She covered her eyes at the bright light. It shone through the darkness so suddenly. She shuttered. The rays broke through the grate above, voices whispering above her. She couldn't make out their words, couldn't quite understand what was being said, all she knew was that they were opening the grate and coming down.

She sought haven on the opposite side from the ladder. The light broke up the darkness, shadows she hadn't seen before creeping in around her. The flare had died weeks ago. Her eyes had adjusted the best they could, but the darkness was just that; an immovable force with winged beasts trying to eat her flesh.

"Well well well..." The voice that called out to her was unknown. His thick heavy tone broke up the silence she had gotten used to. He sounded like he had swallowed a bag of gravel, pieces stuck in his vocal cords. The light that he held in his hand shone bright around him as he brought it up to show his face. He had a decent beard and thick curls, his grin massive. "Right where they left you."

"Can't get nothing past you."

"Do you know who I am missy?" He stepped around the edge of the closed gate that served as a floor; she circled the pit at the same rate. He treaded into the leftover bones of the dead baby creatures, looking down momentarily before looking back up; his grin even larger.

"I'm afraid not."

"I know who you are. Fiona."

Her name sounded strange in his mouth. She hadn't heard anyone but Riddick say her name in a long time now, so hearing it again after weeks of no contact weirded her out.

"What's in a name?"

"A lot when it's yours sweetheart. They all think you're dead." He chuckled, taking another few steps around. Fiona kept her distance, running her hand on the edge of the brick core wall, eyes bouncing to the ladder that was getting closer. She was reminded of all the people who had died not too long ago, all the children, all the bodies. "The way I see it, you're mine to do what I want with."

"I'm not for sale."

"I'm not in the business of buying my new toys."

They dropped down from above without warning. She would have stood a chance, maybe, if it had just been the man across from her, but the others stormed her too quickly. They grabbed, slammed, and beat her to the ground, using rope to wrap up her arms and legs. She spit and cursed, clawed and kicked, but in the end she was wrapped up and laying on the ground, glaring up at the bearded man who was crouched beside her. She wished the babies would come back, she wished they would snatch at them through the grate. Maybe then her captor's would be afraid, maybe they would run away. She wanted to be left alone.

"Names Tombs sweet cheeks."

They lifted her up out of the pit and into a trail of light. It wasn't long before she was being slammed into a passenger seat inside their skiff. The crew, only four, crawled in quickly behind, pulling themselves up over the edge and watching the blanketed darkness. The screams of torture, creatures destroying creatures, sang out like a sick melody through the night.

She had become used to it by now.

"Where we heading?" She watched Tombs as he programmed in a destination, pushing it off quickly so she couldn't catch the name of the planet. The lights flooded the darkness around them and they were lifting up in the air in no time. Fiona didn't think that this would be the way she would be leaving the planet but the way in which she left was unimportant. What was was that she was finally out.

"Just a little trade planet. Nothing too special. Got to unload some cargo." He swiveled in his chair and climbed to his feet, someone else taking his position in the captain chair, watching over the switch panel. He sauntered over to her, eyes gleaming, a giant grin on his face, hands on his hips. "You're gonna pay off nicely."

"But you just bought me, having second thoughts already?"

"Oh you just wait girl. Your world was difficult before, just wait and see how difficult it becomes when you've gone and died."