Hey everyone! ^^ This is the final JTS story of the Golden Heart Trilogy. If you thought the last story was crazy, you have yet to see anything. Also, checking out Hostile Rising for extra chapters I will post soon.

Jimmy Two-Shoes in

Misery's End

Chapter 1: Final Countdown Begins

More than a month has passed since the Nu Venom attack has happened in Miseryville that led to Drake's awakening and defeat. Jimmy and the others are living in peace… that is until a robotic force arrived to destroy Miseryville.

An alarm siren goes off and citizens of Miseryville are running away screaming from the upcoming invasion as the robotic force infiltrated into Miseryville.

An army of robotic soldiers with a skeleton look on them marches through the streets and there are squads of airborne drones flying above them.

The robotic drones speaking out, "Citizens of Miseryville… I am Kronos. I am the ultimate mind created from the combination of magic and technology. My power and control are endless. I will bring endless time of darkness for all of you."

Apple screams for her life, "We are doomed!"

Tori, Molotov's son, looks up and shouts; "No we are not! They are coming!"

Apple looks up and smiles, "Yay! Here they are!"

The people start cheering to see the heroes of Miseryville arriving to save them against the robot army. They are not ordinary heroes though since they are consisting of the group Jimmy Two-Shoes the Golden Savior, Beezy the Gluttonous Inheritor, Heloise the Little Devil, Saffi the Clobbering Cyclops, and Cerbee the Fastest Mammal. Together, they are the group of the most unlikely heroes lead by Jimmy whose heart brings them all together.

Jimmy, donning his red jacket with blue flames and his Arc Gear leads the fight by fly through the air. "Woo! Now this is fun! Aura Bullet!"

He fires a large energy projectile from his Arc Gear Sun Model, blasting through a squad of robotic drones.

Heloise in her red sleeveless dress, gloves, scarf, and blue crystal earrings; slashes through the robotic drones in her way with her beam saber. "It really is Jimmy! I hope your date was destroying this army because it is working!"

Heloise sees the robotic drones about to shoot her from behind, only for her to pull out her laser pistol and shoots them all down.

Beezy in his wrestling gear smashes through a squad of robot drones with his enhanced strength given by Jimmy. "Oh yeah! Who wants some?!"

Jimmy shouts, "Beezy! To your left!"

Beezy looks at his left to see more drones coming to him and shouts, "No problem! Stink Breath!" He fires a green gassy projectile from his mouth, rotting the drones to rust them.

Saffi, dressed in her emerald green short tank top which bares her midriff, black collar and wristbands with golden spikes, tight mini-skirt, and fishnet stockings; punches through robotic soldiers and kicks more behind her. She shouts, "Crush!"

A robot soldier attempts to slash her from behind, but Saffi bumps it away with her own big buns of steel. "Not this time!"

Beezy sees Saffi and he cheer her on while getting all lovey-dovey, "Yay Saffi!"

Cerbee, in his blue spike collar with blue spike pads to his legs, bashes through the robot soldiers with his enhanced speed given by Jimmy. "RAH!"

While Jimmy uses his Arc Gear to incinerate the soldiers around him, he chats with Heloise. "So Heloise, is there any more squads coming this way?"

Heloise scans the area and says, "There's more around here but Cerbee and Saffi already got it covered. I was hoping there would be more drones coming this way."

Jimmy replies, "Well, that's because Levon and the others were helping us taking on Beliando's remaining legacy. According to the others, Kronos is the last of them."

Heloise smiles, "Well, that's a relief. Our guys are getting stronger after all."

Jimmy asks her, "So Heloise… Any info about Kronos?"

Heloise replies, "He's an artificial intelligence created from a mix of magic and technology as an experiment by the Chronic Watchers. Apparently, he went rogue because of Beliando's programming so he's awaken in avenging him. He turned Kronos in his likeness."

Jimmy sighs, "Well, that guy is really a narcissist."

Heloise nods, "Agreed. Although he may have some info I like to really know about."

Jimmy tells her, "But Time Shadow told us to destroy him so he won't spread out into the network here."

Beezy laughs, "Hahaha! Man, I can't wait to tell Levon and the others the news about what Saffi and I were planning."

Saffi blurts it out, "We are getting married!"

Jimmy is surprised, "What?!"

Beezy complains, "Saffi!"

Saffi giggles, "I couldn't wait for it."

Heloise smirks, "Marrying already Beezy? That's so fast."

Beezy retorts, "Well I'm not letting Saffi go ever again, you hear me? Besides, we have more in common."

Saffi nods, "Yeah!"

Jimmy smiles, "Well, congrats you two."

Heloise smiles, "Yep. Just don't dump her like last time."

Beezy groans, "You guys really won't let that one go?"

Saffi replies with a smile, "Nope!"

Heloise is alarmed from an enemy detection, "Guys! The enemy is heading toward Misery Inc.! If that guy makes it to the control room, he'll hack into the computers and explode all the reactors to destroy Miseryville. It will be Armageddon here!"

BOOM! A wall that was acting as a barrier for Misery Inc. was torn down by a large mecha robot with glowing red eyes, being assisted by his 4 humanoid fighters.

Jimmy shouts, "There you are Kronos! Now your days are numbered!"

Kronos speaks from the large robot, "I wouldn't say about that Two-Shoes. This large mecha suit is designed to counter all your strengths and my Elite fighting droids are powerful enough individually to take on your other allies that required a team effort."

Heloise readies his stance, "If they can beat your dolls, then we can tear you to scrap!"

Jimmy shouts, "Yeah! That's how much we know we can beat you! Our friends are as strong as us."

Kronos shouts, "Enough! Destroy them!" He orders his four Elite fighters to fight against Jimmy and the others.

Jimmy shouts, "Go!"

The gang charges against Kronos' elite fighters and they all battle as they all trade blows and projectiles.

Beezy tries to push the Elite droid with his strength and he is succeeding… until the Elite kicks him in the groin.

Beezy screams in high pitch, "YOW! Man, that's dirty even for a robot." He collapses while holding his groin.

Saffi punches the Elite droid rapidly with her fists and it is working… until the Elite uses Sneak Step to get behind her and kicks her in the waist.

Saffi screams, "YOW!"

Cerbee dashes around the Elite droid he is fighting who is trying to blast him with his rays but Cerbee is too fast for it.

The Elite droid then creates a shockwave from its body, causing Cerbee to get stunned by the attack and gets blasted as a result.

Cerbee yelps, "YIPE!"

Heloise tries to blast the Elite droid she is fighting against with her pistols but she keeps missing due to the Elite's speed. She grunts, "Darn it! They are very fast and strong!"

BAM! Heloise gets struck in the back by one of the Elite droids, "GAH!"

Jimmy shouts, "Aura Bullet!" He fires the projectile at Kronos who deflects it with his arm much to his annoyance.

Kronos tells him, "My body is created to keep up with your power level, Two-Shoes. You and your friends haven't gotten stronger after the defeat of Beliando. I'm one step ahead of you." He fires energy blasts from his shoulders at Jimmy.

Jimmy dodges the attacks and the explosions with his speed. He then says, "That's where you are wrong Kronos! My friends haven't been rusty since the battle and they are getting strong as I believe they are."

Kronos scoffs at him, "Believe in them? How illogical. There is no such that power comes from."

Jimmy smiles, "No… it is a thing. Guys, come on!"

Kronos looks on and he is in shock, "What?!"

Beezy roars, "RAHH!" He gets up, overpowers the Elite droid, grabs and piledrives him with his special attack, "Wild Party Driver!"

This attack breaks the Elite droid's spine, defeating it.

The second Elite droid attempts to finish off Saffi with a laser beam attack and he fires it… only for Saffi to dodge it at the last second and advances toward it.

Saffi shouts, "Saffi… UPPER!"

POW! She uppercuts the second Elite droid so hard it is decapitated with its head off, defeating it!

Cerbee runs around the third Elite droid who attempted to blast him again… only this time, Cerbee uses his Drill Breaker attack to pierce through the third Elite, defeating it!

Heloise looks around to see if the remaining Elite Droid will strike her from anywhere and so she has an idea. She charges up her glove and shouts, "Shock Geyser!"

She pounds into the ground, creating a shockwave which stuns the Elite Droid who was about to strike in the back.

Heloise turns around and shouts, "Gotcha!"

SLASH! Heloise slashes the Elite Droid with her sabers, defeating it.

BOOM! All the four Elite Droids explode after being defeated by Jimmy's friends.

Kronos is angered by this outcome, "This shouldn't be… No matter, I already have a backup plan in case."

Heloise smirks, "Oh, we already know."

Kronos is alarmed, "What?!"

Jimmy smiles, "Levon and the others told us about your satellite where your real brain is located in. It's above us and ready to fire its cannon at the reactors just in case."

Kronos couldn't believe it, "Impossible…"

Jimmy tells him, "Give it up Kronos, we were warned ahead about what you were up to."

Kronos growls, "Grr… It's not the first time I dealt with an Arc Gear user but my body is already made to counter you."

Jimmy shouts, "Then try me!"

Kronos smiles evilly, "Very well, this method worked before!" He unleashes an electromagnetic pulse at Jimmy.

Jimmy then notices something is happening to his Arc Gear and he is shocked, "What the?!"

Kronos shouts, "This is my counter to your Arc Gear! Without it, you are not strong enough to defeat me or save this city!"

Jimmy tries to use his Arc Gear and it doesn't work much to his panic, "He's right!"

Heloise is dismayed, "Oh no…"

Beezy charges at Kronos, "Then you got us to deal with!"

Beezy tackles into Kronos but gets bounced off by his deflecting barrier and he screams, "NUTS!"

Saffi tries to strike Kronos from behind but she gets swiped away by him, "GAH!"

Kronos shouts, "Fools! I am still one step ahead of you! You all can't defeat me!" He fires multiple beams at the gang.

BOOM! Jimmy and co. gets caught in the explosions caused by Kronos' beams.

Kronos laughs evilly, "HAHAHAHA! I'm unstoppable! None of you can touch me! My body can't be cut or be dented! Not long the satellite will blow you all up." He then sees the gang get up which irks him.

Jimmy gets up and says, "You sure about that? I may not be much help with my Arc Gear but… my power is more than that."

Kronos tells him, "Please, you can't boost their strength anymore."

Heloise smirks, "Guess Beliando forgot to send you the data before he died. Jimmy, this guy is my type of enemy."

Jimmy nods, "Got it. Heloise, go crazy!" He fires his light at Heloise, transforming her into her Ultra form.

Kronos is surprised, "No way…"

Heloise becomes taller and curvier again in her Ultra form. She once again sports her red helmet with a golden heart, red scarf, shoulder pads, red and silver colored metal gloves, black tank top with a red heart chest plate that exposes her cleavage, form fitting red miniskirt, red and silver armor plates attached to her black belt, and thigh-high heeled steel boots.

Peep sees Heloise's transformation and wolf whistles.

Beezy scoffs, "Of course Jimmy's girlfriend gets to go Ultra."

Kronos is shocked, "This can't be… Beliando was defeated by this form? I can't comprehend this power… I can't see if your power has increased that much."

Heloise touts, "That is right. I defeated Beliando with this hot body! So leave immediately so I can go on with my date."

Kronos growls, "Don't you dare underestimate me!" He fires energy beams from his shoulders at Heloise.

Heloise activates her energy wings and she blocks the shoulder beams with them. She taunts him, "My turn!" She pulls out her laser scythe, Rote Leidende, and turns it into its gun mode before shooting Kronos.

Kronos blocks the bullets with his shield and shouts, "That won't work! My barriers can protect me!"

Heloise then appears in front of him very quickly much to his shock. She says, "That is true but if I do this..."

She punches into the barrier with her electrifying glove, creating an electromagnetic pulse that destroys the barriers.

Kronos is shocked, "What?! Impossible!"

Heloise points her blaster to his chest, "Yeah yeah, you keep screaming like a generic villain."

BAM! She blasts through his chest, destroying the EMP generator that was nullifying Jimmy's Arc Gear.

Jimmy feels his Arc Gear is now working much to his joy, "Alright! Thanks Heloise!"

Heloise is glad, "Welcome Jimmy! Well Kronos, guess you shouldn't have rush the development of your body. Had you given enough time, you might have an advantage."

Kronos growls angrily, "No… NO! I'll blast you all away! I'll make Miseryville becomes a nuclear wasteland! So long!" He activates the cannon from the satellite in space and it fires a large energy blast at the nuclear facility.

Saffi panics, "It's coming!"

Heloise turns her Rote Leidende back to scythe mode and she shows little concern, "Oh dear, Jimmy… can you hold it back now?"

Jimmy nods, "Got it." He charges his Arc Gear in preparation of his Millennium Flare Drive attack.

Lucius sees the laser beam coming and he panics, "No, anything but that!"

Jimmy gets in front of the attack and shouts, "Millennium Flare Drive!" He fires his own energy heat wave to counter Krono's desperate attack and successfully stalls it.

Kronos growls, "Damn it!"

Jimmy shouts, "It's over Kronos! I won't let you win!"

Kronos tries to attack Jimmy who is an open target, "Like hell you can! I can still outsmart you all! I am Kronos! I was born with the ultimate knowledge and I will-"

SLASH! His body gets sliced in half diagonally by Ultra Heloise's scythe and it starts to split apart. Kronos is in shock, "No… I couldn't sense her energy..."

Beezy cheers, "Yeah! Way to get him!"

Heloise then slashes Kronos horizontally, splitting his body apart in four pieces to send him falling into the ground.

Heloise tells him with a devious smile, "That's what happens when you turn your back on me while you get desperate and be distracted. Then again, that was all part of my plan. My scythe can cut through anything, even your body. Now, Jimmy can be the one who will lay the finishing blow on your plan! Do it Jimmy!"

Jimmy fires the attack in full power, "Now I can do it! Millennium Flare Drive: Solar Edition!"

Jimmy overpowers the satellite cannon with the extra power from the suns, finally hitting the satellite and incinerating it in space.

BOOM! The satellite explodes from the attack, preventing Kronos' plan to destroy Miseryville from happening.

The citizens cheer the victory by the heroes of Miseryville preventing another crisis once again.

Samy cheers, "Alright! They did it!"

Lucius responds, "Yeah… They did. But really, did they have to destroy the majority of my city AGAIN?!" He yells in rage.

Beezy comes up to Jimmy, "Jimmy! You did it!"

Jimmy is humbled, "Aw shucks guys, I still couldn't have done this without you all."

Saffi nods, "Mhm, we are friends."

Jimmy looks around, "So where's Heloise?"

At another street; the remains of Kronos lies on the ground, looking in disbelief as he is defeated, "Are you kidding me? I can't lose like this… Those brats!" He then sees Heloise, "No…"

Heloise walks up to him, "So… Before the Chronic Watchers take you out, I just need to know something from you."

Kronos glares at her, "What do you want?"

Heloise responds, "You are an AI created by them and corrupted by Beliando to his likeness. You emulated his ego which leads to your downfall. So then, you must know people within the organization."

Kronos sees her and answers begrudgingly, "Grr… Fine, I do know about them. I know their history and their tech. Beliando used me to record the history hidden away from public at the request of the Heinous family since Lucius Heinous I."

Heloise then tells him, "I see… Then tell me, do you know the identity of the current Time Shadow and also… my parents?"

Kronos responds defiantly, "What makes you think you can actually try to get info from me? Even if I do know, you can't handle it."

Heloise then says nonchalantly, "It's because I won't have to do this!" She shoves a USB drive into his head, absorbing the data from him which hurts him.

Kronos yells in pain, "GAH!"

Heloise takes it out and smiles coyly, "Thank you. I can wait to analyze this after my date with Jimmy."

Kronos grunts, "You think this is over? Even if you have info about what you want to hear, there are actually many dark truths that you will fall in despair in! However, I will you tell this… Beliando is not alone!"

Heloise is alarmed, "There is another… with Beliando."

Kronos answers, "Yes! And he has more to know about your parents than even I. I already forget his name but once you find out about him… you will experience real misery and you will not be alone to share that! HAHAHAHAHA!"

BAM! She shoots Kronos in the head with her Rote Leidende in gun mode, finally killing him.

Heloise breathes heavily as she left pondering about what Kronos just said, "What does he mean by that? That someone else would share my pain… But who?"

Jimmy shouts to her, "Heloise! We found you."

Heloise relaxes herself and runs to Jimmy happily, "Jimmy!" She hugs him tight. "I really did it! I took out Kronos!"

Jimmy blushes when he feels her breasts pressing her, "That's great Heloise! We saved Miseryville."

Heloise nods, "Yep! Now we can have our date. You can keep me in this form if you want." She blinks seductively at him.

Jimmy gets annoyed, "Heloise…"

Heloise giggles, "Oh fine. Change me back." She changes back to her normal petite curvy form. "Alright."

Beezy tells them, "Well if you excuse us, Saffi and I are about to head to that all you can eat buffet."

Saffi nods, "See you guys."

Jimmy waves at them, "Take care!"

Heloise holds his hand, "It's now you and me Jimmy."

Jimmy smiles at her, "Yep. No more troubles this time. We can now celebrate our peace here."

Heloise nods, "That is right." She then thought to herself, 'Not to mention finally get the answers I wanted.'

Hours later in the neighborhood, we see a familiar duo coming out of a house. A blue humanoid dragon in a leather jacket and blue jeans while the brown tall horned figure is in a black sleeveless shirt and blue jeans.

The dragon says to him, "Boy, the house remained unscathed here. Right Belphy?"

Belphy replies, "That is right Levon. I hope the girls love it here since Jimmy did a great job protecting the city while we were gone."

A female voice screams out happily, "I love it guys!" A humanoid lamb girl comes out of the house happily.

Belphy smiles, "You love it Candy?"

Candy nods, "I really do!" She hugs him and her tail wags in motion.

Belphy blushes, "Aww…"

Candy, a humanoid green-eyed lamb girl in a fluffy white sweater dress that shows off her thick smooth legs in black boots, is happy to be moving in Miseryville at last thanks to Levon and Belphy helping her.

Levon smiles, "Well, glad your girlfriend loves the place. No need to keep us in care Candy. We rented an apartment nearby so we could see you anytime."

Candy nods, "Thank you guys. But wait, what about Lotia?"

Levon goes inside to find her, "I'll look for her."

Levon comes upstairs to find Lotia in the hallway, "Lotia?"

Lotia is a human girl at Levon's height with devil wings. She wears a large sweater that hung over her shoulders, a short skirt, stripped stockings and white shoes with red tips, and her long brown hair down in a loose ponytail.

She replies, "I'm here Levon. I like it here." She walks up to him.

Levon smiles, "I'm glad you do. I told Candy that Belphy and I will be living in our apartment. Lotia, you'll stay here as she will give you company."

Lotia complains, "Why Levon? I want to stay with you."

Levon tells her, "Her new home is nicer than ours. Not to worry, it's two blocks from here so we will see you again."

Lotia smiles, "Great… Levon, we had great adventures which helped made me remember much about me."

Levon nods, "That is right. Our adventures when you went from a girl who can't remember to being one who's strong at will. Of course not some may get it but perhaps they should go back to checking out our last story because there may be some new extra material." He winks to the audience.

Lotia nods in agreement, "You are right Levon. Thank you." She hugs him, pressing her breasts against him.

Levon blushes, "A-Anytime darling… The guys won't believe who we brought with us here!"

A white cat sees both Lotia and Levon having a moment together. The cat says in a young boy's voice with a smirk, "Get a room you two."

Levon talks back, "Oh shut it, Angel. You are lucky that you are with us. Not to mention you might make a new friend here."

In an unknown dimension at an icy crystal castle, a hooded soldier enters into the throne room and he answers to his superior.

Soldier says to his superior, "Emperor, your knights have already mastered their own powers since they have been awake from their slumber. The invasion is about to come in full preparation."

The emperor sits on his throne with his appearance hiding his face, "Good… That's what I truly want. I am allowing them to take their time to master their gifted abilities. It is working now that the day is coming."

One silver-haired man wearing a black crow mask along a black robe comes to him and says, "That is correct, Your Majesty. The Heinous Empire will be no more because it is time we take back what was truly ours."

The emperor replies, "Agreed Azry. The Order of the Blackheart will rise to the world. I can feel the day coming… and so does that man. He's been waiting a long time to come out of his own long rest. It's been 13,000 years already, you better be prepared… Lucius Heinous I!"

To be continued…

What does he know about the worst tyrant in history and who are these guys?! Don't miss the next chapter.