A/N: Inspiration came from watching Harry Potter CoS, and then eating dinner. Two twisted teenage girls + movie + milkshakes = odd fic ideas. In the tradition of waffy Yu-Gi-Oh! fics, Merry Christmas Amby!

Jounouchi picked up the sandwich and bit into it. He paused for a moment,as if thinking. He wiped a bit of mayonnaise off his lip, and washed it down with a sip of soda.

He looked up at Kaiba. "Seto?" he asked. The dark-haired boy was staring at him with eyes glazed over, absent-mindedly twirling a french fry. "Seto?" he asked again, when his companion didn't respond.

Kaiba's eyes snapped back into focus. "Yes, Jounouchi-kun?"

"Why are you staring at me?"

"Nothing, just watching you eat."

Jounouchi raised his eyebrows and turned back to his food, while Kaiba watched his lover and thought.

//It's not fair, he looked so damn sexy with that little bit of mayonnaise on his lip, and the way his lips curve around the straw. . .//

Dammit, he'd had to go and read that book on Freudian psychology, hadn't he? Kaiba cursed himself, and then sighed and bit into the french fry.

Jounouchi took another bite out of the sandwich, dripping mayonnaise on the table, and Kaiba could have killed him at that moment. The imagery was just too much. Any more, and the puppy was going to have Kaiba stark raving mad.


Kaiba internally screamed. Luckily for his image, and for the ears of all his fellow McDonald's patrons, it came out as more of a whimper.

"Seto? Are you sure you're alright?" Jounouchi asked.

Kaiba mumbled something unintelligble.

"What's up?"

Kaiba coughed. //My pants?// "Erm, nothing."

"You seem a bit troubled."

//Once again, I know my pants are.// "I'm fine."

"That's it! You're lying! Tell!" Jounouchi leaned across the table. "Spill it."

Kaiba merely glanced towards the door. He had to get out of here somehow. He was going to go somewhere, far away from Jounouchi, where he could calm down. On the other hand, he could take Jounouchi with him and get much, much more excited.

He weighed the options, like Maat with his feather and scales. Calm down, fuck Jounouchi. Feather, dead man's heart. Calm down, fuck Jounouchi. Feather, dead man's heart. The good, pure side or the bad, bestial side. Feather, dead man's heart.

Dead man's heart.

"You want to talk, then?" Kaiba asked. Jounouchi nodded. Kaiba suddenly grinned with all the ferocity of a starving wolf, making Jounouchi's eyes widen. He moved and stood over Jounouchi, whispering into his ear. "Then let's go somewhere else, koi. Somewhere a little more. . . private."

Jounouchi crumpled his sandwich wrapper and stood up. "Ready when you are," he said, tossing the wrapper into a wastebasket.

Kaiba put an arm around the blond's waist. "You have no idea how very ready I am," he replied.

"Is this going to be a lot less talking and a lot more strange, strangled sounds?"

"I'm thinking you're going to be screaming." Kaiba winked at Jounouchi and leaned over to lick his ear.

"Hey, I thought I was the puppy. . . and puppies are the ones who lick."

"I think we can have a role reversal here and there." He nuzzled Jounouchi's neck.

Jounouchi smiled and ran a hand through Kaiba's hair. "Does that mean we can have seme and uke reversals?"

"Whatever you say, koi."

"If you're always this way after eating McDonald's food, I think we're going to have to go out for lunch more often."


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