement. It wasn't searing pain. Just soreness. Except at the base of my neck. That hurt like a bitch for some reason.

"Oh good. You got up. We didn't have five minutes like you asked. In fact, we are landing right now!" Oh god. I recognized that voice.

Looking around I saw that I was in cargo bay, probably an aircraft one. A tank was strapped down to our left, metal everywhere. Around the walls there were seats with harnesses that I assumed we should be buckled into.

And to my right stood one standard army simulation blue soldier, designation Michael J. Caboose.

Adapt to the situation at hand. Gather information. Review later when opportunity arises.

"Where are we landing?" I asked him, having a bad feeling that I already knew the answer.

"We are going to a base in a box!." He said, clearly pleased that he remembered. I was pretty impressed myself.

He wasn't affected by O'Malley yet. So he isn't too bad.

"And we are landing right now?" I asked him. Before he could answer, the ground, well ship, beneath my feet trembled and I was thrown to the ground. "Never mind." I said. I knew I should have gotten into one of those seats.

Wow. Check out that color. Looking at my armor plated hands, I finally realize what color I was. A deep shade of blue, but not too close to black that I would be mistaken for it, well maybe in some lights. It was perfect, and way better than camouflage.

I heard two people approaching from behind me. Turning to the back of the cargo hold, two soldiers in white armor with black decals came out of a door. I assumed it lead to the cockpit.

Bow chicka bow wow Oh god channeling Tucker was the last thing I needed right now.

"Hey, you two, why didn't you buckle up when I said?" One of the men asked.

"Someone decided to sleep instead." Caboose answered.

"Right." The other shoulder said, clearly Caboose had talked to them earlier if they learned to just ignore a lot of what he said. "Well, all we have to do is unstrap this tank, and you two can be on your way to your new base."

I nodded, and went over to help the men unhook the straps that kept sheila from sliding all over the hold. Caboose came up to me, two guns in hand.

"You left this on the floor. Also, your bag. Do you want me to take it outside with mine?" He said, handing me a rifle.

"Sure. Thanks Caboose."

"No problem waiiiit. How did you know my name?"

"It was part of my training." I said, figuring that excuse would come in handy. A lot. I took the weapon from his hands and something blinked in the top of my vision. What the hell was that?

Battle Sequence Engaged flashed again and my visor brought up a few different items. Wind speed, general temperature, weapons on body along with ammo per weapon, and a targeting system. I had a lot of weapons on me.

Would you like to run the tutorial? flashed across my vision next. Three choices, yes, no and later. How did I select things?

Choose by pressing the up, middle, or down button on the right side of your helmet. Yes is up, no is middle, and later is down. That text appeared under the rest of the words on my visor. I reached up and gently felt around, finding three buttons. I pressed the bottom button and the words disappeared, but not the other things.

Placing the weapon on my back, the HUD flashed Battle Sequence offlined. So that's how you turn it off. There was a menu button still in the very top, Menu (up) it said. I had to remind myself to play with the stuff later. By now the two men had finished unstrapping Sheila and were pushing her off the ship.

"Wouldn't it be faster to drive it off?"

"You know how to drive a tank?" The one guy asked. "Cause we sure don't."

"Caboose. Can you help push the tank off the ship?." I called to him, knowing his strength would be enough to push the tank himself.

As we pushed the tank through the back doors, I caught my first real glimpse of Blood Gulch Outpost whatever number this was. One? Maybe. I didn't remember.

Grass covered some of the ground, with a dirt path going across the whole canyon and dirt patches everywhere. The walls held different shades of browns, and went up at least fifty feet. Blue base was to my right, clearly marked with its signature color. It was rounded, and the base opening was probably around the corner, since we were off to its side. Speaking of around the corner, One off blue soldier and one aqua soldier came around it towards us, one with a sniper rifle and one with a handgun.

Church and Tucker.

"Good Luck Blue base." One of the men said. The got on their ship without another word.

"Holy Shit. They actually did it. The got us a mother fucking tank." Church said as he approached us. I moved to stand at attention, Caboose doing nothing at my side. They completely ignored us, instead going around us and staring at their newest toy.

"Yeah, and two new friends!" Caboose said. I rolled my eyes but made no other movement. I had been through the hazing that comes with joining the army, and most recently the police force. Keep your head down is the best advice, and clearly no one told Caboose.

Still standing at attention, no one noticed. God this was stupid. I hated this the most about being in the army. Luckily, I had worked my way up to being Sargent in the years I had served before being honorably discharged about four months ago. Still, Church needed to be my superior officer, he needed to be the blue leader. So I unfortunately had to demote myself. This sucks.

Oh, and Caboose was talking again.

"So I say to the guy, "how're you gonna get the tank down to the planet?" And he goes, "I'll just put it on the ship" and I go, "if you've got a ship that can carry a tank, why not just put guns on the ship and use it instead?"

"Hey kid." Church said, not looking over at him.


"You're ruining the moment. Shut up."

"Oh. Okay. You got it man!"

"You know what? I could blow up the whole God damn world with this thing."

Or, you know, yourself. I almost started laughing, but years of pretending to have a stick up my ass taught me control. Although, I did smirk a little. I was wearing a helmet, after all.

"You know what? Forget what I said before. We can definitely pick up chicks in this thing. Probably two or three chicks a piece." Tucker commented. Alright, so we were definitely getting to some point in the show. I remembered this, vaguely. This was like the very beginning. Episode like two or three.

"Oh man, listen to you. What're you gonna do with two chicks?"

"Church, women are like Voltron. The more you can hook up, the better it gets."

I was paying more attention to Tucker and Churches conversation, but that didn't mean I didn't notice Caboose taking a few steps back from the tank and coming back towards me.

"Psst. Hey. Hey what are you doing?" Caboose faked whispered over to me. I didn't say anything back.

"What are you doing?" Church asked, taking notice of me. Finally, the idiot

"Private First Class Hunter Taylor, reporting for duty, Sir." I saluted, and made sure to not to sound eager or excited or anything really. Okay, a little sarcasm may have slipped by. This majorly sucked, and the last thing I wanted was to be labeled the kiss ass. No thank you.

"See that Tucker, that's how you respect authority. Stand down soldier." He said, then went back to looking at the tank. Sighing, I relaxed my stance.

"Dude, how old are you? You sound like a girl."

"I'm a women, actually." I said slowly. Man were they dense, thinking only men joined the army. My statement got all their attention at least, and they stopped looking at the tank.

"Command sent us a girl?" Church sounded pretty shocked.

"Wo-men. I got my big girl panties on and everything." I specifically said this in hopes I would hear Tuckers line. I'm allowed to be a bit fangirlish. Sue me.

"I've got something big to slip into your panties. Bow chica bow wow." Resisting the urge to snort, I gave him my best glare, then realize he probably didn't see it with these helmets on.

"I've got something big that I can kill you with." I retorted, pulling the rifle off my back and aiming at him. He didn't seemed fazed though.

"A tank and a girl. This is the best day ever. Of all time." Tucker exclaimed. I clicked the safety off my rifle and Tucker quickly backtracked. "Women. They sent a women."

I clicked the safety flip again and lowered my weapon, securing it back into place on my back. Turning to Caboose I decided to address a bigger issue at hand, where would we be sleeping and such.

"I'm going to take our stuff into the base, Caboose."

"Oh. Okay, thanks dark blue lady." He replied as I grabbed a duffle bag that looked like mine from home and one I didn't recognize.

"Call me Taylor." I called back, walking into the base to try and find a room to stay in.

A room I could put my stuff in, and then immediately freak out.