(A/N): I'm so upset! Oh my gosh! I had such a long chapter for this but then my cat was running around under my computer and she ran right on the power strip and PRESSED THE RED BUTTON AND MY COMPUTER TURNED OFF! SO IT WASN'T SAVED EXCEPT FOR LIKE TWO PAGES. AND THIS HAPPENED ON SUNDAY, THE DAY I UPDATED. Since I don't write my stories on paper I had to work with what I have and make it short so I'm SO SO SORRY! ITS SUCH A SHORT CHAPTER. But chapter four is gonna be long I promise! Anyways here is the chapter ;_;

~Narrator POV~

Bixslow and Laxus walked to school, grumbling about the pain they were in.

"I can't believe Lucy pushed me out of a 50ft tree." Laxus said.

"Well she pushed me off the waterfall." Bixslow said as they walked through the school gate.

Laxus scowled. "Atleast you had water to land on! I hit the ground like a pancake."

Laxus and Biwslow started to bicker back and forth as they walked through the school gates. They stopped arguing as they noticed a large group of people surrounding something, or someone. Bixslow and Laxus shoved through the crowd, only to see Lisanna holding up Lucy's glasses, and pretending to drop them.

"Aw, the little blonde can't see with out her glasses?" Lisanna taunted.

"Give them black please!" Lucy begged.

Lisanna smirked and dropped them to the ground, only to step on them, crushing them in many pieces. The whole crowd went quiet. Laxus and Bixslow looked at eachother. They found out during training that Lucy has quite a temper for certain things that she need.


It was break time during the training and the trio were basking in the sun. Bixslow looked over at Lucy and noticed she had her belt off by her side. Bixslow picked it up and looked at her keys. Lucy cracked open an eye and screeched. Tackling Bixslow and snatching her belt back from her.

Lets just said Lucy is really good with her whip.

~End FlashBack~

But Laxus knew that Lucy was not having it. As if on cue, Lucy let out a scream of fury and tackled Lisanna to the ground. Lisanna screamed as Lucy pulled her hair out and scratched face. Laxus and Bislow pulled Lucy off of Lisanna while Flare and Minerva pulled Lisanna way. Bixslow and Laxus lead an enraged Luch behind the school and under the bleachers on the football field.

"Lucy calm down, deep breaths." Bixslow muttered as he layed her head in his lap.

Lucy calmed down slowly. Bixslow stroked her hair, muttering words of comfort.

"I'm tired of Lisanna treating Lucy like this." Laxus growled out.

The shrill cry the bell signaled the start of the class.

But they decided to stay with Lucy to comfort her, missing class just once wouldn't effect them.

~End of Chapter Three~

(A/N): This is the worst chapter in the whole world! Once I get this up I'm gonna start working on Chapter Four and its gonna be nice and long! This is just so horrible. BUT GOOD NEWS IS I KNOW WHAT STORY IM GONNA HAVE AFTER THIS~

~LadyUmbre's PlotBunny Giving Idea Short Story~

LadyUmbre was sitting on the computer, playing Roblox and roleplaying with her friends. Her Plotbunny named Altair was sitting on the window seal

basking in the sun. Altair felt bad because her reminded her about how Vampires can't go into the sun.

And then imaged that Vampire hunters get to hunt vampires. And then an idea bloomed...