A/N: This is the Mafia-ish Addiction writing for this chapter. Since Koichii kind of claimed Nijimura, can I just say that Akashi Seijuro is mi- OH FORGET IT, WHO AM I TO GET IN THE WAY OF TRUE LOVE!? AKASHI IS FOR KUROKO! *clears throat* so on with the chapter...

Disclaimer: We own *drum rolls* NOTHING! except the plot for this story.

Chapter 6: A glimpse to a destined future

~Aria of Souls~

"Open your book on Familiar Relations, page 15 paragraphs three to five. Read it out and after ten minutes, we'll be discussing your interpretations in regards to what was written" Nijimura in a stern voice uttered those words out as soon as he stepped inside the room. He then comfortably sat on his chair and started counting down.

"Uhm... excuse us"

"Do you have questions, young man?"

"Sorry but you haven't introduced yourself yet" The student, a transfer from the small kingdom of Meiko spoke loud and clear causing the student's originally from the kingdom of Seirin to look at him with horrifying glances and disbelief.

"Hey! Show your respect"

"Is he someone of high status?"

"Don't tell me you don't know who he is?"

"If I knew, will I even ask? Is he even that influential?"

"Of course he is! He's only teaching here for a few months since he wanted to get to know the students better"

"Last time, he actually worked as a waiter and before that he was on the fields. For someone of his status, can you believe that?"

Nijimura inhaled deeply and tapped his table to gather the student's attention "I guess most of you here don't have a single knowledge as to who I am. As such, I shall properly introduce myself. My name is Nijimura Shuzo and I am the current king of the Kingdom of Seirin"

Loud gasps echoed throughout the room which quickly died out when the raven who had revealed his real status like a walk in the park, cleared his throat out. "During the duration of my stay here at the academy however, I shall be one of your instructors and I want you all to treat me as such. I am your teacher here and not your king, do all of you get it right?"

"Yes, sir"

"Good, now go back to your activity"

Akashi stared at the raven haired male with shock. When did the small kingdom had a change of monarchy ruler? If so, the other kingdom's should have known since news like this are considered big. If a country, no matter how small changes their ruler it should have spread like wildfire and so, why and how did Seirin managed to keep things under wrap?

"Oh, his succession wasn't planned at all. He only took the throne around six months ago due to his grandfather's untimely death. His father, the supposed next in line died in a battle when he was eight" Ogiwara spoke making Akashi slightly raise a brow at the other teen. He didn't even notice he's on the same class with the other. "The official succession will happen after he deemed himself worthy for the people of the kingdom"

"...Do I have a dirt on my face?" Ogiwara quickly cupped his cheeks when he felt a sharp gaze come his way. Akashi's stare remained questioning at the other.

"I am not even asking you anything" The other shrugged. "I know, but your eyes speaks that you are curious. I am simply doing you a favor, see"

"I could have known without your help"

The other simply laughed at the redhead's antics. "I know but it didn't hurt, did it?"

Akashi's eyes narrowed at the information he had gathered and it did not help when Ogiwara paused, leaning closer. "...and, King Nijimura is also Kuroko-chan's adoptive older brother which meant that by default, she's a royalty to the kingdom of Seirin and more!"

The spy already had gotten into terms with his feelings for the bluenette and yes, there is something in there or he wouldn't be getting jealous. However, had he just gotten attracted to a royalty of the Kingdom he is supposed to spy with? What is he going to do now? He had meant to pursue Tetsumi and ask her to live with him in Rakuzan but it seemed that it would be a futile attempt.

And what does the other meant by more?



"I'm not even going to ask how you know it's me behind the doors" Shogo walked towards the King/Academic Teacher.

Nijimura stood from his seat. "Have you gathered information?"

"What do you think of me? I'm not incapable, Shuzo and you know that" The king simply sent a knowing look at the student assistant. "Where inside school grounds, Shogo. Show your respect"

"Heh. I call you by name even when inside the castle grounds, what made you think I'll change things here?"

"At least show some sense of responsibility to the younger students" Nijimura sighed before diverting back to the topic at hand. "What did you find out"

"Why don't you read things for yourself" Haizaki showed a file and clicked on it.

Nijimura's eyes narrowed, reading the file the student saved on his laptop. "This is too plainn. Are you sure this is his entire profile?"

"Who knows. I still need to dig a little deeper, I guess" The student assistant stood up and poured himself some tea much to the other's chagrin. "But don't you find it rather suspicious? I know I do"

"That is a special brew from that Cafe!"

"You can always get another anytime you want" Haizaki mainly shrugged. The king sighed with defeat. "You're right. Akagi Sei's profile is much too clean, not even a single taint is to his name. It's all too perfect it was as if he purposely hid information about himself. This is as you've said, suspicious"

"The thing is, is his name even actually what he said it is?"

"What do you mean?"

"Just a gut feeling but I think that guy lied about himself"

"...I see. I already have that feeling. That guy, he's got an aura that exceeds many. He's far too knowledgeable for someone coming from a seemingly normal family and I for one would want to get on the bottom of things"

"Do you want me to keep investigating?"

"Yes but you can do that for later. I have some special task for you, today" Nijimura reached for the stack of papers on the cabinet. "I want you to grade my students and make an excel sheet on their rankings. The other four stacks are inside. Be sure to get it done before the day ends"

Haizaki glared at the other. "You want me to deal with the bane of your existence? Do your own paper work"

"If that's how you see it fit" Nijimura grinned as he reached for his coat.

"This is torture. I hate you!"

The King laughed wholeheartedly, "I know, that's why I'm making your life miserable" He managed to close the door before Haizaki had the chance to throw something at him. Once he was out of the school's vicinity, the King's face turned rather serious.

If Akagi Sei's appearance possess a threat, the how come Tetsumi doesn't seem to have sensed ill intentions? Could it be that her adopted sibling's abilities have declined? But that would be impossible. The elders themselves have told that the girl's ability to foresee things will remain as long as she lives. It was the main reason why the girl was proclaimed priestess at such a young age.

She is the chosen oracle. Bound to guide their kingdom to a path of greatness.

Which meant, her being unable to foresee things are quite questionable...

Unless, there is a reason for everything.

Making up his mind, The king walked towards the castle. It seems like a meeting with the council elders is at stake.


"To what honor do we have of the young king grazing us with his presence?" One of the elders, a man named Kiyoshi Teppei whose appearance is that of a teenager with brown hair and a cheerful attitude to his disposition asked as the door to where the elders reside opened. The other two elders, Hyuuga junpei and Aida Riko simply welcomed the young king into their abode.

"Elders" Nijimura bowed down to show his respect. "My apologies if my presence have disturbed you all but I have come forth to seek your guidance"

"Speak" Hyuuga Junpei, another elder appearing as a teenager with black hair and glasses, motioned for the young king to continue.

"I have some matters of concern regarding Tetsumi"

"Why? Has something happened to our dearest oracle?" Riko, the only girl member of the council of elders asked with concern.

"There has been a small accident from the academy but it's all been sorted out. That is however not the reason as to why I am here" Nijimura's gaze focused on the elders. "Is someone by the name of Akagi Sei tied down to her past?"

"Oh, you meant that" Kiyoshi chuckled wholeheartedly "They are tied down alright, however by future and not by past"

"What do you mean, Elder Kiyoshi?"

Kiyoshi in turn walked towards the center of the room into which a golden table with a large crystal ball rests. Touching the orb, Kiyoshi's pupils turned white as if turning him blind and with a voice different than he's original one, he spoke:

Two individuals bound by the strings fate

Into which time shall perceive the ultimate test

Heartbreaks and sorrows one must endure

Trials of faith both must overcome

As with a shining star they'll forever be connected

and into which their choice shall determine the new beginning or the deadly end.

"Well, that's it. That's all we can tell"

"What does that mean? It sounds like she'll fall for him. Is that how it'll be?"

"Only time will tell, your highness" Hyuuga spoke "But a heed of warning, that during this time, she's going to need support and do not ever leave her side"

"One more thing, do not try to play the course of destiny into your own hands" Those where the elder's last words before Nijimura found himself back inside his throne chair.

E/N: Thank you for reading this chapter. Thoughts for this chapter aremuch appreciated.

Terms used for this chapter:

Council Elders: No one has known of their beginnings but they have served as a guide to the royal family of Seirin. Having the appearance of teenagers, their true age or how they still exists are not known. However, it was rumored that they are spirits of former members of the Royalty who had decided upon themselves to still guide the kingdom and it's future rulers and their 'human' appearances are merely a decoy.

Oracle: Known to have been blessed by the gods. An oracle have the ability to foresee and foretold events may it be from the past, present or even the future. A catch however is that, an oracle is unable to predict matters of their own heart which states that they won't know who they'll fall in love with. Currently, Kuroko is the only known oracle to exist in Teiko.

Priest/Priestess: A priest/priestess are known to have the power to 'talk to the gods' and seek for knowledge, guidance and protection. Aside from the royal family of Seirin, they're the only other known individuals who are able to communicate with the elders. Aside from being an oracle, Kuroko is also a priestess. Ogiwara Shigehiro, unbelievably is a priest.