A/N: Alright, my next fic. This one's based on Hyrule Warriors, if you didn't read the description. I'm writing this one first because I've been playing this game so much lately. It is so much fun, but without an experienced friend, I'm finding it very tough as well. I only need 9 weapons in order to be able to start working on unlocking the Master Sword's skill and they are all level 3 weapons: the Great Fairy, Baton, Summoning Gate, and the level 3 for Fi, Agitha, Ruto, Darunia, Midna, and Zant. I want the Master Sword fully unlocked before I really start delving into the DLC Adventure Mode maps. Agh, I'm getting off topic. This has potential to be my longest fic yet, and I may upload one-shots alongside this one. This fic has no set schedule, so it may be sporadic in updates. Reviews will help motivate me, you know… Let's get started!

Link sat down by the fire, exhausted. The battle in the desert that day had taken its toll, but they had new hope now. Zant and Girahim were dead and without them, Ganondorf had lost his best commanders. After all, Volga had disappeared after the battle in the Valley of Souls and Zelda had taken great satisfaction in destroying Wizzro in the previous fight. They may just have a chance in defeating Ganondorf and retaking the Triforce after all. Currently, they were camped out in the Faron Woods, as Ganondorf's corruption had not spread there yet. They would storm the castle the next day. The others were already gathered around, warming themselves. Zelda looked up and smiled.

"Link, there you are. Is the camp secure?"
Proxi piped up. "Affirmative, Your Highness. The rest of the soldiers are making sure everything is set up, sentries are looking out, and we already have tacticians planning out a strategy."

"Good, good. Listen, everyone, I have an idea on what we can do tonight."

"And what's that?" asked Midna. The Twili imp was currently reclining on one of her wolf constructs with an interested look spread across her face. For once, she had removed the Fused Shadow, though it lay within her hair's grasp.

"I think tonight, we should tell stories. Specifically, more lighthearted ones from each of our lives. Ones that the others have not heard would be preferred." The princess stated her idea, to the interest of the others.

"I'm not objecting, but I would like to know… why?" Darunia asked as he leaned forward, a curious smile growing across his face.

"A few reasons. First, anything to help morale right now. A little lightheartedness can work wonders. Second, knowing more about one another will help us work together better as a unit. And lastly… if we don't survive tomorrow's battle, then at least we can say we had one last laugh beforehand."

"That actually sounds like a really good idea." To everyone's surprise, this came from Link and not Proxi. None of them had actually heard Link say anything other than grunts and yells. Since it wasn't being strained by yelling, his voice was somewhat deep, about what one would expect for someone his age. Link noticed the surprised looks he was getting and shrugged. "What's with all the weird looks? I had to open my mouth sometime."

"Wow. Take a look, everyone. The first Hero to actually speak up during an adventure." Midna snarked, now lying on her belly. This got a laugh from around the fire, even from Link.

"Alright then, why don't we begin? Who wants to go first?" Zelda asked. Link's hand went up, but Lana and Darunia's hands went up at the exact same time. Zelda turned to Impa and giggled as the three set about playing rock, paper, scissors in order to see who got to go first.

"This is actually a good idea, Princess, for all the reasons you mentioned" Impa whispered to her charge.

"Thanks, Impa" Zelda said, smiling at her guardian and mother figure. "Just, when it's your turn, please try and stay away from baby stories about me. Please?" she asked, giving her guardian her most innocent smile to try and convince her.

Impa just chuckled. "I'll try, but I make no promises."

"I win!"

Link pumped a fist in victory as Lana flopped back and Darunia pounded his fist in frustration. Friendly smiles soon returned to their faces as they retook their spots.

"Alright. I've never told a story before, so forgive me if I'm not very good at this. But I've got a good one from right around when I joined the army, about a month before Cia's attack."

Everyone leaned forward and opened their ears as Link began.

A/N: Hopefully this is a good start and a good premise. This one will be structured as each character telling a story, with commentary from the others. Yes, this means Link talks. Don't worry, his personality will be nothing like the cartoon. The end of each chapter will set up the next story. There will be a story from most of the heroes, although some may not have full stories to tell, in which case those will be at the end of a chapter. So in total, that's Link, Impa, Lana, Darunia, Zelda, Ruto, Midna, Agitha, and Fi, who all have to tell something. I have my work cut out for me. I hope you enjoy the rest of these Hylian Campfire Stories! Review, favorite, and follow, it gives me motivation to write more!