Leia moved quickly through the construction zone formally known as the Jedi Temple, busily reading reports from the contractors. Ever since the fall of the Empire and the beginning of the new Jedi Order, massive construction had begun on the Temple, slowly transforming it back to its former glory. It was slow, expensive work with little end in sight and currently, the princess had a budget to balance. It was difficult; she didn't want to cut any corners or lose any of the Temple's historic value, yet needed to keep the cost down. She was planning to meet with a few different contractors tomorrow, hoping one of them would provide her with a better price than what was currently presented.
Leia walked quickly into the make-shift office she had had set up on the site, housed in the old living quarters within the temple. Leia sat at her desk and continued to go over the numbers. More than once that day, she wished her brother Luke was here with her. Unfortunately, her brother and Han had been called off-world for some issue the former Imperial Navy was having about the transfer of command. It seemed one of the generals was attempting some kind of coup and had to be stopped swiftly. Besides, the two of them wouldn't be much help with this anyway. Leia laughed remembering her brothers reaction when she requested his aid in the balancing of the workers price, 'Oh no little sister; I can't do this. I'm from Tatooine, understand? With their school system, it's a miracle I can read, let alone calculate anything.' Hells, Han just laughed in her face when she asked him for help. Of course, that night he couldn't figure out at all why he had ended up on the couch…
Leia's ruminations were stopped very suddenly when a figure began to appear in front of her. Though startled, this was not exactly an uncommon occurrence with the walls of the temple. Ever since Luke had begun her training with the Force, she had begun seeing the apparitions of Jedi long pasted appear in and out of the ancient walls. Apparently, with the Force in perfect balance (she still had no idea what that was supposed to mean, despite the long lectures from her dear twin), the barrier between life and death was all but nonexistent for people one with the Light Side of the Force. More than one occasion, a Jedi has appeared to her, young and old, to grant wisdom, advice, or (as the case with the particularly outspoken Master Mace Windu) criticize her for any shortcomings in her effort.
Leia's focus shifted to the entity appearing before her. He was young, perhaps in his mid-twenties, and extremely handsome. He was tall, blond, and had vaguely familiar blue eyes. Adding to his height was his size; he had wide shoulders and powerful arms. His rather intimidating mass was counterbalanced by the worried look he held in his eyes and the way he chewed on his lip nervously. He fuddled with his hands absently as if he had no idea what to do with them. In all honesty, the man looked somewhat…afraid of her. No, that wasn't right, he wasn't afraid of her, more like he was afraid to speak to her. It was as if he felt he had no permission to stand in her presence and was terrified of being thrown out.
Leia immediately felt her heart go out to this man. He had to have been killed young, just going based on his appearance (most preferred to appear the age they died) and there was just something about him. Leia felt an immediate connection, as if she knew instantly that she could put her faith to him. It reminded her of the first time she met Luke, barging into her cell and proclaiming his intent on rescuing her.
The man's form came to full view and he seemed to mentally steady himself. He closed his eyes for a moment as if to summon his courage before speaking, "Leia, or well, Princess, I-I know, or rather assume really, that you do not wish to see me, yet I felt I had to come. I-I really should have come earlier, yet I must admit I was rather… distraught at the idea of facing you." Leia tried to interject that she had no idea what the apparition was speaking about, but he continued to rabble on, "I understand if you with me to leave, if my presence is upsetting you. I really do understand, however I knew I had to at least make an effort. This is not easy for either of us, I know, but still vital for us both."
The spirit stopped for breath and Leia began to speak, "I'm really sorry I-"
"I know all too well what anger can do to a person, and I know that the Jedi way of releasing it can be fairly difficult, especially for someone starting so late in training. Not to say I do not have faith in you Princess, but perhaps some of my knowledge can aid you further."
"Please Sir I-"
"Now, I know this will not be simple, but after much meditation and speaking with multiple, well, wise sources I have come to the conclusion that-"
"Excuse me!" Leia raised her voice high. She had honestly no idea who this was supposed to be and was getting very tired of his ramblings. She looked him straight in the eye, "Who are you?"
The man looked taken back for a moment and glanced down at his form. He seemed to realize then that he hadn't really introduced himself. He straightened his posture and met her gaze fully, his vice clear but laced with gentleness, "Leia, I am your father. I am Anakin Skywalker."
Leia jerked back as if stung. She fell back into her chair and pushed away to get as far from him as possible. The apparition, Anakin, raised his hands and spoke gently, "Leia, I know this is a shock but listen-"
"NO!" Leia screamed, "Get-get away from me! Stay away! NOW!"
Anakin stepped back and lowered his hands, a look of defeat appearing over his sharp features. He spoke quickly and concisely, fighting back tears at every word, "Princess, I understand your reaction. I do. And I deserve it. I deserve your hate, your anger, all of it. I come here not for me though. I came here to ask to speak with you, to present my apologies. It is not enough, and I know that. Nothing will ever be enough to make up for all I have done to you, let alone the entire galaxy." Leia stared at him in shock and horror, unable to find her voice over the loud beating of her heart. Anakin continued, "However, after much debate, meditation, and many talks with Luke I-"
"You speak to Luke?!" She cried, a feeling of betrayal crossing her heart.
Anakin seemed to curse himself for bringing that up, "Yes Princess, Luke and I speak often. Your brother… Your brother saved me you know. He-he pulled me away from the dark, after 20 long years. He is the reason I can even appear before you today. I have never understood how he can be so forgiving, but I accept it with gratitude none the less."
"But why didn't he…"
"Tell you? I imagine he didn't want to upset you, considering our history, or rather all the horrible things I did to you. I think he imagined you would see it as a betrayal, him speaking to someone you would still consider an enemy. Am I right in these assumptions?" Anakin raised a dark blond eyebrow at his daughter. All she could do in response was nod quietly. "Well, moreover, he knew I needed to speak to, especially considering your progression within the Force."
Leia glanced at him in confusion, "What do you mean?"
Anakin sighed audibly, "Princess, you are growing in power, yet you hold anger in your heart. Anger for others misdeeds… anger at me. While you are justified in your emotions, you need to be aware of the dangers."
Leia's eyes narrowed dangerously, "What 'dangers' are you implying?"
Anakin looked away for a moment, "Take it from someone whose temper problems were legendary, holding in your anger can be… detrimental."
At that moment, Leia saw red, "You dare-You dare compare me to YOU?! You think any anger I have would make me turn into a monster like you?!"
"Leia please-"
"Don't you dare call me that! You have no right! Get-get away from me, leave NOW!" Leia screamed at the top of her lungs. She slumped over in her chair and covered her ears, attempting to physically block Anakin from her mind.
Anakin looked down in quiet defeat, realizing that he would get no further with his daughter. "Then I bid you farewell Princess Leia. I hope you realize that I care very much about you and wish you to not repeat my mistakes. Believe it or not, there was a time when people would say I was justified in my anger. If you wish to speak to me, just call out in the Force, I will hear you." And with that, Anakin disappeared within the folds of the Force, leaving his tear stricken daughter to her own emotions.
Many light-years away, within the small quarters of the Millennium Falcon, Luke Skywalker sat in quiet meditation. He felt himself smiling when a familiar presence approaching him within the Force. Within moments, his father appeared in front of him. After the initial joy of seeing him dissipated, Luke noticed his father's defeated mood. "Father, what's wrong? Did you speak to Leia?"
Anakin's eyes revealed the answer before his words, "Yes my son, I did. It went as I expected."
"Come now father, it couldn't have been that bad."
"I am afraid it was, moreover you may be getting a call from her soon. I let it slip that we communicate. I'm sorry child, I did not mean to cause any discontent between you and your sister."
"Do not fear father, Leia and I will be fine, I am certain. And I am also certain that she will come around in time."
"Luke, I fear for her. Beneath that calm exterior lies great anger and hatred; hatred I know all too well. I know what suppressing your emotions can do to someone, and more than anything I want to spare her my fate."
"Be at peace Father, we will ensure that will never happen to her. Leia has so much love in her heart, once she forgives that love will encompass all." Luke smiled at Anakin, the love in his own heart shinning out.
Anakin smiled back at his boy, how he adored this child! He had hurt Luke so much, yet he had found the strength to forgive him, the strength to love him. The concept that Luke could have ever seen past the monstrosity that he was, see the light where others, including himself, could only see darkness was astonishing to Anakin. He had never known someone with such a big heart. No, that wasn't true, he knew one other person…
Luke, so attuned with his father, picked up where his thoughts had taken him and asked, "How is mother?"
Anakin grinned as he always did at her mention, "She is well, she sends her love."
"Please send her my love back."
"Always," Anakin ducked down to avoid meeting his son's eyes, "To be honest, I fear returning to her. She will know of my failure today, failure to address our daughter."
"She will be angry?"
"No, just disappointed I'm afraid. She will be understanding of course, she always is, but I know how much this meant to her."
Luke shook his head at that, "Oh Father, you act as if this was your only opportunity! Once the initial shock wears away, I am sure Leia will slowly warm up to you. Today may not have gone as well as we hoped- and I am convinced it did not go as badly as you are acting- but there is always tomorrow. Patience is the Jedi way, after all."
Anakin sighed audibly, "I am an eternal pessimist who fathered an unrelenting optimist."
"The Force works in mysterious ways."
Anakin laughed at that, "How true. For now my child, I must leave you. Spending so much time in this plain of existence has left me feeling drained."
"I understand Father. Please return soon, I could use your impute on the issues we are having with the transition within the Navy."
"Yes, I have been paying attention to the situation. I will return in the morning and we will discuss a way to 'motivate' the officers into complying." Luke raised an eyebrow at his father's word choice but before he could comment, Anakin was gone.