Teenage Dirtbag, Conclusion

Part 4 – End & Start Again

Song by Syd Matters

Chloe Price wanted to think of this place as home so badly, but she knew that it wasn't hers. Stepping through the threshold of Max's home, the Caulfield residence, Chloe felt both comfortable and alien as the idea of her returning home tomorrow hit her in full force. Not as shaky at the thought as she had been since coming to Seattle in Max's ride, Chloe had come to accept that this weekend had to end. Ending will only make it more important, Chloe thought to herself as she helped Max lay out the food from The Skylark, This…this is nice. Just you and me, Max. Stupid? A bit. I just totally want you to myself tonight. Like when we were kids and sleep over at each other's houses.

"Hey, Space Case, you in there?" Max asked, grinning as Chloe stared off with her mouth hung open a little.

"Uh,what? Yeah, little fucker, I'm here," Chloe shook her head to clear her mind, "Beverage?"

"Just water for me," Max said as Chloe headed to the kitchen, "Help yourself to whatever. Except the wine – Mom's hardcore on that. She'd kill me if it was opened."

"Don't feel like sour grapes anyway," Chloe mused while opening the fridge, "Water, you said? 'Kay. Hmm…decisions, decisions…"

"I'm serious, Che. No. Wine. Please don't get me in trouble. It'll be coming as it is, so I don't need more." That last statement piqued Chloe's interest.

"What'll you be in trouble for?"

"This unsanctioned visit from you, dork."


"…You're not exactly on my mom's 'favorites list', Chloe. Therapy? Medication? Remember?"

"Oh." Chloe's voice went silent as she stood with the refrigerator door open. So excited in getting to come up to Seattle, getting to be with Max, Chloe hadn't even thought of what Max would be dealing with after returning her to Arcadia Bay. Mischievous Max Caulfield. Mischief Max? Max Mischief? "My bad…'Maximum Mischief'. Heh."

Chloe watched Max turn around in the couch to look at her over the cushioned backrest with an amused look on the brunette's face.

"Really? Hmm…," Max looked away pensively before smiling, "I kinda like that one, actually."

"Shit, can't use it then." Chloe pulled a couple hard ciders out from the bottom shelf. "Max, if you'd get in trouble for the wine…what are you going to do about all the booze we've drank?"

"Suffer, no doubt. The wine is pricey, so my mom is ridiculously over-protective."


"Chloe. I'm serious. Don't."

"Chillax, Max. I'm not touching Mama Caulfield's lady hooch." Chloe hopped over the couch's back and landed next to Max with cold bottles of cider in hand. "Scarf time?"

"Om nom nom."

"Dude, you seriously need to step away from the internet. Shit's rotting your brain."

"I saw your truck, Chloe. It's covered in meme stickers. For cereal, you need to lay off the intertubes."

The food still relatively fresh, Chloe poured a generous spread of ketchup on top of her fries as she munched on a crispy chicken tender. I forgot how spicy these were. Agh! Dropping the food back onto her plate, Chloe fumbled at one of her cider bottles with greasy fingers. Open, you stupid bottle! Chloe thought as the spices began to make her eyes water. Hearing a chuckle, Chloe looked over to see Max eating her own chicken with a pointed laziness. Oh, fuck you Maxine Caulfield. This shit's hella spicy! Fucking help! Acting as if she had read Chloe's mind, the bluenette let out a stifled sigh as Max reached over and popped the cider's cap off.

"Need me to bottle-feed you too, Chlo-Chlo?"

"…grahhh…shuf fup," Chloe said between chugs of her alcohol. Trying to cool my mouth by chugging booze might not be the best idea… "You juf wanted meh to sthuffer, Maz."

Chloe glared as Max mimicked the way she'd been speaking between giggles. Chloe tried not to laugh as well, but began to snicker as Max began to get red in the face from her giggles escalating to full-blown hysterical laughs. Joining Max in the round of laughter, Chloe felt her eyes water again as she struggled to catch her breath from the laughter and the spicy food.

"You…You fucking jerk," Chloe said as she pushed Max, the brunette falling onto her side as she held her ribs from the laughter beginning to hurt her sides. Chloe thought that it was normal at first, "That's right. Laugh it up, you…Max?!"

Max was having trouble breathing, the red in her face darkening as her eyes began to water as they frantically stared at Chloe. Chloe was on the verge of freaking out, Max grabbing at her sides as she tried desperately to catch her breath. Oh fuck, she's having an attack or hyperventilating or something! Wh-What do I do? What do I do, Max?! Pulling Max's arms from her sides, Chloe turned the girl over so that she was lying on her side. Lying behind Max as she spooned the wheezing brunette, Chloe forced her tone to be one of reassuring calm as she rubbed at Max's back.

"Hey, Max. You need to calm down, sweetie. Shhh, shhh, just ease up. Okay? Can you do that for me? Pretty please. C'mon. Just ease on up, dude. That's it…that's it…come on down, Max," Chloe's tone was soft as she felt her own chest pounding as Max's breathing began to calm down. Jesus fuck, Max. Just…fuck, dude. Rubbing at Max's back until her friend's body went slack from the easing up of tension, Chloe wrapped her arms around Max's waist. Feeling Max's shaking hands hold her own, Chloe leaned her head into the back of Max's shoulder as she took deep breaths of her own. "You feeling better?"

"…Yeah…Sorry, Che," Max said, her face still a little red, though Chloe couldn't decide if it was from the exhaustion the hyperventilation had brought on or blushing from someone witnessing Max's attack.

"Don't apologize, sweetie. Just…just breathe, okay? You want me to get your water? You feel up for something to drink?" Chloe asked, not able to see the look of surprise in Max's voice at how tender the bluenette was acting or how the surprise gave way to contentment.

"I can get it," Max replied only to be pushed back onto her side as Chloe held her down with one hand while grabbing the glass of water with her other.

Running back into the kitchen, Chloe went through the drawers and cabinets until she found some leftover straws from trips to fast-food places the Caulfields had made. Ripping the straw out, Chloe dropped it into the glass as she walked hurriedly back over to the couch and a weary Max. Kneeling on the carpeted floor in front of Max, Chloe held the glass as she bent the straw toward the brunette's lips.

"Drink up, yo." Trying to lighten the mood, Chloe flashed Max a brilliant smile and saw Max's face redden even harder. "Are you about to have another attack? Hang on-"

"No. Not another attack. Can you…c-can you tilt the straw a bit more?" Max asked, her voice meek as she took the straw leaned toward her. Taking small sips, Max took a breath between each drink as she continued to calm down until her face was only slightly flushed. "T-Thanks, Chloe."

"Dude, you do not have to thank me for that. I…I was hella worried. Seriously. Really worried, Maxaroni," Chloe said as she brushed some hair out of Max's face, "You get like that even from laughing hard? Was it an attack?"

"My doctor said I needed to watch my breathing, that's all. I-I hyperventilate easily," Max said, hiding her face with her hands, "Ugh, I'm so embarrassed…"

Chloe set the glass on the floor and slid back into the couch, resuming her spot behind Max. Reaching over to grab her plate, Chloe snickered as she set the plate on Max's head in jest and began to eat.

"You fucking cereal?" Max's voice was still a little strained, but Chloe could tell the brunette was trying not to laugh.

"Just getting' a rise out of you, Maximum Mischief," Chloe said, taking one of her fries in hand and lowering so that Max could have it. Feeling the fry catch between the brunette's teeth, Chloe smiled in satisfaction as she heard a hushed "Om nom nom" between chews come from the girl lying in front of her. "Can we watch something?"

"Like what?"

"Don't care. Your house, so I'll be nice and let you pick this one time," Chloe offered, waving her hand with a flourish.

"Such chivalry," Max said with a light snicker, reaching out for the remote and a chicken tender of her own, "You can remove the plate from my head now, Che."

"I can? But what if I don't wanna…?"


Smiling at the restoration of Max's humor, Chloe set the plate on Max's hip and grabbed one of her chicken tenders. Taking careful bites, Chloe took small breaths between each morsel to ensure that the spiciness didn't overwhelm her again. Maybe I should get some milk, Chloe thought as Max selected Princess Mononoke from the Caulfields' digital library. Chloe felt her heart lurch as Max snuggled back into her, the brunette's back coming against Chloe's chest. Glad that Max couldn't see her blushing, Chloe looked away bashfully as she felt her friend's warmth radiate. Whoa, she's so warm. Putting her hands to Max's back, Chloe smiled as she felt Max ease into her palms. Yeah, Max, I like this too.

Princess Mononoke went along in silence, Max and Chloe lying together on the couch as the movie played through to the end credits. Chloe had barely paid any attention to the film, her attention riveted on Max as the brunette had incrementally loosened up. What had simply started as hands on Max's back escalated into Chloe massaging Max's shoulders and the nape of the brunette's neck. Hearing Max whimper at first, Chloe had stopped only to feel Max push into her hands again. This is so fucking cool, Chloe thought as the blushing from earlier returned, and I am so fucking glad you can't see me, Maxaroni. Holy fuck, you're just so damn…hot…

"Mmm, why'd you stop?" Hearing Max speak up, her voice surprisingly sultry for someone Chloe considered a "loveable, if not colossal, nerd". "What are you…mmm, t-that's nice…"

Chloe had begun to give the nape of Max's neck light pecks, her lips faintly brushing against Max's skin. She wanted the closeness from before; their fight still weighed on Chloe and she was desperate to bridge the gap that had formed. Alternating between awkwardness and subtle intimacy like her currently kissing Max's neck, the two girls had mostly failed to get back into the sync achieved from being together the past two days. Feeling Max slowly move herself forward, Chloe's lips missed their target and she instinctively pressed herself into the back of the couch out of fear she'd done something wrong. I can't let this weekend end on such a flat note. I need…I want…to do something nice for Max. But what can I do…?

Wait…eheh, I can haz idea? Chloe thought with a mischievous grin spreading across her face, I can. Eheheh.

"Max?" Chloe asked, the brunette looking over her shoulder as she switched off the movie. Chloe smirked at how red Max's face looked which only made the brunette narrow her eyes menacingly.

"Yeah?" Max sounded tired, and rightfully so. We've…you've…had a hella tiring day, Max Caulfield. Let Chloe do something nice, okay? "What's up?"

"Can I borrow your keys?"


"Just…just trust me, Max. Stay here and chill, or go to your room and nap. I won't be long, I swear. Just…It's a surprise."

The eyebrow that was visible to Chloe arching, Max looked at Chloe over her shoulder for a few seconds longer before reaching to the coffee table and passing her keys to the bluenette. Patting Max on the shoulder as she slid out from behind the smaller girl, Chloe practically ran to the where her boots and jacket were before shoulder-checking the door on her way out. Reaching the stoop, Chloe reached for her cigarettes before lowering her hand. She wasn't outside to smoke; Chloe had a purpose and she wanted to stay the course as far as her plan went. Running across the street, Chloe flipped off a passing cab as she narrowly avoided being hit. Eat a dick, cab! I'm a woman on a mission!

Pulling into the craft store's small parking lot, Chloe shut the jeep off and locked the driver's side door. The soft top already down and set up, Chloe looked up to see the sky get increasingly cloudy. Thinking about the rain from her dream, the meadow flashing before her eyes, Chloe worried for a moment that Max might fall asleep and stay asleep until tomorrow. Spurred on by anxious need to hurry, Chloe ran around the building and into the store.

"Sorry, dude," Chloe said as she breezed past the cashier, a scowl on his face as he tapped at his watch, "If you want me outta your hair then help. I have a list. Well, it's in my fucking head…but there is a list. Kinda. Fuck, will you just help a girl out?"

Walking hurriedly down the aisles, snatching a bag here and a container there, Chloe tossed the contents of her "master plan" into the basket she was holding onto as she quietly rattled off things she might need. Shaking her head to herself, oblivious to the cashier tailing her throughout her entire time shopping, Chloe almost yelled at the counter. Seeing the cashier come around her and to the register, Chloe huffed as she realized that he'd been following her. Eyeballing the frowning cashier, Chloe's hand shot out with a wad of crumpled dollars bills. Headed towards the door before the cashier could even start to count, Chloe ignored his protests.

"Keep the change!" Normally, Chloe would have scoffed at the idea of leaving cash behind. She still almost turned back to collect her change as the cashier counted out the money; Chloe groaned at herself in irritation as she ran out the door and back around to the parking lot. She'll like this. Max's might be a little rougher than I remember, but she's also hella cute. She'll get all melty at this. Can't believe I'm doing mushy shit. Fucking Max Caulfield, heh, you cutesy little shit.

Taking the stairs two at a time, Chloe came running back into the Caulfields' with her shopping bags in hand. Turning her head from side to side as she looked for her little brunette friend, Chloe looked out the balcony to see the faint glow of someone smoking outside. Forcing herself to stop smiling, Chloe ran into the bathroom and ditched her supplies before straightening herself out in the mirror. Classy as fuck, Chloe thought as she smirked at her own reflection. Eyyyyy. Taking a deep breath, she headed out of the bathroom and made a beeline for where Max was smoking.

"Yo, Maximus Regina! S'up?" Chloe asked as Max turned around to lean her back against the railing with a joint in her mouth. "Dude, you blaze more than me. Damn, Max. Fucking hardcore."

"Heheh," Max chuckled as she blew the smoke over her shoulder before offering the joint to Chloe, "Want a hit, Che?"

"Well. When a Max offers, a Chloe obliges such an offer." Winking, Chloe took a long drag of the dope and blew a couple smoke rings. "So. Bathroom is temporarily closed. Hope you have a strong bladder."

"…What are you up to, Chloe Elizabeth Price?" Max eyed Chloe with a mixture of intrigue and worry, "I'm not going to end up in trouble with my parents, am I? Am I?"

"Lighten up, Max!" Chloe said, her excitement only giving Max more pause, "I mean, um, just relax. No, you won't get in trouble. This is going to be hella…I-I think, hope, you'll enjoy this. I'll shout at you when I'm ready, okay?"

Seeing Max nod, her mouth turned upwards in a confused smile, Chloe took a bow while backpedaling into the apartment. Hearing the muffled sound of Max laughing from outside as she turned and ran through the kitchen toward the bathroom, Chloe couldn't care less if she looked ridiculous. This day started out great and went to shit. Like hell I'm going to let it end all awkward and shit.


"Hang on! You were supposed to wait outside, Max. Killin' my effort, dude."

"It started raining, Che. What was I supposed to do, just stand in a downpour?" Max asked only to shriek as the power went out, "Fucking wowsers, agh! Fuck! Chloe. Chloe, at least let me have a towel. I'm wet and cold. Please? It's my house you let me in right now I swear I'll-"

Click, the bathroom door unlocked as Chloe softly asked for Max to close her eyes. Unwilling to let Max in until she was satisfied the brunette's eyes were shut, Chloe wanted her plan to go off with as little a hitch as possible. Even the weather is on my side. Thank you storms and you're knocking out the power!

"C'mon, Chloe. I need to dry off and get my flashlight. What the hell are you playing at?" Max asked, stopping with only a foot in the doorway as Chloe finally let her in. "Chloe. Chloe?"

"Come in the rest of the way, lock the door behind you, and then you can open your eyes," Chloe said as she sat on the toilet seat.

"You didn't say Simon Says, Che," Max let out with a snort as her lips stretched into a smile.

"Can you just indulge me?" Chloe asked, her voice pleading enough that Max followed the bluenette's instructions. "Okay, Max. Open your eyes."


Tea candles set on the sink counter, the toilet's tank, and around the bathtub illuminated the bathroom in a cumulative glow. With incense burning slowly in the sink itself on a wooden stand and a foamy bath prepared, Chloe had moved so that she was standing face to face with Max. Putting her hand to Max's cheek, Chloe smiled as the brunette closed her misty eyes and leaned into Chloe's hand.

"This is too sweet, Chloe. I-I don't deserve this," Max said, eyes still closed as two small, wet trails of dripped down her cheeks.

"Bullshit, Max," Chloe cooed, rubbing her thumb in circular motions on Max's cheek, "I-I want to start making up for my bullshit now. I love you and this is a way of expressing it, dude, so deal. I…I need this too, Max. I need to believe that we can be together. Will you give me this?"

Chloe bit her lower lip to keep it from trembling as Max just rested her head in Chloe's hand. Bringing her own hand up, Max lightly grasped at the blue-nailed fingers and held onto them as she smiled with tears rolling down her face. I know that she's happy, but I can't help but feel so damn heartbroken over how hella vulnerable she looks right now, Chloe thought as she pulled Max into a hug with her free hand. Max nuzzled her face into the crook of Chloe's neck and lightly kissed the bluenette's collarbone before speaking.


"…Yeah?" Chloe couldn't hide her own brief flash of happiness, smiling at Max with such a brightness of spirit that Max looked like she might cry again. "Um, do you need me to leave? So you can get undressed and whatever?"

"…No. You c-can just…just look away, if that's okay," Max's expression looked distant for a moment, capturing the bluenette's interest. Deciding to not press Max when she seemed to be vulnerable, Chloe just nodded and faced the door before opening the medicine cabinet so that the mirror wouldn't give Max away as she stripped.

Chloe's stomach threatened to heave, the punk was so nervous and excited. This was a first for her, showing a side of her that no one had ever seen before. Musing at her collection of poetry that she'd buried under her bed, late night scribbles and napkins from Two Whales marked on with a variety of colorful penmanship, Chloe kept what she felt was the best part of her away from everyone else. No one gets me, not how I can be. I can be a bore, a drifting soul. My life is wanting, your heart my final goal.

"Che?" Max's voice was barely loud enough to snap Chloe out of her mental dictation, the bluenette having to stop herself from turning around to look at Max, "It's okay. Um, I…I want to show you something. Please, you c-can turn around."

"You sure, dude?" Chloe felt scared, but she couldn't quite understand why.

"I saw your scars. It's only fair you see mine." No, Max. Oh…oh, no… Chloe's heart fell as she instantly understood what Max was saying.

Chloe felt like she was moving through sludge as she turned to look at Max, every inch she gave as she spun around became increasingly difficult. Stopping halfway, Chloe felt her hands shake until two smaller hands took one of her own and pulled around the rest of the way. Max stood before her in nothing but her bra and a pair of boxer shorts, her face blushing hard but refusing to look away. Directing Chloe's eyes with her own, Max gestured toward her legs. Looking down, her head jerking slightly out of fear, Chloe looked and felt her hand come across her mouth at the sight of faded scars along the uppermost part of Max's inner thighs. Not you too, Max. I'm me. I don't fucking care, not really, but not you too. Fuck. FUCK! Chloe lunged forward and wrapped the mostly-naked Max in a tight embrace, her lip quivering as tears streaked down her face before reaching Max's freckled shoulder.

"I'm so sorry, Max. I'm so goddamn sorry!" Chloe cried out, sniffling as she tried to keep herself under control, "T-This is all m-my fault!"

"Hey, Che. Hey," Max cooed into Chloe's ear, her hand running though Chloe's blue hair, "It's not your fault, baby. I-I…I did this. I…I just wanted to share this with you, like I saw yours. Um, sorry if I upset you. It's just…you've been in so much pain for so long that I wanted you to know that you weren't alone. You never will be again, either."

Lifting her head from where it rested over Max's shoulder, Chloe kept her head tilted down as she met Max's lips before they crashed into one another. The kiss was more desperate than passionate, but the love within the connection was more powerful than all their previous kisses combined. The beauty in their shared sadness and grief overwhelmed Chloe. For the first time in four years, the blue-haired girl felt what she perceived as genuine love from someone whom she loved with equal feeling. No give, no take. Just you, Max, and the world before us. Together, we can make the world bow.

"Agh, quit it! Fucking nerdy-ass brat, I'll splash you back!" Chloe squealed as Max tried to throw bath suds at her. The brunette covered up to her neck in bubbles and steaming water, Chloe sat along the bathtub as she washed Max's hair. Both girls lit up with joints, Max placed hers between two fingers and blew out a smoke ring before purring in contentment from Chloe running her fingers through the brunette's hair. "That feel good, huh? Well, fuck yeah it should. I'm a hardcore pro."

"So you've done this before, then?" Max asked, a sheepish tone in her voice, "I'm not a special little flower?"

"Dude, you're a-fucking-mazeballs. I love you, Max," Chloe leaned down, her hands still in Max's hair, as she went in for a kiss. Meeting Max's lips, the bluenette's eyes widened momentarily as her friend parted both their lips and shotgunned the smoke she'd been holding back into Chloe's mouth. "Like I said, you're fucking amazeballs."

"And you're such a sap, Che," Max teased, meeting Chloe's pout with a sly grin, "Oh stop. You know I mean that in the most loving way possible, dork. This…this is all just so…so…"


"Romantic as fuck. This is wonderful, Che. Really."

Chloe eyed Max with a questioning look on her face before nodding as she accepted Max's compliment. Pulling her hands away to wipe the shampoo off on a towel, Chloe laughed as Max lowered herself all the way into the tub with the exception of an outstretched arm holding her half-smoked doobie. Seeing bubbles pop up to what was visible of the water's surface, Chloe smirked as she pictured Max intentionally blowing bubbles while submerged.

"Get up, you nerd!" Chloe teased as wet chestnut hair and two eyes peered from just above the water's surface, "If you don't I'll snatch that joint and smoke both myself. I'll do it, you little hippie!" Chloe couldn't help but giggle as Max replied by blowing more bubbles before sitting back up.

"Wowsers, fine. Honest to Dog, you're killing my buzz, Price. Who knew such a 'hardcore punk' would be such a party-pooper?"

"Oh, eat a dick, Caulfield. Go back to Tumblr and be your little indie-emo self."

Chloe didn't know what she said, but grew concerned as Max sat in the warm water in silence. A pensive look on the brunette's face, Chloe began to fidget until Max spoke up.

"Have you…ever dated a guy, Chloe?" Max asked, taking Chloe by surprise with the directness of her questioning, "I guess I mean, uh, m-more than date…? Ugh, never mind. I don't want to know."

"Wow, Max. Pretty straightforward for a shy, cliché geek." Chloe's amused tone was snuffed out, however, as she saw Max bite her lip in thought. She's serious. Uh, wow. This is one talk I never thought would come up. "I…experimented with guys. Mom calls it my 'bad boy phase'. Never took, though; not down with the dickness. But, uh, yeah. I was with a guy. Once. What about you?"

Max shook her head as the pensiveness on her face remained in-place.

"I…crap, it's hard to describe. Um, lemme dry off and I'll show you," Max said, Chloe blushing hard as Max quickly rose to her feet in the tub. "Aww, now who's shy and cliché?"

"Shaddup…big meanie," Chloe grumbled as she thrust a towel out for Max. "Big buttinsky."

Garnering a snicker from Max as the littler girl wrapped herself up before stepping out of the tub, Chloe followed Max into her bedroom. Chloe went to flop down on Max's bed as the brunette padded into her walk-in closet and closed the door. Ooh, will there be kinky? Eheh, kinky Max. That…that just seems fucking ridiculous, Chloe thought as she smirked up at the ceiling and took one final drag from her dope before snuffing it out on the sole of her boot. Tossing the burnt doobie in Max's trash can, Chloe looked up to see Max come out sporting a tank-top and boy shorts with her damp hair tied back into a small ponytail. Chloe was going to join Max as she headed toward the desk; Max gestured for the bluenette to stay seated as she brought the laptop over with her and sat cross-legged next to Chloe.

"Here." Chloe took the proffered laptop and scanned the folder marked AP – Gender Studies/Psych that Max had opened. "It was supposed to be an exercise on identity of self, but it turned into a crap-ton of small papers."

"…'A Study of Me: I am demisexual by Max Caulfield'…'Aberrant Psychology in an Anti-Social World'…wow, Max. You're a fucking professor or some shit. What…what's demisexual…?" Chloe asked handing back the laptop only to have it gently kept in her lap.

"It means, Chloe," Max started to say, her words precise and controlled, "I-It means that I only feel…attracted…to someone I have a close emotional bond with. Sexually attracted."

Chloe had to catch the laptop as it slid from her lap, the shock of Max saying anything including "sex" unnerving her. Hearing Max call out in alarm, Chloe barely gripped onto the computer before it would have landed on the hardwood floor. Laughing nervously as she cast an apologetic grimace on her face, Chloe handed the laptop back to Max with shaky hands. Fuck fuck fuck, why did you say 'sex', Max? Fuck…no, ugh, not fuck. Goddamnit, Chloe, stop thinking of the word…agh!

"This is part of why I get so…anxious, so depressed," Max continued, attributing Chloe's fumbling of the laptop to clumsiness. Chloe was thankful for the error in the brunette's judgement, "You have this identity, y'know, something that isn't within a confine that most people can relate to. Your parents don't understand it; they accept it, but don't understand it. Your 'friends' can sometimes be even worse; that's one of the reasons I have so few. It…it just weighs on you after a while, and the weight gets to be too much. Combine that with, well, how I feel about you and everything that's gone on between us or lack thereof, and you have damaged lil ol' me."

"Holy crap." Chloe's simple response was compensated by the astonishment that showed on her face, Max watching her eagerly to see if the bluenette had anything else to say. "That was like so much more than I expected. I figured like a textbook answer, not a fucking revelation."

"Sorry if it was too much-" Max's hurt tone got Chloe to cut the brunette off.

"No, it's not that. It's…it isn't that, Max. You're just…wow. You're 'Wowsers', eheh. How long have you been like…like this?"

"How long have you been gay?" the bluntness of Max's question caught Chloe off-guard once more. Jesus fuck, she's like a fucking boxer and I'm the heavy bag. One-two, eh?

"Since I've been born, I guess? Never was really into guys, like I said."

"That's my answer."

Chloe's eyes darted over to Max, the brunette's curt answer bringing her out the passing shock. I don't know what else to say. She's…this is just so goddamn much, dude. I want to hold her, but I'm…I'm scared? Why the fuck am I scared? It's just Max; there isn't a 'just Max', though. She's so much more than I realized or thought. This is all just too insane. But…she's still Max.

"Wowsers," Max said as she looked at Chloe, putting a hand on the other girl's leg, "I really nailed you, huh? Sorry if it was too much, Che."

"No, it isn't that. I just remember this little nerdy girl," Chloe said, looking over at Max as both girls smiled at each other, "We were hella pirate BFFs, and I never thought that inside that girl could be the woman I'm sitting next to now, dude."

"I'm still a girl, Chloe. I'm only 16."

"Dude. That is totally not what I meant. Besides, you'll be 17 in a couple months." Chloe's smile turned into a teasing scowl as Max's eyes lit up.

"You remembered my birthday?" the pleasant surprise in Max's voice brought Chloe's scowl back into a grin as she bumped her shoulder against Max's.

"Uh, duh. How the hell could I forget it, Maxaroni? I only celebrated eight of them with you, nerd." Ruffling Max's hair, Chloe chuckled as Max looked away in embarrassment. "Dude, you look away at that but drop heavy-as-fuck knowledge bombs without batting an eye? 'That girl needs to sort out her priorities'."

"Blue hair and punk-ass clothes? Must be a Chloe," Max shot back with her best Professor Snape impression, "Now turn to page 394."

Both girls fell into the bed, Max's laptop forgotten as it lay on one end with them on the other. Lying on their sides, Chloe smiled as Max giggled. Brushing some of the hair that had escaped Max's ponytail behind the brunette's ear, Chloe felt her chest become warmer as Max's giggles began to falter until there was silence. Chloe gazed at Max as the brunette returned her look, their breathing in sync as the hands that weren't pinned under them reached out with fingers intertwining.

"Hey," Chloe said, her voice hushed as she inched closer towards Max, "Um, are you…I mean, maybe I shouldn't ask…"

"Go ahead, Che. Ask. Whatever it is, I'll listen," Max said, letting go of Chloe's hand to gently tilt the bluenette's head so that they were looking into each other's eyes once more.

"You said that you only felt, ugh, you only felt attracted to people you were emotionally connected to. Like, hella connected. So…I was wondering…"

"Yes." Chloe's eyes widened at Max's answer, thankful and nervous that she hadn't needed to finish her question. "I am attracted to you, Chloe. 'Hella' attracted. But-"

"'But'? No, no but. Anything but, well, 'but'." Chloe pouted, giving Max puppy eyes only to be given a frown in return. "Sorry."

"You have to give me some time, Che. I really want to, Dog do I want to, but I also want to grow into this." At "this", Max squeezed Chloe's hand a little harder, moving in so that her lips were inches away from Chloe's. "That doesn't mean that we can't do…um, other stuff…"

"You are both seductive and awkward as fuck, Maxaroni," Chloe said, unable to restrain a giggle as Max rolled her eyes and began to pull away, "No, don't go. Get over here, nerd. I'm just stoked to be here, dude."

Leaning in, Chloe kissed Max's forehead and worked her way down to the tip of Max's nose before coming to the brunette's lips. Lightly licking her own, Chloe moved into Max's lips cautiously with a single kiss. Testing for a reaction, Chloe held onto the first kiss for a bit before pulling away. Max nodded as Chloe looked at her with focused attention. The only person besides me is you, Max. Be my angel. Max leaning forward, Chloe felt the brunette push up against her as she kissed Chloe with matching sweetness. Feeling hands running through her hair as Max held on with a greediness, Chloe leaned up and forward until she was sitting on the smaller girl's stomach.

"What about earlier, though? I know I caused you a lot of fucking trouble-"

"Why are you still talking?" Max cut Chloe off with another kiss as she wound her legs around Chloe's midsection and pulled the taller girl down. Chloe laid on top of Max, pinned by the brunette's legs keeping her down. Getting kiss after kiss, Max coaxing her to kiss back, Chloe's mind was racked in thought over how conflicting the entire day had been.

"Max…I don't want to hurt you," Chloe whispered, a slight whimper in her pained voice.

Chloe imagined the worst possible outcome as Max's kisses stopped and the brunette looked into her eyes with an indecipherable expression. I wish that I could just get inside your head and let you in mine. This feely shit is hella rough and get too fucking awkward when I try. Ugh, I can't pull this off! Chloe felt Max try to wiggle out from under her, so the bluenette obliged by lifting herself out of the bed. Max sat up, propping herself up with an arm as she ran a hand through her bedhead. Chloe began to head towards the hallway when Max called out from her new spot under the covers.

"Close the door, please."

"Uh, sure. I'll just say goodnight now, I guess," Chloe's despondent tone matching her mood. Once again, I ruined everything. Good fucking job, ass.

"W-What? Chloe, you're not coming back over here?" Chloe looked over her shoulder to see Max patting at a space next to her where she'd pulled the blankets away. "Close the door, lock it, and get your dorky ass in this bed right now, Chloe Elizabeth Price."

Chloe hesitated, unsure of what was going on, before getting a pillow thrown at her by Max. The impact jostling her back to awareness, Chloe grabbed the pillow before walking over to the door to close and lock it. Kicking off her boots, Chloe pulled her jeans and slid into the covers with Max before smacking the brunette with her pillow. Seeing Max smile, Chloe turned around so that she was lying face to face with Max only for Max to grab her by the shirt and tug until she turned around to lie facing away. Feeling Max's arms wrap around her gave Chloe a sense of comfort and amusement as she realized that she had just been relegated to being the little spoon.

"I'm taller than you."

"I know."

"I'm…I'm bigger, dude."

"This is also true."

"So why, lil Max, am I the-"

"Shh just be shhh so shhh," Max replied, cutting Chloe off by lifting a hand up to Chloe's mouth and covering it until the bluenette's mumbling ceased. "Hush, you. Just let me love you."

Okay, Chloe thought as she leaned her back into the brunette's chest, feeling Max's heartbeat reverberate through her body as the other girl felt Chloe's in reciprocation. Laying her hands over the ones at her waist, Chloe pushed her head into the pillow underneath it a bit more as she closed her eyes and went to sleep.

Chloe and Max woke up the next morning and both girls refused to get out of bed for nearly an hour before Max clambered over the bluenette and headed into the kitchen. Chloe, getting to stay in bed while Max was out, closed her eyes in contentment. Slowly pulling up the blanket until she was visible only from the eyes up, Chloe apprehensively sniffed and took in the lingering scent of Max's hair from her bath the previous night. I want to just lay here and not give a fuck about anything outside this room. Some band posters and a little marker graffiti along with what Max already has up would make this place hella cool. Hearing footsteps coming from the hallway, Chloe buried herself in the blankets until she was only a mound in the bedding.

"You dork," Chloe heard Max say, a cheerfulness in the brunette's voice, "Get your booty out from under there. I bring coffee."

"Coffee and…? Fancy donut-things?" Chloe asked, her voice muffled slightly by the blankets that she was still hiding under.

"No fancy donuts today, Chlo. Besides, I wouldn't get them even if I wanted to. At least, not until you weren't here. I'd like to have more than one, jerk. Come on, Chloe, get up…hey…hey, why are you crying?"

"I don't want to go home, Max," Chloe said as she pulled the covers off of herself, Max's statement of her not being with Max in Seattle having hit the blue-haired punk hard, "Can I just stay here? I'll hide in the closet when your parents come back. Just feed me when everybody's gone."

"I have to take you home, Chloe. We actually need to get going soon because I promised Joyce that I'd have you back in time for dinner. Guess who will be joining you?"

"Staying for eats? What about overnight?" Chloe asked sitting up to take the coffee Max handed her along with a Choux pastry, "I thought you didn't have any."

"You only saw the one bag, dumbass." Max's mischievous grin warmed Chloe up as much as the coffee as she munched on the fruity baked good.

"Max Mischief strikes again, eh? Works for me," Chloe said between bites and sips of coffee before handing the half-empty mug back to Max, "So…when do we have to leave?"

"Probably in about an hour or so. We left Arcadia Bay in the afternoon and made it here in the evening, so if we leave now we could make it in time for nosh with Joyce."

"And stepdouche," Chloe muttered, a dark cloud hanging over her thoughts, "Max. Do I really have to fucking go back?"

"Yeah, you really fucking do. You won't be alone, though; I'm not going to let anyone hurt my Che," Max said, kissing Chloe's sugar-frosted lips before licking her own as she pulled away, "Finally. You actually taste decent."

"Agh, you hella suck!" Chloe made to grab the blanket and pull it over her only for Max to yank the bedding clean off entirely. "Nooo! You suck, you suck, you fucking suck!"

"Shower, hygiene stuff, and get dressed, you baby. It's going to be a long fucking day."

Chloe covered her head with a pillow and screamed as Max just looked on in amusement before going into her closet to get dressed. Fuck…this…shit. We're only just getting shit right, Max. I don't want try long-distance relationship bullshit, it'll be too damn hard! Ugh, what if I need you with me on more than just a computer screen or phone? Max, I need you. Huffing as she reluctantly pulled the pillow away, Chloe's eyes bulged slightly as she caught a peek of Max changing out of sleep clothes. Quickly snapping her head in any other direction but the closet, Chloe's face reddened as This isn't fucking fair! played on repeat in her head. Grabbing her pillow one last time, Chloe let out an entirely muffled scream before lazily climbing out of Max's bed.

The ride back to Arcadia Bay isn't as fun as the ride away from the shit-hole, Chloe thought as she moped in the passenger seat of Max's jeep. The sky overcast, Max had left the soft top down and was listening to the playlist Chloe had made for her titled "Riot Grrl". Le Tigre playing on the stereo, Max's hand in her own, Chloe was leaning against the passenger side window as she watched the trees go past. Looking from the corner of her eye, Chloe would catch Max glancing at her every now and then. The face Max would make, however, was different from their last cross-state drive days prior. The excited glee had been replaced with a solemn quiet, countered only by music playing through the jeep's sound system. Pulling her phone out with her free hand, Chloe opened up the messaging app and tapped on the icon for Rachel Amber.

Chloe: Ugh

Rachel: Heading home?

Chloe: fuck. also yes.

Chloe: I'm trying not to cry. I don't think Max notices because my beanie is pulled down so fucking low and I'm hiding my eyes with my hair.

Chloe: dude, this is fucking terrible. My chest hurts and I have to bit my lip to not bawl.

Chloe: *bite my lip.

Rachel: That's what happens when you love someone the way you do Max, and when it is met with her love in return

Chloe: Guru Rachel, whatever shall I do?

Rachel: be a smartass all you want but you need to figure that one out.

Rachel: is this a once-in-a-lifetime thing

Rachel: or is it the legit start of something serious

Chloe: I want it to be cereal

Rachel: you want your relationship to be cereal?

Chloe: I meant to say cereal. What? Cereal. Something's off with my…Goddamnit…

"Max, did you fuck with my phone?" Chloe asked in mild irritation. When she saw Max smile in response, Chloe rolled her eyes and began to type Rachel again.

Chloe: Max replaced some of my shortcuts with new words. Little shit. She says cereal instead of cereal

Chloe: Agh, wowsers!

Chloe: Son of a monkey! Daffodil! Okay. What the fuck.

Chloe: Wow. 'What the fuck' works. Heh.

Rachel: You want to take things with Max SERIOUSLY. That it?

Chloe: YES, thank you for figuring it out

Rachel: Oh I knew from the start.

Rachel: Max explained it when we were talking last night

Chloe: fuk u 2 Rach

Rachel: LMAO just talk to your girl, Chlo! Knowing you, you're fucking moping like an emo little shit.

Chloe: I'm not little. Max is hella little.


Rachel: Baiiiiiii *waves*

Tossing her phone onto the jeep's dash in frustration, Chloe folded her knees against her chest and wrapped her free hand around them. Peering through the windshield over her knees, Chloe thought about all the good and bad of the past weekend. It wasn't really bad. Just hurt like fucking hell. I didn't know how much I needed Max until I was back with her. Lady's my fucking rock, which makes this suck even more because my rock is going to be in another goddamn state. I swear, something is out to fuck me over. First stepdouche will rail on me, Joyce will look at me all disapprovingly, and then Max will have to head back. An amazeballs weekend that turns into my usual, daily shitastrophe. Gee, thanks world. Go eat a bag of dicks.

"You okay? You've been quiet nearly the whole ride, Che?" Max asked, Chloe feeling the small hand squeeze her own gently. God, this sucks so much ass! Why can't we just stay together?! Ugh, this is such bullshit! Why does she have to leave?! Why?

Chloe froze, letting out a sigh as she leaned her head into the passenger seat's headrest. That bullshit is what led me to push Max away, dipshit. I can't be like that anymore. I promised her I'd try, and if I want her in my life I have to do more than just make empty vows. Pinching the bridge of her nose, Chloe slowly let her legs back down over the seat as she looked over at Max with red eyes.

"Chloe…" Max said, her tone sorrowful as she saw the slight wetness around the bluenette's eyes, "Don't be sad, babe. I'm not vanishing; I'm just…ugh, this sucks! Why can't we just be together, like together together?"

"Thank you! I needed to hear you say that, it's been on my mind the whole damn ride." Chloe exclaimed, letting out a huff as she shook her head, "This is going to be such a pain, Max."

"I'm a pain, huh?" Max teased, Chloe looking over to speak before Max cut her off entirely, "Relax, Che. I know what you meant. It's going to be really difficult. Really really difficult; I'm willing to put the effort in if you are, swear to Dog. I have to believe we can work this, Che."

"Max, I'm not as fucking self-confident as you are. That shit-pit has been devoid of nearly everyone I love for so long, it might as well be hell. Aside from Rachel…and mom, I guess…there's nothing for me in Arcadia Bay."

"Kerouac once said 'Love is all'," Max said with a thoughtful look on her face, Chloe looking over in puzzlement, "So when you're down and shit's hitting you hard just remember that. Remember I said that."

"Uh, okay. What the fuck does it mean?"

"What is important to you? The most important thing?"

"You, nerd. I'd figured you might realize that one by now. I'm not the type of gal to regularly give someone a candlelit bubble bath and wash their hair, dude."

"Heh. Seriously, Che, when you are going through shit and you can't get to me or anyone else you might need, think of us. Think of this weekend. The good, the…not so good, it's all part of a greater love that we share. So, when shit's rolling your way, 'All is love'."

Chloe looked at Max, her mouth scrunched to one side as she thought about Max's words. She had been so focused on herself that Chloe had forgotten that Max was going to be lonely as well. Yeah, she's got friends. I've got Rachel. We won't be able to have each other, though. Not in the way we'd like. Nodding in acceptance of Max's words, Chloe leaned over to kiss Max on the cheek.

"Does this make us a couple?"

"I'm game if you are."

"Hella yes, Max. Hella fucking yes."

The girls watched from the lighthouse hilltop as the sun began to set over Arcadia Bay. Arriving a little early, Chloe had asked Max to stop at their old childhood haunt before heading to Two Whales. Max had called Joyce when they passed Portland and asked if they could have dinner at Two Whales as opposed to Chloe's house. Joyce had sounded a little disappointed, but was willing to accommodate the girls' wish on the condition that Chloe be on her best behavior. Promising Joyce that she would keep Chloe in line, Max had snickered when Chloe flipped her off at the "in line" part of the phone call.

"Max, I'm really glad you answered my stupid-ass text," Chloe said, the girls sitting on the bench in solitude. Chloe kissed Max, sliding her tongue into Max's parted lips to better remember the taste of her girlfriend. She knew it wouldn't be the last kiss tonight or ever, but the moment to Chloe was important. I need to savor everything this weekend because it's the start of something new. Something incredible. You're incredible, Max. "I love you, Max."

"I love you right back, Chloe. Dorkiness and all." Max's nose scrunched up, her eyes aglow with happiness. Chloe laughed, both forgetting their imminent separation at they simply took each other in and let the world fade.

Two Whales was surprisingly busy, their typical Sunday evening crowd not even filling the diner to half capacity. Max and Chloe headed inside, hands in their pockets, and found the place to be nearly full and noisier than Chloe had heard it be for some time. Shrugging as she looked over at a slightly overwhelmed Max, Chloe scanned down the row of booths until she irritatingly recognized the military-style haircut of her stepfather and her mom's own blonde hair. Max moved to head down towards Chloe's parents when Chloe put a hand on the brunette's shoulder. Holding her hand out, Chloe looked at Max in earnestness.

"I need you right now, Max. Be with me?" Chloe asked, relief flooding her as Max didn't even hesitate to take Chloe's hand in her own. Walking down to where the married couple was awaiting them, Chloe could hear David grumbling something but rolled her eyes and tried to ignore her loathing for Max's sake. I don't need to make this hard on her. Just don't make this hard on me, step-ass. If I ever ask you for anything, it is to let tonight not turn into a shitstorm.

"Well well, Max Caulfield," Joyce said warmly as Chloe ushered Max into their booth seat before climbing in herself, "Look at you, getting all grown up. Such a lovely young woman."

"Hi, Joyce. Heh, I think I've grown as tall as I'll ever get," Max said, a shy grin on her face as Chloe watched on in amusement.

"It's okay, Max," Chloe said, wrapping an arm around the brunette's shoulder in cheer, "Good things come in hella small packages, right?"

"David, this is Max. She's an old friend of Chloe's. David?" Joyce said, trying to introduce her husband to Max.

"Hmm." Chloe bit her lip at David's single grunt of acknowledgement as he glanced at the girls over his menu.

"Uh, okay," Max said, her light-hearted tone wavering, "So, Joyce, what have you been up to? Aside from, well, the obvious."

"To be fair, Max, I could ask you the same. Coming down here and snatching up Chloe? I wish you two would have let me know what was going on," Joyce said, holding up a hand as Chloe was about to interrupt, "I was worried, Chloe. I know you don't really care all that much, but I do. You're nowhere to be found and there's a mess left in your wake? Your suitcase is gone and clothes are missing? I thought…I thought you had tried to run away again."

Chloe grimaced when Max looked over at her and mouthed Again before she could say anything. Shit! Max doesn't need to know every sordid detail of my so fucked life, mother. Sliding her arm back down, Chloe reached for Max's underneath the table and gripped onto it a little tighter than she had intended. Seeing Max wince, Chloe let up the pressure instantly only to look and see David monitoring the unspoken exchange.

"What?" Chloe asked, her tone as calm as she was able to sound.

"Chloe…" Joyce said in warning.

"I just asked 'What?", mom. Chill," Chloe said, her attention turning back to David.

"You two…you seem awfully tense…" David said, setting his menu down and taking a drink of his coffee, "Something's going on here. Something you're not willing to talk about.

Chloe recoiled, a look of disgust on her face as David leaned over the table a bit and sniffed in her direction. Dude, what the fuck!? nearly burst out of Chloe's lips before she realized with dread that David's natural instinct was to assume she was either drunk, high, or both. Ohhhhh fuck.\

"Chloe, you've been drinking. You also smell like a damn weed farm. You been smoking grass…or is it your 'childhood friend' over here?" David asked, her tone one of suspicion and building anger. Chloe only grew more incensed when Joyce tried to calm him down and David chose to ignore her.

"E-Excuse me," Max said quietly, gaining the attention of everyone at the table, "Um, the weed smell is actually me. I-I have a prescription. For my anxiety."

"A likely story. More likely you're a goddamn drug dealer, knowing the people Chloe hangs around with. Like that girl Rachel Amber-"

"Leave Max and Rachel alone, David," Chloe snapped, being held in her seat only by Max's grip on her hand, "Max does have a prescription for it. You haven't seen how she gets so leave her the hell alone."

"Both of you, please…please, can we just have one dinner in peace?" Joyce asked, a hand to her forehead as she closed her eyes in exasperation.

"Here, Mr. Madsen. See for yourself," Max said, pulling out her wallet to show Chloe's parents her MMJ card. "I-I get really bad attacks and they prescribed me a low dosage amount of cannabis to keep myself calmed down."

David looked down at the laminated card and slid it back to Max, looking away as both Price women shot him looks of aggravation. Getting up from the booth, David put his jacket on and walked out of the diner without saying a word to any of them before leaving. Chloe felt the tension in her lift and felt Max squeeze her hand affectionately as the brunette flashed her a smile. Thanks for saving my ass, Chloe mouthed before blushing as Max blew her a kiss in reply. Hearing someone cough, both Max and Chloe slowly turned their heads to see Joyce eyeing them with an indecipherable look on her face.

"There somethin' you two want to tell me, aside from you both smoking and drinking? I see that you have a prescription for…that, Max, but Chloe has enough trouble with David as it is. Letting her go wild while you're in Seattle isn't going to help because she's going to be right back here," Joyce chided.

"We didn't go 'wild', Joyce," Max said with a giggle, Chloe joining her at the idea of the two of them swinging from trees like Tarzan, "U-Uh, yeah, we smoked. We had a few drinks, too, but we never left my house after. We actually spent only one of the days out and about; I took her to some touristy stuff and also where I work and hang out."

Chloe watched her mom ease up at Max's mentioning of her job before wincing as Joyce then looked pointedly at her for second before returning her attention to Max. I know, I know! If you want me to work, then let me ditch school. If you want me to take school seriously, though, then please quit smacking me in the face with threats of kicking me out unless I get a job.

"What do you do, Max?" Joyce asked, her tone softening as curiosity took hold.

"I'm actually a waitress, too." Max and Joyce chuckled as Chloe felt her anxiety fluctuate. Max, did you get high sometime when I was paying attention? How the fuck are you calm? I feel like I might scream. Or cry. Cry while screaming, like tears of hella rage. "I am sorry for causing you to worry, Joyce. Chloe sent me a text and, well, I couldn't wait to see her."

"About that-" Joyce started to say.

"We're gay and dating!" Chloe blurted out, Joyce paused with her mouth open as she was cut off by the bluenette's outburst. Looking over at Max, the brunette's wide eyes spelled out how loud Chloe had been when she revealed their relationship. Uh…oops!

"I figured as much," Joyce said, both girls again looking over at her in unison, "Oh, please. You two were peas in a pod since grade school. How else could a mother interpret things when her daughter blows up at the one girl she hardly ever let go of for 8 years?"

"Well…" Chloe started to say as scratched at the back of her beanie with a nervous look on her face.

"Uhh…" Max looked away, still embarrassed from Chloe's outburst as she made Chloe wince with her own iron grip on Chloe's hand.

"You two. You're pretty damn cute when you're not being little pains in my ass," Joyce said with a dry chuckle as she slid David's menu over to them, "How about you decide what you're going to eat, and we'll just go from there?"

"Wowsers," Chloe said in a quiet voice as she looked down at her lap.

"This is so hella embarrassing," Max replied, looking down at her own lap before slowly taking the menu Joyce had offered them, "I…I think I'd like a Belgian waffle…"

Pulling up to the curb in front of the Price house, Max switched the engine off as Chloe and Joyce piled out of the jeep. Grabbing her suitcase from the back, Chloe pulled it along behind her with Max in tow. The rest of the dinner had gone far better than she had hoped for; Chloe hadn't even come out to her mother yet. Doing so with the girl who was her childhood best friend and girlfriend, Chloe had gone a long way to easing Joyce into this new outlook on her daughter's life. Thank God I love you so damn much, Max. Heh, if it had been Rachel mom and David would have flipped their shit. Joyce liked Rachel, but I think too much stoner does not a happy mother make. At least, non-prescribed stoner. I can't wait for Max to meet Rachel; that'll be so fucking epic.

"Chloe? You gonna just stand in the doorway or are you going to let me in?" Max asked, peeking around the taller girl's arm to poke her in the side, "Move, dork."

"Agh!" Chloe cried out, jumping as Max poking her brought the bluenette back from her thoughts.

As Chloe set the suitcase next to the stairs, Joyce came back to the door and brought Max a thermos of coffee and a hastily prepared peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Looking first at her mom and then at Max, Chloe's eyes widened as she realized that Max was heading back to Seattle.

"You're leaving now?" Chloe asked, her voice shaky as she leaned against the staircase's railing for support, "Max…"

"If she doesn't leave now, she'll likely have to stay the night and I don't think either of you want that right now," Joyce said, looking at both girls apologetically, "David can be…hardheaded, but he does try to mean well. Next time you want to come down, Max, don't worry – you'll have a place here waiting for you."

"Thanks, Joyce. It was really nice to see you again," Max said as she gave Joyce a hug before setting the paper bag and thermos next to the doorway. Joyce smiled at her one more time before giving the girls their privacy. "Walk me to my car, Che?"

"Yeah," Chloe's head was downcast, her tone depressed, as the finality of the weekend drew up around her. Max was going to Seattle, and Chloe was staying behind in Arcadia Bay. Again.

The girls took as much time as they could in crossing the front yard, Chloe doing everything in her power to not cry as Max bit at her own lip with the same intent. Holding hands with Chloe carrying the goods Joyce had prepared, Max opened her driver's side door and took the road supplies from Chloe before setting them in the passenger seat. I've been replaced with coffee and a fucking sandwich. Chloe couldn't help her bitterness.

"It's such bullshit," Chloe blurted out, tears falling down her cheeks, "Y-You're leaving me again."

"But I'm not staying away, Che," Max said, her voice stern despite the fact that she was also crying, "And I will not let you push me away. You got that? Despite the distance, despite whatever bullshit we come across, you're not getting rid of me, Chloe Price. Do you understand me?"

The seriousness in Max's tone, combined with the earnest love in the brunette's eyes, drew Chloe out of her own duress. Hand shaking, Chloe cupped Max's cheek and gave the girl a weak smile.

"I'm just going to hella miss you, Max. You're my rock, so hardcore for so small a lady."

Max stood on her tip-toes and wrapped her arms around Chloe's shoulders, kissing her girlfriend. Chloe felt the warmth of Max's lips mix with the salt of their tears as they held onto each other until both needed to breathe. Taking in a gulp of air, both girls crashed their lips back into one another again, lips and tongues colliding in repetition. Chloe moaned as Max slid one hand down from her shoulder to hip and felt the brunette's fingers brush slightly against the bare skin of her side before Max pulled away.

"I-If I don't leave now, I don't think I'll ever be able to go," Max confessed, putting a hand to her face as she wiped her tears away, "I'll text you when I get home okay? We'll go from there. I love you, Chloe. I love you, I love you, I love you."

"I love you, too. Please come back."

"I hella will. Who am I to deny Chloe Price?"

Chloe snorted at Max's last sentence, nodding in slight amusement before turning crestfallen as Max climbed into her jeep and started the engine. Rolling her window down, Max leaned out for one last kiss. Soft, loving, and filled with longing, the kiss went to fast for Chloe before she reluctantly pulled back. Waving with a sad smile on her face, Max put the jeep into gear and drove down the street with Chloe watching her go as the blunette screamed "I FUCKING LOVE YOU, MAX CAULFIELD!" and got a honk from Max in reply before the jeep disappeared around the corner with the love of Chloe's life inside.

"I love you." Chloe's final admission was quiet, intimate unto herself as she slumped her shoulders and pulled out a cigarette. Sitting on the curb as she blew a smoke ring, she looked over her shoulder at her house for a moment before lying back on the grass and sidewalk. "Love is all, Max. Love is all."


Max ran up the stairs and through the hallway without saying a word to her alarmed parents. Max figured they weren't surprised in the least; Max had been awaiting this day for months and the time had finally come. It's not like I haven't seen her, Max thought as she started up her computer and quickly took off the shirt she'd worn at work. The first couple weeks without Chloe had been the hardest for Max, her parents coming back and mother convincing her father that their daughter needed to be grounded to "think about what she had done". I saved myself, Mom. Maybe someday you'll realize that and regret being such a jerk so much.

Max looked over at her photos as she pulled her pink Jane Doe tank-top on and slipped out of her dress pants and into a pair of jean shorts and knee high socks. Kristen and Fernando were the only real friends she had left in Seattle. She knew a lot of people, but ever since she had left the Washington public school system for the Washington Virtual Academy program she'd had little contact with any of her old classmates. It made Max lonely at times, not having a class to go to in-person or people to hang around outside of a school building, but the slight increase in freedom that came with her virtual homeschool outweighed her distress. Especially today.

Max had poured over her laptop all week, doing assignment after assignment until she was not only caught up but ahead by a few days. Relishing the peace of no classwork yesterday, Max had smoked nearly a bowl of her private stash in a celebration to herself. Seeing the computer's desktop pop up on the screen, Max nearly tripped over her own feet she went running the short distance from her bed to her desk. Clicking on the messaging application icon, Max was bouncing in her seat.

"Come on! Stupid fucking computer!" Max said, slamming the palms of her small hands on the top of her desk.

"Max?" Max's father asked, knocking on the door, "Honey, you okay?"

"Anxious! Anxious and waiting! Don't laugh, Dad. I''s not funny." Max blew a raspberry out at her chuckling father as he came over to give his daughter a kiss on the top of her head.

"Calm down, Maximillian," Alex Caulfield said, patting his daughter on her shoulder, "She'll still be there if-"

"Max?" a familiar voice called out from the computer's speakers, silencing Mr. Caulfield before he backpedaled and left his daughter alone with her girlfriend.

"Chlo-eeee!" Max shrieked as she leaned over and kissed the part of the screen where Chloe's lips were displayed. "Oh my Dog, I don't think I can calm down. Oh, wowsers, I can't fucking sit still…"

"Chill, Maximus, just chill. Knowest that soon, thou shalt not only be in my heart but in my bed." Chloe's dramatic tone and bad English accent got a snort from Max and the other girl in Chloe's room. "Rachel says 'ello, by the way."

"I can say it myself, dingus!" a voice shouted out before Chloe was shoved out of the way and Max's computer screen was filled with the brightly smiling face of Rachel Amber. "Max! Get your ass down here and save us from the monotonous bullshit of Black-Hell A-crap-emy!"

Max busted up laughing as Chloe's blue-nailed hand pushed at the side of Rachel's face, a final "See you soon!" coming from her newest friend until Chloe was back in the picture.

"Is everyone a dork in Blackwell?"

"It's Black-Hell, nerd. You're gonna have to learn these things, Max, if you wanna throw down with the elitist shits here," Chloe said, looking at her door as though someone might barrel through it at any given moment.

"I still can't believe that David convinced your mom that you spending your final year there as a dorm student was a good idea. You still mad?" Max asked, her smile turning into a serious look.

"I'm getting over it, bit by bit. I'm just glad students are admitted in a couple weeks before classes to adjust and shit. I don't think I could have made it through classes if I was just moving into this tiny-ass place," Chloe said, resting her chin on her hand as she gazed lovingly at Max. "I love you, Max. I really wish you were here now. Like time meow."

"Watching Super Troopers with me through Skype was such a terrible idea," Max chided, giggling as Rachel cried out "Bullshit, it was awesome!" off-screen.

"So what are you gonna be up for, visiting such a bustling metropolis like Arcadia Bay? We have nothing, oh and there's a new nothing setting up shop right next to the historical nothing in Nothing Square," Chloe asked, laughing at her own joke with Rachel peeking around so that Max could see her eyes rolling.

"There's got to be some stuff to do," Max said, her tone amused as she smiled at Chloe, "You're such a dork. How is it that I put up with your shit? I wonder sometimes, swear to Dog."

"Because you love me. You want to kiss me, you want to-"

"Chloe!" Max snapped in embarrassed shock, cutting off a laughing Chloe before giving her girlfriend a mischievous grin as she brushed some of her chestnut hair out of her face. "I've got some surprises for you when I get down there, so you better watch your ass. You ready for Round 2, Che?"

"Bring it, hippie!"

"Consider en-route to being brought."

Author's Note

Well, how about that. I did a thing.

You Cinnamon Rolls get an extra-size chapter to close this story out because amazeballs and hella hella hella! I honestly have little to say in regards to ending Teenage Dirtbag because I feel really happy about the ending. Have yet to feel so enthusiastic about any of my stories ending as I do right now. Yay me, I guess.

"But Rowan! You ended it with it sounding like there's more to come?!"


The epilogue takes place the Thursday before what in the United States is called the Labor Day weekend. The first Monday of each September is a national holiday and some schools will also let students out the Friday before so they get a four day weekend. Hence, Max is bouncing with joy because she's going to be going down and spending the long weekend with Chloe.

How 'bout dat Rachel Amber? Squad goals.

Who else will show up?

How will Icky Vicky react to seeing Max in Arcadia Bay, freshly made a member of the Vortex Club?

How will the Trifecta Squad (Max, Chloe, Rachel) befriend a certain Cinnamon Roll who is too precious for this world, too pure? BECAUSE THEY WILL.

Find out in Wake Me Up When September Ends is released on Friday!

Part One – We are Sex Bob-Omb


Read, review, and I'll see you on Friday! I'm fucking loving writing this new perspective and I hope you love it, too!

Stay hella, Cinnamon Rolls!