2 in one night- woo! I figured it's the least I could do for you guys. Anyways, after this chapter things are going to start moving around quite quickly. There's going to be a few time jumps here and there, just so you all know. The tours going to be coming to a close quite quickly, as well.
TW: Character death; suicide.
After the concert, Beca had convinced the people that they had backstage to go out for the night. Scott and Belle had met up with them after the show, and all together their giant group of friends had taken to the streets of Atlanta once again. For a lot of them, it felt like they were back in college, celebrating after a week of tests or after a Bella win. It was a time for Beca and Chloe to catch up with all the Bellas that could make it out to them, and Jesse and Zach got to catch up with a few Trebles, too. It was like a giant reunion. They were only missing Aubrey, who was so caught up on a case that she told them she'd catch the New York show.
"So tell me, miss superstar, what's it like working with A-list musicians?" Marie asked Beca, leaning against the tables that they had pushed together in order to make room for everyone in their group.
Beca could only laugh in response to her former second, then pretended to think before she replied. "It's great. I've almost passed out a few times meeting them, but hey, who wouldn't?" She grinned, taking a sip of her drink. They fell so easily into conversation, it was as if they hadn't spent the last few years apart most of the time.
Meanwhile, the Trebles that had gathered were having a completely different conversation. Zach had gotten up to get everyone's drinks, which gave Elijah and the few others a chance to interrogate their former captain.
"So spill, dude- when're you gonna pop the question to him?" Eli asked, his eyes big as boulders while his fingers tapped against the table. Jesse was taken aback by the question, and looked to his former best friend Benji for answers. Benji only shrugged his shoulders; he wasn't aware that this was the topic of the night.
"Uhh.. I don't think we're going to get married anytime soon. Not with him being Beca's manager and everything. Marriage is a big deal, y'know?"
"Of course we know that, Jess, but Beca's getting married. Half of us thought that you'd propose to Zach before she proposed to Chloe. You of all people should know how she is when it comes to commitment."
Jesse rolled his eyes at Scott. "And you of all people know how she is in general." He quipped, glancing up at his boyfriend. "I'm not proposing any time soon, so can we drop this? Geez, I come back to Atlanta for one night and suddenly I'm the next bachelor."
Ethan let out a laugh, then took a chug of his beer. He may be the most flamboyant one there, but there was no way he was the gayest.
He turned his head towards the girls, and tuned out of the guys' conversation in favor for his stage mates.
"So Amelia, how exactly do you know our dearest Beca?" Stacie asked, twirling a straw in between her fingers.
"We went to highschool together, it's pretty simple." Amelia answered, looking over at Beca.
"Were you her experiment to help her know she's really gay?"
"Uh, no, I don't think so. Beca and I weren't ever really like that, actually. Just really close friends." Amelia stated, a blush forming on her cheeks.
"That's what Chloe told her the first hood night, and now look where they're at." Amy continued, not giving up on the topic.
Amelia stiffened a little, and Beca rolled her eyes. "Amy, stop with the fifty questions."
"But it was only two. That means I've still got forty-eight more-"
"No, Amy. Come on, it's a fun night. Not a questionable night."
Amy pouted, and the girls laughed.
They all continued to talk and laugh the night away, with Amelia slowly starting to feel more comfortable around Beca's friends. She was starting to feel herself again, and when the alcohol really started to settle in she couldn't help but be dragged to the dance floor with the other Bellas. She found herself pressed up against whom she swore was named Stacie, but she wasn't quite sure. The music was pounding in their ears and she could feel the blood rushing in her body, but with one glance over her shoulder, she spotted the one person she really wanted to dance with grinding up against someone that wasn't her.
She shook her head and when the song changed, she looked at Stacie with a small smirk. If she couldn't have Beca, well, then then her alcoholic brain was going to have to make-do with someone who kind of reminded her of her friend. Without a second thought she pulled the girl into a rough kiss, only to tug at Stacie's lip when she pulled away. Stacie had given her this look, and within moments they were walking out of the club, with nobody noticing their absence.
The days leading up to the crew's departure was spent with them spending time with the Bellas as often as possible, and by that point everyone had noticed how close Amelia and Stacie had gotten. It was strange for almost all of them; the show side being the fact that they didn't know that Amelia was actually into girls, and the Bella side being that they didn't realize that Stacie could stick to one person for a certain amount of time. It was a time filled with awkward silences and things that they wish they had said, but they didn't.
Soon enough, the time to say goodbye had come, and most of them were reluctant to say so. It took some time, but they eventually found themselves on their way to Nashville, with Chloe joining them for the remainder of the tour. Amelia had tried to convince them to bring Stacie along as well, but the show crew had told her that they didn't have the room. They weren't trying to be mean, only telling the truth, especially with Beca and Chloe dumbfounded at the fact that Amelia and Stacie were actually a thing, apparently.
Amelia, on the other hand, was internally panicking. She didn't want to admit that she had been using Stacie in order to get over Beca, nor did she want to admit that it was working for the time that they had together. She had spent as much time as she could focusing on Stacie that it didn't give her heart a moment to remind her about her longing for her best friend until they were on the bus together.
After the Nashville show, Beca had wanted to take everyone out again, but Amelia refused. She told them that she had planned on video-chatting Stacie, but in reality, she just sat in bed, alone, with her thoughts. It wasn't the brightest idea for her, but she honestly didn't think that she'd be able to withstand seeing Beca and Chloe all over each other again.
She hated feeling like this. Her mind was saying things to her that she knew wasn't true, but she couldn't stop it. Her head was telling her that she should just go home; that this whole tour/moving to LA thing was just a bad idea waiting to happen. It was telling her that Beca didn't love her, that she didn't even like her as a friend, and that she was only tolerating her. It was giving her a headache and a heartache, and she didn't trust herself enough to take any medications for it.
By the time Beca and Chloe had stumbled into their shared bedroom, it was already one in the morning. Just seeing the duo together made her heart clench in her chest, so without a second thought she had pushed past her friends and headed right for the boys' room. Beca and Chloe had called after her, quickly sobering up enough to follow her, but were stopped by Ethan who had a sorrow look. Behind him, Amelia had fallen into Zach's arms, tears flooding from her eyes.
It was in that moment that Beca and Chloe realized that something was really, really wrong with their friend.
Amelia had ignored everyone from that night to the time they had arrived in Indianapolis. It was really starting to scare Beca- she had never seen Amelia like this. Even worse- Amelia had never ignored her this much before. She was feeling like she was the cause of this- that she had done something wrong to set off her friend. Her mind raced with things that could've potentially caused Amelia to react this way, but nothing was coming to mind. Amelia was fine at the beginning of the tour; hell, the girl was fine on Beca's birthday. What had changed from that point to now, besides Stacie? Had the Bella hurt Amelia in a way that Beca wouldn't understand? What was really going on with Amelia Levi?
At this point, it was after the Indianapolis show and Amelia had been long gone. Beca hadn't been in the mood to go out after the show like most stops, so Chloe, Ethan, and Maggie had offered to go get takeout for them all. The rest of their group had all gone to Zach and Jesse's room for a movie night, but something was drawing Beca to her room that she was sharing with Chloe and Amelia. Something told her that Amelia might not be coming back that night, so out of habit Beca started searching for the girl's sweatshirt. She knew Amelia had packed it- she always did.
"It's something to remind me of home," Amelia had told her while they packed for the tour. "Even before I moved away."
It was her choir sweatshirt she had gotten their junior year of high school.
Finding the sweatshirt, Beca let out a soft sigh and pulled it over her head. She really hoped Amelia didn't mind, but the sweatshirt was the closest thing she could get to a hug from her best friend when her best friend was nowhere to be found. She slid her phone into the pocket, only to find a folded piece of paper in said pocket. Curiously, Beca pulled it out, and opened it.
so let's forget the sun
forget the pieces
I won't be here
to see you leaving
forget the stars
forget the seasons
you'll never hold me back from dreaming
I let love slip away
cause it was all my grasp could take
when you fall
I'll lift you up
but don't expect me to stay
Beca's eyes widened as realization started to wash over her. She now knew why Amelia was being so distant. She had to talk to her friend- but first, she had to find her.
Amelia had been staying in the tour bus until they had to leave for Chicago. Beca wasn't aware of this until the girl had walked into their room, grabbed her stuff, then walked back out to the bus without another word. Beca had placed the sweatshirt back into Amelia's luggage before she went to bed, but Amelia was moving so quickly that Beca couldn't even get a word in. It was frustrating- all she wanted to do was talk to her friend. But she couldn't even do that, especially not on the bus. Her friend had spent the entire ride curled up in between Zach and Jesse with her headphones in, obviously not wanting to be bothered by anyone. It was really starting to annoy her.
Beca had managed to get Amelia alone right before they were set to go on in Chicago. Luckily, she wasn't going until third for that night, so she had time to spare. She had dragged her friend into one of the dressing rooms, and told Dylan to guard the door with his life or he'd make sure that Ethan knew he didn't listen to her.
Once alone, Amelia had leaned up against the vanity, her eyes focusing on the ground. She didn't know what Beca expected her to say, let alone do. By this point, everyone on the tour knew that something was up with her, and it was only a matter of time before she had to come clean about everything. She just really didn't want it to be this soon.
"Do you want to tell me what's been going on with you?" Beca asked, breaking the silence that had filled the room. A sense of fear and anger had filled her voice; the fear for obvious reasons and the anger because it had taken them this long to get Amelia to actually talk to them. She felt like she was back in high school, where secrets were kept and friendships were put on the lines because of said secrets. She really hoped that she had left all of that behind in New York.
Amelia looked up at her, her face emotionless. That alone scared Beca. "Nothing is wrong, Becs. You need to get ready for the show."
"Don't bullshit me, Amelia! I know something is wrong!"
Amelia flinched back. Beca never raised her voice with her. "I.." She trailed off, looking down at the floor again. She didn't want to have this conversation when Beca was pissed off.
Beca noticed this, and tried her hardest to relax. She took a few deep breaths, and slowly walked towards her friend. "I found the song, Meems. Do you want to tell me what that's about?"
Brown eyes shot up and met blue ones in a panic. "You weren't supposed to find that, Beca. You.. You don't know what's going on."
"I have a pretty good idea."
"Cut the sarcasm, please? I just.. You don't understand. I… Everyone has someone. Ethan had Dylan, Jesse and Zach, Alex and Maggie.. You've got Chloe."
"What about Stacie?"
Amelia frowned. "I.. She and I didn't really work out.. It.." She sighed. Why couldn't she get the words out?
"What is it?"
Silence took them over again. This wasn't how this was supposed to go. Amelia swallowed, mustering up the courage to look up at Beca again. She met her eyes, and in a choked whisper, "I'm in love with you, Beca. I always have been."
Beca froze. She knew this was coming, but it was something entirely different actually hearing Amelia say it. It made her entire perspective of things change once again. She had a decent idea of what the song was about, but now knowing that it was true, that Amelia really meant it, it was changing everything. A part of her still didn't want to believe it.
"Meems.. I can't.. I.. I'm marrying Chloe. And.. And there's nothing that can change that. I love her, okay?"
All she saw before she was called to the stage was her best friends sad, sad nod.
Beca really didn't want to perform this duet with Ethan right after the conversation she just had with Amelia, but she knew she had to keep going. She couldn't stop the show because she found out her best friend loved her. She took a deep breath, looked over at her friend, checked her in ears, then headed out onto the stage.
"Lucky boy, standing there with a glass half full of broken promises
but he don't care
She's the type: forgive, forget, never really letting go of all his sins
No never
But she will see
She will see that…"
Amelia paced the dressing room, fighting back the tears that she knew were inevitable to come. This couldn't be happening- she couldn't of just had that happen, right? She had done so well- Beca hadn't caught on until that point. She was so stupid- that's what her head was telling her- she had left the song out where Beca could see it and now she was ruined. She was ruined. Her head was telling her that, her heart was telling her that, and she couldn't think straight at all.
"This is a new chapter
We'll start again
The story's changing
Except where my heart is
Where the hero rescues the world
And by the next page the boy gets the girl
This is a new chapter
Where do we begin?
Well the first line reads:
the story never ends."
Chloe sat backstage, watching as Beca jumped around onstage and having fun with Ethan. She knew that Beca had gone to talk to Amelia before the show, and from what she saw, things apparently went well. Nothing showed on Beca's face that anything was going wrong- she seemed happy; carefree. And the audience was loving it. They were getting involved and singing along, and it brought a smile to her face. Chloe loved seeing Beca in her element, even back when she was making mixes for the Bellas. In her eyes, it seemed like everything was going to be okay again.
"Lucky boy
Letting go
Letting go of all his insecurities
But she won't know
She's the type to see right through
She sees the flaws
But nothing's gonna change, change the way her heart strings play
Her heart strings play
Gone headfirst into shallow oceans
Fill the space with the deep emotions
He never thought that she might be the one he needs
He never had the right to tear apart the seams."
Amelia was in a panic. She was running, running as fast as her legs would carry her. She couldn't be backstage anymore- it was hurting more than she expected. She ran past Jesse and Zach, who had called after her, past Alex and Maggie- the former actually trying to run after her-, past the crew, and out the doors. She kept running until she got to the hotel, and chose to take the stairs rather than the elevator. She couldn't take the time for slow. She couldn't. Her heart was racing so quickly that she felt if she stopped then she would end up passing out. As soon as she got to the room, she barged in and started to pack her things. Who was expecting her to stay after all that she went through? After what Beca told her? She couldn't just carry on like she was happy-go-lucky. She was planning on leaving that night; going back to Maine and having her things shipped from Maggie's apartment sometime within the week. She couldn't stay near Beca. Not when she knew that her friend was so happy without her.
As she haphazardly threw her clothes in her suitcases, she heard the familiar rattle coming from her toiletries bag. She knew that sound, and the voices in her head recognized them as well. They were the anti-depressants that her doctor had prescribed to her not long before she flew out to LA. They were supposed to make her feel better, supposed to stop the voices in her head, but Amelia hated the fact that she would have to take pills to be happy. That she would have to live the rest of her life relying on a stupid little happy pill. So she stopped taking them. But as she heard the rattling in her bag, the voices in her head got louder, telling her that she was worthless. That it was no wonder Beca didn't love her back- who could possibly love a girl as broken and as damaged as little ol' Amelia Levi? Nobody- that's who. Her hands flung to her head, digging at her scalp and pulling at her head as she mumbled "stop" over and over again. She couldn't take this anymore. The voices were getting louder and louder and she just wanted them to stop.
Her hands fumbled with the zipper of the bag and she dumped the contents on the bed, searching for the orange and white bottle that was supposed to be the epitome of her happiness. She had at least ten pills left in the container, and with little effort she managed to open it up. Her heart sunk as she looked in the bottle and realized what it was that she was about to do, but the voices in her head kept telling her to do it. That she had no other choice, there was no other way. Nobody wanted her there.
She didn't think about Zach. She didn't think about Jesse, about Stacie, about Chloe, all she thought about was Beca and how the girl that she trusted for so many years just flat out rejected her in such an asshole way. Her heart was throbbing in her chest as she grabbed the water bottle on her nightstand; the voices in her head at their loudest now. Her heart was telling her to stop but she couldn't listen to her heart this time. The last time she did, well, that was what got her in this position. As she brought the bottle to her lips and downed it all with a chug of the water, she sighed, realizing that this was the last few times that she'd ever take a few breaths. Shaking her head, she pushed everything off her bed, and climbed into it, getting comfortable under the covers.
"Where the hero rescues the world
And by the next page the boy gets the girl
This is a new chapter
Where do we begin?
Well the first line reads:
The story never ends."
The crowd was roaring as Beca finished the song, the sweat lining her brow line as she put the microphone down. She felt carefree, despite what she had told Amelia not too long before. She felt high as she looked out on the crowd, and it wasn't long before Ethan was bringing her her guitar and the lights were dimming as she started her next song, without even a second thought as to what could be waiting for her when she got back to the hotel.
Everyone seemed to be having a great time after the show. Beca hadn't thought about Amelia, because she was so caught up in Chloe talking on and on about that song and how she wanted them to sing it at their wedding. She felt like she was on cloud nine, especially because she never thought she'd get to this point with Chloe. Here they were, in the back seat of a cab, talking about the songs they were going to play at their wedding. It made her heart melt. She was so happy, nothing could bring her down from that.
As she walked into the hotel, hands linked with Chloe, she was met outside her door with a very, very upset Jesse trying to comfort his boyfriend who was crying on his shoulder. The two of them had left right after the show, choosing not to go out with them purely because they were worried about Amelia. Beca watched as he gently stepped away from him, then walked right up to Beca's face.
"Do you not know how to answer your damn phone?!" He asked, his voice raising. He saw her flinch, but he didn't acknowledge it. Chloe however, did.
"What the hell is your problem, Jesse?" She replied, her eyes wide and quickly filling with anger. Nobody yelled at her fiance in front of her and got away with it.
"Beca is my problem. I've been calling, texting, trying to get a hold of you! Do you know what you fucking did? Or were you too busy getting drunk off your ass to even care?!" He exclaimed, shouting in the hallway. A part of him was glad that since they were so high in the hotel that nobody else really got the other rooms.
"What are you even talking about?" Beca finally replied, starting to sober up a little. She wasn't sure what she did wrong. Everything seemed to be okay as far as she knew.
"I'm talking about Amelia! Did you not care that she ran out of that damned venue crying? Or that she was getting ready to up and leave? Or that you did something so fucking messed up that she.. She.." He paused, trying his hardest to control his anger. He wanted to hit something, but he wouldn't dare hit Beca. He clenched his fists and was about to hit the door of Beca's room until Zach came up behind him, placing a hand on his shoulder.
"Beca, Amelia's dead."
Chloe paled and looked over at Beca. "What's he talking about, Beca?"
Beca didn't answer. She swallowed, and tried her hardest to not believe what Zach was saying. But as she opened the door to her room and walked in, seeing her best friend lying in bed looking lifeless and pale, she knew that it was nothing but the truth. She was the cause of her best friend dying. And because of that, she felt her body slowly starting to shut down around her.
Songs used in this chapter:
(Amelia's Song) Forget the Sun - We Are Forever
(Ethan/Beca's Song) A Novel, Never Ending - We Are Forever