I am so sorry for taking so long to update but I've moved to a higher school institution so it took me a while to get settled and comfortable enough to start writing again.
Hope you guys enjoy :)
They were many qualities in Kate Beckett's daughter that she loved. The girl seemed to be just like her and it was sure better than her being like her father or God forbid her grandparents, especially her grandmother. But along with the good qualities unfortunately she had gotten the bad; the rolling of her eyes and hiding her pain, she kept life close to her vest she wasn't as good as her mother because Kate could see the tell tales of when something was bothering her daughter. Which was why she noticed the strange behavior of Kenzie over the past few weeks and she couldn't pry what was wrong out of the girl. Even Castle had noticed and talked to Kate about it, worried that something was wrong.
It was breakfast time and Kate had made her special pancakes in hopes of cheering Kenzie up or at least getting her to talk.
"I made your favorite, chocolate chip pancakes." Kate told her placing the plate in front of Kenzie.
She muttered a thank you and started to play around with the food.
Kate looked at the girl trying again. "I made my famous cream pasta for your lunch today." She got no answer just a grunt.
"Mom, do I have to go to school today?" Kenzie asked finally looking up at her mother.
She had gotten Kate's attention Mackenzie always loved to go to school especially on Tuesdays because they had drama and art and it was Tuesday. "Are you sick?"
The girl just shook her head, "Never mind, I'm gonna go get ready for school." She was out of her seat before Kate could say anything but Kate wasn't having it she quickly followed.
"Mackenzie, why don't you want to go to school?"
"It's nothing Mom, honest."
Kate sighed, "you know you can tell me anything right?"
Kenzie nodded her head she was in her no talking mood so there was no getting information out of her.
She had dropped Kenzie to school and headed to work, the situation still on her mind, so she did something she never thought she would do, she called Castle.
"Hello Rick,"
"Kate what a pleasant surprise. Is everything ok?"
Kate paused for a while wondering if she should go through with it. "Can you meet me for lunch, I need some one to talk to."
This time Castle was the one to pause but out of pure shock, he quickly answered. "Sure, yes, of course."
"So you see I can tell something's wrong but she's not talking. Maybe I should go down to the school and see what's going on." Kate told Castle.
He nodded "That may be a good idea but what if nothing's going on at school."
"Better safe than sorry." She answered back."
Suddenly Kate's phone rang and Castle could tell by the look on her face that it wasn't good.
"It's Kenzie's school,"
"I'll drive," Castle said slipping the keys out of his pocket.
There had never been a longer car ride, even though Castle was going at the speed limit. As soon as the car had stopped Kate jumped out of the car, not even waiting for Castle she was half way through the lot when he looked up from closing off the ignition he wasn't sure what to do until she called him a few minutes later asking him to come.
He entered the large building to see Mackenzie sitting on a bench, head down clutching her wrist with Kate near by along with two other parents and a girl with cotton under her nose blood seeping through.
"Mackenzie got into a fight." Castle's eyes widened looking at the girl who seemed to be smaller than usual before Kate interrupted his thoughts. "She hurt her wrist, can you take her to the nurse's office?" She asked.
He couldn't tell if she was angry or not, voice void of emotion, so he just nodded and led the crying child away.
"Miss Beckett, Mr and Mrs Jackson." The reception called out. "It's Miss Miller now," The woman corrected going through the doors pushing the man to get in first.
They entered the principal's office and the receptionist closed the door behind them leaving them to the mature woman sitting behind the desk.
"Now I am sure you three are aware by now that your children have been in a fight." She started.
"Yes and I'm sure that it must all be a mistake, my daughter would never do such a thing not Vanessa." Miss Miller shot out.
Kate rolled her eyes "Well neither would my daughter."
The man cleared his throat "Vanessa had to have been provoked."
"Actually several witnesses said that she pushed Miss Beckett's daughter first and as a matter of fact she's been acting out for the past two months now. She's been bullying several children but her main victim has been Mackenzie." The principal explained.
The two parents stood shocked at the words.
Kate finally fixed all the pieces together about her daughter's behavior over the last few weeks. "So what exactly happened?"
"Mackenzie was at her locker Vanessa approached and told her something about you I believe Miss Beckett and pushed her and I guess Mackenzie snapped and punched her in the nose." The principal told them.
The parents turned to her. "We are so sorry, we're in the middle of a divorce and I guess she took it harder than we thought." Miss Miller said. Is she ok?"
Kate's face softened from the sincere apology and their apologetic faces. "She hurt her wrist."
"We'll pay for everything," Mr Jackson promised.
The principal spoke, "Now Mr Jackson, Miss Miller." This is a prestigious school Bullying and fights are strongly prohibited and since she did both. I'm sorry but we have no choice but to expel her unless Miss Beckett says otherwise.
Kate's eyes widened, what was she to do? Vanessa was a child, children made mistakes but she had hurt her baby till the point that she didn't want to go to school, to the point where she hurt her wrist, and what would Kenzie think? But she had a forgiving daughter.
Kate knew she would get a call in the morning or when ever they found out from Kenzie's grandparents yelling at her but that was a chance she was willing to take. "No it's fine, really as long as she apologizes and never teases or even looks at her in that way ever again.
"Deal, we'll talk to her and she will be punished. Thank you so much." Vanessa's mother said hugging her."
Kate walked out the room to see Castle and Kenzie sitting down on the bench Kenzie's hand bandaged and the two in deep conversation.
"So?" Kate asked looking at her daughter's hand.
"She needs to go to the doctor for x- ray it's too swollen to see the damage." Castle reported.
Kate sighed. "Let's go, we have to go for Alexis first right"
Castle nodded opening the door.
Kenzie's hand wasn't broken and for that Kate was thankful but it was sprained enough to be issued a strap with a splint that she had to wear for the next few weeks.
Castle had driven them to the doctor then to the loft where he treated them to pizza. As she watched the two girls choosing the movie, Kate couldn't help but smile because she had gotten her daughter back , even though she had to punish her, violence was not the way even if Vanessa said something about her.
Castle took a seat next to her breaking her thoughts .
He had bearly gotten comfortable when Alexis looked up . " Dad, the popcorn . "
He gave a little chuckle and Kate gave him a nudge . " Yea Rick , the popcorn. "
He gave a little chuckle and Kate had to do it.
"And Rick," He stopped and turned to her.
"Thank you."
He smiled, "Always,"
I'll try to have a new chapter up soon. Leave a comment and suggestions are noted.
Thank you for reading.