A/N: The Mass Effect universe has always had me hooked, as well as fanfictions of the game. This is my first fanfiction, hopefully it doesn't crash and burn.

I'm going to be updating Chapter 1 through Chapter 7. These updates will include the following: detail, names, dialogue, length, and changes to the story in general. I also will be adding codexes in when needed.

Chapter 1:

Date: October 30th, 2015. 5:03 A.M.

Grief has many effects on the human mind, most people grieve after a death. For me, that was not the case, I wanted to discover more about Earth and its anomalies when death took the lives of two of my closest friends.

A few days ago, I sold my house, my car, and most of my belongings. I knew for a fact that I wouldn't be returning from my journey. I took a taxi from Castle Rock, Colorado to Denver International Airport, as I had no other way of transportation.

The ride to DIA took about an hour, and the cab fare cost me fifty dollars. I packed light for my trip to Miami, Florida. All I had on me was my ASUS ROG, a few bottles of water, clothes that would last me for about a day, and my Samsung Galaxy S4.

"You can get out now, I have other places to be," my cab driver spoke quickly and had an annoyed tone in his voice.

I got out of the cab, and my foot was almost run over by the taxi driver speeding away. "Asshole," I muttered under my breath, and proceeded to walk into Denver International Airport. I completely avoided going through to baggage checking. I already had my tickets, and was only carrying carry-on baggage.

I went straight to TSA, and had my backpack checked for any suspicious materials. I had no problems getting through security, as I never packed anything that would put others in harm.

I headed to Gate 14, Terminal B of DIA. I sat down in an empty seat, and checked over my boarding pass. It had my name in bolded letters, and my flight number on it. I had Business Class seats, as I didn't have enough money to pay for first class. I smiled as I stared at the picture of Miami, Florida on the bottom right side of the ticket.

Soon enough, the intercom lit up for the passengers to board the plane. "Business Class Passengers, Military personnel, and children under the age of four years old are now welcome to board the plane."

That was my cue, I stood up from my seat and headed to the desk where the flight attendants would take my ticket, and allow me to board the plane. I couldn't get the thoughts of the Bermuda Triangle out of my mind. As a child, the Bermuda Triangle had always fascinated me, since the location was shrouded in mystery.

"Sir, do you plan to board the plane today? Or are you planning on holding up the line?" an impatient voice snapped me out of my thoughts.

I looked at the flight attendant who I was about to hand my ticket to and shook my head, "I'm sorry, I have a lot on my mind right now. Here's my ticket."

"As we all do, sir, but none of us plan on holding up the line like you did," the flight attendant rolled her eyes. "have a nice flight."

I must have chose the wrong day to fly out to Miami, everyone is acting like the world hates them.

I walked down the long hallway, and boarded Flight 218 to Florida. I sat down in a seat next to a window as I began to review what I was about to do. I'm sure that I want to do this, even if I wasn't I have no choice. I have no home to return to if I survive, no life to return to either. This is for the greater good, and I will benefit from it.

I sat down in seat 18-F, I had the window seat so I wouldn't be disturbed by anyone, or so I thought. A woman and her kid sat down right next to me. The kid held an intense stare with me before turning to his mother. "Mommy, I want the window seat!"

The mother gave me an apologetic look, then looked down to her child. "I'm sorry, Johnny, you don't always get what you want."

The child started to cry because he didn't get his way. I had a gut feeling that he would continue this behavior if I didn't give my window seat to him. I got up out of my seat and shimmied past the child and his mother.

"Let the kid have the window seat, I'm fine being in the aisle seat." I honestly just wanted the kid to stop crying, it attracted too much attention from other passengers.

Just like that, the kid stopped crying, and smiled victoriously. He moved to the window seat, and his mother moved to the middle. "Thank you… I don't know what your name is, but thank you."

"My name is Kyle, and it's not a problem."

I sat down in the aisle seat, where I heard the plane's intercom go off. "All passengers, please turn off your electronic devices and pay attention to the safety protocols."

I sat through the safety learning process, the process was mandatory for all passengers. I lost count of how many times I had done it. After about five minutes of them repeating the same thing over and over again, we were prepared for take off.

The plane that I was on, I believe it was a Boeing 737, was taxied over towards the southern runway. The intercom came on again. "All passengers and flight attendants, please prepare for take off."

I heard the roar of the engines start to increase in volume as we approached the runway. I felt the plane turn to the right before the initial take off happened. The plane's engines started to whine, and I was pushed back into my seat.

I felt the familiar jolt of lifting off into the sky. One of the flight attendant's voices came over the intercom. "All passengers, you are now free to use your electronics. Floridan weather is 74℉, with a humidity of 64%, there is a high chance of mild thunderstorms, so expect some turbulence."

I pulled my laptop out of my carry-on backpack and brushed some dust off the top of it. The laptop was an older model, it could still play most games on lower settings, but it certainly wasn't the best. I didn't particularly like the weight of it or the size, but the laptop kept intact for two years.

I turned on my laptop, opened Origin (I didn't use Steam because it gave me too many problems with Mass Effect), and started a new playthrough of the original Mass Effect. I chose to play as a Femshep, because frankly, I like Jennifer Hale more than Mark Meer.

I arrived at the character creation screen, made a few changes to the default appearance, and went on my way to class selection. I chose Infiltrator. (it is my favorite class of all time, right above vanguard.)

I was at the ending of Noveria by the time my flight was over. I had always liked Noveria, due to its snowy backdrop, but my flight was over. It was time to prepare for the flight into the Bermuda Triangle.

I packed my laptop back up into my backpack, and took my carry-on baggage from the ceiling compartment. I got off of the plane as quick as possible, as I didn't want to spend a single minute inside Miami International Airport.

I walked to the rent-a-car after getting off of the plane, rented myself a BMW 5 Series, and started the long 60 kilometer (37 mile) to Dean International.

The thought of flying into the Bermuda Triangle was straight up suicidal, as so many disappearances had occurred there in the century. I always was intrigued by the Bermuda Triangle, and it's counterpart, the Devil's Sea.

I had always thought of myself as an experiment, an experiment to be viewed by the public. I had done things that haunted me, just so I could improve myself. Some people called me insane, though that was not the case, I was just willing to test myself to my limits.

I knew the risks of flying into the Bermuda Triangle, I was prepared for it. I had most of my valuable belongings with me, just in case my experiment didn't work. In the case that it didn't, I would go to Japan, then fly into the Devil's Sea.

About five days ago, I had sold my house for $250,000. I needed to sell it fast, so I cut the original price in half. The family that bought it seemed nice, a young couple and a newborn baby.

I reached Dean International around 11:50 A.M. The airport was a hive of activity, planes taking off, landing, and departing. The maintenance crew was preparing the Cessna for me as I drove up to it.

"Hey Dave, you have the Cessna 172 prepped for me, right?" I yelled towards where Dave was.

Dave looked at me while I was getting out of my car, "Yeah, she's prepped, Kyle."

"Good, I'd hate to drive all the way over here after a four hour flight for nothing." I commented.

Dave nodded his head as I walked up to him, "You better take good care of her. Where are you going again?"

I had to lie to this guy, not something I was particularly fond of. "I'm heading to the Bahamas, I have some friends that I'm meeting over there."

"I understand, have a good flight. If my plane isn't returned to me in one piece by the end of this week, I'll send someone after you, Kyle Terrah."

"You won't have to anything to worry about, Dave Hevin." Except it disappearing in the Bermuda Triangle. (Dave is the guy I rented the Cessna from. We had no prior history.)

I nodded to Dave and went on my merry way. I turned on my laptop, and noticed Mass Effect was still open. I didn't want to load up Mass Effect again, so I decided to leave it open in another tab.

I started up the livestream and named it, 'Kyle Terrah - Flying Into the Heart of Bermuda'. My view count rose very quickly to 423 people. I put my extra baggage into the back seat of the Cessna, and my laptop on the dashboard. I started up the engine, taxied to runway 27 L, and came to a complete stop as soon as I was on the runway.

I pushed the throttle up, and slowly lifted off into the air. The Cessna 172 Skyhawk wasn't the fastest plane that I could have rented, but I needed something that was cheap, and the Skyhawk was just that.

After three hours of piloting, I started to notice something truly extraordinary. The once blue sky that I was flying through had become a dark backdrop of storm clouds. Rain drops pelted off of the Cessna's windshield and I heard thunder echo around me. I could hear a faint voice through the thunder, which I assumed was my laptop. "Ten minutes until arrival of Subject-076."

Maroon bolts and flashes of lightning were emitted from the clouds around me. I saw a flash of blue which blinded me for half a second as I continued into the storms. There was a noticeable low-pitched hum as I progressed into the storm, and it coincided with a headache. "Prepare the artificial link."

As I progressed further into the storm, the headache got worse, and the hum got louder. Soon enough, my head was throbbing with pain. "The subject's transfer from BT-01 to TACM-020 is almost complete. We will start the procedure in five minutes."

The gauges on the dashboard were going crazy, and my computer's screen was beginning to glitch out. Another blinding cyan flash happened in front of my plane, followed by a lavender flash of light. "Subject is experiencing panic."

As the storm was becoming more violent, the red lightning was getting closer. I saw a city-like shape in the distance, the city looked similar to China's floating city on October 20th, 2015. "Vision, muscle, and organ implants are being readied."

Darkness overcame my Cessna 172 and I heard white noise. "Subject has been extracted from BT-01. Implementing languages of cycle. Muscle implants have been successfully transferred."

My body was overcome with numbness for half a second. I felt a jolt being sent through my soul, and I saw a dimly lit room, much different from the Cessna I was in. "Be calm, Kyle Terrah, you will be the shield of this cycle, and its inhabitants will become your blade. Choose wisely who you communicate with, Terrah."

My headache went away, as well as the hum. I felt a loss of gravity but shortly after everything felt a bit heavier. "Procedure complete, Alitut, put him in TACM-020."

I saw the sky change from a regular thunderstorm sky, to a sunset yellow color. According to my time it was 2:13 P.M. Before I could even process what was happening, I was flying into the floating city. I was greeted by a close call with a flying car. There is no way that this is Earth.

Dave is going to be pissed.

"Unidentified Contact, you are entering Thessian airspace, state your intentions or you will be shot down."

Thessian? Impossible, it has to be.

A/N: I saw many flaws with this chapter, and I felt the need to fix them. Same thing with 2-7. They are not my best writing, so I will be fixing them.