Sadie was worried. It was almost noon and Walt had yet to emerge from his room. She knocked on the door. Walt opened it and immediately started speaking.
"We need to find Anubis, I can still feel him in my head, but he's entirely non-responsive," he said worried.
"Last I saw he was headed to his room," Julius Kane/Osiris said, "He's probably fine."
"We just want to make sure because he usually responds when Walt checks on him," Sadie said.
"Alright, his room is at the end of this hallway," her father replied.
Walt and Sadie stood in the doorway stunned.
"I mean I knew Anubis found him attractive, but I wasn't expecting this," Walt said. The sight before him not something he had ever expected. There on Anubis' bed were Anubis and the young man from the day before, totally naked and so intertwined with one another that there was no question as to what they had been doing before they fell asleep, but that wasn't even the most interesting part. No, the most interesting part was that neither Walt nor Sadie could tell which one was Anubis and which was Nico.
"I never took him for a narcissist," Sadie commented.
"I don't think he is, I think he tweaked his appearance to match the other guy's beauty," Walt said. Just then one of them woke up and looked at them.
"Who are you and what are you doing here?" he asked.
"We were worried about Anubis, but we didn't expect to find him in this position and we couldn't tell which of you was which to wake him up," Walt explained.
"You're his other half," Nico said finally recognizing him. Walt raised and eyebrow.
"That's one way to put it," he said, "We should probably leave so you two can put some clothes on." Nico nodded and Walt and Sadie left the room.
They were sitting in Walt's room when suddenly Walt blushed and yelled, "You're supposed to be putting clothes on!" Sadie looked at him strangely as Walt gasped and started shaking.
"What's wrong?" Sadie asked.
"Nico's got two fingers up Anubis' ass and Anubis didn't have time to block me out," Walt replied.
"Oh my," Sadie said, "I think maybe I shouldn't be in the room for this." Walt grabbed her wrist and shook his head, now totally unable to speak. Sadie looked at him and then walked to the door and locked it. She cast a sound shielding spell and then started to strip.
Anubis lay on his front with four of Nico's fingers up his ass. Then he felt Nico's thumb join them and Nico pushed his whole hand into Anubis' ass. That was when he felt Sadie's breasts brush his chest and knew he was in for quite the morning. He felt Sadie slowly impale herself on Walt's cock as Nico pulled his hand back out. He felt Sadie's breast in Walt's mouth as Nico impaled him on his cock. He felt Sadie slip a finger in Walt's ass as Nico slipped two in beside his cock. He felt Sadie add another finger as she road Walt's cock at the same time that Nico slide two more fingers into his own ass. He felt Sadie remove her fingers and push a dildo up Walt's ass as Nico did the same. It was a very good thing that Nico had put as cock ring on him or both he and Walt would have been long gone by now.
"Oh," Walt said, "the kinky little fuck has got his cock and a dildo up Anubid' ass and a cock ring on him. I won't be able to come until he takes it off."
"That's okay, I have an idea," Sadie said pulling off of Walt and pulling out the dildo.
"Oh my, what is she up to?" Anubis' asked.
"Who?" Nico asked.
"Sadie, I didn't have a chance to block Walt out before you started so Walt is feeling everything you do to me and I'm feeling everything she's doing to Walt. Oh! She's fist-no! She's going to double fist him until you take the cock ring off," Anubis explained.
"Won't that be fun, especially with what I plan to do to you," Nico said.
Nico came up Anubis' ass andthen told him to clench. He pulled out and put a anul plug in to keep Anubis from spilling then he turned Anubis over and said, "Tell me when she gets her hands out of his ass, I'm going to take the cock ring off."
"He just told Anubis to tell him when you get your hands out of my ass because he's about to take the cock ring off," Walt told Sadie. She pulled her hands out of his ass and impaled herself on him again.
"She's got her hands out of our ass and is riding us again," Anubis said having a hard time telling what was him and what was Walt.
"Perfect," Nico said and took the cock ring off. Then he set about sucking Anubis off. It didn't take very long and Nico noticed that his come had two distinctly different flavors.
"You might want to warn Sadie that if she gets pregnant that the likelihood off the child being a demigod is about the same as it's being fully human. I tasted two distinct flavors of come, she should probably assume that your come ended up in her as well," Nico said.
one month later
"Walt, I'm pregnant," Sadie said. Walt licked his lips.
"Sadie, it's about 50/50 weather the child will be mine or Anubis', the child could be a demigod," he said.
"Of course, because of that the child will definitely be a demigod and we'll all get in trouble for it," Sadie said resignedly. Walt smiled.
"Somehow I think it will be worth it," he said and she smiled back.
"Yes, it will definitely be worth it."