I do not own the avengers

The place where the jet had landed would be enough to turn anyone's eye on a normal day. They were on what looked like a military boat with a runway in the middle, however instead of water around them, all that could be seen was clouds. They were hovering in the middle of the sky. But instead of gazing around in wonder, Ella was staring straight at the two dozen guns pointing at her. In the centre, a tall opposing man stood. The eye patch over his eye should probably look funny, but on such a man as this, it just made him look threatening.

"Natasha Romanoff." He called angrily, "When you told me about this Barton girl, you didn't say it was her."
"Who?" Bruce asked blankly
"The person solely responsible for the some of the most secret assassinations in the last few years." Ella didn't say anything. There was nothing she could say to excuse his words. They were nothing but the truth. She didn't dare look at anyone. Not at her new found friend in Natasha and certainly not at her brother. She couldn't bare to see the disappointment in his face as he realised what his sister had become. He would disown her, he probably would wish he never had found her and in all honestly, perhaps that was just what she deserved

"It wasn't her fault" Natasha called fiercely from behind her, "you know it wasn't."
"She still did it." Fury retorted back. There was no word from Clint. "And so Ella Barton. I'm afraid I have to take you into custody. Your compliance will be appreciated." But Ella was lost. Lost, and more scared that she had been in a long time. It's okay if the bad guys took capture of her, but if the good guys were going to do the same then didn't that make her bad. I guess she already knew she was bad but even so, the bad guys don't want her and the good certainly don't. She was caught in the middle, not belonging and with no purpose anymore. She was nobody.
"No," a voice called out from behind her, though who it was she didn't know. The armed men crowded around her, dragging her away viciously. Should she fight? It was obvious to her that she could certainly overwhelm these men if she wanted to and yet she had done a crime. It she ran she would be leaving Clint. But did it matter? Clint wouldn't want her – not anymore. Desperately, she looked over her shoulder at Natasha, her heart rate fast and furious.
"Go with them," Natasha shouted, "I'll sort it out." Then, Ella glanced over at Clint.

The man in question was looking vacantly in front of him, his face expressionless. When she was younger, she could always read what he was feeling: they both could. But he just wasn't giving anything away. No emotions, no thoughts: he was not showing disappointment nor anger – nothing. He was just staring as the agents pulled Ella away from him. Steve, Tony and Bruce were all arguing with Fury, but not Clint… not the one person who mattered. And it hurt more than anything.

It had been hours. Ella had lost track of the time, all she knew was that she was bored: bored and cold. The agents had dragged her into a small room. All that was there was a table, and two chairs with and a one way mirror stretched across one side. There was nothing to do. Nothing that could occupy her mind and take her thoughts away from Clint's stare. She had just found her brother, and it looks as though he was being taken away before they had even met properly. Her bird laid dangling around her neck once more, a constant reminder of what she had now lost.

There are too many things that reminded her of her brother in the world so when she was in the facility, she tried to cut them out as much as possible. She would never light a fire for fear it would catch everything alight like that night when she was taken. She would never play games or have fun. It just made her think too much. But here, in the cold isolated room, all these memories came flooding back to her in a whirlwind. She would never have willingly followed the Shadowless' orders, but at the time she felt she had no choice. All her memories of the past have now been plagued by one harsh fact, she wasn't strong enough to take a stance and fight back. She didn't deserve the brother she had nor the times they shared.

Her bow, and her bird were the only link to him that she kept close. They were her protectors in a way but even the link they had now meant nothing. Her bow laid of the floor on a building of her enemy and she would never see it again. Her brother would no longer want to protect her. Ella had never felt more alone.

Finally, after a time that felt like forever, the door opened: it was the eye-patch man again. He flung himself into the seat opposite Ella and with his one good eye, stared directly at her.
"Agent Romanoff tells me you're not a bad person. She insists it, in fact." There was along pregnant pause as Ella waited to find out her fate.
"She is wrong. I've done an awful lot of bad things. I regret it." Ella admitted quietly staring blankly at the floor. Fury didn't argue at her, just continued to gaze at her, as though trying to judge her. Then he stood up without warning, drawing Ella's eyes towards him.
"Romanoff told me the exact same thing once, and now she is our best agent." He paused again, considering and waiting, "The way I see it, you have 3 options Miss Barton. The first is that you remain in our custody your whole life. The second, you are still kept in Shield custody until you are 21, at which point we will set you up in a normal life with a new identity. However your memories up until that point will be erased from existence. The third, you become an Agent of Shield."

Ella paused for a second, debating what to do. The first was unimaginable, the second was harsh and the third… she guessed there really was only one option in the first place. Even if Clint doesn't want to be her brother anymore, at least she could repay the world for all her wrongdoings.
"I'll take the third." Ella said confidently.
"Welcome to Shield, Agent Barton." Fury replied at last.