Enemy ninja mess with a well in an attempt to be rid of Gaara. While trying to get back he meets a priestess on a quest that helps him return. Imagine his surprise when a couple years later that same well is tampered with again but this time she comes to him. A romance left simmering comes to full bloom.

Here it is you guys, the story I been talking about.


Chapter 1

For once his life isn't being threatened by his own village; instead a group of shinobi from an unfamiliar village is attacking. They seemed quite focused on messing with a dried up well in the back of the valley, one he could never recall having water in it while he has been alive. Seeing a scroll with the sand village's logo on it, he watched it fall in to the well. As soon as he was over the well trying to use his sand to grab it a shield came down hard on him, forcing him to the bottom.

Looking behind him as he tried to stop his descent he could see the shield bearing down on him as they looked down at him as if they won just as a flash of light consumed him. 'Where am I,' he thought, appearing to be floating in space. He could only guess how long he floated in that void before the same flash of light had consumed him.

Seeing his feet hit dirt and bone he felt confused, certain the well had worn stone around the edges and sand covering the bottom but instead the walls were now stone with roots reaching down. Using his chakra he jumped to the ledge and looked around him seeing a grassy area mostly surrounded by trees and a well-travelled path. 'Am I by Konoha or something,' he wondered as he looked around but the trees didn't look quite like ones in that area.

Stepping down on to the grass he couldn't see his attackers anywhere but he held the scroll firmly in his hand. Opening it up his eyes widened when he noticed that it is completely blank, 'a trap, but why and where did they send me?'

"Sit! Sit! Sit! Gah, you are such a jerk!" A feminine voice yelled from down the path. He could hear something hitting the ground and a man shout back at her. Gaara watched her approach with a bike and a large yellow bag on her back. "I'm going home and that's that you ungrateful jerk!"

Not able to see the male he stayed on his guard when the female, that looked close to his age, maybe a year or so younger finally noticed him. She froze up, seeing him and looking at the well, then back again. Her body tensed and he could see the bow and quiver of arrows, noting that she is an archer. They both stared at one another tense when the male came shouting obscenities until he suddenly noticed him and instantly went on guard, pulling a sword from his sheath and transforming into a much larger weapon with fur at the hilt.

Crossing his arms he tried to figure out what to make of the situation as he noticed the male has claws, fangs, and dog ears. "Who the fuck are you and what are you doing by that well?"

"InuYasha, could you for once approach a situation without instantly shooting your mouth off," she glared at him.

"Stay out of this Kagome while I deal with this asshole," he said while he shoved her behind him.

"Maybe you can help me," he said, weighing his options as he figured these two had nothing to do with the trap he had fallen for. "I am Gaara, the Kazekage of the Village Hidden in the Sand, located in the Land of Wind. I am trying to find my way back, what country am I located in?"

They gave him blank stares before InuYasha started shooting his mouth off, "I don't care who the fuck you are, get the hell out of here this is my forest!"

"InuYasha be quiet!" She glared at him before stepping around him, finding his hand instantly around her arm before she yanked it away. Facing him she asked, "How did you get lost or here?"

"I was lured into this well and just came out of it and found myself nowhere near the desert and my attackers gone," he explained.

Her face looked stricken as she rushed to the well, "were they doing something to it before you were here?"

"Yes, it sits behind my village and they seemed quite focused on tampering with it," he answered honestly. To his surprise he found her jumping in with a frantic air around her.

"Oww," her pained voice came to his ears.

Using his sand he wrapped it around her and pulled her out before the InuYasha fellow could even get there. She looked at him surprised but said a quiet, "thank you," as she nursed a slowly swelling ankle. "InuYasha, the well," she turned upset eyes to the now looking sympathetic male.

"I'm sure we can fix it," he tried to cheer her up.

With her shoulders slumped she looked down at the grassy ground, "Guess I won't be going home until I can get it fixed but how am I supposed to do such a thing?"

"You use the well to travel," he questioned.

"Yeah but I have a feeling you came from a lot further away. This well had connected me from this time, the Feudal era, and my own, the modern era. They are 500 years apart I estimated. Maybe you should try jumping in and seeing if it does anything," she suggested, getting up and balancing on her good foot using the well edge while she gave him room.

Nodding he crouched on the top once more before jumping and landing on the dirt and bone floor beneath. Coming back out Kagome turned her attention to her companion. "InuYasha," she started.

"Oh no, hell no Kagome, we have enough troubles as it is; I'm not taking in some bastard just because he got his ass stuck here," he folded his arms.

"Yeah well we are now both stuck in your time until the well is fixed. I'm not going to leave the poor guy out here alone in a foreign time. Remember what it was like for me adjusting to it," forcing him to think about her first experiences and the beginning of this whole adventure she is on.

"He has his stupid sand to keep him company, he isn't some clumsy human so he is already doing a lot better than you and so far he hasn't been almost devoured by demons or attacked by villagers. He is doing much better than a priestess who couldn't even shoot an arrow and broke a damn jewel that you somehow didn't even know was in your own damn body," he ranted on and on, not seeing the warning signals being given off by this Kagome.

She gave an impressive growl before yelling, "Sit! You know as well as I do that most of my powers are sealed by Magatsuhi and in my time this is nothing more than a fairytale! Only my family knows that you are a half demon and even that took some convincing. I don't care what you say I am going to help him out you jerk," she yelled. Cringing as her foot touched the ground she turned to their visitor. "I'm sorry about him, you can follow me to the village while he cools off," she offered.

"Thank you, I greatly appreciate your understanding and help," he replied, before eyeing the crater she made with a simple command. Looking up she was already limping over to her bike, clearly pained but as she picked it up she used it to give her injured foot some relief.

"Kagome get back here!" He yelled from his crater as he struggled to get up. "Your trusting nature is going to get you killed someday when I'm not around to save your ass," he continued shouting.

"Sit," she growled out, sending him crashing back into the Earth. Turning to the male beside her she formally introduced, "I am Kagome Higurashi, the only time traveling priestess most likely in existence. You had called yourself the Kazekage of your own village, what does that mean?"

Looking over to the now happy woman he studied her a little bit as he replied to her query, "It means I am the leader, I come from a village of ninja. In my era, I guess you could call it, we are quite common. Mine is part of the Five Great Nations. You seem certain that I am not in my time then?"

"Yeah, in my time we are quite educated on the past and have maps of the whole world. I can only assume you are from the future since I know the history of many continents and how everything evolved up to my era. I just hope we can both find our own respective times soon," she worried and chewed on her lip.

It has only been a few years since he first met Naruto and decided to try and forge bonds with others once again. Her eyes drew him in, his ability to see the pain others have gone through helped him to see that there are others like him and hers reflected more than just pain, it looked like part of her is missing. Her companion showed pain similar to his own, he wondered where his stems from. Walking along he had to commend her for being strong when he noticed her trying to hide the physical pain. "How much further do we have," he asked while glancing at the swollen ankle.

Coming to the top of a hill she pointed to the village down at the bottom of another hill still a good walk from here. "That is the village Edo, our destination," she replied.

"I could transport us with my sand and then you could tend to your ankle sooner," he offered as he watched her look at him.

She looked uncertain, "I will be fine and I have been through a lot worse."

"Are you sure going down these hills won't aggravate it worse if your brakes don't catch fast enough," he came to a stop, looking at the coming slopes. "It would be a breeze for me and a way of paying you back for your gratitude," he offered again.

"I guess I can give it a try," she caved a little.

Nodding his head he helped her off the bike while his sand surrounded them until it picked them up and formed under their feet. Guiding her to sit down he used his sand to also elevate her ankle and hold the bike while he kept a soft grip on her. They began shooting through the air, quickly closing the distance to the village and she noticed her companions came rushing out of the hut to look up at them. Landing on the ground she gave them a disarming smile, "we have a problem."

"Lady Kagome, your injured," Miroku noticed, a bit tense as he looked at the newcomer helping her to stand and using sand to lean her bike against the hut.

"Yeah, the well stopped working and this is the result of me jumping in. Can we talk about this inside," she asked, wanting to get off her foot.

"Why didn't InuYasha catch you," Shippo asked in an accusing voice as he glared at their approaching companion.

"Shippo it isn't like we expected something to happen," she looked down at the little fox demon.

"I'm guessing he somehow ties into all of this," Miroku speculated as Sango helped Kagome into the hut as Gaara joined them inside.

"Yes, just give me a moment," she winced as her foot throbbed from the contact with the floor and her movements of getting her bag off. Grabbing her first aid kit she grabbed the ice pack out of there, crushing the particles inside to activate it before resting her ankle on it.

"I can explain the first part," Gaara offered.

"Very well then," Miroku agreed and then gave a quick introduction to start things off a bit smoother while hearing InuYasha land on the hut and start moping.

"I am Gaara, the leader of my village, Sunagakure," he started off, going over the details of what had happened in more detail before Kagome finished up with her part.

"Now we have two time travelers, I never thought I would meet one, let alone two," Miroku chuckled. "Kagome, you certainly have an ability of bringing strays together," everyone cracking a smile except Gaara who could only guess as to what he meant.

"How about I go up there and take a look at the well. I will notify Lady Kaede about it, she might want to join me." He walked out of the hut while Sango decided to stay with her friend.

Gaara looked around and found it to be quite a strange group he has come across. "Maybe the tales have become warped over time but I thought Priestesses kill demons on sight," he looked at them. "Are you a half demon as well," he asked Shippo, not meaning to offend anyone.

Shippo puffed up his chest, "I'm a full blooded demon and a fox at that, not some stinky dog-,"

"I heard that runt, keep it up and you know what is coming to you," InuYasha threatened from above them.

"Before I was rudely interrupted," Shippo coughed and puffed his chest out again to look really brave and strong. "Kagome here is different than most priestesses because she came from a time that demons were not thought to exist like they do in these days. They were tossed off as myths and exaggerated legends so she didn't grow up being bias so that also makes her more pure. She took me in after my father was slaughtered and has made friends and allies of all sorts of people. Because she is so pretty-," You could hear InuYasha laugh while Kagome looked like she might glare a hole through the roof. "Ahem, because she is so pretty, kind-," a coughing laugh come out this time, "AND able to detect these jewel shards, she tends to get kidnapped or targeted a lot so we all do our best protect her while she cares for the group and shoots off her powerful arrows."

"Wow Shippo, you really know how to give someone a toothache with all that sugar coating," InuYasha laugh sounded through the ceiling.

Sango gripped her weapon tighter as she too glared at the roof. "Keep it up InuYasha and you will be dealing with me using you for target practice," she threatened. Turning to Gaara, "It is because of Kagome that we all came together as a group and also because we have similar objectives. One to collect the jewel shards and two to destroy Naraku, a foul half demon that has in some way had something to do with all of the suffering we have been through."

"Yeah, InuYasha is just a jerk to Kagome because she is the reincarnation to his dead girlfriend that he still chases after. One of these days she is probably going to turn into a zombie and eat his brains before dragging him to Hell," he proudly predicted.

"Shippo, since when do you know about zombies! You shouldn't speak about Kikyo that way," she admonished.

"Want to say that again runt," InuYasha landed on the ground holding his fist threateningly.

"InuYasha don't you dare," she warned him.

"I say he might as well let her, that way you can get the rest of your soul back," he made a face at InuYasha before shouting out in surprise when he lunged at him. They ran outside the hut where he pulled out the statue to trap InuYasha.

'How do they function in battle if this is what they are like outside of it,' he wondered as he watched the spectacle in front of him. Taking a glance at the priestess he now had a good feeling as to what her pain is after the fox kit had carried on about the soul her previous incarnation has a chunk of. "You make an interesting group," he commented offhandedly. "Is there anything I could do for you," he offered the priestess.

"No, but thank you though. You can take a seat if you would like, I have a feeling you will be here overnight at least," she informed him.

"You are most likely right," he agreed. "For the time being I would prefer to remain standing. Could you tell me more about what this era is like," he requested.

"Well in this era there are witches, demons, priestesses, people rising from the grave, more wild animals, no technology or indoor plumbing, a lot of wars among the human lords, and well ninja but I have only met demon ninja. Sang is a demon slayer, Miroku is Buddhist monk, and then we have the cute Kirrara that can change forms. Some demons like Shippo, can take on a human form. We are quite the mismatched group but we make a great team and have our moments. I suppose that is the majority of it," she answered, letting him get a feel for what he could be in for if he ended up being here longer than a few days.

"Minus the demons and witches it doesn't sound all that different. We have animal summons and chakra beasts. The villages are often at war and I hope to bring an end to it, build stronger ties so we can experience peace instead of fueling hatred. Is that what your group hopes for by bringing down Naraku?" He looked at them, seeing them give him an affirmative. "I hope the well is fixed soon, there is no one to replace me as the leader of the village right now," a position he had only recently gained after it sat empty for a while.

"You feel powerful, what is this power I can feel from you? In fact I sense two," Kagome knitted her brows together as she concentrated on it.

Taking a sharp look at her he took in that small piece of information. "It is chakra, mine and the tailed beast that is sealed inside me," he decided to inform her since she doesn't pass judgement on her companions.

"A tailed beast," she looked at him confused. "What all can chakra do?"

"It would be hard to explain it all in even a few sittings. I can focus it into my feet to walk up a tree or hang from it, manipulate sand and attack. It depends on the element you have a natural affinity to and you can even control other chakra natures. My natural affinity is wind. People that have more than one natural affinity, like earth and water, can combine them to make a new one like wood release. Water and wind, to make ice and so forth," he explained. "Fire release is performed by molding superheated chakra inside the stomach before releasing it via the lungs and mouth to create flames and other such attacks."

"I think I have heard Miroku talk about chakra before," Sango mentioned. "I wonder if we are capable of such things."

"I am not sure, it has been passed down that we gained chakra from the Sage of Six Paths. It could be that we always had the makings of it but it was instead dormant inside of us until he brought it forth. It is hard to tell since it happened long before my time and the creation of the villages," he gave them a brief history lesson on his era.

Kagome rested her eyes as she leaned against the back of the hut. It had certainly been a long day for her. Opening her eyes as her head started to pound she went into her kit and bag, pulling out some pain reliever and water to help with her ankle and head before packing everything back up while InuYasha and Shippo continued to run around. Hearing Shippo start crying she mumbled, "Sit," hearing the crash and curses that always follows after.

"How do you do that," he asked, noticing the necklace always glows in reaction so he felt assured that she couldn't do such a thing to him without a similar necklace.

"Oh the sit command. Well let's just say once upon a time InuYasha tried to kill me. Kaede had the beads of subjugation and got them around his neck and instructed me to give the command word while I ran for my life from him. It was good timing too or he would have been successful," she mumbled.

"You let someone that tried to kill you travel in your group," he questioned her mentality for a moment.

"Yeah, it is quite complicated but he is just rough around the edges. I'm not entirely certain if he actually would have or not but I was quite convinced back then," she rambled.

"He won't have to if he keeps letting Kikyo do whatever he wants or falling for Naraku's schemes," Sango spat out as she glared at their half demon companion.

"Keh, as if," he tossed over his shoulder, refusing to look the part of guilty for having done so. "She is clumsy enough to fall to her own demise. She is like a danger magnet so it is bound to happen if she continues to be so reckless," he carelessly responded.

Kagome just sat there calmly, not letting the tears go beyond her closed eye lids. "Then I guess it is good that Koga seems to run into us more often or even your half-brother since they are the reasons she is alive now," Sango said poking at a sore spot.

"She can go off with that puny wolf just as soon as she is done collecting my jewel shards and that other bastard probably only did it so he can enjoy killing her later," his callous talk making Gaara narrow his eyes at the verbal abuse the priestess is receiving. He could easily see that her throat is too constricted to even use the sit command without letting on to just how upset she really is.

'It is no wonder her eyes reflect her pain, the half-demon seems to put her down often enough and his former lover has part of her soul and has tried killing her with no repercussions from this InuYasha,' he gathered. "I am not sure who the leader is of your group but I know as the leader of my village I would not get very far if I treated my people and comrades in this fashion," he defended her. "The priestess may or may not be strong physically but I think she more than makes up for it with heart. I would treasure someone like that because there are few out there like her."

"You haven't even known us for half a day and you are already acting like you know everything," he yelled at Gaara before turning back around.

"If you don't shut up soon InuYasha I will make you. Don't forget what my profession is or the fact it is because of Kagome, the first person to accept you, that you even have friends and not still alone or pinned to that tree," she threatened, hand over her back in preparation to use Hiraikotsu to knock some sense into his thick skull. "I don't know what your problem has been lately but you had better quit taking it out on her before I bring it to an end."

"Your profession, yeah look how mighty you are when your whole village was slaughtered and then the group you were with. Some mighty demon slayers you guys turned out to be. I only care about becoming a full demon once the jewel is complete-,"

"InuYasha! That is enough!" Kagome heaved, seeing the pain flash in her friend's eyes, "Sit," she yelled. "How can you be so insensitive when you know very well that Naraku was behind it and has her brother under control? Just go away, I'm sick of listening to you today," she demanded. Gaara looked at the absolute fury on her face, 'so she will jump to the defense of others but not herself, that is interesting.'

"Keh, I don't have to go anywhere," he sat down outside facing away from them as if to prove his point. "Why don't you leave? Oh wait, you can't because your dumb ass jumped into the well and hurt your foot. I have had my brother's fist go right through me and I still fought him off," he bragged.

"This is why I can make such a statement. My patience is wearing thin and I have only been here for a couple hours if even that. I can see the pain in all of your eyes but most of all I can see you and I have experienced the same kind of pain. Don't make the mistake of having ones around you and pushing them away," he advised thinking of the Uchiha who has done so.

InuYasha was up in a hurry glaring at him from the doorway. "And what do you think you know about pain," he challenged, his own ire inflated.

"Plenty. I was and still am considered a failed experiment, a relic of the past that they could not get rid of. My own father tried to have me assassinated starting when I was six, the one time it was my uncle who committed suicide, trying to take me with him. He was the one person who I thought had loved me and being only a young child it had twisted my personality to the point that I began to live only for myself and I tried to prove my existence by murdering others to also satisfy the bloodlust of the tailed beast in me. I have insomnia because I fear the beast will eat my soul should I fall asleep. It wasn't until I met Naruto that I found out there are others like me out there going through the same suffering. The difference is he didn't cut off bonds or give up like I did. He persisted and eventually began creating several strong bonds even when he continued to be overlooked, even by me. Kagome reminds me a little of him. Because I met him I was able to realize that my decision as a child had not been the right path, now I have the love of my siblings and am working on earning the respect of my village because I will do everything to protect them, Naruto, and the ones he holds dear because I know he would give his life for them. Pain is in abundance with everyone, anyone can inflict pain and make it last for years, but there are few who will spread joy and love wherever they go," he finished. His eyes challenged the stubborn half-demon who is currently fighting off the guilt with his anger.

"You don't know anything," he whispered hotly.

"Correction, I don't know everything but I do know pain and I can see the pain you are causing your companions. My patience for such treatment is very short. If you persist you will have me to contend with," his eyes hardened.

"Is that a challenge," he cracked his knuckles before reaching towards his sword.

Before his arm could even reach it sand had gathered around his arm, halting his action entirely. More sand wrapped around him and tossed him away. "If you have not noticed I can easily manipulate sand, I am not above stuffing it down that vulgar throat of yours," he slowly stepped up to the entrance of the hut.

"Get your stupid sand off of me," he tried clawing at it, aggravated. "If you think a little sand is going to stop me then you have another thing coming," he shouted.

Smirking he simply lifted his arms up, having stood there silently for a while now breaking down minerals in the grounds to create more sand, bringing up a huge wall of sand to use if need be. "I can simply create more sand," he stated before spreading the majority of it around the forest for later use. "I am the leader of my village for a reason, it is because I am regarded as the strongest," he informed the male before him.

"Please don't be too harsh on him, he recently wasn't able to get to Kikyo in time before Naraku," her eyes looked up at him shimmering with all of her emotions.

"He is upset over a woman that is already dead and may have returned back to the land of the dead," he questioned, the whole thing sounding ridiculous with the way he said it. "One that tries to kill you, has a portion of your soul, and is trying to drag him to hell?"

"Well when you put it that way…" she trailed off for a moment, "it sounds ridiculous," she finished.

"Kagome it has always sounded ridiculous," Sango added her two cents.

"Besides, I don't think Kikyo is dead, if she were I should know. The rest of the soul should have returned to me and I can usually sense her in the back of my mind," Kagome continued on.

"And since when could you even sense much of anything beyond a jewel shard. Only Kikyo would be able to figure out how to do such a thing. Going to start spewing out that you can sense the dead as they pass into the afterlife. It would certainly be handy…" InuYasha spat out.

"Shut up InuYasha before you even continue that train of thought. Kikyo won't even need to drag you to Hell if you keep this up because I will have done her the favor and sat you all way there myself," she squeezed her fists shut. "Do us all a favor and just shut it for a while, I'm sick of you lashing out at us because of Naraku's actions."

"I probably could have found her if I didn't have to turn around to save you all the time," he quipped.

"Then do me the favor next time and don't come. I'm sure you will have another jewel shard detector when I'm reincarnated, now enough," her voice cracked but she still refused to let a single tear spill. Collecting her breath she adjusted her ice pack and carefully adjusted herself until she became comfortable.

InuYasha stormed off the second Gaara let him go, the rest of the sand dropping to the ground inside of the forest. Miroku and Kaede came back shortly after seeing all of the upset InuYasha's mouth had caused. Shippo returned from playing with the village kids and cuddled up with Kagome for a while when he sensed her upset. After everyone else had sat down Gaara decided to sit as well where he could see both the priestess and the doorway.

"I am sorry to say but we were unsuccessful in getting the well stable but Lady Kaede believes it will stabilize all on its own with time," Miroku informed the two time travelers. "The good news is it might only take a few days to do so," he added, trying to cheer up his companions.

"Thank you for looking into the problem of the well," Gaara said, beating Kagome to the punch.

"Yes, thank you, all of you," her voice came out a bit tired.

"Kagome how about you rest, we won't be going anywhere for a while anyways," Sango suggested. "I will wake you up in time for dinner."

"Okay, thank you Sango," she mumbled and fell asleep shortly after, emotionally exhausted from this day.

With the Priestess asleep he spent time studying the others and thinking over his situation, feeling antsy about the village being left without its leader but glad it still has the council to depend on. Outside he could still sense where the half-demon is, deciding to keep tabs on him to ensure his own safety. Resting his head against the wall his options felt quite limited.

Watching an elderly woman walk in with the fox demon on her shoulder they both studied the other, taking in the power they both carried. "I am Lady Kaede, the Priestess of this village," she introduced, "I am assuming you are Gaara."

"Yes, thank you for seeing to the well," he replied in turn.

"Can you tell me more of what happened on your end of it," she requested before sitting down with a cloth filled with fresh vegetables. "You may also stay here and eat with the others so long as you bring no harm to the village," he was given a nice invitation.

"The village will have nothing to fear from me, I will protect it in return for your hospitality," he decided, not sure what else he could possibly do. Starting back up with the explanation for what happened back in his era he could see she is listening very closely, nodding when he finished and she began to think.

Kaede began chopping the vegetables while Sango sat polishing her weapon and going through her gear keeping it all in good form. Noticing the large boomerang he asked, "Sango, what is your weapon made out of?"

Looking up at him from her polishing she answered, "Demon bones, this is Hiraikotsu."

"It must be quite strong then. Do you use any powers with it," he hoped to learn what the people are capable of here.

"No, I am the only one in the group without any. You know, it would be interesting to see what all you can do. Want to spar against a few of us tomorrow," she offered, wanting some insight to what all he is capable of.

"Just come and get me when you are ready, we both seem to be quite curious what the other is capable of," he agreed, liking how the conversation turned out.

Shippo scurried over to him quickly before sitting down on his rump and pulling a sucker out of the folds of his top. "So you said you have a beast in you. Is it like a demon or something?"

"Something like that. His name is Shukaku, a sand spirit also known as the one tail." He could see the kit didn't seem to like the fact a demon is inside of him like a captive. "He is a tanuki," he supplied. The kit looked even more upset.

"Do your people seal foxes too," he suddenly asked.

"Kurama is in Naruto, he is the nine tails. The Sage of Six Paths used his Creation of All Things ability to separate the Ten-Tails chakra into nine separate bodies. They were all eventually captured by ninja villages and sealed within a host to create a jinchuriki as a show of each village's strength," he gave a short history lesson, the others tuning in though this is possibly more like a telling of the future.

"So people really admire you because you are really strong with Shukaku inside you," Shippo tried to understand, figuring that is why he is the village leader then.

With a soft sigh he wished it were as simple as that. "No they feared and despised me, even my own family," he admitted.

"But why, they put him in you to be a show of strength, shouldn't you be valued more than others," his childlike curiosity making it hard for Gaara to be upset with how inquisitive he is for such a small thing.

"I am a monster in their eyes regardless but it didn't help that I couldn't properly control his power as a child and it resulted in several deaths. I was deemed a failure so my father, the former Kazekage, ordered several assassination attempts on me until I finally gained more control of the powers. I guess you could say at that point I only existed for myself and felt the need to prove my existence by murdering others, it verified to me that I exist when others pretended I didn't. That changed when I was sent to crush an allied village. My father was assassinated on the way there and I was defeated before I could leave that village but where I had believed you should only love yourself, I was overpowered by one who had the same pain, I didn't even realize it but he had. We were two kids, both jinchuriki, but had taken separate routes. He had eventually forged bonds with others and because he feared of being alone in the darkness again he would protect them at the cost of his life. He opened my eyes and became my first true friend, opening the door for me to take the same path and slowly begin to forge bonds with my siblings and others. I am now the leader of my village and a group is hunting down us nine jinchurikis but I do not know why beyond them extracting the tailed beast from us." He told his tale to the small kit, seeing how bothered he is by all of it. No one in the hut could really comment on it, not happy with how the future will play out, making them realize that even if they defeat Naraku, there will still be war and carnage somewhere.

"What will happen if they take Shukaku out of you," Shippo asked, looking at the man with a new perspective on things from both accounts, figuring he might be glad to have the beast gone.

His eyes softening, he wondered if Kurama had ever been like this Shippo. "Death," he informed him, keeping himself from saying anything further as the kit looked troubled enough as well as the others but there is nothing they can do about a man from thousands of years in the future.

"It isn't fair. What did you or Shukaku ever do to them to be put in such a spot and then made out to be the bad guy. Did you want him sealed inside you," he asked, realizing that maybe he had asked for it.

"I was still in my mother's womb when he was sealed inside of me." The adults frowned, not liking the sound of that and even InuYasha who could hear the conversation had to admit, they really do have a lot in common and this guy knew just by looking in his eyes.

Sango suddenly spoke up. "You would be right about having the same pain as InuYasha but that is his story to tell. I'm just surprised you could see it just by looking in his eyes."

"It is an ability I have had for a long time but I can read it in your gazes and hers," his eyes slanted to the resting girl across from him. "I don't like seeing others feel that same hurt or loneliness," his voice softened as he still looked at her before returning to them, seeing the stew being created. The smell of the meal grew more fragrant and made the younger priestess stir and slowly sit up, her ankle looking better already.

"Have a nice rest Kagome," Sango asked with a smile.

As she stretched he averted his eyes when her shirt began to reveal the skin beneath. "Yes, I feel much better already."

Miroku looked her way, concern flashing in his eyes. "You have been quite tired ever since Naraku tried to possess you with that tainted jewel shard."

"I will be fine, we all are after the last few weeks we have had," she shared a look with them, Shippo catching on.

"You're talking about when you guys almost died in that shrine aren't you," he hopped over to Kagome. "I wish you could go home, you could use the break especially with-,"

"Shippo, don't you start anything. He has had it just as rough as the rest of us if not worse, you should be more understanding," she quickly reprimanded the fox kit.

"Still-," he trailed off.

"Things are quiet for right now and we have all been high strung. A few days to regroup will do us a lot of good. I'm not excusing his behavior but you shouldn't aggravate him either," she finished just as InuYasha tore into the hut to glare at her.

"A few days, who the hell said anything about us staying here wench," he growled out. "We have shards to collect and Naraku still on the loose or did you suddenly become stupid and forget that." He was taken by surprise when he was hit by Gaara's sand, "Oi, would you knock it off."

"I do not like to repeat myself, stop cutting down your companions," he calmly said while still sitting, surprising Miroku and Kaede at his sudden defense to their friend's crude mouth. "Maybe I should stuff your mouth full of sand; it might make you hold your tongue the next time you decide to hurt the ones around you. By the time I leave you will be happy to have her sit you instead of what I will begin to dish out to teach you this lesson once and for all," he decided, growing tired of his mouth. "I do not see why you would force the others to travel when they clearly need a break and the priestess has an injury, it would be reckless," he advised.

Shippo found himself really starting to admire this guy. "Wow, you didn't even move," he noticed.

"You fucking sand loving bastard, I've just about had enough of you," InuYasha announced as he began to storm towards the hut.

"Sit," she said, growing irritated with him again.

"InuYasha," Miroku started in, "like the other two pointed out, we need a break and you have been in a foul mood. A few days would do us all good if not some more since Kagome needs to restock on supplies and the well is not working. Be angry all you want but the majority vote wins," Miroku put an end to it all as InuYasha scowled at them from where he was picking himself up from the crater the command caused.

"Hey Kagome, after dinner we should go to the hot springs. I'm sure Kirara will give you a lift, right girl," she looked down at the nekomata, petting her affectionately as she was given a mew in response.

"Yeah, the hot springs will feel great," she felt eager to eat just so she can enjoy a dip in them. "Gaara, I am not sure if your era uses them but I have products for hygiene such as shampoo, toothpaste, and things of that nature. Feel free to ask if you would like to use them," she offered.

"Thank you, I would much appreciate that," being a person that values his own hygiene. "Perhaps after you are done at the hot springs could I use them?"

"Sure, I will be sure to remember," she said with a smile. Dinner was soon served and he was grateful for the warm meal to eat even if it tasted a bit plain compared to all the spices they use in his era.

Kagome stood using her good foot and her bow, grabbing her bag and lifting it on to her back before she left the hut with Kirara transforming. "Thanks Kirara, I will be sure to get you a treat when I am able," she petted her affectionately. Sango came out and joined them, Gaara watched them begin to fly, his sensing sand attached to them to keep tabs on things.

"Well, I am going to take a walk, I will see you guys soon," Miroku suddenly got up and began to leave.

"Don't expect me to go looking for you when they knock you out," InuYasha called after him before turning his eyes towards the new guest. "You may have the others on your side but if you keep this up I will hack you to bits," he warned.

Giving the half-demon his attention he replied, "You won't even be able to touch me," he stated causing the half-demon to growl irritated. "Feel free to try but the reason I am still alive is because the sand automatically comes to my defense. If it didn't I would have died long ago," seeing him calm down at that simple explanation.

InuYasha sobered up, seeing the truth in his words and remembering the assassination attempts when he was only a child. Normally the assassin probably would have won but this sand is what has kept him alive through it all whereas no other would accept his existence. "Kagome is mine to protect, don't even think you have a chance because she promised to always stay by my side until I send her from it."

Not missing a beat he automatically replied, "Yet you leave her defenseless to chase after a dead woman and then come back and cut down the living one. That is a very warped sense of protection in my opinion. Why declare that when just earlier you were mad at having to do so and from the sounds of it she has been almost killed and was kidnapped recently. It sounds to me like you resent her existence but want it at the same time."

"No," a new voice chirped in, "she was kidnapped and almost died more times than that recently. Mukotsu kidnapped her first and poisoned her when she tried to kill him during that weird wedding ceremony he performed. Then she stopped breathing at that shrine that was set on fire by Renkotsu. Koga also saved her that one time and after that Naraku wanted to use her eyes but was trying to find the darkness in her heart and use it to control her. We probably won't see him in a while because we are all looking for the final shards of the jewel." Shippo had cut in, gaining a glare from InuYasha while he licked his sucker and thought things over.

He kept his thoughts to himself, not in the mood to keep something going. Deciding to get some fresh air he got up and walked out, his features making him stand out among the remaining villagers outside in the fading light. No one would approach him but girls would giggle and call him 'handsome.' Hearing feet scurrying up behind him he looked to see Shippo coming to join him.

"Hey Gaara, could you show me what you can do, like what ninjas do," he wanted to see these things with his own eyes.

"Sure," he replied and looked around. Seeing the trees behind the hut he walked up to them. "This is what I mentioned earlier," deciding to amuse the kit as he walked up a tree and hung from a branch before using his sand body flicker technique to reappear several feet away. Facing towards him he formed a clone of himself out of sand. "As a shinobi we have many things we can do, I would not want to change the layout of the land but I could fill this entire area with sand or even make large pyramid for sealing a strong opponent. I am adept at taijutsu and have many sand or wind based attacks and am well versed with many weapons such as shuriken and kunai. My sand is nearly impenetrable; it would take a truly strong attack to get through it."

"Let me show you what I can do," Shippo excitedly said before pulling out a leaf and transforming into Miroku. "See, now I'm Miroku!"

He watched the kit impressed, "That is really good Shippo, you have transformation skills. Watch me," he went through the hand signs and instead transformed into Shippo then making the kit so excited that with a *pop* he was back to himself and looking at himself. Releasing the jutsu he was back to himself and released his clone as well. "What else can you do," he asked feeling interested.

Shippo began going through his clothes taking out his mushrooms and several other tricks that he has, trying to come up with something great. Eyes lighting up he grabbed a leaf again and disappeared, surprising Gaara as he held it for about two minutes. "I'm still working on holding it longer but I am getting good at illusions that help me get away quickly and I have fox fire," he did his small attack to show him what it looks like. Looking back up at him he could see that the other male has enjoyed seeing what he could do.

"How about while I am here I can teach you a few things, even leave a gift that is only to be used when you really need it," he offered, finding that he really likes the kit.

"Really, you would do that for me," his eyes wide as he watched the other male nod. "You are so cool Gaara!"

"We can start tomorrow and I will help you to become stronger. Right now you are looking tired so you should rest up," he suggested.

"Okay, I can't wait, thank you Gaara," he scurried off back into the hut.

Kaede approached him, seeing the joy on Shippo's face as he ran off to bed. "That is a very kind offer for young Shippo," she remarked towards him.

Giving her his attention to remain respectful he said, "I find the kit amusing and impressive. I have a student back home, Matsuri, so I have some experience to rely on."

"He is a good kit if not mischievous. He usually plays his tricks on InuYasha since those two are often butting heads a lot like brothers would do," she knows both of them can clearly hear them out here. "I thought I would offer you bedding to rest on before I retire for the night."

"Thank you but it won't be needed since I cannot sleep due to the Shukaku inside me. If I should fall asleep he will take total control to destroy everything in sight and the longer I remain asleep the harder it will be to break the possession." He informed her, hoping they all get the message loud and clear.

Looking at him with her remaining eye she remained silent for a moment. "You are strong even in your will. I cannot fathom what it would be like to not sleep but the tiredness shows in your eyes. I bid you goodnight young Lord." She ambled back into the hut with only his eyes to follow her.

"Goodnight Lady Kaede," his soft voice reaching her ears.

Standing in the quiet of the night he listened to the villagers head off to bed and the crickets chirp. Through his sand he could sense the girls and nekomata coming back to the village, landing shortly after on Kirara. "Hi Gaara," Kagome greeted him as she got off the cat carefully. Walking over to them he could see her grab out a canvas bag with a clean towel in it. "Here you go, the hot springs are just over in the trees back there," she pointed.

"Thank you Kagome," he looked down at her ankle. "Is it feeling any better?"

Noticing his line of sight she nodded, "Yeah compared to earlier. I will probably be fine by the time morning comes. Thank you for your help again."

"Your welcome and thank you for the supplies, I will be back soon," he began to walk off into the darkness with their eyes on him for a minute.

"He is quite respectful, the guys could learn a thing or two from him," Sango remarked, her voice carrying to his ears. "Oh yeah, we forgot that lech," she grumbled. "Well unless Gaara wakes him he can sleep out there all night as far as I care."

Kagome giggled, "Well I can't say I disagree. Let's go in, I have some studying to catch up on."

"Stay away from math, you know it gives you nightmares," Sango reminded her. "You could end up hurting your ankle even worse with any thrashing around you do."

"Yeah yeah, don't worry so much Sango. I will do English or something," she decided.

He could hear them until their voices faded into the hut and soon he was in the darkness of the forest, using his sand to sense where Miroku is after hearing he isn't conscious. Finding him he changed directions and came across his body, his head having a couple large bumps on it. Kneeling down he shook him. "Monk," he called him, beckoning him to wake. "Monk, you should wake up," he finally got him to stir.

Opening his eyes he looked at their guest before blinking a few times. "Oh Gaara, what are you doing out here," he asked, noticing he is in the woods yet.

"Heading to the hot spring but I guess I should be asking the same for you since the girls were not happy with you," he pointed out, coming to the conclusion that the monk had possibly been spying on them.

"Heh, uh I got lost and a bit turned around on that walk I took," not convincing Gaara in the least as they booth stood up and he dusted off his robes.

"I hope that wasn't supposed to actually be convincing," he remarked and headed over to where he could see a lantern sitting on the edge of the bank. Beginning to pull his clothes off after setting the bag down he felt relieved that he would at least have some time to relax in the hot waters.

"Mind if I join you," Miroku asked, figuring he could chat with the second person he has met that traveled through time, well besides InuYasha.

"Go ahead, you seem to have something on your mind," he brought up. Setting his gourd down Gaara let the sand go back in it from off his body, taking away the armor.

Catching sight of it he sputtered, "Your skin is even covered in sand."

"Yes, it is my sand armor," he shared with the monk before stepping into the hot waters. "I have felt wary since I had come here and kept it up instead of releasing it."

"That would make sense being you were attacked just before you went down the well and then you had our gruff companion to deal with in a new era," he sank down into the waters with a sigh. "Time travel, I used to wonder about the future but Kagome shows us things with her text books what it turned into in her time."

They sat in the hot waters lightly discussing what the two eras are like and a little bit of Kagome's that Miroku knew for sure of. Though a pervert, Gaara had quickly realized, the Monk is quite knowledgeable with a lot of wisdom for his short years compared to the ones who are much older with his amount of wisdom. He learned about what this Naraku has done to different ones and Gaara could only think of some of the horrible things his village and others have done. When they finally retired for the night, or in Gaara's case rested his eyes for a spell since he didn't dare fall asleep, he had been given a good insight to what is troubling the group but he still stands by his words and actions. Kagome should not be getting treated like such or anyone in their group.

Walking in the door of the hut he took new residence closer to where Kagome sleeps as the others were stretched out in other places of the hut. She apparently fell asleep reading so he quietly picked the book up and began reading the contents, noticing how advanced the content is regarding science, something he barely brushed up against, only knowing enough to help him in battle. Deciding to read on about what her era has studied of their world before it became the one he lives in. The pictures were of far better quality than the family portraits that most only have. He flipped through the pages for a bit before deciding to start at the beginning, keeping her page number in mind he read the first few chapters of the book before looking to see what the other books are.

Seeing one labeled Geography he opened it up curious to see what the world looked like as he read through the introduction and the beginning chapters of that book as well. He learned all about Plate Tectonics, a theory that he thought might make sense but they have never had an earthquake where he resides so he couldn't really say for sure. Going through the five themes of Geography it was very interesting to see the landmarks and different cities in her era. Her time is so different and yet so very similar to his that he felt they could adjust to one another's easily enough. A problem he did notice that her era struggled with is pollution, whether accidental, continuous, or things some may be unaware of, it was something he realized had a negative effect on the environment. Taking careful notice as his era is gaining a focus on technology though not largely, he will have to be sure he shares this knowledge to prevent these issues and think about what their current impact might be.

With the book held in hand he remained flipping through the pages reading things of interest with only the moonlight to help him illuminate the glossy pages until it became too hard to discern the words and pictures. He was tempted to retreat outside to keep reading but decided against it as he returned the books to how they were and let his eyes fall to the Priestess. There is no question that she is attractive but how does she deal with this era being so different from her own where he could find little mentions of demons and evil spirits, all of them being regarded as myth when they did worm into the text book?

His thoughts wandered as he rested his eyes for the rest of the night. Her time is so advanced compared to this one or his own and he had to wonder if those advancements were what led it to its eventual downfall since he has never heard of any of those places or most of the things they have created. What more has her time created and how far have they gone? It was clear they have been to space from the different realistic shots of the world. Do they have shinobi there at all? He will have to ask her.