Logan was sat at the bar, deep in thought. He was turning things over in his head. He'd been going from place to place, cage fighting to get by and to try and pick up on any clues to his past that he could find. He then stumbles across a half-frozen, half-dead girl who he's temporarily took in. She's ended up helping him learn about his past and he's helping her by giving her a lift and teaching her how to cage fight. He hadn't admitted this to her but he doubted she'd ever be able to learn how to fight and win some cage matches. She is gonna get herself killed. He couldn't really help her learn how to do any other job because cage fighting was all he knew how to do. Or, at least, all he remembered he could do.

He took another drink.

There was nothing he could really do to help her, but he wasn't going to look after her forever. As seen, he had a lot of bad, dangerous people after him and he didn't want to involve her. Plus, he was gonna out live her and he didn't want to stick around to watch her die.

Maybe he could leave her with some money. He didn't know. He had another idea for her that was a bit more extreme.

He finished his drink.


Rogue was sweating. She couldn't figure out what to do with sabretooth in her head. She'd been trying to fight him.

Logan walked in to see her struggling. He walked over and placed a hand on Rogue's head, using her hair as a shield. She was burning up. He got her a wet towel for her head. It seemed to help calm her, but she was still struggling.

Logan was wondering if he should touch her. Maybe some of his healing abilities would help. Although, none of her injuries where physical. It was a just feelings. He pulled up a chair next to Rogue's bed and tapped her on the head.

Logan sat back and slept on the chair after touching Rogue.

In Rogue's mind, at first, it was really hard to deal with all the voices in her head. Herself, Logan, Codie and the other men she'd touched. Codie had faded to the back of her mind with ease. The other men who wanted to rape her didn't, and she had to fight them. They were nothing compared to fighting Logan for control, though. When Logan calmed down and began to settle in her mind, she found his psychic became more helpful than troublesome. The psyche of Logan began to tackle Sabretooth in her mind. At first, he seemed weaker than when she'd first touched him and Sabretooth was over powering him. But, feeling a newer presence in her head, Logan seemed to strengthen and so did his grip on Sabretooth.

'Lock him away now Rogue!' Logan snapped at her.

It took her a moment to response, but she imagined a cage forming around them both. Metal prison bars surrounded them. She didn't want to see or hear Sabretooth at all though so she imagined the prison bars spreading and making a block cube around them both. It was almost silent in her head now and it was so much more relaxing.

She felt a hand on her shoulder. She turned around to see Logan looking down into her eyes. Panic flooded her. 'How did you get out? Has he?'

'Relex, he's in there. I just managed to slip out before you finished lockin us both in. Do you want me in a cage?' Logan asked, looking bitter at the last question.

Rogue stood, thinking for a moment. This psyhice had been in her head for a while and he'd hardly said a word. It was… almost comforting.

Rogue shuck her head. 'No.'

Logan seemed satisfied with this. Then everything started to fade away.

Rogue fell asleep after the fight in her head. She was exhausted.


Logan woke up first. He saw that Rogue had stopped sweating and was breathing evenly. He felt rough. It was really peaceful watching Rogue sleep. It was kind of refreshing as well waking up without the nightmares. Rogue's powers really put him out of it. He could have got used to sleeping without being woken up by those nightmares. But then he'd need Rogue to keep touching him and he was sure he'd just be putting his nightmares into her head and she'd start waking from them instead. He couldn't do that to her. He wasn't sure why, but he just couldn't. He wouldn't wish them o his worst enemy, let alone a girl he was startin to come around to.

Logan reached out and felt the cloth on Rogue's head. It was warm now and dried up a bit. Logan took it off her head and dampened it again. When he came to put it back on her head, he could see her waking up. She wasn't waking up from a nightmare, but she did look very zoned out.

"What time is it?" Rogue asked, noticing how dark it was in the room.

"Four in the morning" Logan replied. "You've been out of it since you touched Sabretooth yesterday."

"Oh." Rogue said. She began looking around again and seeing that she was in a little looking hotel. "Why are we in a hotel?" Rogue asked.

Logan rolled his eyes. He took a seat next to Rogue again. Rogue sat up, holding her head as she felt the room spin. Her head felt heavy.

"So, you gonna tell me now what you've learnt about Sabretooth?" Logan asked.

Rogue stilled, then sighed. She guessed she should have expected Logan to be more interested in getting the answers he wanted than her. But she couldn't help but question that dream-of-sorts where Logan entered her mind and helped her contain Sabretooth.

Rogue's head was a mess at the moment, but she did remember what Sabretooth's memories were. And she began to tell these to Logan.

"His mind is just as messed up as yours. His real name, well, the name he knows, is Victor Creed. He has similar abilities to you. Sharp claws. Healing abilities. A kind of wildness to him." Logan snorted at this. "There's a few flashes of him as a child locked up and being beaten then he's standing over his papa's dead body. He killed him. He had a brother and sister that he went on the run with after that. They started workin' for a circus and tracked you down for it… They caged you for a while and put you on show like…"

"An animal?" Logan finished for her.

Rogue nodded her head. "You got close to his sister and you two fell in love. They soon helped you escape and you went on the run with them, but then, something happened. You and his sister were captured and experimented on. Sabretooth's brother had grassed you up to someone named Sinister. Sinister ended up killing Victor's sister. You found out that it was Victor's brother who had betrayed both you and Clara so you killed him. Sabretooth found out and he started huntin' you down. He found you and you had moved on with another woman… He killed her out of revenge. That's all he knows about you… He had his head messed up. Sometimes he remembers his revenge against you by killing the woman you were with, Silver Fox. Sometimes he doesn't… He's hunting you down 'cause he still has these strong feelings of hurt and revenge against you."

Logan looked away from her and rubbed his nose. He stood up and left the room. Two other people he had apparently loved who had been taken away from him. And since Sabretooth had a healing factor like his, who knew how many more people he'd lost.

Rogue felt sad as Logan felt.