Hello everyone. It's khffbleach9. I'm back thank KingJGamer for messaging me.

Chapter 10: Revelations

Geo's POV

Battle Cards. What can I use to heal her? Will they even work? W-what if…

"Focus Geo. What kind of cards heal me?"

Recover cards. Do I have any? I do. I know I do.

I have 10, 30 and maybe 50. Would that help? What else could work? Barrier, it absorbs damage. It might help.

"Ok. I can do this. I'll save you now."

Ok. How do I do this? Mega eats the card can they somehow do the same?

"Mega how do I use…"

"Kid use that compartment on the top side of the guitar. "

Compartment? Where?


There is one. Ok. I hope this works. I'll save you Harp Note. Sonia, I hope your ok.

Mega's POV

The kid's doing well. He gave them the recovery cards and even used a card to absorb damage but it's not enough. We ran out and had to find a vendor to buy more. Who could have done this? Taurus is gone. Ophiuca is a snake but she's not that vicious. No could it be.


Oh no. They're exiting their Wave Change. He's going to see them.


Things probably just got a lot harder.

So how was it? Good, bad, misspelled. Please remember to comment and share ideas. Wish me brainstorming. Until next time.