
Misaki stood backstage watching as Usui acted out Romeo with another Juliet, but unlike before, she wasn't angry or jealous. Misaki knew Usui belonged to her and only her. His going to London or any other girl or even his half brother's ploys couldn't get between them.

Usui finished the performance as flawlessly as ever, the girl playing Juliet trying to keep up with him. After a long round of applause, Usui stepped off of the stage and smiled at Misaki who smirked at him.

"Well done, Romeo."

"I say, Juliet, I'm hungry. Let's go back to my place."

"If you're hungry, eat the bento lunch my dad packed for both of us." Lately Misaki had allowed her father to come and go, meeting her mother and trying to convince Misaki to allow him to move back in.

"You know what I mean. Come on, let's ditch." Usui's eyes twinkled in mischief as he pulled Misaki closer. Others around them stopped to see the Prez get intimate with her boyfriend but unlike Usui, she wasn't about to put on a show.

"Back off, alien pervert. We're in school." Misaki pushed Usui back, not too harshly though. Usui sighed and accepted defeat.

"Fine. I'm going to go change then we can eat lunch okay?" Usui waved at Misaki as he jogged off towards the changing room and Misaki stood there staring at the place he had disappeared to.

"You really love him, don't you?" Hinata spoke as he stood behind Misaki.

"You have to ask?" Suzuna asked as she too crept up on Misaki.

"Why are you guys creeping around for? The whole school knows you two are dating!" Misaki said as she looked at her childhood friend and little sister. Who knew the two could hit it off, although saying that was an overstatement, they had just started dating, and that too, 'secretly', meaning the whole school knew.

"Ssssh!" Hinata said as he gazed around worriedly. "Where'd Usui go?"

"To change. Why? You need him for something?"

"Yeah. He said we were all having lunch together. That guy knows better than to keep a starving man like me waiting." Hinata complained as he pressed his hand to his stomach.

"Here Hinata, have a cookie. I baked them last night with the flour I got on sale at the supermarket." Suzuna smiled shyly as she handed an excited Hinata cookies.

"Misaki, we're off okay? Enjoy lunch with Usui. Alone." Misaki heard the tone in Suzuna's voice and she couldn't believe it. Was Suzuna trying to imply something or was she trying to say she wanted to be alone with Hinata? Should she be saying something? No…knowing Hinata, Suzuna might just remain a virgin her entire life, which was fine with Misaki.

"Alright, have fun guys." Misaki waved them off and went to go find Usui.

"I love it when I see you waiting for me." Usui said finally stepping out of the changing room. "To tell you the truth, I wouldn't have minded you coming in. There was nobody in there." Usui smirked as he saw Misaki frown.

"Shut up, I'm hungry let's go." Usui and Misaki walked to the park and sat down on one of the benches as Misaki opened up the bento to reveal an array of rice balls and sushi.

"Looks like my father in law went all out." Usui said as he dug in with his chopsticks. Misaki froze at the word and looked at Usui. Usui noticing this, asked her what was wrong.

"You just called my dad…why?"
"Of course. It's because I'll marry you someday Misaki. One day, it's just going to be me and my Mrs. Misaki Usui. And then after that maybe a few junior Misaki's and Usui's, what do you think?" Misaki gaped at him. He said it all so in a matter of fact manner, as if everything were definite and set in stone.

"Usui, that is a long time away. A lot can happen between now and then." Misaki said as she looked at Usui. Usui's deep emerald eyes found her golden ones and he put his chopsticks down and put his hands over hers, clutching them in determination.

"Misaki, I know this may sound cheesy but it will never be never with you. I love you Ayuzawa Misaki and that is the only truth I care about and the only future I see is with you. Please, have faith in me. I will always be by your side." Usui's words pulled at something in her heart and the strong Misaki felt tears well up at the sincerity of Usui's words.

"Stupid Usui. Of course I have faith you. How silly of me, of course nothing can take you away from me. If anything or anyone tries to, I'll just chase them down and take you right back." Suddenly, Misaki didn't feel hungry anymore. She placed the bento aside and scooted closer to Usui who put his arm around and pulled her towards him. They gazed out at the cherry blossoms blooming all around them, admiring the beauty in the afternoon sun. For the moment, everything seemed alright. For the moment, they were two young adults, in love, waiting to see what the future held. They each made a silent promise to each other as they gazed upon the petals of the fallen cherry blossoms flowing gently in the stream. No matter what, they would discover the world together.

"Usui, let's go home." Misaki stood up and reached her hand out to Usui, wanting nothing more than to be with him. Usui smiled up at her and grabbed her hand and together, the two started walking towards Usui's house.

They walked in silence and once they arrived, Usui opened the door and then picked up Misaki bridal style and led her all the way to his bedroom.

This time, there was no need for words. Everything came off, one by one, the kisses growing more passionate, their bodies growing hungrier. Soon a sensual pleasure took over both of them as they continued to please each other, wanting to satisfy the other's hunger. This was what it meant to be in love. Helping each other, supporting each other, completing the other half.

Misaki and Usui held each other close as they were lost in their own rhythm, something composed purely for them. When all was said and done, their sexual desires finally tamed, Usui held Misaki close to him, his arm holding her protectively as he sent a silent prayer up to the gods. Misaki too closed her eyes and wished for this moment with Usui to remain forever. It was childish but she wanted it more than anything.

"Usui, we will be together, always." She didn't ask him. She just knew they would be. Usui smiled and placed a kiss on her forehead before nodding gently.

"You have to ask, Prez?"

Author's Note: And there you are folks. The ending. I hoped you liked my story. I didn't intend it to just be lemon, I wanted to portray the love Misaki and Usui have for each other and I hope I did a decent job of it. Once again, thanks for reading and please review. 3