Future Dragon: Rose Long (Season Seven)

Chapter/Episode Ten: Pure Fight Part 2

Inside the cafeteria, Cherri stroked Holly's head as she groaned in pain. "Is that all?" Rose asked. "Is that everything that happened?"

"Yessssss..." Holly moaned.

"Alright..." Rose narrowed her eyes.

"What are you going to do?" Savannah asked as she turned her head to the side.

"I'm going to go and find this scumbag." Rose told her.

"What about her?" Savannah asked, referring to Holly as she turned her head back to normal.

"She needs treatment." Rose answered. "Can I trust you two to get her to the hospital?" Rose asked as she turned her head to the side. "Holly can help you find it."


Rose pushed open the doors to the Main Hall, walking inside to see Jake, Callum and Rin, all three still in their dragon forms with their backs to her. However, as they heard the doors opening, they all turned around to face her, just as Rose stopped in front of them.

"Jake-" Rose started urgently, only to be cut off by her husband.

"Did you find Holly?" Jake asked.

"Yes, yes I did." Rose said matter-of-factly as she crossed her arms.

"How did she react?" Councilor Rin asked.

"She doesn't know yet." Rose said urgently, lowering her arms and dropping her calm temperament that she had previously held. "She's been attacked. Savannah and Cherri are helping her."

"Wait, who attacked her?" Jake asked as Rin's face paled.

"Uh-oh..." Rin muttered.

"What?" Rose asked as both Callum and Jake turned their heads to the side to look at Rin, who chuckled nervously.

"I think I know who attacked her." Rin said nervously.

"Holly said that his name was Rhys Maddox." Rose said.

"Well, I don't know about a Rhys Maddox, but earlier this evening, just after you were arrested, a dragon asked me where Councilor Jennings was." Rin explained.

"And you told him?" Callum asked.

"At first I wasn't going to..." Rin said. "...But he persuaded me."

"Look, that really doesn't matter right now." Rose tried to tell them, both Jake and Callum turning their heads back to normal so they could listen to her. "What we need to do is close down this island so we can try to find him."

"And what if this Rhys Maddox already left?" Callum asked.

"Let's...just not think about that right now." Rose said.

"I'll go alert the guards." Rin said as she stepped forward. "I saw him, so I can tell them what to look out for."

Rose took a deep, calming breath as Rin walked passed her. Then, Rose crossed her arms. "Jake?"

"Yeah, Rose?" Jake replied.

"I want you to do something for me." Rose said, lowering her arms to her sides.


In the cafeteria, Savannah and Cherri, both in their dragon forms grunted as they helped Holly to her feet, one of Holly's arms slung around Savannah's shoulder, her other around Cherri's.

"Alright, easy now." Cherri said as she and Savannah slowly moved forward.

Eventually, Cherri and Savannah got Holly outside and they slowly turned to the side, moving on.

"Okay, how far is the hospital from here?" Savannah asked.

"N...No...Not ve...very far..." Holly answered.

"Where do we go?" Savannah asked.

"Around t...the corner..." Holly moaned. "...We'll...We'll ta...take it from there..."

"This isn't good." Savannah said to Cherri as Holly moaned and lowered her head. "She isn't capable of helping us find her help."

"I can..." Holly moaned as she slowly lifted up her head. "...Just tu...turn around the cor...corner. I'll te...tell you where t...to go from t...there."

"Fine." Savannah said after sighing.

Then, Holly slowly lowered her head again as Cherri and Savannah started to slowly walk her to the side of the building. Then, they slowly turned around the corner.


Rose stood in her dragon form in the hallway, right in front of the door to the room that she had shared with Jake before she had been fired by the Dragon Council.

The door of the room opened and Jake, also in his dragon form, stepped outside, holding Rose's staff that she had used as a Dragon Council Agent.

"Here." Jake said as he handed out the staff, Rose smiling as she reached out and wrapped her clawed fingers around the staff, taking it away from her husband.

"Thanks." Rose said.

"Are you sure you can do this?" Jake asked. "You can still fight?"

"I'm a born fighter, Jake." Rose smiled.

"Well..." Jake forced himself to smile. "...What are you waiting for, then? Go teach this punk a lesson!"

"You know it!" Rose told him.

Then, Rose turned, flapped her wings and jumped into the air, flying down the hall.



With a smile on his face, Rhys made his way to the edge of the island. However, when he saw that there was an army of about fifteen dragon-formed Dragon Council Agents, he stopped in his tracks, raising an eyebrow.

"What's going on?" Rhys asked casually as he finally reached the dragons.

"It's okay." The Dragon Council Agent right in front of him said. "There's nothing to worry about. You can go back inside."

"Actually, I was just leaving." Rhys smiled. "I wanted to get home."

"Eh, we're afraid that's not going to be possible." The Agent said.

"Why ever not?" Rhys asked as he crossed his scaly arms.

"Look, it's really none of your concern." The Dragon Council Agent to the right of the Agent that Rhys had just talked to said. "It would just be best if you go back inside. Hopefully, you'll be able to leave in the morning."

"But why can't I leave now?" Rhys asked, lowering his arms to his sides.

"Because Councilor Jennings was found beaten." The first Dragon Council Agent explain, albeit in an annoyed 'why couldn't he just have gone back like we told him to' tone. "We don't know her condition at this point, but the orders from Councilor Callum are to not let any dragon leave this island until the culprit is caught."

Trying his best to hide his worried expression, Rhys swallowed hard and then smiled. "I see..."

"Of course..." The Dragon Council Agent continued. "...Councilor Rin should be here any minute now. She believes that she talked to Councilor Jennings' assaulter and is going to tell us what he or she looks like. We're sure that afterwards, you'll pass and be able to be let through."

Now, Rhys looked positively pale. However, he managed to smile. "On second thought..." He said. "...I think I'll just wait until morning after all."

"Suit yourself." The Dragon Council Agent said before Rhys turned around, walking away.

However, after only three steps away, Rhys' eyes widened as he saw Rin walking toward the Agents, Rose by her side, Rose holding her staff in her clawed hands.

"Sorry." Rin said as she and Rose reached the Agents. "We hope that we didn't keep you waiting for too long."

"Not at all, Councilor." The Dragon Council Agent said, while the others stared at Rose.

"Now, about Councilor Jennings' attacker..." Rin said as she crossed her scaly arms. "...The attacker is male. I saw him in his dragon form and his color looks quite a bit like Councilor Long's. The only difference is that his scales are a brighter color of red."

"You haven't seen any dragon that matches this description, have you?" Rose asked.

"Actually, we have." The Dragon Council Agent replied.

Meanwhile, Rhys was walking away from the Dragon Council Agents as quickly as he could. However, he froze and his eyes widened when he heard the sound of Rose's voice: "Hey, you!" Then, about five seconds later, she followed up with "Yeah, you!"

Slowly turning around, Rhys could see Rose landing in front of him, her staff still in both of her hands. "Can we talk?" Rose asked, just as Rin landed at Rose's side. His eyes wide, Rhys took a step back as Rose turned her head to the side to look at Rin.

"Is this the guy?" Rose asked.

"Oh, yeah." Rin narrowed her eyes. "That's him."

"Tell me..." Rose said with an angry look on her face as she turned her head back to normal. "...Did you attack Holly?"

Quickly, Rhys' facial expression switched from one of shock into one of annoyance and anger. Narrowing his eyes, he grunted as he softly jerked his head forward.

Grunting in pain, Rose was thrown backwards, miraculously being able to keep hold of her staff. "Rose?" Rin asked, turning around, watching as Rose hit the ground a few feet away. However, Rin then yelped as Rhys slammed his tail into her side, throwing her to the side as Rhys stepped forward, watching as Rose stood up.

"Your tail is grass." Rose told him as the blade of her staff started to glow with bright green plasma. Then, with a grunt, she started to run toward him.


"Alright, where to now?" Cherri asked as she and Savannah got Holly to the edge of the side of the cafeteria. However, Holly just moaned as she kept her head lowered.

"You're going to have to work with us." Savannah said in an annoyed tone before Holly moaned before her body went limp, her arms slipping away from Cherri and Savannah, falling face-first onto the ground.

Cherri and Savannah both quickly knelt down and Cherri managed to put her clawed hand on Holly's shoulder, rolling her over onto her back, causing Holly to moan as she opened her eyes. Then, she smiled. "I guess you two aren't so bad..." She said.

"Come on, you've got to work with us." Cherri said.

"I ju...just need to re...rest." Holly managed.

"You can do that later." Savannah told her.

"Councilor Jennings?" However, hearing the sound of Callum's voice made Savannah's eyes widening.

Standing back up, Savannah turned around to see Callum and Jake, both in their dragon forms, walking toward the cafeteria. "Over here!" Savannah shouted, lifting up one of her scaly arms and waving it from side to side.

This made both Jake and Callum stop and turn to their sides, seeing Savannah, who lowered her scaly arm, just as Callum and Jake started to walk toward them.

"Thanks for getting here." Savannah said as Jake and Callum reached her.

"Is everything alright?" Callum asked as he looked down at Cherri, who was at the moaning Holly's side.

"Dang..." Jake said, his eyes filling with sympathy. "...She looks really banged up."

"I'm just glad that you two are here." Savannah said as she hugged herself with her arms. Then, she chuckled. "Never thought I'd say that. But she's too worn out to give us directions."

"We can take it from here." Callum said.

"What I want you to do..." Jake said as he crossed his scaly arms. "...Is to go find Rose. And I want you to help her."


Rhys flapped his wings and flew into the air as Rose landed just inches away from where Rhys had been standing, grunting as she swung her staff through the air, too late to hit Rhys.

Growling, Rose looked up into the air, looking at the grinning Rhys, who just hovered in the air, looking down at her. With a grunt and a light jerk of his head, Rhys made Rose grunt, her head jerking back as she stumbled back.

Rhys then dove back down and landed back on the grass, watching as a growling Rose pointed her blazing staff at him.

"Don't bother." Rhys said. Then, with another grunt and soft jerk of his head, he caused Rose to grunt with pain as she was thrown back, landing on the grass on her back.

Rhys smiled victoriously, thinking that Rose was down for good, but his smile vanished as Rose quickly sat up, shouting with anger as she fired a blast of green plasma.

Before the blast could hit him, Rhys jumped out of the way and grunted as he jerked his head forward. Once again, Rose grunted as she was thrown back down onto her back.

"You can't beat me..." Rhys told her.

Groaning, Rose slowly sat back up, still holding her staff. "How do you do that?" She asked.

"The Pure Dragon potion that Councilor Jennings made me..." Rhys grinned.

"Is that how you pounded her into the floor?" Rose asked, narrowing her eyes.

"You'll know just as soon as I'm finished with you." Rhys told her before he grunted softly and jerked his head forward. With a grunt, Rose jerked her head back, but she recovered quickly, looking back at him with narrowed eyes.

"I've got an idea..." She growled. "...Let's fight fairy. Dragon on dragon. Just you and me."

"Hmm, let me think about that..." Rhys said as he put a clawed hand on his chin. "...No." He smiled before he grunted again, jerking his head forward.

Rose grunted again, but this time, the force was so great that he her legs were lifted all of the way into the air as she back-flipped in the air, landing on her belly.

As Rhys cackled with amusement, Rose growled and quickly got to her feet. Then, with her staff in both of her clawed hands, she ran towards Rhys. Before Rhys could react, he grunted as Rose's tail slammed into his face, making him fall back onto the grass while Rose flipped over him, landing on her feet.

As Rhys got to his feet, facing Rose and growling, Rose grunted as she thrust forward the blade of her staff, only to have Rhys reach out and grab the very start of the handle, right before the blade. Grunting, Rose tried to push it closer, but Rhys slowly managed to push it up, trying to turn it back on Rose, just as the blade started to glow with lethal green plasma.

Gritting her teeth and narrowing her eyes, Rose grunted again, pushing the blade down slowly. Narrowing his eyes as well, Rhys grunted and jerked his head forward.

Meanwhile, from behind Rose, both Savannah and Cherri ran up into view, both of them stopping as they saw an explosion of green light and saw Rose being thrown back toward them, landing on her back on the ground.

"Rose!" Both Savannah and Cherri shouted, their eyes widening.



Without a second thought, both Savannah and Cherri ran toward Rose, both of them soon reaching one of her sides each and falling down on her knees, just as Rose slowly opened her eyes and coughed.

"Rose!" Both Cherri and Savannah shouted with smiles on their faces.

"That jerk punched me in the chest..." Rose groaned as she slowly sat up, staring at where Rhys' steaming body was lying several feet away. Lying on his back, Rhys' eyes stared lifelessly up at the night sky.


The next morning, a sweaty Rose, wearing her workout clothes and with her hands on her hips, walked over to where Cherri and Savannah, in their human forms, were sitting, both cross-legged and with Savannah picking at the grass.

"Hey." Rose greeted them as she sat down on her knees in front of them.

"Hey." Savannah replied as she pulled up four blades of grass.

"How was your workout?" Cherri asked.

"Fine." Rose said. Then, she smiled. "It really does a body good."

"Especially yours." Savannah said as she pulled up two more blades of grass.

"Hey, don't pull out the grass." Suddenly came the voice of Councilor Rin. Rose, Savannah and Cherri all turned their heads to the side to see Rin, in her human form, walking towards them, finally stopping right in front of them.

"If you don't mind..." Rin said. "...I'd like to see you all in the meeting hall."


Moments later, Rose, Savannah and Cherri all sat in chairs inside the Main Hall, facing Rin, who sat alone at the large table.

"Councilor Jennings..." Rin said. "...Was impressed with you all. That is why, Rose, she wants to offer you your position back as the head of our agent team."

"Really?" Rose asked, her eyes widening.

"She also..." Rin said. "...Extends the offer out to Dragon Rogers and Dragon Solorio."

"Seriously?" Savannah asked, a smile appearing on her face.

"What do you all say?" Rin asked.

"I'd love to." Rose said.

"Of...Of course!" Savannah said quickly after.

"Just be warned..." Rin said. "...That because we know nothing about your skills, Agent Long will train you before you see any action."

"R...Really?" Savannah asked, her smile completely vanishing.

"Oh, c'mon Savannah..." Rose said, a smile on her face as she turned her head to the side. "...We'll have fun. Besides, isn't this what you wanted?"

Slowly turning her head to the side, Savannah exhaled before she smiled. "Alright, Rose." She said. "You've got me." Then, she turned her head back to normal. "I'm fine with that." She reported to Rin."

"And you, Dragon Solorio?" Rin asked.

"Actually..." Cherri said slowly. "...I think I'll pass..."

"What?" Savannah asked, jerking her head to the side, her eyes wide. "Cherri, how-"

"Sorry, Savannah..." Cherri said as she turned her head to the side. "...But it's just not me. I'm happy as a member of Lono's team..." She then gave her friend a small smile.

"But-" Savannah started.

"No, she's right." Came Rose's voice. Savannah then turned her head in the other direction to see that Rose was looking at her.

"How is she right?" Savannah asked.

"With Lono in prison and with me here..." Rose said. "...Someone's got to be in charge of the others." Then, she smiled. "Cherri, come with me to my quarters. I have something for you."


A short time later, Cherri was standing right outside the door of the room that Jake and Rose shared, still in her dragon form. Taking a deep breath, Cherri exhaled just as Rose opened the door and stepped out, holding the medallion that Lono had worn in both hands by the chain.

"Here." Rose said with a smile as she held out the medallion.

Slowly, Cherri reached out and took it. "Leader, me?" Cherri asked. "Are you sure?"

"Positive." Rose smiled. "Lono gave it to me, so now it's mine to pass it down to whomever I see fit. That's you, Cherri."

"Thanks, Rose." Cherri said gratefully, a smile on her face.


Holly, in her human form, was lying under the covers in a hospital bed, both Callum and Jake, in their human forms as well, standing at the foot of the bed.

Hearing the door opening, both Jake and Callum turned their heads to the side, seeing Rin entering, with Rose and Savannah at her sides. Rose was wearing her Dragon Council Agent uniform again, complete with black cape and dragon wing armor, while Savannah wore the same uniform, only without the cape and armor. However, what Savannah lacked in terms of a cape and armor, she had what Rose didn't have in the form of a satisfied smile on her face.

As Jake and Callum turned to their sides, Jake whistled at his wife, who just smiled back at him. "You know it, honey." She teased him.

"Anyway..." Callum said, putting a hand on Jake's shoulder, making him frown. "...Councilor Jennings is going to be alright. She will live and will make an almost complete recovery."

"Almost?" Rose asked.

"Her leg." Jake said. "Apparently, the side of her leg just shattered. She's going to have a very, very bad limp from now on."

"Other than that, she'll be fine, though." Callum said. "We've given her pain killers and we'll be able to give them to her until they are no longer needed."

"Sounds good, then." Rose said.

At that moment, Holly moaned as she returned to the world of the conscious. "Holly?" Rose asked as she and Savannah walked up to her bedside.

"Rose..." Holly smiled as she stared up at them.

"Feeling okay?" Rose asked as she and Savannah stared down at her. "Those drugs working?"

"Think so." Holly said. "Where's Rhys?"

"I killed him." Rose answered grimly.

"Good riddance." Holly said, her smile having faded.

"Holly?" Rose asked.


"Savannah and Cherri showed me that my parents were, in fact, murdered." Rose said. "I was wondering if-"

"If the Council can track the killer down?" Holly asked.

"You don't seem surprised." Rose said.

"I'm on too many drugs to be surprised, Rose."

"Don't worry, Rose." Jake said, he and Callum now facing the foot of the bed again. "I thought you didn't care, but hey, if you want us to, we'll put everything into finding this punk."

"Good." Rose said as she looked up and turned her head to the side to look at her husband. "Because I can give you a physical description."


A/N: So ends the season. There are only three seasons left now and will be dealing with uncovering who was responsible in the attack that killed Rose's parents. Well, please review.