Teenage Dirtbag

Part One – History Speaks

Song by Deep Sea Diver

July 13, 2012

Chloe Price was in Hell, but she was drunk so it wasn't too hellish. Waking up at round 9am, she had promptly covered her head with a pillow and let out a curse to the world. Everyone leaves, Chloe thought to herself as she pondered the silence in her house. For the next two weeks it was her house and hers alone; Joyce was on a vacation to David's hometown in Arkansas. Chloe had been invited only to swiftly decline. One douchebag is enough; I can't imagine generations of douches, let alone miniaturized little fuckers. Hella terrifying.

"Fuck," Chloe's voice muffled by the pillow, "FUCK FUCK FUCK!"

She was alone for the next two weeks from her family, and while that wasn't too bad what made it worse was that her guardian angel Rachel Amber was away for the entire summer. Backpacking through the Rockies and Appalachians with her family, Rachel had been sending her weekly postcards until a few weeks ago. Chloe knew that Rachel probably had her reasons but she couldn't help the encroaching sense of abandonment. This wasn't the first time she had felt this way. Everybody leaves me, Chloe thought sullenly as she forced herself out of bed.

The bowl of cereal wasn't enough for Chloe as she flopped onto the old couch in their living room. The money that David had reluctantly left Chloe for groceries was almost a joke to Chloe, like the opposite of a ransom. We're going away, so here's some money to keep you away. Yeah, well fuck you right back. Asshole. Watching an old DVD of The Ren & Stimpy Show, Chloe's eyes wandered over to the garage with an impish gleam. Setting the half-eaten breakfast down, Chloe hoisted herself up and stretched as she padded over to what she thought of as the "Douche Cave" in search of some fun.

"I know you're here somewhere," Chloe muttered to herself as she searched her stepfather's belongings, "You will be mine. Oh yes, you will be mine. Ah-ha! Chloe Price for the win!"

Chloe hoisted the 12-pack of beer in triumph before crying out as the bottom of the cardboard gave way. Managing to save some of the precious alcohol, Chloe came back to the living room with four cans of beer and a smirk on her face at the mess left behind. Setting three of the cans next to her cereal, Chloe ran a hand through her freshly-dyed blue hair as she sipped at her brew while perusing the shelf where the Price family kept their movies.

"Boring, no, hella no, nope, nuh-uh," Chloe rattled off as she searched through the meager collection before noticing a dusty case in the far back. Reaching behind the row of movies, Chloe grunted as her fingertips reached the dust-covered case and drew it out. "Holy fuck! Invader Zim? When did we-"

Chloe opened the case, but already knew the answer to her unfinished question. Downing the beer in a couple of chugs, Chloe felt she would need the alcohol to steady her nerves when her hands started to shake. Seeing the disc gleaming in a pale reflection of the sunlight from outside, Chloe bit her lip as she scanned the scribble on the disc's surface.

Property of Chloe and Max. Do not touch! Ever!

"Fuck." Chloe dropped the case and watched the disc come popping out as it trailed a foot or two on its edge before dropping. The pang of sadness gave way to an instant of anger and Chloe raised her foot to smash the disc when she saw herself reflected in its surface.

Max had been gone for four years and the wound still felt fresh at times. Leaving only a few weeks after Chloe's father had died, Max had been in tears when they last saw each other. In a fit of pain and anger, Chloe had lashed out at her then-best friend and told her that if she was leaving to not bother ever coming back or calling her. Max had met that wish with radio silence ever since, never calling or writing. Chloe only grew more conflicted with each reminder of the absent place inside of her where Max had been, bitterness mixed with a longing to see the freckled smile that she missed so much.

"It's not fair," Chloe whispered to herself as she picked the disc up from the floor. She had said those words on many occasions but this instance was an echo for Chloe from four years ago. I feel sick, I feel lonely. Why did you have to go, Max? You left me here, you fucking left me! Letting out a guttural scream, Chloe threw the disc and watched it slap against the wall without breaking. She couldn't destroy the past if she tried, and Chloe had tried. Scars on her wrists, scars on her inner thighs, piercings, and tattoos couldn't eradicate the sad girl left to herself as the only girl she had ever loved drove away to what might as well have been another country.

Wiping tears from her eyes, Chloe cursed at her own weakness and grabbed the other beers as she went back upstairs to sulk. Blaring a mix CD of NOFX, Bikini Kill, and Slipknot, Chloe made it her mission that day to get as drunk as she possibly could. Drinking her remaining beers in succession, Chloe paid no attention to time as she followed up the brews with a raid on her mother's wine and a half-empty flask of hooch that Rachel had left behind. Chloe didn't care if she passed out or if she got sick. All she wanted to feel was numb as Max Caulfield wormed her way into Chloe's thoughts over and over. Not realizing that she was frowning, Chloe put an arm over her face to shield the world from her eyes. Fuck her. Fuck Max and fuck Rachel. Fuck this whole goddamn town! Chloe's internalized curses began to turn incoherent in her mind as she blessedly passed out.

The sky was dark when Chloe woke up and the music had long since stopped. Her home was silent and dark, empty save for herself and reminders of a past that Chloe didn't want anymore. Searching for her jacket, Chloe rolled onto her side and searched through a pocket until she found what she was looking for: a joint, a lighter, and another escape. The pot brought a calm as she switched the rock CD for something more suitable for smoking weed. "Santa Monica Dream" by Angus and Julia Stone played on repeat as Chloe fell back into her bed with a whump. Toking deep, Chloe held the smoke in her mouth before letting it out in a large smoke ring. She looked around at her room and became reflective in her thoughts as the room seemed to age in reverse before her.

Graffiti disappeared, posters vanished, and furniture both disappeared and materialized as her mind took her back to 2008. Max came running in through the door with a giggle as she brought a hand from behind her back to reveal a box of snack cakes liberated from the pantry downstairs. Chloe laughed and sat up to take the proffered goodies when a phantom hand of her younger self snatched them away as followed Max into the closet to bask in success and chocolatey goodness. Sniffling as the lightened mood gave way to a somberness, Chloe was alone again in the dark.

"Give it back," Chloe said to herself in a soft, fragile voice as she looked at the closet, "Give her back!"

The tears came and went in choking sobs as Chloe's head hung low with the joint long since turned to ash on the floor. Fucking goddamn bullshit! I…I want her back, but I should hate her. Why can't I hate her? It'd be so much easier if I did…, Chloe thought as she grew listless and wandered through the confines of her room. Max was everywhere despite four years' worth of change. Old comics and drawings littered the floor in front of Chloe's bed as she sat on the mattress's edge and looked back in time.

"Fuck it." Her hand trembling, Chloe rolled through a partition in her contacts list that she had titled "Forbidden". Breaking her own rule as she lit a cigarette up, Chloe typed with her free hand a message to the one person in the world who could make her feel more than anyone else.

Chloe: Max. Max, I'm sorry. You fucking left and you left me here and I want to hate you but I can't. Where the hell are you? Why can't you just fucking be here, Goddamnit? Do you know what that did to me, what I've been through? I'm broken, and you played a part you little shit.

Chloe: …I'm sorry. Please don't disappear anymore. I…I need you.

"Fuck, what did I just do?" Chloe let out a long sigh as she tossed her phone into a pile of dirty clothes and laid back in bed with her cigarette and thoughts.

Waking up with some ash on her face and a cigarette stub hanging on her lower lip, Chloe's head pounded from the alcoholic binge of yesterday. Thinking back to the hazy memories of how the previous day transpired, Chloe rolled her eyes as she recalled how much of a mess she'd made in the garage.

"Shit. I'd better fucking clean that up. Don't fucking want to, but I hella don't need the drama," Chloe thought as she got up the same t-shirt and shorts from yesterday to make her way downstairs.

Picking up the split open cans and cardboard, Chloe eyed the area where beer funk was the strongest and shook her head. She cleaned the debris; the stench and David could fuck off as far as Chloe was concerned. Leaving the trash in one of the garbage cans outside, Chloe walked back into the house to hear her phone going off upstairs. Brow furrowing as to who could be trying to reach her at whatever too-early time it might be, Chloe saw the wall clock display 12:30pm as she broke into a fit of laughter. Helluva fucking coma, Chloe Price. You get shitfaced with the best of 'em!

"What a shitty thing to fucking be proud of," Chloe's self-deprecation eliciting a weak chuckle as she walked into her room. Patting her stomach as it growled with emphasis, Chloe realized that she'd only had some cereal and booze since yesterday morning. "We'll chow in a bit, you. Chill."

Chloe yanked her phone from the dirty laundry and tapped it on only to nearly drop it half a second later as she saw the notification flash "From Max". Oh fuck. Oh holy fucking fuck. Chloe felt her chest tighten as her anxiety peaked and her breath came in shallow gasps. Her legs buckling, Chloe cautiously made her way to the desk and took a seat in her battered chair as she pondered whether or not to look at the message. Her heart vetoing her defensiveness, Chloe tapped on the message app.

Max: Wowsers. Uh…hi, I guess?

Dude, what the fuck?

Chloe: 'Hi, I guess"? Dude, what the fuck? I was drunk. Forget what I fucking said. You hear me?! FORGET IT LIKE YOU FORGOT ME!

Switching her phone to silent mode, Chloe dropped it on the bed and stomped to the bathroom. She smelled like beer, bad memories, and wanted to get clean in some way. I don't need this shit. Note to self: do NOT use phone when drunk. Or high. Maybe ever. Ugh! The water was a relief as it sprayed her in the face with a shocking iciness before turning hot. Chloe likened the shower to a baptism, washing away the dregs of yesterday to make her as shiny and new as she could feel. If she could, Chloe would flood the entire world for a fresh start.

Chloe almost felt pleasant as she got dressed after cleaning herself up. Fresh tank-top with relatively clean jeans and boots, Chloe snatched her beanie and pulled it on to complete her set of armor. Remembering that she needed body fuel, Chloe absently pocketed her phone as she walked down the stairs to make herself something to eat. I know a thing or two about cooking. Might not be as good as Joyce, but I'm not too shabby.

One plate of eggs, bacon, and toast later left a sated Chloe sitting outside on her old swing with a cigarette in one hand and a beer pilfered from her own stash in the other. Douche beer come first, but Chloe beer better. Heh, I do beer better. I beer best! Smirking at her own humor, Chloe took a puff of her cigarette as she lazily swung. Barely high enough to get her legs out from under her, Chloe let her mind wander a bit while keeping it safely away from anything to do with Max Caulfield. Maxine Caulfield. She hated that, saying her entire first name. How the fuck do you hate your own name, nerd? Maxine…Max…Mad Max…fuck, stop it! Wanting to distract herself, Chloe turned her phone on to check out videos on YouTube when she spied another notification from Max.

Max: Chloe?

Max: Chloe, I couldn't forget all that if I tried. I didn't leave to fuck you over. If I remember correctly, YOU told ME to all but fuck off. Why couldn't you have told me all this years ago?! WHY?!

"Shit. This is all from last night," Chloe said to herself in wonder as she read the emotion coming off of Max's words, "I…I must've been passed the fuck out."

Chloe: Max? U there?

Chloe: Look. I'm not going to apologize. YOU should be the one apologizing-

Chloe: No, I should. UGH, this is such a goddamn pain!

Chloe was about to put her phone away when a new text appeared. Chloe nearly threw her phone when she saw it was from her mom.

Joyce: Hanging in there, Chloe?

Chloe: As one does, mother dearest. As one does.

Joyce: Well, Arkansas has been a disaster so far. Don't tell David, but I wish I had stayed home with you.

Chloe: LMAO that'd be rich. He'd be hella butt hurt. Heh, hurt in his butt. Because gayyyyyyyyyy LMFAO

Not getting an answer from her mom, Chloe laughed to herself at how embarrassed Joyce must be at that moment. Oh, dude, she's probably hella red in the face and regretting texting me. That. Is. Fucking. Priceless. Her laughter fading into giggles, Chloe spit her cigarette out and swung in earnest as she finished off the beer she had brought outside. A fleeting moment of cheer was what she had needed, the use of her smartass humor on someone boosting Chloe's spirit. When her phone pinged once more, Chloe tapped it on with a relish only to fall out of the swing in shock as another message popped up from Max.

Max: Chlo? You home?

Chloe: I'm here. I guess. What u want? Killing my buzz, Maxine.

Max: Ouch.

Max: Um, "knock knock"?

Chloe: WTF? A joke?

Max: Listen. Knock. Knock.

Chloe had no clue what the hell Max was talking about when she heard something from inside the house. Looking down at her phone as "Knock Knock" was messaged to her repeatedly, Chloe felt as though the world was falling out from under her. Is she…? Is Max here…? Chloe received her answer in the form of a pair of hands grabbing the top of the fence was set around the backyard. Looking from across the yard, Chloe thought the world was slowing down as the hands turned into a mop of brunette hair before a familiar set of eyes and freckles peered over the fence.

"Oh my God," Chloe heard the words escape her lips but everything felt numb as the girl she was watching hoisted herself up and over the fence. Brushing at her jeans, the girl looked up at her with an awkward smile.

"Surprise…?" Max said with a shrug as she clutched at her arm.

Chloe looked the girl over as she made her way towards the swing in slow, methodical steps. Chloe tried to reconcile her memory of Max with the girl approaching her and could make out enough that her mind began to function once more. Shoulder-length chestnut hair, the same eyes and freckles she remembered, Max was sporting a pink tank-top with "Jane" and a deer on the front along with torn blue jeans and Chuck Taylors. A pair of sunglasses sticking out of a hip pocket and her phone making a bulge in the other, Max looked like a figment of Chloe's imagination as she closed the distance between them.

"You…you can't be here," Chloe said, both girls uncertain of what she meant by the statement, "That is, I mean…what the fuck are you doing here, Max?"

"I've come for you, Chloe Price," Max said with a smirk before reaching out a hand, "Come with me if you want to live."

"Really? A Terminator 2 reference?" Chloe's instincts said to stop smiling, but her heart yearned to take the delicate little hand offered to her. Hesitant, as though Max's touch might burn her, Chloe held her hand in mid-air. Max reached a little further and grasped the blue-nailed hand before pulling the bluenette to her feet. "I can't believe you're here. You're really here?"

"Really really," Max said as held onto Chloe's hand, both girls blushing at the suddenness of their contact after four years being apart, "Hey, come with me. For cereal, Chlo."

"Wow, that's a fucking blast from the past." Chloe was still in shock as Max led them back into the house and up to Chloe's room. Chloe was so blown away by Max's sudden appearance that she hardly cared that Max was in her room. It was only when Max started going through her clothes that Chloe snapped out of her fugue state. "What are you doing?"

"Packing. You got a suitcase or a duffel bag?"

"Uh, what?" Chloe's dazed expression and tone caught Max's attention and the brunette sat herself on the bed. Running a hand through her hair, Max patted the spot next to her and Chloe ambled over with leaden feet.

"I may have disappeared, Chloe," Max began, her words careful and measured as though she had rehearsed this conversation, "but you pushed me away. I've…I've been waiting, hoping, to hear from you."

"…You have?" She missed me. After everything, she missed me. Look at her, Chloe. She's been crying, her eyes are so puffy and red. Jesus, she's really here. My Max. "I mean, 'course you have. I am hella fucking cool."

"Like ice, maybe."


"You fucking started it."

"Watch the goddamn language, Max Caulfield!"

"Shit, I'm sorry! Oh, Jesus fuck I can't stop! Hell!" Both girls giggled as they recalled the same memory from when they'd been kids.

"Max, I dare you!"

"Chloe! We're in the mall!"


"No, Che."


"…pee-pee…", Max whispered before getting an elbow to the side and a look from Chloe that urged her on, "Ugh, fine. Penis."


"PENIS!" Max yelled, blushing instantly as everyone in earshot spun around to look at the diminutive 13 year-old as Chloe's jaw dropped.

"…penis…?" Chloe asked, smirking as Max's head snapped around to stare at her with widened eyes.

"That was horrible, Chloe! Honest to Dog, I was so embarrassed! Fucking Penis Game!" Max's face turned red and Chloe couldn't help but laugh at the bashful girl sitting next to her.

"You're the one who yelled, dude! I sure as hell didn't!"

"You egged me on."


"You did, so stop!" Max elbowed Chloe in the ribs and the bluenette's fit of hysterical giggles was cut off in mid-chuckle.

"Soooo…why the clothes? Why my clothes, Max?" Chloe's switch to a serious tone resulted in Max's mirth lessening, a wide smile turning into a shy grin as the brunette looked away bashfully. Oh, no you don't. Chloe gingerly put a hand on Max's shoulder, as though the touch might cause Max to fade away like the night before.

"I-I want to take you back to Seattle. For the weekend, if you want. My-my parents are-" Max managed to get out before a gleeful shriek escaped Chloe as the beanie-clad girl bowled her old friend over in an elated hug.

"You're getting me the fuck outta here? Hella hardcore, Caulfield! You're breaking me out of jail?!" Chloe said with a twinkle in her eye as she loomed over Max, faces only inches apart. Seeing Max's eyes water, Chloe thought she might have hurt the smaller girl when Max suddenly lifted her head toward her.

The first kiss was a shock to Chloe, Max's lips quick and daring as the brunette pulled away almost as quickly as she had moved forward. When Chloe's face turned to one of shock, Max blushed and looked away for a moment as though in thought. Chloe was muted, inside and out, the sudden touch hitting her like a current of electricity. Did she just…did she just…? Chloe's question was answered by Max's head turning back up to her with tears streaming down freckled cheeks. Letting out a ragged breath, Max moved her head up more slowly as both girls closed their eyes.

The second kiss was mutual, both girls exploring the unknown that was the other person's lips and tongue as Chloe let herself down until she was laying on the smaller girl. Feeling one of Max's hands in her hair with the other resting on a hip, Chloe felt connected to an energy she'd never experienced. She had been with girls before, as well as with a boy or two, but this was Max Caulfield and Chloe's heart threatened to overwhelm her as she began to cry as well. No sobbing, no sniffling; Chloe's tears simply came and mixed with the taste of Max as they spilled down her face. She's kissing me and I'm alive again. She's come for me, she's waited for me. She waited. For me. Oh…oh fuck

"Max…Max, wait," Chloe uttered in a hushed voice as she pulled herself up with a pained look, Max having removed her hands in response to Chloe removing herself. "This is…"

"I-It's too much, too soon. I'm…I'm sorry…" Max's tone was cheerless as she saw the pain in Chloe's eyes, "I…do you not want me here?"

"No! I mean, of course I want you here. Max…it's just…fuck. You're so…so hardcore right now. I don't know if I can process all this…" Chloe sat up, straddling Max as the brunette propped herself up by the elbows. Biting her lip, Chloe weighed the next few days with Max in Seattle and realized she needed this. "Fuck it."

Chloe wrapped her legs around Max's waist as she pulled the brunette up for another kiss. Max was her world for the next few days, and Chloe wanted to explore as much as she could. If this is fleeting, if it's temporary, then I'm going to hella make as much of it as I fucking can.

Chloe didn't even care about Seattle as she reclined in the passenger seat of Max's old Jeep Wrangler TJ. The soft top pulled back, the fringe of her blue locks sticking out of the beanie blew around as Max shot down the highway. Steering with one hand, holding Chloe's hand with the other, Max would sneak looks over at her that only inspired Chloe to lean over and kiss her each time. This is so fucking amazeballs! Chloe thought as she giggled intermittently at how happy she was feeling. For the first time in what felt like years, Chloe felt genuine happiness. Even if it was only for a weekend, Chloe didn't give a shit. She was with Max and they were off to Seattle for fun and mischief.

"This is so fucking amazeballs!" Chloe crowed as her face split into a heart-stopping grin, the smile only growing as Max chuckled in response to Chloe's proclamation. Chloe looked over at Max, the brunette wearing her shades, and bit at her lower lip as she wondered what Max's eyes were giving away under the dark lenses. "Whatcha thinkin'?"

"That 'amazeballs' is just as old to me as 'for cereal' is for you, Che," Max said as Chloe smiled at the use of Max's private nickname for her, "I mean…wowsers, right?"

"Yes, Max. Epic fucking wowsers. Wowsers to the nth degree. So, how'd you score these wheels? You got my old truck beat cold, dude. Spill."

"Well, this is my dad's old work car from when we still lived…" Max halted her sentence, afraid of disturbing Chloe's mood. Picking up on the reason for Max's hesitation, Chloe poked her friend in the side with a finger. "Well, when we still lived in Arcadia Bay. He still drove it for a while, but he eventually just carpooled with my mom. When I turned sixteen last year, I got the keys. I also got the insurance payments, but she's mine for all intents and purposes."

"She?" Chloe's smirk eliciting a groan from Max, the bluenette giggled as Max patted the dash like her ride was a puppy.

"Her name is 'Gir', Chloe Elizabeth Price," Max teased in a chastising tone, "She's the wheels under your feet so respect, dork."

Chloe let out a sharp laugh as the memory of the Invader Zim DVD came to her mind. Dude, it feels like destiny or some bullshit like that. Holy fuck. We're fated, Max, we're hella fated. Squeezing Max's hand a little more tightly, Max turned her head to flash Chloe a smile before returning her attention to the road.

"I missed you, Maxaroni," Chloe said, her voice growing weak as she blushed, "I hardcore missed you, dude."

"I hella missed you, Che. I'm…I'm really glad you messaged me. Even if it was some kind of drunk dial/high dial hybrid."

"Shittyness and all?" Chloe's slight worry was answered by a kiss on the hand that Max held.

"I don't think I would have been so quick if you were mushy. Besides, I'd take you no matter how you are. You're you, y'know? And you're here, so shush. You're in my car and we're heading to Seattle. That's your answer." Max's answer satisfying her, Chloe leaned back into seat once more before nodding off. Whenever Chloe began to stir or whimper in her sleep, Max would bring the bluenette down with a gentle squeeze of her hand and receive a faint smile from Chloe in return.

The Caulfields resided in the top floor of a renovated brownstone in downtown Seattle. Pulling into the parking lot across the street, Max steered the jeep into its assigned parking space as Chloe began to wake up. Rubbing at her eyes, Chloe looked up at the evening sky and shivered a bit before looking down at the space between her and Max. She held my hand the entire way. Too cute, you little nerd. A sleepy grin on her face, Chloe leaned over to give Max a kiss on the cheek as the brunette put the jeep in park before shutting it off.

Turning around to face Chloe, Max leaned over to give Chloe a gentle kiss on the lips before pulling away to hop out of her vehicle. Hearing "C'mon, sleepy-ass!" from Max as she hefted the suitcase out of the back, Chloe slid out of Max's ride and took her luggage from the cheerful brunette. Crossing the street hurriedly to avoid traffic, Chloe looked up in awe at how nice Max's place was.

"Dude, this is like that show Elementary or something. Brownstones are pretty cool. You don't have epic tattoos or anything, do you?" Chloe asked, hesitant about wanting to hear an answer. That Sherlock is kinda fucked up, though. Not sure a recovering addict Max is what I need right now, heh.

"Like this?" Max grinned as she pulled the bottom of her tank-top up to show a vine with roses start at her waistline and trail up her side. "My mom nearly killed my dad, but it was totally worth it. Cool, right?"

"Dude, how did you manage that? You used to cry from papercuts, and tattoos on the ribcage hurt like something hella fierce!" Chloe reached a hand out, looking to Max for permission before tracing the tattoo on her friend. Holy fuck, Max. Who the hell have you become after four years? Tattoos, kisses, amazeballs…you're something hella epic, Maxaroni. Seeing Max look at her with a bemused expression, Chloe realized that she must have been staring too long. Blushing, Chloe pulled her beanie off and scratched at her head while laughing nervously. "Uh, s'cool. I guess."

"Smooth you are not, Chloe," Max chided before jerking her head toward the open door. "C'mon. I'm tired and hungry. I need foodstuffs, and I'm assuming you could use a bite to eat."

"Feed me, give me shelter and attention. Am I pet or something?" Chloe joked as she dragged her suitcase up the stairs to the floor occupied by Max and her parents.

"Sit, Chlo-Chlo. Bad girl, I said sit!" Max joked in return, not turning to look at Chloe as she unlocked the door. "Stay."

"Uh, no?"

"Fine. Come in if you must. Mi casa es tu casa."

The living room was a little bigger than Chloe's, a flat-panel television occupying a corner between the wall and a window with a sound system perched underneath on the TV stand's only shelf. Pictures hung on the walls, carpet on the hardwood floors, Chloe thought that Max must be living the high life and couldn't help the mild pang of jealousy as she was led through the dining area and kitchen. Going past the kitchen, Max led Chloe down to a door at the end of a hallway before spinning around to look the bluenette in the eye.

"Last stop. Do you wish to proceed?"

"Permission to enter, Cap'n Max?"

"When did I get promoted?"

"Your digs, you're the captain. I'll be your first mate."

"Well, then," Max said before opening the door, "Enter all hope, ye who enter here. C'mon."

Chloe was surprised. Max's room being roughly the size of her own, Chloe dropped her suitcase next to the open door and began to explore as Max headed into a walk-in closet while complaining about feeling gross after so long a drive. Wow. What a nerd, Chloe thought as she eyed the wall decorated from floor to ceiling in Polaroids and other photos.

Promising herself that she would check the pictures out later, Chloe examined the rest of Max's room with a definitive interest. Illuminated by a series of lamps shaped like old-school lanterns, Max's queen-size bed took up a corner of the room while a simple desk took up a space by the door. Movie and anime posters decorating the wall opposite all the photos, Chloe smiled as she had watched all of them as well. We watched half of these together before she left, Chloe thought before seeing Max resurface from her closet in fresh clothes.

"Food?" Max asked, patting her belly.

"Pizza?" Chloe asked, smiling as she batted her eyes at the grinning brunette.


Max walked over to her laptop and powered the computer up. Chloe walking up to the desk, she leaned over Max's shoulder to try and spy what was on her friend's computer only to huff at the internet browser obscuring the entire screen. No fun, Chloe thought as she watched Max click on a bookmarked pizza place.

"Pagliacci's?" Chloe asked.

"Best pizza I've had," Max answered, "What you feeling up for?"

"Uh, cheese?"

"You for cereal, Che?" Max asked, getting a shrug from Chloe before turning back to the laptop, "Okay. One original, one verde primo."

"What's on the verde primo?"

"Artichoke hearts, mushrooms, pesto, goat cheese, garlic and mozzarella."

"…What the fuck?"

"It's good, Che, so you be quiet. There," Max said as she dramatically finished the order, "All done. Be about a half-hour, though."

"Hey. Where's your folks, dude?" Chloe asked, realizing that she and Max were alone.


"For real?" Whoa. Fated, I fucking swear.

"Fo' cereal. C'mon."

Grabbing a cloth pencil bag first, Max walked out into the hall and gestured for Chloe to join her. Shrugging and more than a little curious, Chloe felt her heart race as Max took her hand and pulled her along to a balcony in the back of their place. Feeling the brisk air, Chloe rubbed at her bare arms for a moment before Max joined her with a jacket. It's a little small, Maxaroni, Chloe thought as the sleeves came up to above her wrists. Chloe looked over to see Max staring. Frowning, Chloe traced Max's line of sight and saw that the thin line on her wrist was in perfect view.

"Shit," Chloe grunted as she crossed her arms and looked away from Max. "Look, Max. I went through…well, I went through some really bad times. Things got pretty dark. I…I don't want to talk about it this weekend. I just want to enjoy my time with you."

"You don't have to talk about it, Che," Max's reply quick as her head jerked to look away from Chloe, "Just…I'm just glad you're here."

"Me, too. So, why did you bring a pencil bag out here? You gonna draw on my face or something?" Chloe asked only for her jaw to drop as Max produced two joints, "Dude. You…fucking…bake?!"

"Why wouldn't I? I am an 'artiste', after all. S'good for my anxiety problems." Max giggled, only making Chloe's eyes light up even further as the brunette pulled out an MMJ card. "Prescribed and everything. It isn't much, but it calms me so I don't get attacks as often."


"Panic attacks, anxiety attacks," Max rattled off as she lit a joint and put it in her mouth, "I hyperventilate and pass out, usually. Sometimes my nose will bleed. Here."

Taking a puff from her joint, Max blew the smoke out her nose after a moment before she lit the other joint with her own and passed the unsmoked doobie to Chloe. Chloe lifted it to her lips and paused as her brow furrowed.

"If this is medicinal then won't you need it?" Chloe asked as she tried to hand the joint back only to get rebuffed by Max waving a hand at her.

"I…I've got other means. My parents know about the prescribed stuff, but not about my stash. I'm a 'good girl', after all."

"Evidently not that good."

"Hey!" Max slapped Chloe's arm and feigned a wounded look before toking as she leaned over the balcony railing. "You're a butt."

"I am not!" Chloe retorted only to bust up laughing, "Dude, you haven't called me that in a long-ass time. Like, hella long."

"I stopped because you didn't like it."

"Then why start now?" I'm not a butt. You're a hella butt, you butt.

"Because," Max said, a corner of her mouth turning upwards as she looked at Chloe from the corner of her eye before letting out a sigh of relief. "Dog, I needed that. Really needed."

Hearing a phone chirp, Chloe looked over from her own respite of staring into space to see Max pull out her phone and smirk as she typed away. This is her world, Chloe thought with a sigh, I'm just a visitor. Need to make this weekend count. Something to remember and hold onto. Let the old shit stay old. Peering over at her, Chloe caught Max's attention and the brunette stuck out her tongue before wrapping up whatever she was doing.

"No peeking!" Max let out as she finished up her bud, checking her phone as it chirped once more. "Ooh, pizza's here!"

Watching Max head back inside, Chloe took a long drag at her joint and looked at it as she thought that only two days ago she'd been complaining about Max and being left behind.

"You drive home, make out with me, and bring my ass up here," Chloe said as she looked back to see Max collecting their pizzas at the door with a cheerful smile, "You toke, cuss, and you're sure as fuck not shy with me. You grew up amazeballs, Max."

Heading back inside, Chloe shut the sliding door only to catch a whiff of the pizzas. Her stomach cramping from the incredible lack of food she had failed to provide, Chloe walked over to the kitchen and eyed what she knew to be her pizza sitting on the kitchen's island counter. Wafting the opened box under her nose, Chloe grabbed the pepper shaker and brought it with her as Max sat down in the living room. Sliding up to Max on the couch, Chloe mumbled "Thanks" as she gave Max a light kiss before dousing her pizza in black pepper. Hearing Max giggle as she spiced her pizza up, Chloe quirked an eyebrow and glanced over at the oddity that was Max's pizza. Artichoke and goat cheese? Fucking weirdo. Chloe shook her head in amusement as Max's eyes rolled back while taking a bite of pizza.

"That looks hella gross, Max."

"Says the girl with a plain cheese pizza. Bor-ing," Max said with a mouthful of pizza.

"I am a guest, Max Caulfield. Respect!"

"I am your landlord for the weekend. Bow," Max said, licking the pizza sauce from her fingers before snapping her head up, "Shit! I forgot, I was so hungry! Drink?"

"Drink!" Chloe toasted with her slice of pizza.

Chloe ate away at her pizza, amused at her own hunger as half the small pizza disappeared while Max was gone. Heh. Om non nom, Chloe thought as she patted her belly and pushed it out to look like a small gut. Arcadia Bay and all of the drama associated with her hometown disappeared from her thoughts as she reclined into the leather couch, closing her eyes and bringing her knees up to her chest. I could fall asleep right now and dream hella sweet dreams. This is fucking wonderful.

"Wake up, dingus." Max's voice pulled Chloe out of her thoughts as the bluenette opened her eyes and eyed the mug sitting on the table next to her pizza. Smells like…apple juice…? No, it smells like…

"Is this hard cider?" Chloe asked as she sniffed at the contents of her mug. "No, there's something else. What…hmm…"


"…Yeah, I surrender. What's in the mug?!" Chloe asked, trying to do an impression of Brad Pitt's tone in Seven as he asked "What's in the box?!" and getting a chuckle out of Max as her reward.

"It's a can of hard cider and two shots of cinnamon schnapps," Max said as she sipped at her mug, "It's called a 'Golden Apple'."

"Get me high and drunk, as well as feed me pizza?" Chloe asked as she set her mug down, eyeing the food and drink as well as Max, "What are you up to, Max Caulfield?"

"The night is young, Chloe." Max's voice became breathy and low as she took a long drink of her Golden Apple and leaned over to kiss Chloe.

Whoa was Chloe's sole thought as her mind gave way to the fiery, spiced lips and tongue connecting to her. Meeting Max's tongue with her own, their lips crashed together and moved in sync as Max quickly set her mug down and took Chloe's face in her hands. Meeting Max move for move, Chloe pulled Max closer by latching onto a handful of brunette hair. Arcadia Bay was a surprise, but you have no surprises left when it comes to kissing. Student, meet the Master. Hearing Max moan as she grabbed a handful of the brunette's shirt to pull her closer, Chloe grinned as they kissed when she fell back onto the couch and Max climbed on top of her. The idea of this being only for the weekend came unwanted to Chloe's thoughts and she let out a slight groan that only made her groan again as Max pulled away a bit from the noise. Fuck! Brain, you totally suck!

"Hey," Chloe said as she played with the Max's shirt, the brunette now sitting up on top of Chloe, "C'mere."

"What's in it for me? And why are you pouting?" Max asked, running her hands underneath Chloe's shirt as she felt the bluenette's smooth skin.

"Well. One, I'm in it for you. Two? I-I just don't want this to end…"

"Then why'd you stop, Che?" Max's look of concern intensified into a slight pout and Chloe felt her last defenses crash to the depths of her mind. Don't give me that look, Max. I fucking melt at that face, you know that. Shit. That's why you're doing it. Goddamnit, Max.

"You know what I mean, hippie. I…I need you to be with me."

"I know what you mean."

"You do?"

"Chloe, there hasn't been anyone that could hold up to you. You were trying to sneak a peek at my computer when I was ordering food, right? Let me tell you in advance that my wallpaper is of us from our last Halloween together. The one with us smiling so brightly as we stood covered in pumpkin guts, eggs, and toilet paper."

"I remember that! Your mom was so fucking pissed that she threatened to never let me see you again! That is your wallpaper? You've been in Seattle for years, dude. You have to have made some friends…"

"I did. But they know that you're the apex of my friendships. You're the level they'll never able to achieve, Che."

Chloe knew she was crying as Max looked at her with a gentility that the bluenette didn't think she deserved. Wiping the wetness from her face with a jacket sleeve, Chloe's eyes were shut when she felt Max kiss her on the forehead.

"But…I wanted to forget you so damn much," Chloe sputtered out as she kept herself from sobbing, "You…you left me, and my world went dark. I made a friend, but she could never be you. Heh, she gets mad when I get angry at you. I think she knows how much you actually mean to me, Maxaroni." Reaching a hand up, Chloe ran her fingers along Max's jawline as the brunette's eyes started to become misty.

"Aw, Max. Don't cry."

"B-But I missed you so much, Che," Max stuttered, the shy girl from Chloe's memory surfacing underneath the chill girl exterior, "You said you never wanted t-to hear from me and all I ever wanted was y-"

The silence as Max cut herself off was heavy enough that Chloe thought she might not be able to breathe. Oh my…Oh my God. Was she…does she…?

"All you ever wanted was what, Caulfield?" Chloe asked, peering up as Max lowered her head so only her mouth was visible underneath chestnut hair. "C'mon, Max. It's just me, dude. I can keep a secret, I swear."

"It is you, Chloe. I've loved you since I was 12 and y-you pushed me away…" Max started to moan quietly as tears fell from her chin and landed on Chloe's tank-top as her voice broke. "I loved you and you abandoned me. You threw me away, Chloe. All I've ever wanted for the past four years was you, Goddamnit."

"Jesus Christ," Chloe had figured what Max was going to say. Part of it, anyway, but not to the extent that Max had gone; Chloe's heart dropped at Max's heartbreaking confession. She loved me…? She…she loved me, and what did I do? I fucking broke her heart and tossed her in a fit. I'm an idiot. Still…does she love me now? "Do you still…? Fuck, I'm afraid to ask."

"Of course," Max's head turned slightly as her hair parted enough that Chloe could see two pools of watery, oceanic blue look down at her kindly, "I've never stopped loving you, Chloe Price. I came to get you, but in truth I'm selfish. The second you messaged me, I fell out of my bed. I-I cried, but the tears were happy. Please, Che. Please don't leave me."

"I'm never leaving you," Chloe said as her own voice began to waver, kissing Max as the brunette finally lowered back down to kiss Chloe in return.

"This weekend isn't going to last, you know," Max whispered, her tone crestfallen as she leaned her forehead onto Chloe's. "I'm afraid that when it's over we will be, too."

"That won't happen, Max. You love me…and I love you," Chloe's walls gone as she let a surprised Max into her entirely, "We will last. We will. Forever."

Author's Note

Holy shit. Seriously – holy fucking shit.

Um, so yeah. That's part one of Teenage Dirtbag. I hope you enjoyed this as much as I did making it. Four hours doth make a largeth-as-fucketh story, and it's only a part of the whole thing. This prompt-based story was supposed to be a one-shot but I'm loving what this is turning into too much to stop. For cereal.

I'm thinking that I might put Fighters on hold until this one is done. Not sure if I really will, as I've got Chapter 8 of Fighters a third of the way done. This story has just been, well, rejuvenating. I can kick back and just go nuts with this. Like I said, I'm not sure. I might try and juggle the two stories somehow...

This Max is something of an amalgamation of how I've written Max in my other stories. She's still got some of the Canon Max's traits, but there's some Punk Max and Rebel Girl Max as well. I like writing Chloe being so conflicted – it's not expanded upon as much in the game, but I really feel that she's internally battling herself over Max.

I'll put up the second part of this tomorrow, mainly because I don't want to stop now that I'm on something of a roll.

Read, review, and I'll see you tomorrow for the second part. "Stoners in Seattle" – what a goddamn treat, eh?

Stay hella, Cinnamon Rolls!

PS – Pagliacci's is a legit pizza place in Seattle and their food is fucking killer. Seriously, if you're ever in Seattle find this goddamn pizza place.