A/N: If you are still reading this or keeping up with this, thank you. Thank all of you guys. Life happened and I considered abandoning this, I really did. But then I would get emails saying people review, follow, or favorite. Or I see the hit number grow. So, thank you for pushing me to finish. Thank you for sticking with me. Thank you, for making me a better writer and person. You guys are awesome, and I hope you enjoy this chapter.

Disclaimer: I do not own The Guardians of Childhood or the Rise of the Guardians.


"Long time no see Frosty. Did ya' miss me?" Peter was floating, as always, as if he hadn't flown through a blizzard.

"Can't say I have." I crossed my arms, keeping my staff close to me. There was a reason Peter and I stopped hanging out.

"Oh, don't say that buddy! Sometimes fun just has a bit of collateral damage." Peter said with a shrug.

"A six car pile up is not just collateral damage." I growled. I will never forget Peter's little idea to ice skate on the road. The ice didn't melt when traffic started.

"Nor is a kid's tooth in a miraculous sleigh ride." Peter smirked as he flew towards me. I backed up. He was right. Despite saying how careful I am, I know I can get a little reckless. "Come on Jack! Despite our little disagreement, we had fun! The snowball fights," They were so much fun. "The way adults failed about when we messed with them," That always was and still is super fun. "And you can't tell me you still aren't curious about Neverland." I fidgeted with my hands and pursed my lips. I always did want to go to Neverland, and just forget. Forget the responsibilities, forget the pain, forget the hurt, forget me. It would be so easy and so nice.

"It is summer season. I could take off for a while." Peter finished his close, how the heck did he get that close, circle by flying around to face me.

"Exactly!" Peter cheered. "You need a break and I could really use some winter time fun like we did before." A pang of guilt entered my chest. It really had been a long time since I had seen Peter. Plus, I did overreact. The car accident was just that an accident. Peter didn't know the cars would swerve if we left so much ice on the road, neither did I. "Plus. you can't tell me you're not sick of those Guardians." Peter wrinkled his nose in disgust when he said Guardians, and maybe a few years ago I would've joined him.

"I am one of those Guardians." I said pointedly. Peter was like Tooth sometimes, he never knew personal space. While I knew this about him, I was still surprised when he grabbed my shoulders and pulled me to him, our noses touching.

"WHAT?! You're a scheduled briber now? How? When? Why?" Peter jostled me and shook me with every question. I could see dancing snowflakes by the end of his interrogation.

"I'll talk, if you let go of me." I smirked as I stared Peter down. He was pouting with an angry glare. It was so childish and it kind of reminded me of Jamie. Soon Peter let go of me and crossed his arms with a huff.

"This better be a good story." I let out a chuckle. He didn't know the half of it. So I told him everything. Well, mostly everything. I didn't tell him about the cuts. He just had to know how tired I am of the Guardians trying to fix me.

"So , basically, the Guardians are hard headed adults and you need a vacation to Neverland?" Peter said as he floated in the air. I rolled my eyes.

"How is that the only thing you got from the story?" Peter just shrugs.

"It's the only thing that matters. So whaddya say Jackie? We off to Neverland?" Peter smirked at me, his eyes pushing me to say yes. It was easy forgetting with him. I could be Jack Frost the mischief maker with no duties or observations, no pain, no kids. I stopped my hand from reaching Peter's.

"I, I have to go." I turned away from Peter, ignoring him calling my name. Peter was made to live in Neverland, a place where it's always the happiest moment in your life. A place where winter didn't really belong but also, nor did kids. It sounded nice, but kids grow up. That was reality, and I was apart of it. Watching kids die in the cold winter was agony. Getting walked through, sucked. Holding Brian as he died, stained me. But I felt warm with every smile. I felt less cold. Having fun with Peter was great, but it wasn't warm. It didn't make the loneliness and cold go away.


"I can't believe this!" Bunny yelled and threw his hands up in the air.

"Is this true, Emily?" North asked, concern in his eyes as he began pacing. Luckily Tooth was gone for a moment. I couldn't handle watching her nervous fluttering. Especially while Emily herself was nervously fidgeting as she nodded at North.

"Yes, but I never figured that he would ever disappear." Emily sighed. "Atius told me that he sealed Peter away, and I thought nothing of it till now. Atius disappears, so do his seals." Emily began biting her lip. I squirmed a bit. Emily was always a guarded person, for her fear to be so evident, she must be terrified. Granted Peter Pan, or Puck as he is generally known, was a pretty terrifying spirit. Yes he started off as mischievous, even fun like Jack, but when he got bored, things got dangerous.

"When did Atius seal him?" Tooth asked calmly, but I saw how frantic her wings fluttered.

"A little after World War II." Emily answered as her hands began fidgeting. "He needed to be sealed. He was, manic. The darkness of war started twisting him, but he wasn't leaving. I knew he was hiding from us, I didn't think he was using Jack's aura to hide under. They are very similar." Emily explained to us as much as herself. Peter never harmed children so we could never stop him, but that didn't mean we dealt with him. I heard how he always hit or tried to kidnap Tooth to take her to Neverland. North had a scorched wall that was unfixable because of Peter. And Bunny,

"That bloody son of a-"

"Aster!" North and Tooth chided. Bunny shut his mouth closed but fury still burned in his eyes.

"That, imp," Bunny spat. "Is a troublemaker and dangerous. He throws things off balance for fun, not caring about the consequences. He is a selfish, reckless-"

"Teenager?" I offered. Bunny glared at me, knowing what I was alluding to.

"He's different." Bunny growled. I knew what he meant. Jack could be a little juvinelle and mischievous. Puck, was a menace. He caused trouble and chaos for fun, but there was something dark to it. It was a simmering darkness, or maybe anger.

"I haven't felt unbalance though." Emily reassured but her smile was more of a grimace.

"So ve're is he now?" North asked warily. Emily gaped for an answer. Which is exactly what everyone feared. Since Puck was from Neverland, Emily's ability to sense him was dulled. He could be anywhere, doing anything, and they would always be a step behind him.

"Glad I can still shake things up." Everyone looked to a window to see the red headed elf boy in green attire. "Missed me?" He smirked, but it wasn't like Jack's smirk. It was more, devious. A shiver ran down my back.

"Puck." Bunny growled. Puck looked at Bunny. I formed a whip in my hand.

"Ass-ter." He chuckled darkly. Bunny growled and pounced, but I let my whip out and held Bunny back. He fought it, as I knew he would.

"Why you cheeky little bastard!" Bunny yelled.

"Calm down, Pooka." Peter floated down and began walking in the air leisurely. He stopped by Tooth. She shrank away, but he leaned in. "It's always good to see you, Pretty Bird." Puck cooed. Baby Tooth eyes narrowed as she pecked Puck's nose.

"OW!" He flew back, rubbing his nose. He gave Baby Tooth a withering glance but she gave him one right back. I thought I would have to make another lasso. Then Puck laughed. "Wow, that one's feisty just like he said. She would be good friends with Tink."

"He?" Emily and North spoke up. North went in front of Bunny, granted he had calmed down but his nose was still flaring so I was still holding his lasso. Emily went to Tooth's side. I gave a sigh of relief when they both seemed to relax with someone on their side. I just stayed in the back, holding Bunny back, and ready to intervene. Puck raised an eyebrow at us.

"Yeah, he. A good, friend of mine. I was trying to take him home to Neverland." I tensed when I saw the determination in his eyes. "Before you turn him into a statue on your wall." He spat. I let out a huff. I should've figure that was why Puck liked Jack and would be so close to him. Jack looked exactly like Nightlight. I signed a light bulb over my head, but everyone ignored it, except for Emily.

"Jack isn't Nightlight." Bunny grounded out. Emily looked at me and sent a wink. I let go of Bunny's lasso.

"I know. Jack is going to stay alive this time." Puck jabbed. I flinched at that but that fueled Bunny forward. "I am taking him to Neverland before you lot poison him with all your save the children, selfless hero act." Puck spat. I wished he came with me. I wished he never became a Guardian, I wished he never died! All of Puck's dreams burned within me. Just like they did when Nightlight died. I would always remember the dreams of the spirits, especially Katherine and Puck, after Nightlight faded away. After he stepped in front of Katherine to stop Lyssa's blast, about three hundred years ago. Around the same time a little girl dreamed that her brother survived after saving her from falling into a lake. I glanced to see North trying to hold buck a livid Bunny, and Emily and Tooth were trying to hold back Puck. Both Puck and Bunny were super temperamental and physical. They would be busy, for a while, which is exactly what I needed. I was out of there.

One of the great things about my power is the constant GPS it is. Every dream a person makes is personal. Whether it is by motivation or the wish itself, every dream is personal and has a signature. By recognizing the signature, I can find a person. Although, I'm pretty sure where Jack is. Finding his signature was a good way to check. Jack's signature was always this blue fragile magic. As if he didn't want to get close to dreaming. Yet, when he was with Jamie the signal was stronger, just like it was now. Jack was outside, hiding in the shade of a tree, watching Jamie play with Sophie in their backyard. Luckily it was Spring, so it wasn't hot, but it was bright. Granted, I don't see daylight a lot.

"I know you're there Sandy." Jack commented and I have to admit, I was impressed. It took the others a few minutes, almost hours, to notice me. Jack usually noticed me in seconds and it always made me a little stunned. Although, I knew he was always extremely aware of his surroundings, his survival depended on it. "You can come down if you want." I noticed that his voice wasn't as agitated as it was when he spoke with us last time. So it had to be safe, I think. I drifted closer to Jack. He had a subtle soft smile on his face. It wasn't like his quick smirk, it was like Nightlight's. "He looks like her, my sister. It makes me wonder, could I have found a way to stay with her? If all the loneliness I'm feeling is payback for the loneliness she felt when I, died." Jack practically choked on the last word. His body was tense, and if I didn't know any better, it wouldn't be Jack I was staring at. I pulled on Jack's sleeve, ending the heavy moment.

'Follow me.' I signed. He nodded and we took off. I was in my ship and he was drifting in the wind behind me. It was obvious that he missed it. Being cooped up in the workshop or Tooth's palace was not good for him. As a flyer, even I hated being cooped up at my own palace. So if I took a longer way back to my palace, I don't think Jack would've mind. When my floating palace came into view, I heard Jack gasp. It always felt nice to hear people's amazement with my home. It was a constantly changing palace that I molded with my mind. Sometimes it looked like something from the tales of a medieval stories. Sometimes it was based off of the gothic buildings I saw on earth. On days like today, it was more whimsical. It was more like home. We landed near the statue room. I got off the plane and walked through the hallway. Jack followed and the awe on his face was so apparent as he stared at the statues I had modeled. Everything about my palace could change, everything but this hallway.

"Who are these guys?" I knew he would start the conversation. "Father Time? He looks like some wizard knock off." Jack snorted. I looked back to see that he stopped at the statue I had model of Father Time. The statue rearrange itself to look like a teenage boy. "Whoa." Jack glanced at me.

'Turns back time, goes forward in time.' I supplied. Jack nodded.

"He would've been a big help during the battle. Why wasn't he there? Not a guardian?" There was a bit of an edge in Jack's voice. Whether it was from anger or bitterness, I couldn't tell. I huffed and told him to continue on. Although we walked slowly so he could look at the statues.

'Time is a fickle thing. It was hard protecting the children and doing his job. So he left.' We passed the statues of Father Time, myself, North, Bunnymund, and Toothiana. We finally came up to the last two. While the others were stand alone, I couldn't make their statues stand alone.

"Who, who is that?" Jack stuttered. I watched as he observed Nightlight's statue intently. His eyes seemed to glow brighter as well.

'Katherine, Mother Goose and Nightlight, the first Jack Frost.'