A/N: So we're at the last chapter of this one. Sequel is up next, hoping to get it started next week. This chapter has some M rated sections (although they're not very graphic) but it's a lengthy one for those who want to skim past them. Thank you again to all who have read, reviewed, followed and favourited this story.

Chapter 9 – Goodbyes

He pulled up at the park to wait for her, his leg shaking as he held it on the gas pedal. He took a breath to calm his nerves. He'd never been this agitated before at the thought of having sex, quite the opposite. Normally he was on cloud nine by the time he'd got to this stage, waiting for the sweet payoff of charming a girl. He saw her approach and his heart fluttered in his chest. "Keep it together, Paddy," he told himself under his breath. "It's just sex, you've done it before. Never had any complaints."

She smiled as he flashed his headlights to attract her attention, picking up her pace and pinning back a lock of hair behind her ear. She wore a sleeveless black buttoned up chiffon top, the first two buttons undone, her cross swaying as she walked. She'd paired it with a pair of tight black jeans and she carried a large brown leather handbag over her shoulder. He exited the black Chevy Impala he'd borrowed and came to meet her. "Hey you," he said, kissing her immediately with a smile.

"Hey yourself," she smiled. She glanced at the vehicle. "Nice ride."

As she saw Jane's eyebrow raise in amusement she caught immediately the inadvertent double entendre she'd just made and stammered, "Um...I mean nice car."

He laughed softly, putting his hand on her lower back as he guided her to the passenger door.

As soon as she got in she put her bag on the floor and buckled her seatbelt. "So, there's this spot where...well it's a local make out spot I suppose. Thought we could go there. I mean...we don't have to go straight away. We can just drive around for a while...or go have a coffee or something before we...er...-"

"Teresa," he interrupted softly, "We don't need to rush. You have all night, correct?"

"Yeah," she replied, trying to relax her heartbeat. At the moment it felt like her heart was lodged in her throat. She swallowed, hoping to shift it back to her chest.

"Take a breath," he smiled.

She nodded. Took a long breath. "Sorry, little nervous," she admitted.

He leaned over and kissed her softly. "So this make out spot?" he smirked, "Been there often?"

She shrugged as she began to smile, "Maybe a...couple of times."

He laughed softly. "Well you won't be going there tonight."

She frowned immediately. "You don't want to? You've...you've changed your mind?"


"No you don't want to?"

He grinned. "No. I haven't changed my mind. I've just lined up somewhere a little better than the back seat of a car."

"Really, where?"

"You'll see," he smiled as he started the engine.

As they pulled up at a Motel on the edge of town Jane parked up. He nodded to the whitewashed walls of the mid range Motel chain. "I know it's not the Ritz but it's better than the back of a car, right?" he said to her.

She nodded, "Yeah...look I'll go half on the cost-"

"You most certainly will not," he laughed, kissing her quickly. "I'll go get the key, be back in a minute."

As soon as he got out of the car she let go of a breath. Took another deep one. This was really happening. She was about to have sex with Patrick Jane. She closed her eyes, tried to control the panic that was taking over her, willing herself to be nonchalant and aloof instead of the nervous wreck she was descending into. A minute later she saw him exit the manager's office, dangling a key with a grin on his face. "Oh god," she whispered. "Okay, Teresa. Just get on with this. You can do it."

She planted a smile on her face and opened the door, getting out as Jane approached. He kissed her and locked the car, taking her hand and leading her to a room at the far side of the Motel. "Room 18, here we go," Jane said cheerfully as he opened the door and motioned for her to go in first. It was actually a bit nicer on the inside than she imagined. Twin queen size beds looked clean and carpet was soft under her feet. She dropped her bag onto one of the beds.

"Ah, it's not too bad at all," Jane said at her back as he put his arms around her and kissed the side of her head.

"No, it's nice," she commented, nodding. "But you shouldn't have gone to all this trouble, Patrick."

He moved her hair out of his way and began to nuzzle her neck, "No trouble at all," he said, his tone low. She angled her head and he increased the intensity of his kisses accordingly. "I can't wait to make love to you, Teresa," he added. "I have so much planned for you tonight."

"You...you do?" she said, her voice high.

"Hmm...I do hope you're the adventurous sort," he chuckled, his voice husky. "I have a feeling you're very limber. That'll come in useful when we experiment with a new position I've wanted to try-"

She pulled away from him immediately and turned around swiftly, "Huh?!"

He laughed at once. "I'm kidding!" he said through chortles. "Had to lighten the mood. You looked like you were about to go to the gallows instead of having sex with me."

She crossed her arms across her chest and glared at him. "Oh, ha ha, Patrick. Very funny."

He came closer and took her waist gently. "Sorry," he smiled, "couldn't resist." He kissed her gently, deepening it slowly. "You okay?" he asked softly afterwards.

She nodded, "Yeah, of course," she said, clearing her throat.

She went up on her tiptoes and kissed him passionately. He stumbled back a little, surprised by the suddenness and ferocity of the attack but soon righted himself, matching her intensity. She began to unbutton the light blue shirt he wore over his jeans, her fingers fumbling over the buttons as she attempted to do so hastily.

"Teresa," he breathed, catching hold of her hands mid way down his chest. "Stop rushing."

She panted and rolled her eyes. "So what if I am? Let's just do this and get it over with," she replied with irritation.

He widened his eyes at her remark and then laughed. "Well I know you have little patience but...I think that's the most unromantic statement I've ever heard in my life."

She stuttered, "I...I didn't mean it like that."

He took a deep breath and sat on the edge of the bed, nodding to a space beside him for her to sit. After she did so he licked his lips nervously. "Look, I was hoping you were going to tell me but obviously you're not going to." He looked deep in her eyes and smiled softly at her, his eyes circling her face. "I know," he said quietly. "I know you haven't done this before."

She blinked twice rapidly then shook her head vehemently. "What? No! Of course I have. I mean...I haven't done it much-"

"Or at all," he smirked.

She glowered at him and he chuckled before his face softened again. "It's okay that you haven't. Believe it or not we were all born that way."

After a second when she gauged she was unequivocally caught out she put her head in her hands in defeat. "Oh god, I'm mortified, was it that obvious?"

He draped an arm around her shoulders and kissed the side of her head. "Um...yeah...fairly."

"Oh god," she mumbled through her hands.

He laughed and brought her closer, kissing her hair again. "Will you stop being embarrassed about it? It doesn't make any difference to me. If anything, I'm flattered."

She released her hands and looked at him. "You are?"

He kissed her gently. "Who wouldn't want be to be Teresa Lisbon's first?"

She smiled at him, kissed him back. "But...I'm probably going to be terrible. I mean...I've come close...well kind of but..." her voice trailed off as she stared into his eyes. "Well I've never really felt strongly enough about someone to take that step."

"Wow, now I'm nervous," he replied with a short laugh. "I'm not exactly Casanova myself, Teresa. I haven't been with as many girls as you might think. As I'm sure you know by now I'm a lot of hot air most of the time."

She raised a sceptical eyebrow and he rolled his eyes. "See, there it is again. When I'm honest no one believes me!" he laughed.

"But you've been with some," she confirmed.

He nodded. "Better for you that way, I assure you." He leaned in, whispered in her ear as if they were in company. "I'll tell you a secret. First time. Four seconds." He paused for effect. "And three of those were foreplay."

She widened her eyes as she drew her face to his and he guffawed. "Okay, maybe a little longer than that," he admitted. "But seriously not by all that much."

She began to relax as she suspected was the reason for his joke and giggled. "That's why people don't believe you when you tell the truth. Because you follow it with a straight up lie!"

"It's always good to keep them guessing," he shrugged. After a beat he was serious again. "Teresa, we don't have to do anything you're not comfortable with tonight. If you're not ready you're not ready. We can still stay here, spend the night together, watch some TV, make out. You know I won't pressure you."

"I know you won't," she replied, kissing his cheek. "I think that's why I want it to be you. I...I trust you Patrick."

He swallowed the intensity of the emotion he felt by her words. Tried to make a joke out for fear she'd seen the effect they had on him. "Well that's your first mistake," he smiled.

Her stare unwavering she shook her head. "No, it's not."

He let his mask fall, took a ragged breath. "I've never...I've never felt responsibility like this before-"

"You're not responsible for me."

"No. But I'm going to be responsible...well jointly responsible for a defining moment in your life. I was serious earlier, I am nervous. It's...well it's some pressure for me."

She laughed softly, nodded to her bag on the other bed. "I brought some Scotch with me, figured a couple of shots might loosen me up. Wanna give it a go?"

He shook his head slowly as he brushed her lips. "As nervous as I am I want to remember every second of tonight. Whatever happens or...doesn't happen."

She took a sharp intake of breath and tears threatened. This was going to be their last night together before they said their farewells and she could tell that it was hitting him as hard as it was her. "Me too," she said through a ragged breath. "Me too."

Gently he kissed her again, his hand coming up to cup her face, lingering his fingers on her cheek. It was slow and sweet and she melted into it after a second, his soft strokes with his tongue calming her like a lullaby. He softly lowered her onto her back as they continued kissing and soon she lay on the centre of the bed as he hovered over her, their lips entwined. His kisses were like soft waves crashing onto her lips, rhythmic and relaxing. Then he picked up the pace, turned them more insistent, needful. She responded in kind, her fingers tightening on the curls at the nape of his neck as their chests rose and fell more rapidly, hearts pounding against each other. He raised his head, took a deep breath and smiled at her as she took a much needed one too. "You'll tell me if you want me to stop," he asked breathlessly.

She nodded, "You think I wouldn't?" she smirked.

He laughed softly. "Well I'd rather you tell me than knee me somewhere it might hurt if I rush you."

She brought his lips back down on hers for a quick kiss. "I want this, Patrick. I'm sure. But if I change my mind you'll know about it."

"Okay," he smiled, kissing her forehead. "Then let's get a little more comfortable." Immediately he got off the bed and toed off his shoes before taking off Lisbon's, unable to resist tickling her feet in the process. He grinned as she laughed before he made his way back to the bed and lay beside her again. He pressed a kiss to her lips again as his fingers traced the buttons on her top. He held himself up on an elbow as he looked at her before he undid the last button.

"Can we turn the light off?" she whispered. "And get under the covers?"

He smiled and nodded. He would have preferred to have seen her with it on but he reached behind him and tapped the light switch that lay at the top of the headboard, turning the room a hazy shade of black as they shuffled under the quilt and blankets. Jane pushed the quilt to the bottom of the bed, leaving the sheet covering them from the waist down. Her pale skin looked almost ethereal pitched against the darkness of her clothing. "Okay?" he checked as he unfastened another button slowly.

She nodded. "Yeah, I'm good."

He moved further down the bed now her stomach was bare and he began pressing kisses to it as his fingers continued working on the buttons of her top. "You are so beautiful, Teresa," he stated as he peppered kisses over the smooth and flat skin. She arched into him, finding his hair again and rifling her fingertips through it. He darted his tongue out and tasted her just below her breasts, her top lying askew only held to her body by three buttons that covered her breasts. Instead of opening it he continued to kiss her belly and she panted, her breasts calling out for the same attention. "Patrick!" she gasped, both aroused and annoyed.

"Hmm?" he replied, a touch of amusement in his tone. "Something wrong?" he asked, grinning as he tasted her belly button and felt her rise from the bed to meet his mouth.

Before she had a chance to respond he moved his tongue back up her abdomen until it reached the valley of her breasts. He kissed the centre of her bra and then bypassed her chest to kiss her lips again. "Have you never been teased before, Teresa? Let me guess, the few boys you allowed get this far were so joyful that they'd managed to well...get this far they tried to rush the ending. This in turn ended any chance they had of getting further. Thought more about themselves than they did you." He pecked her lips again. "I'm not about to apologise for taking my time. You have no idea how much it's killing me not to act like they did. And I can't deny that I've done exactly what they did myself in the past." He smiled cheekily. "Albeit with different results." He kissed her again, his eyes dark with intensity, "But not with you." With that he kissed her again before he ducked his head back to her stomach.

"But I'm so hot," she complained through quick breaths.

"You certainly are," he chuckled. Then he pulled the sheet away from her body swiftly as he continued to feast on her stomach before moving his lips to her side. "Better?"

"Not really," she replied, her face ablaze as his lips ignited fires all across her body.

As her skin was scorching hot she began to unbutton the last buttons of her top herself.

As Jane noticed what she was doing he exclaimed, "Hey, that's cheating!"

"Deal with it," Lisbon replied, barely able to breathe to get the words out as she raised herself to fling the top away.

He laughed as she had evidently become more relaxed with him seeing her body even if it was mostly because she was warm. Then he took in the appearance of her breasts clad in black lace. "Gorgeous," he breathed, licking his lips in anticipation. "Now you're really not playing fair," he smiled. He lowered his face to them, kissing her nipples through the lace of her bra. Then he focused on one breast, both his hands stretching the material so he could tease one peak so it protruded. She shuddered immediately as he licked it quickly, warm and soft against his tongue, contradictory to the rough material it was encased in. He moaned in delight, lapping at it again and again, his hands grasped around her breast to make it stay erect. He teased it with his teeth and felt her convulse under him. He took her hand with one of his, felt her pulse skit rapidly under his finger as she held his hand tightly as he continued licking and biting the bud gently. Panting he released it, his face flushed and his blood boiling with pure lust. He'd never felt this before, this out of control and almost reckless with desire for someone. He took a few seconds to gather himself as his body quivered from the intense reaction it was having to this girl. He closed his eyes briefly, using a new method of control he had been studying that used biofeedback tricks to make his body behave as he wanted. As his erection was almost painful by this stage he realised he still had a lot to learn.

"Patrick, you okay?" she asked, softly, her fingers caressing his bicep.

He nodded, opened his eyes. "Yeah...just...um...I'm fine," he reassured her, gaining a fraction of control back.

She bit her lip, seeing the want in his eyes and she reached up to unbutton the rest of his shirt. Almost shyly she kissed his chest, bare and toned, trailing soft kisses to his collarbone and shoulders as she slipped it off them. He weaved his hands through her hair, massaging the spots just beneath her ears as she kissed his body, moaning lightly with every kiss she placed. He released her head for a moment to shove the shirt off before he cupped her face again and plundered her mouth with abandon. He moved one hand to her bra hook and whispered in her ear, "Okay if we get rid of this?"

She nodded as he released her bra before settling her on her back again. Slowly he removed it, watching her avidly for any sign of discomfort. He noticed a touch of shyness but nothing more as she troubled her lip again and smiled at him. He grinned back as he ran his fingertips over her breasts with the lightest of touches, moved his mouth close to breathe on one then the other. "You're a work of art, Teresa Lisbon," he sighed happily before he took one in his mouth. She gasped immediately as he ran his tongue around the areola with lightning quick strokes, closing her eyes as her vision clouded with desire. She felt him give her other breast the same attention and writhed, clutching at his hand again.

She was breathing heavily when she felt him release her breasts after what felt like both hours and minutes simultaneously. She was almost over stimulated but yet didn't want him to stop. "Let's get these off," she heard him say as he released her jeans button. When she didn't respond she felt his breath on her face and she opened her eyes. "Okay?" he asked, obviously needing confirmation.

She nodded quickly. "God yes, I'm on fire."

He chortled again and kissed her lips before he got off the bed and pulled the quilt the whole way off the bed, throwing it into a corner of the room. He dragged the sheet to the side as he wrenched her jeans from her legs slowly until he tossed them on the ground behind him. He removed her socks and kissed her toes for a couple of seconds as he admired her practically naked in front of him. He quickly memorised the moment, giving it pride of place and a vision he would likely call on upon on a cold winter's night quite often he imagined.

"They're in my bag," Lisbon said, making him draw his gaze from her body to her face. He was evidently not hiding the eagerness of the desire he had for her too well. "Stopped by the drugstore earlier."

"Okay," he nodded, trailing kisses up her calf. "I brought some too but we can use yours."

He kissed her other leg in the same fashion, his eyes fixed on her face. "We don't need one yet, though."



He knelt on the bed between her legs, spreading them gently. He felt her tense and kissed the inside of her thigh tenderly. "You're in charge here, Teresa. You want me to stop?" he asked softly.

"I didn't tell you to, did I?" she replied, relaxing her legs.

"Okay then." He drew his lips closer to her navel and she said quietly, "Stop."

He stopped immediately and looked at her. "It's fine," he nodded. "If that's as far as you-"

"No," she interrupted. "I just don't like...well..." she rolled her eyes, her face crimson. He knew exactly what she was trying to say but he feigned confusion. He did love to see that embarrassed look on her face. "It's just that...well...one boy...well he tried that once and I...well-"

He began to laugh, unable to stop himself. "I understand. Oral sex is a no for you."

She flushed again. "Well...yes."

"Hmm," he commented. "Have you ever considered that this person, lucky boy that he was, well that he was just not good at it?"

She rolled her eyes again. "So like everything else you're an expert at it I suppose."

"An expert? Well I'm flattered if that's how you view me so far this evening," he smiled. "How about you give me a chance to change your mind? Two minutes?"

She widened her eyes, "You're...you're trying to negotiate?"

He shrugged. "Hardly a negotiation. Just an offer. You're free to turn it down."

She thought for a moment, biting her lip. If she was going to have sex with him he would see her literally lying bare before him anyway. And if he was even half as good as he'd been so far...with those lips and that tongue of his...

"I see you're considering the idea favourably," he cut into her thoughts.

"Wise ass," she muttered. "Okay, two minutes. But if I don't like it-"

He was already tugging at her black cotton panties. "Lift your ass," he ordered. "I'm on the clock I believe."

She was so shocked at his sudden almost businesslike tone and his words she laughed through what might have been the most embarrassing moment of her life. It was only when he threw them behind him with a twinkle in his eyes that she figured that was the point of his tone, to deflect her from what was actually occurring and to ease her awkwardness.

Less than two minutes later she thought her body was about to explode as he worked her with his quite exceptional tongue. "Clock's up," he panted, grinning as he knew how close she was to the verge of orgasm. "Want me to stop?"

"God no!" she exclaimed, her body like a firework about to go off. He laughed then continued for another minute until she grasped his wrist tightly as the fingers from one hand circled a breast while those from his other joined in the assault his tongue was making below. Suddenly she was over the edge, hurtling into space with stars all around her. She had no lucid thoughts, just a mindless feeling of pure euphoria that she had never experienced before that she could hardly breathe through. She was vaguely aware of a scream she emitted but it seemed like it was in the distance or like it was some kind of out of body experience. After that sensation of bliss she suddenly became aware of her body shivering and shaking, convulsing with aftershocks. Then she felt arms encase her and gentle kisses placed to her head as they held her tight, rocking her slowly to ease her quick breathing. "Wow," she croaked as she opened her eyes, wide eyed as Jane smiled at her, more than a touch of smugness in his expression.

"Okay," she nodded. "You're good at that."

He grinned and kissed her. "First one by any chance?"

"I thought I had one before," she frowned, "But...apparently not."

He laughed and kissed her again, breathing heavily as he gazed at her. "I hope to see that again tonight," he smiled.

She felt his erection brush her thigh and moved her fingers to feel it gently through his jeans. "There's no hurry," he said, although his body was screaming for him to give another answer. As she fondled his length gingerly he placed his hand on hers to stop her. "Um...but maybe you should stop that." Even the faintest of touches from her was driving him crazy. She blushed in understanding and kissed him, her hand moving to his chest instead. "Okay so far?" he checked.

She arched an eyebrow, "I think you know the answer to that already." Softly, "Get one, I'm ready."

He searched her eyes for the truth. "Positive you want to do this?"

She rolled hers in return. "Yes, Patrick. How many times?"

"Okay," he laughed as he edged off the bed and began searching in her bag. He flicked on a light on the nightstand and Lisbon immediately covered herself up with the sheet. "I've already seen everything, even in the dark, Teresa," he smiled as his back was turned from her. He frowned as he picked up the packet of condoms and then began chuckling.

"Tell me. Do you wear glasses normally?" he asked in blatant amusement.

"No, why?"

He turned and produced the packet. "Because you bought green ones."


He laughed again. "What did you think? It was St. Patrick's Day?" He chuckled once more. "I suppose though in a way it certainly will be." He started up again at his own joke.

She began to laugh with him and shook her head. "It was the first packet I saw and I just grabbed them," she admitted. "I've never bought them before."

"You thought I wouldn't take care of it?"

She shrugged, "I wanted to make certain."

"Okay," he grinned, ripping the packet open. "I'm game." He took one out and placed it and the packet on the nightstand beside them. He sat on the other bed and cast off his socks, standing up to remove his jeans. Lisbon watched him with some admiration as his bronzed legs came into view, his chest the same golden shade, the more than evident erection in his boxers. "I'm pleased I meet with your approval, Miss Lisbon," he smiled and she looked away instantly to the wall beside her, knowing she was practically salivating. He slipped in beside her again and tracked his fingers down her side as he began to nuzzle her neck. He pulled her far leg over his thigh as he continued to kiss her, moving his kisses to her mouth again as his fingers ran across her thigh and deftly caressed her ass cheeks. "You are full of contradictions, you know that?" he whispered between kisses.

"How so?" she just managed to get out.

He punctuated his sentences with kisses to her jaw line and her ear, "Well physically, you're soft on the outside. And at first appearance, your temperament appears hard, abrasive. Outwardly you appear weak, fragile. But inside you're strong. But underneath that you're incredibly soft again." He kissed her mouth soundly again. "You have many layers, Teresa Lisbon. And I believe if I knew you for thirty years you'd still be a mystery to me."

He sighed and pain filled his expression. She saw it instantly and mirrored his frown. "What's the matter?"

He shook his head. "I...I don't know if I want to do this. I...I mean I really want to do this but..."

"You're thinking about tomorrow," she stated quietly. "I know. Me too. Can't get it out of my head."

He puffed out a breath. "So?"

She looked deep into his sea green eyes, imagined never seeing them again and a wall of pain hit her in the chest. How could this boy have burrowed his way through her so called 'layers' so effectively in such a short space of time? She supposed much the way she seemed to have cut through his own defences. Determinedly, "Patrick, I know tomorrow is going to be awful even if we don't go any further tonight. But...I think someone once said you regret the things you didn't do more than the ones you did."

He smiled effortlessly at her as he caressed her face. "Then let's not have any regrets." He looked uncomfortable after a moment as he licked his lips nervously. "Teresa...as this is your first time then you know...well there will be a little pain-"

"I know, Patrick," she interjected, turning crimson. "Jeez, I know I attended Catholic School but they did teach Sex Ed. I know what to expect."

"Okay," he smiled, laughing a little. "But I have to ask, did the nuns teach you-"


He laughed again before he turned serious again. "I'll be as gentle as I can, okay?"

"I know you will," she said, both excited and nervous by the prospect.

"Everything okay?" he asked as she lay in his arms afterwards.

"I swear that must be the tenth time you've asked me that tonight," she smiled, kissing his chest. He had been as good as his words and had treated her tenderly and gently as they made love, slowly and lovingly. She had truthfully expected the experience to be a little traumatic whenever she'd thought about it in the past but he'd turned it into one of feeling absolutely adored and cherished instead.

"Probably more like the twentieth," he admitted, kissing the top of her head.

"Damn," he uttered after a second with a shake of his head.

She moved from his chest to look at him. "What?"

He shrugged. "Part of me was hoping it was going to be dreadful." He shook his head again and sighed, reliving the wondrous experience he just had with the girl in his arms. "At least then it would be more of an awkward break up than an excruciating one."

She laughed softly. "Thanks for...taking care of me like you did."

He laughed in a much more seductive manner. Grinning, "Believe me it was my pleasure."

She slapped him on the chest. "You know what I mean!" she smiled. She caressed where she'd slapped him with her fingers. "You were patient. I know that couldn't have been easy."

He kissed her gently, her rumpled and fresh faced and rosy cheeked look turning him on again. "To be honest I felt a little like a virgin myself. While I've had sex before it's never felt..." He swallowed to control his voice that was in danger of breaking, "I've only really enjoyed and explored the physical element of the act. Never experienced the emotional aspect until now."

She nodded as his sincere words hit her and a tear ran down her cheek. "Oh, crap!" she said, wiping it away. "Why couldn't you have just been terrible?!"

During the night they made love twice more and as early dawn broke through the curtains at their side Jane watched her sleep, her freckles now clearly visible as the room brightened. He sighed and kissed her shoulder, lying bare as the sheet covered her from her chest down. He angled his body towards her and settled his hand on her far hip, pressing a kiss to her neck. He felt her stir and moan lightly, almost like a purr to his ears. She ruffled his hair lazily as she yawned before a smile lit up her lips.

"Morning," he whispered, kissing her ear.

"Hmm," she sighed in a happy tone. Then she jerked up from the bed immediately, almost whacking his nose with her shoulder as she rose. "What time is it?!"

He pulled her back onto the pillows with a laugh. "Just gone five. Don't panic. We have another hour or so before I have to return Cinderella to her ugly brothers, right?"

She giggled then relaxed and snuggled back into his side again as he kissed her forehead. "So, I never asked you last night. Do you feel any different?"

She shrugged, thinking about the question. "I...I don't know...not really. I'm still me. But...maybe in some ways. Guess time will tell."

"Yeah, it certainly will," he sighed.

As they drove up to the park near her house Jane said, "So I'm guessing you don't want your brothers to catch me dropping you off."

"Well they're unlikely to be up at half six in the morning but just to be on the safe side it's better you leave me here."

He nodded as the mood in the car turned increasingly sombre. "So, I guess this is it?" he said, trying and failing to sound cheerful.

"Yeah," she said through a ragged breath. She wiped stray tears away and straightened her shoulders, telling herself to be strong.

"I've been thinking," he ventured. "Maybe we could write to each other?"

She smiled sadly then shook her head. "I've thought about the same thing. But how would it work? You don't exactly have a house address, do you?"

He sighed and nodded. "Guess you're right. But I could write to you-"

"I think it's better we leave things as they are, Patrick."

"Okay," he nodded, biting his bottom lip, hurt by her last comment.

She placed a hand on his arm. "I didn't mean that the way it sounded. I just think that...well if you write to me and I can't write you back then...well it'll be too hard for me. And then...you're bound to get fed up writing as you get on with your life and I'm left wondering what happened to you and-"

"I understand," Jane interjected softly. And he did. His letters may stop both of them moving on with their separate lives and may lead to resentment further down the line. "You're right. You are. Better to leave things while we still like each other," he smiled.

"Thank you," she said sincerely. "For...everything."

He smirked to deflect from the pounding of his heart as her intense eyes pierced his. "I told you earlier, it was my pleas-"

"Not that," she said soberly. "For this week. For listening. Understanding. For...making me remember what it's like to be a teenager. Think I'd forgotten."

Tears threatened his eyes and he shook his head. He sniffed, "God, you're really doing a number on me, Teresa Lisbon."

She laughed through her own glassy eyes. "Sorry."

He reached over and grabbed the back of her head, crashing his lips to hers in a searing kiss to show her he felt exactly the same as she did. He released her and fumbled in his jacket that lay on the back seat. "I got you a present," he said, using every trick he could to gain control over himself.

"You did?" she said, "You shouldn't have, Patrick."

"It's nothing much," he said as he produced an art deco sleek silver pen and handed it to her.

She glanced at him and then the pen, her eyes lighting up. "It's...beautiful," she said.

"It's not very expensive but I took a look around some antique shops today and saw it, thought of you. From what I believe police work is more about paperwork than it is catching criminals. Thought you might get some use out of it."

She flung her arms around him and kissed him. "You really shouldn't have but I love it, thank you."

"Plus you can use it for your essays when you go to College come the Fall," he smiled.

"Well, if I go there in the Fall."

"You will," he assured her.

"This you being psychic again?" she smiled.

"If you like."

She rolled her eyes and then delved into a pocket at the front of her bag. "I got you something too. It's...well it's not quite as fancy as the pen but...well it was my mother's. Although I know you don't really believe in god as such but-"

"For heaven's sake, what is it?" he laughed.

She passed him a small silver medal and he frowned as he read the lettering around it. She said, "It's a Saint Christopher medal, patron saint of-"

"Travellers," he smiled. He kissed her and nodded. "You still trying to convert me to your cause are you?" he smirked as he ran his fingers over it.

"I give up on that particular one," she smiled, knowing she would never make a believer out of him after they'd argued religion the day before. "But...well maybe you'll look at it now and then as you make your way around the country...and you'll remember there's a good person inside of you when you might have cause to forget that fact. Or, you can just think of it as a good luck charm," she added.

"You really do have faith in me, don't you?"

"I have hope in you."

"Thank you," he said quietly, her last words running through his head. "I'll treasure it."

As conversation dwindled they knew it was time to say their goodbyes. "Okay, I better go," Lisbon said reluctantly, putting her hand on the door handle. She immediately took it off again and moved over to kiss him. They deepened it instantly as he pushed her back into her seat to continue it. He glanced at the back seat. "We still could-"

She laughed, breaking the kiss finally by shoving his chest. She took a deep breath and kissed him softly, trying to remember as many details as she could about it and about him. "Goodbye, Patrick."

Jane nodded, his lips tight to keep his emotions in check, kissing her tenderly one last time. "Goodbye, Teresa. Be well and have an amazing life. You truly deserve the best of everything. And remember how your life is now isn't how it has to be from now on."

She nodded, tears falling. "You too," she whispered. "I hope you make your dreams come true too." She laughed as she cried, "Even if that includes conning rich old ladies."

A final kiss she tumbled out of the vehicle, clutching the pen in one hand and her bag in the other, wiping her cheeks with her arms as she hurried away.

Jane watched as she receded into the distance before he broke down, his head on the steering wheel as his own tears flowed.

After ten minutes he took three deep breaths in a row. He nodded as he wiped his remaining tears, closed his eyes and focused his mind on one final task before he left Chicago. Determined to fulfil it he started the engine and drove off.


A/N: Yeah, a cliffhanger at the end of a story? What's that about I hear you say? But as you know by now a sequel is planned that is coming shortly. Had to plant a hook to keep your interest, didn't I?

It's going to be called Reconnect. It's set just over a decade after this tale ends. As any of you know who follow my "adult" Jane and Lisbon stories I never like their journey to find happiness to be too easy so it'll be less plain sailing than the one you've just read so expect some turbulence and complications to come into play when they meet up again. And of course a tasty plot/mystery thrown in.

And thanks again to all those who enjoyed this story if you don't stick around for the sequel.