A/N: So this is a little unlike my other stories as this is a story based on Jane and Lisbon meeting as teenagers. I should mention that I am planning a sequel based on this storyline when they are adults so there is a method to my madness and need this story to set it up as their circumstances will be slightly different when it begins based on the events that happen in this one (but hope you'll find it enjoyable nonetheless). I should perhaps state that this story is based on Jane having not met Angela at this stage.

And I know I have three current stories but I will finish them all, I assure you! An update for Destinies will be coming up next. I may not give this one too much attention for the moment but I wanted to get a first chapter teaser out there to gain some reaction.

Disclaimer: I don't own The Mentalist, the wonderful Bruno Heller does.

Chance Encounter

Chapter 1 – Taking Aim

Chicago, 1993

She aimed her rifle at the moving target ahead, her emerald eyes never leaving it, taking a breath in before she fired. The shot hit it squarely on the head, knocking it over immediately eliciting a light thud. Taking no time to revel in acquiring a perfect shot she shifted her aim and rattled off another burst, a small smile coming to her lips as she made a second flawless hit. Three more later her dimples came into full view and she put her gun down, her gaze falling on the man a few steps from her. She tapped her foot impatiently as he talked with a teenage boy beside her, trying to entice him to part with his cash for another round. The man sighed as the teenager shook his head and moved away from the counter. She nodded to him and he looked at the targets in front of her. Five plastic ducks lay flat on their backs as the music from the carnival's rifle range continued to play in the background.

He strolled up to her, all stubbled cheeks, crumpled shirt and a smell of whisky permeating his breath. He sighed loudly, "Let me guess, you don't want the cuddly toy this time either, you just want another five shots again instead."

Teresa Lisbon nodded quickly in response and he sighed once more, setting her gun up again for the third time.

Patrick Jane scanned the crowd from his Ferris Wheel lookout, his eyes peeled to pick out those with enough money and least sense to rope into attending his act that evening and propping up its coffers. At nineteen he was left to his own devices now as far as the psychic gig went, his father happy enough to take the lion's share of the profits as his informal 'manager' who focussed now on counting the takings and selling his son's skills in more lucrative private readings than in participating much in the act himself. It was far less effort and more money and Alex Jane was not one to pass up that golden opportunity. Jane didn't mind much, preferred it actually, as it allowed him to sharpen his skills and perfect his trade without his interference. While he knew he was being used and paid scantily presently he was building up a list of clients that he could use when he went out on his own. He was also siphoning off a small but steady supply of cash on the side to assist him in his plans for the future. As he looked around his familiar settings in the carnival, he didn't intend on being here this time next year, two at the most.

He eyed a few likely candidates, women in their mid to late thirties who fell for his boyish good looks and dazzling smile, who wanted to either sleep with him or mother him. Luckily he had enough verbal talents and charm to talk his way out of the former becoming a problem and enough intelligence into turning both types of female attention into a lucrative payoff. He checked the jewellery they wore, clothing, noting every detail to calculate their worth to him. No point wasting his time going after minnows when there were bigger fish available to reel in.

As he tracked a particularly wealthy looking target his eyes stopped at the rifle range. A girl there caught his eye immediately. From his side view he could just make out her elfin features attached to a small physique dressed in a red checked shirt and pair of blue jeans. He picked up his binoculars and his gaze went to her shoes, often the best way of categorising younger people's monetary value as they often wore pretty much the same clothing as each other and he needed to be closer and facing them to identify any type of designer wear. Converse trainers that looked like they'd seen better days adorned her feet. Pity. Nonetheless his gaze shifted upwards again and stopped at her derriere, her pert rear end encased in denim eliciting a wolfish grin and a burgeoning hardness in his groin. His smile grew wider. Perhaps he might get something worthwhile from her after all despite what she lacked in dollars.

Lisbon aimed her shot meticulously, picking out an invisible speck on the duck she wanted to hit, focusing her attention on her target on a smaller area with each pass. As she released a breath and was about to press the trigger a voice at her ear startled her, making her miss it entirely.

"Tell me, do you focus your concentration like this in all aspects of your life? If so, I have to admit that is a very interesting prospect indeed."

She turned around and a boy around her age with bright golden curls and a face that belonged in a boy band grinned at her. He rested his back casually against the post of the shooting range beside her, his hands shoved into the back pockets of his blue jeans, a white t shirt clinging to his frame.

"Oops," he smirked.

She glared at him for making her miss her shot which only seemed to make him grin more. She rolled her eyes and turned on her heels. She'd seen plenty of boys like him before who thought arrogance was the way into a girl's bed for the night. It was always worse when they were as good looking as he was. And normally the better looking boys her age were, the dumber they were to go with it.

It took a split second for Jane to realise she'd left the range without a word to him. He studied people best by looking into their eyes and when he looked into hers he saw more complexity and depth than he'd ever witnessed for someone her age and that fact puzzled him instantly.

Determination, pain, loss, fear, strength, vulnerability. Immensely guarded. An amalgam of opposing attributes that intrigued him immediately into knowing more.

And perhaps even more surprising was no glimmer of attraction for him, merely disdain. He'd never experienced that before with a girl. He'd never had any problems gaining their attention in the first place as soon as he'd hit puberty. And certainly not when they first laid eyes on him and he'd smiled in their direction. Even when he pissed girls off (which happened quite a lot these days as his interest in them grew) a soulful look along with what passed as a sincere apology normally won them round again in no time.

Somewhere inside he knew this girl wasn't like any other he'd encountered and that he'd need to do more to gain her attention than sweet talk her. And her fresh faced attractiveness, her pale visage only highlighting those dark emerald eyes of hers and the freckles spattered over her skin made his blood race. So different to most girls his age who wanted to or felt peer pressured into slathering their faces with a variety of powders and colours. This girl felt no need to comply with what was considered 'normal' for girls her age, seemingly unafraid to face the world alone.

He caught up with her as she marched past the merry go round.

"Hey, wait up. I'm sorry I put you off your game. I'm sure you'll still ace it at police academy even without the practice."

She stopped walking instantly and turned to look at him, a line between her eyes. Ah, he surmised, so that was it. She'd written him off as nothing but a pretty face but now she was interested into discovering more. It appeared this chestnut haired stranger liked solving a mystery as much as he did. Of seeing behind the facade people showed to the world. Naturally she would be unsuccessful where his own mask was concerned but it would give him the time to unveil her own secrets. He grinned at her as he outstretched his hand. "I'm Patrick Jane, it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance."

She looked at the hand like it was a foreign object, confusing her instantly. Jane smiled inwardly, being so formal and polite in a world where grunts were mistaken for greetings always unbalanced people. And unbalancing people always led to him gaining the upper hand.

"And your name is?" he asked politely, his hand still outstretched.

Surprising him, instead of shaking it she crossed her arms across her chest. "What makes you think I want to be a cop?" she asked, suspicion in her tone.

Although caught off guard by her reaction Jane dropped his hand quickly and smiled effortlessly at her. "Spend some time with me this afternoon and I might just tell you."

She looked him up and down, as if appearing to consider the notion. "And why would I want to do a stupid thing like that?" she asked incredulously, giving him a first peek of her dimples as she laughed. He felt his jeans tighten immediately in response.

Undaunted he stepped a little closer, stared into her eyes his most devastating and intense gaze. "Because as much as you'd like to deny it you sense a connection between us as much as I do. It's more than mere physical attraction, it's...almost spiritual in its nature."

After a moment she laughed in his face, snorting in a very unladylike manner. "God, you really are full of crap, aren't you?"

A second later he joined in, surprised once again by her, and fascinated even more.

As he went to speak two teenagers rushed up to her, gaining her attention. The elder one panted, "There you are, sis! Jimmy's got himself in trouble!"

She rolled her eyes and tutted. "Oh, for crying out loud, Stan, can't I even get ten minutes to myself! You were supposed to be watching him!"

The other one sniggered at his side. "He was too busy hitting on a girl."

"Snitch," Stan glared, his filthy look reducing the other boy to look at the ground. He faced Lisbon again, sheepish instantly. "She was hot," he shrugged as an apology, kicking the dirt with his feet.

"Well you can't blame a man when a pretty girl catches his eye," Jane interrupted, smirking in Lisbon's direction.

Stan squared up to him and looked at Lisbon sideways. "Who's this mook? Want me to get rid of him for you?"

"Nobody," she immediately replied, pulling her brother away from Jane who was backing off slightly by Stan's aggressive stance.

She sighed loudly at her brothers. "Okay, come on then, show me what that idiot has got himself into now." As she led them away she swiped Tommy on the head. "What was that for?" he cried out, rubbing it.

"Snitching on your brother," she replied calmly.

She hadn't noticed Jane accompanying them for a few steps. When she did she stopped suddenly and turned to him, almost causing him to run into her. "And where do you think you're going?" she glared.

"I thought I might be able to help. I work here, after all."

"You work at the carnival?" she frowned.

"I do."

Stan dug Tommy in the ribs, their earlier disagreement forgotten. "What do you think he does? He's hardly the strong man, that's for sure. Even you could take him in a fight with those string arms of yours."

"Hey!" Tommy shot back.

"Actually, I'm a psychic," Jane stated proudly.

Lisbon's brothers immediately began laughing. "Psychic! Tell us our fortunes then, pretty boy!" Stan said between chuckles.

She shoved the two of them forward again. "Oh leave him alone, will you?"

"Ah...you a little sweet on him, sis?" Tommy teased, still laughing. "Want to adopt him like that last puppy you made us get from the shelter?"

She blushed furiously as Jane studied her face for a response. "Of course not! But there's no need to pick on him when he's offered his help."

"That's okay," Jane said, assurance on his face. "Stan, is it?" he said, looking at the eldest brother.

"Yeah?" he replied suspiciously.

"Let me prove it to you. I'll read your mind."

"Yeah, right," he snorted. "Okay then. What am I thinking right now?"

"You're thinking, 'Holy crap, I hope this guy can't really read minds or he'll know what I'd rather be doing right now is chatting to that girl again'."

Stan's mouth opened in surprise, the smirk wiped off his lips. He frowned, "How did you-"

Jane grinned widely and turned to Lisbon. "Now that's over with, don't we have a brother of yours to rescue?"

She narrowed her eyes at him and his smile grew, knowing he finally had her interest.

A/N: So next chapter Jane comes to the rescue...for a price naturally...