AN: Mostly Tsuna-centric chapter, it jumps around a bit, because there's two different things happening at the same time, Tsuna's introduction to school and friends, and his introduction to the life of an older brother, on top of that, he's ten and a bit scatterbrained. A little surprise for you guys at the end.

Chapter 3: Princesses, dragons and knights

Tsuna's first day of class was scary. When roll call came and he answered to "Sinclair Tsunayoshi" for the first time, he started sinking in his chair. Everyone was looking at him! And he hadn't even done anything yet!

At lunchtime he was surrounded by his classmates. He looked around with wide eyes, everyone was talking at the same time and he didn't know what to do!

Just as his eyes started blurring with tears a loud noise made everyone turn around and Tsuna felt someone tug at him. He turned and a pretty girl with her light brown hair in piggy tails smiled at him and dragged him out.

Her name was Sasagawa Kyoko and she was so nice! Her friend Kurokawa Hana appeared after their escape, complaining about how their classmates were all stupid and Tsuna couldn't help but shuffle until he was half behind Kyoko-chan. Hana-chan was scary!

But then she gave him one of her little chocolate truffles and she wasn't so bad after all!

Thus Tsuna made his first friends.


Spending time with Kyoko-chan and Hana-chan was nice, even if some of the boys made fun of him because his best friends were girls. Kyoko-chan was so kind and always knew how to make people feel better, and Hana-chan was so smart. She always got good grades and helped him when he didn't understand something.

His mom liked it a lot when they came to his house to do homework and play games. Hana-chan was better at Mario kart, and Kyoko-chan always won the fight games, but Tsuna was better at puzzle and rhythm games, so it didn't matter that they were better than him at some things.

They did get a little weird when they met his dad and he gave them a rose each. They said he was so handsome and cool and a real gentleman and they giggled, a lot. Tsuna didn't know what to think of that.


Kyoko-chan's brother was scary!

Not scary like Hana-chan, but he was very... big and he yelled a lot, but he really loved Kyoko-chan, and anyone who liked Kyoko-chan couldn't be that bad.

That said, he tried to get Tsuna to box with him and it ended up with Tsuna getting a black eye and Kyoko yelling at her brother for being mean. But Ryohei-sempai looked really sorry about it so Tsuna forgave him, he didn't really mean to do it after all.


When Tsuna was made to sit down between his parents, a couple of months into the school year, he thought it might be because of his low score in the last science test. But it wasn't.

He was going to be a big brother!

That night, after saying goodnight to this mom and dad, he patted his mom's stomach and wished his baby sibling goodnight as well. His mom got a bit weird after that.


Tsuna was barely able to sit still, he was going to see his little sibling for the first time! Well, only a picture, but still.

The machine was weird and it was the first time he saw the little bump in his mom's stomach, but then hid dad helped him up and he could see the image.

That… didn't look like a baby.

He wrinkled his nose.

"That's ugly."

His mom and dad and the doctor all laughed though he wasn't sure why. He hadn't said anything particularly funny had he?

"Not a very flattering picture I suppose. Unfortunately, this is the best we can do." Said the doctor and then the little cursor on the screen started moving and Tsuna followed it eagerly as the doctor explained what part was the head, and the little arms and legs.

When they got home they framed the picture and put it on the living room.

That night his dad came into his room as he was settling himself for the night.

"So, what do you think of your new sibling?"

"The doctor said they were tiny, like this." Said Tsuna, moving his hands to the size the doctor had indicated. His dad laughed and tugged him closer, running his fingers through Tsuna's hair.

"Are you happy with being a big brother?" Tsuna yawned and nodded.

"Yep, I'm going to teach them all the games I know and we are going to have so much fun." Then he looked up to his dad's dark eyes. "Am I still going to be your favorite when they come?" he asked softly, tears starting to fill his eyes. His dad hugged him tight.

"In my heart, there's a Tsuna-shaped hole only Tsuna can fill up, there's also a mama shaped hole only mama can fill and now there's a baby shaped hole that only the baby can fill. So you see, I will always love you a lot and I will love the baby a lot too."

"When you give out love, more love grows inside you so you can never run out." His mom's voice came from the doorway and Tsuna looked up, she was smiling and she came in to sit down on the other side of Tsuna, she leaned into their hug and kissed Tsuna's cheek.

"Only Tsuna can be Tsuna, so don't be afraid of being replaced, that will never, ever happen." She added, hugging him tight.

"And now, you're going to be a big brother and your little sibling is going to look up to you and love you and you will always be their big brother. When they are born, they will be small and weak, and they will need their big brother to be their knight and protect them from dragons ok?"

Tsuna didn't think he was a knight, but he wanted to be a good older brother, so he nodded.


Tsuna was nervous, because he was still a bit scared of Ryohei-sempai, but at the same time, he didn't know any other older brothers and he wanted to be a good older brother too. So he rang the doorbell on the Sasagawa's door and almost yelped when it was yanked open and the taller, stronger boy stared at him in surprise.

"I'm… I'm going to be a nii-san! Plea… please teach me how to be a good one!" Tsuna bowed and jumped a little at the loud laughter before he was picked up and pushed into the house. Ryohei-sempai already talking a lot about Kyoko-chan and how to be an awesome older brother. Tsuna's ears were ringing, but he paid as much attention as he could, this was important.


Tsuna froze in his spot as Yagami-san, big, scary Yagami-san, was trying to drag Kyoko-chan to play with him and his big, scary friends, even though she didn't want to go with them. Tsuna turned to tell tall and strong Hana-chan to do something but then he remembered that Hana-chan was home with a cold.

His dad's words rang in his ears.

"When they are born, they will be small and weak, and they will need their big brother to be their knight and protect them from dragons ok?"

And then Ryohei-sempai's

"An older brother must always be willing to protect their little siblings with all their strength! It doesn't matter if it's not much! Your little sibling is counting on you!"

Tsuna was so scared, he was biting his lip and his eyes were full of tears. But he still tightened his little fists, and with a screech that was more fear than courage, he launched himself to Yagami-san and his friends.


Renato finished parking the car and paused for a minute. Was he being overprotective? Maybe he had been a bit too hasty in cancelling his office hours to get home earlier? But no, Nana had sounded worried on the phone and with her condition…

He entered the house, his keen ears quickly picking on Tsuna's hiccupping sobs and Nana's soothing voice.

His little boy barely fit in Nana's lap with her very pregnant stomach in the way, but he still curled up against his mother as she tried to sooth him. He was covered in bruises and scrapes. Nana was biting her lips and looking at Renato with worry in her eyes. Renato set his hat and coat aside and kneeled near them.

"Hey there, little warrior. I heard you vanquished a dragon." He said softly only to be almost run over by an armful of crying child.

"Papa!" the word made Renato's heart stutter for a second. Tsuna always called him dad. That he was comfortable enough and scared enough to call him papa instead, was both heartwarming and concerning.

He carefully gathered the boy up and took him to the bathroom were the first-aid kit was waiting. As he worked on the boy's wounds, the story slowly came out in between sniffles and little sobs. About Kyoko-chan and Yagami-san and how Hana-chan was usually the knight because she was taller and stronger but that this time he had to be a knight too, even though he was small and weak.

Renato couldn't be prouder.

So if he went to the parent-teacher meeting wearing his sharpest suit, his most forbidding glare and instilled the fear of god in the hearts of teachers and parents alike, well, no one could blame him really.


What Tsuna didn't know, was that Renato, once he realized he would be staying in Nana and Tsuna's life for good, had spent a small fortune on child psychology books. He didn't want to ruin Tsuna after all the hard work Nana put into making him a good person.

He also didn't know that he panicked when Nana informed him of her pregnancy because, how could he be a good father? The vague memories Renato had of his own only informed him that the old man had been an alcoholic with heavy fists that got himself killed for owing money to the wrong people.

Renato had little experience in the whole paternity business, thus, he panicked.

Nana, strong, confident, comforting Nana, had taken his shaking hands and looked at him straight in the eyes.

"You care, Renato. You care so much you're making yourself sick with worry. Children are smart, even if you make mistakes, and you will because you're human, they will be able to tell that you care, and that's all that truly matters in the end."

Renato had to believe her, as the one with the actual experience and because despite his less than ideal circumstances, Tsuna was a sweet, good child and he owned that to his amazing mother.

So now Renato had the task of teaching loving, kind Tsuna how to defend himself properly, and he had to do it without undoing Nana's hard work and turning him into… well… someone like Renato.

"Papa?" Tsuna stared with wide brown eyes as Renato taught him how to make a proper fist.

"It's fine Tsuna, this is just knight training after all." He winked in Tsuna's direction and felt his smile widen at the little boy's enthusiastic nod. He was still scared of ruining him, it would be hard, he would need to really tone down his fighting style so that it suited the purposes of his ten year old civilian son. But it could be done, and he hadn't been called the Greatest Hitman in the World for nothing.


Being pregnant was easier, the second time around. Probably because she didn't cry herself to sleep every night. Didn't have to deal with an empty bed, the disapproval of her parents and the scorn of society at large. Didn't have to worry about how long her money would last. Didn't have to walk to the hospital scared and alone.

Instead she went to sleep amidst smiles and cuddling, woke up to the warm pressure of her husband, his arm curling around her body. She still didn't speak to her parents but now when she walked around the neighborhood, instead of whispering and sending her disapproving glares, people smiled and congratulated her. They asked nosy questions and gave out unsolicited advice that she took with a smile and an internal eye roll. Every hospital trip included her hovering husband being mostly useless but present.

Nana woke every day feeling nauseous, this was familiar. What wasn't familiar was the large, warm hand rubbing her back soothingly and the low voice whispering comforting words as she emptied her stomach in the toilet.

She didn't have to panic over money or food, she could go out at any moment and fill the refrigerator without worrying about their finances, would cook if she had the energy for it. If she didn't, Renato was only a phone call away and he would arrive home while bearing take-out of whatever food she craved at the moment.

Tsu-kun was such a sweetheart too, he had decided he needed to read bedtime stories to the baby and while Nana was quite sure they couldn't hear him yet, Renato encouraged his new habit.

"It will help with his reading ability and besides, if he's involved in being a good big brother, he won't get too jealous." Nana had to admit that sounded good and so she settled down and listened to her son's voice as he went on and on about Harry Potter's adventures.

As her stomach got larger and rounder and the colder months approached, both of her boys did their best to keep her comfortable. Tsu-kun had started to keep his room in order and while he had already been in charge of taking care of Halloween, now he did it with much more enthusiasm.

"Dad said I have to be a good example for the baby." He answered when she asked him about his newfound responsible side and she couldn't help but chuckle. Even when he wasn't around, Renato went out of his way to make her life easier.

She was getting so spoiled. Even the cat took turns curling on her lap or at her feet and keeping her warm.

The issue with Yagami-san was a bit worrying, but Renato assured her he would handle it and so she stepped back, patting her bulging stomach and letting Tsu-kun cuddle with her even though he was a bit too old for that anymore.

She wasn't entirely sure she approved of Renato teaching her son how to fight, but she recognized the world wasn't a safe place and he would need to know some kind of self-defense. As much as she disliked it, she wouldn't always be there to defend him against aggressors.

Tsu-kun started joining his father in his early morning runs and Nana had to keep herself from chuckling at his whining. He complained a lot, but he still climbed out of bed at five to go with his father. It was so cute! The results were already showing, within a few weeks, Tsu-kun's clumsiness was drastically diminished and he walked a bit straighter, a bit more confident.

She made sure to kiss Renato senseless for that.

She also met Kyoko-chan's brother Ryohei-kun. According to Tsu-kun:

"He's going to teach me all about being a big brother mom! He's so cool!"

She had to cough a bit to hide her laughter at Ryohei-kun's puffed out chest. She made sure to make extra food too, he looked like an active child that spent a lot of energy. Then Hana-chan made a comment about Ryohei-kun being a monkey and soon all four of them were arguing all over each other. She couldn't help but smile, it was so nice that Tsu-kun had friends now, he looked so much happier.

The months passed, fall became winter, winter became spring and Nana was ready to pop. Her due date came and went and she was a bit irritable as a result.

Then finally, on May 15th, the Sinclair family welcomed their newest member, their little dark-haired princess, Reina-chan.


OMAKE (wrote it for the previous chapter but couldn't find where to put it and I'm proud of it so you get to read it anyway):

Renato yawned as he started to descend the stairs, he was going in his usual early morning run. It was 5 am and still dark outside.

When he caught sight of the black mass at the end the stairs and the single glowing yellow orb he did not screech like a little girl, tripped as he tried to step backwards and fell on his bum with a loud thud. This did not happen atall.

When the black mass meowed at him and easily climbed to where he was sitting before jumping into his lap and giving him a disdainful look, he briefly contemplated abandoning it in an empty lot before he heard Nana call for him and saw the stair lights being turned on.

"Dad?" Tsuna was clinging to the back of Nana's nightdress, and Renato gave him and his wife a shaky smile.

"Sorry, I didn't see Ween and stepped on her on accident. That was the noise." The cat made a noise that he could have sworn was a laugh before jumping off his lap and running up the stairs.

"At least now you will turn on the lights, as I have told you to do a dozen times already." Said Nana with her hands on her hips and a smile twitching on her lips, darn it, she didn't believe him.

"Be careful dad, you could've hurt Ween." Added Tsuna from where he was petting the black menace.

"Yes, yes, I'm sorry, I'll be more careful." He promised as he pushed himself up, ignoring Nana's knowing look.