Disclaimer: I do not own Predators or the characters in this story, unless I make an OC at a later time. The characters in Ooman belong to blacktalon117, I have adopted Ooman with permission.
A/N: Alright, here's what I got. It might be a bit short, but I wanted to get it out there for you. Thank you for sticking with this story, I believe you've definitely waited long enough for this chapter.
Nova walked down the hallway to Little Knife's living quarters. She hadn't seen A'nu or his mother since she'd dropped him off at home after visiting the observatory. Ti'kon and Guan were busy, Nova didn't know what her father was doing exactly. They had the day off from training because their teacher, the infamous Twei'duh had been injured in a challenge.
A big, equally brawny female yautja had approached her during meal time and challenged Twei'duh to a fight similar to the challenge that nearly cost Nova her ear. Also over a male, of all things. Reportedly, the female wanted the male Twei'duh had chosen to mate with during her next heat. Only in this fight, the challenger died, but not before she managed to injure Twei'duh.
Twei'duh reluctantly allowed Guan and Nova to take the day off training, since there were no other teachers with openings to train them for the time it would take her to recover.
Nova, for one, was happy with the break. She looked fabulous, felt amazing, and wanted to socialize with her favorite niece. She did their special knock, a piece of a jingle from Earth that she'd taught her. Three single knocks four double knocks and two raps with both hands.
Little Knife opened the door with a Yautja version of a smile, spread mandibles. "Come in, Aunt. A'nu will be so happy that you have come."
"How has his training been coming along?" Nova asked, truly curious. The last time she'd seen him, he'd done very well in her opinion. However, she was not a Yautja, nor was she his mother. Little Knife's opinion was the only one that counted until he was old enough for the training Nova received.
"He has excelled, it will be a welcome treat for his Aunt to watch him today." Little Knife replied as they walked toward the living room.
A'nu sat in the middle of the floor playing with something she couldn't quite make out. His little hands aggressively smashing whatever they were together, twisting his hands every now and then. It actually reminded her a lot of how human boys would play with dinosaurs or cars on Earth, the similarity made her pause.
Little Knife frowned, as well as a mandibled mouth could that is, at her son. "A'nu. What are you doing with your toys?"
A'nu froze in mid strike at his mother's sharp tone. He turned his head, his big yellow eyes looking up at his mother. "A'nu playing. A'nu make them fight."
"A'nu, are you supposed to be playing thoroughly with your toys?" She questioned, pinning him with a stern stare.
He hung his little head. "No."
Aw, damn, but the little guy is adorable even when he gets in trouble. Nova sighed in her mind, she clenched her hands and forced herself to stay put even though part of her wanted to hug the child.
"The next time I see you disrespect the toys your father gifts you with, you will give them to another child. Is that understood?" Little Knife stared the child down, firm and unmoved.
"Good, now say hello to your Aunt."
Suddenly, A'nu perked up, his entire body language shifting to excitement. His head jerked in Nova's direction and he heaved himself up so the rest of him followed soon after. She had her arms full of warm, happy child in an instant and hugged him to her.
"Hello, A'nu, I missed you." She greeted with a large smile.
A'nu trilled happily in response.
"I hear you've done very well with your training. Can I see?" She asked, glancing at Little Knife to check that it was alright. She needn't have worried, his mother gave her approval with a single nod.
Nova could only watch in amazement as A'nu reached a treat three feet from the centre of the room. He also showed improvement in the water, wading in water three times his height to retrieve the piece of fruit in the middle and returning effortlessly. He even went as far as to do five laps around the pool!
Holy shit, what has Little Knife been feeding him?! Some kind of super serum or dosed up fruit? She thought, struggling to wrap her mind around it.
"He is showing off for you." Little Knife had said once A'nu had begun the laps.
She clapped, thoroughly impressed. "That was wonderful, A'nu! You did so well!"
A'nu trilled, ecstatic that she was so proud of him.
Shortly after, Little Knife lay him down for his daily rest.
Nova sat at the table in the kitchen, sipping a cup of some sort of beverage. It was delicious! Not too sweet, but not too bitter, either. The perfect fruity taste without the unnecessary, teeth rotting sweetness.
"What have you been doing with yourself, Aunt? We hardly saw you as is, but now you've grown more scarce." Little Knife commented as she sat across from me.
"Twei'duh has graciously agreed to train my father and I. We have been kept quite busy with her regimen, I've only got time now because of her injury." Nova confessed, taking another sip of the addictive drink.
"I hope she recovers well."
"So do I. Although, between us, I am enjoying the free day."
"Aunt, have you ever thought about it?"
"Thought about what?"
"Having children of your own some day."
Nova choked on her tongue, sputtering and coughing at the suddennes as well as the baldness of the question.
"I apologize, Aunt, I should not have asked such a personal question." Little Knife murmured quietly.
"No, no. I just really haven't thought about it recently, to be honest. Ti'kon would make an amazing father, for sure! But, I have training and the hard-meat hunt to worry about, so I kind of left it for chance. If I survive and I become pregnant, alright. If not, that's alright as well. These things happen when they are meant to happen." Nova explained, shrugging.
"You would make a wonderful mother." The soft voice broke through the quiet of the room.
Warmth flooded Nova' s chest. That was one of the sweetest things anyone had ever said to her, it meant a lot. More than the yautja knew. "Thank you, Little Knife."
The rest of the visit was fun and full of happy laughter. The human mate of Ti'kon felt light and loved by her yautja family. Children were a distant possibility, but for now, this was more than enough.