Author's Note: Again, my apologies for not getting this chapter up yesterday, I went and spent some time with my nephew, who really needed me, as a result of a situation that's been going on with my family as of late, that caused his parents to have to go out of town. No matter, I'm glad I could help take care of him, and be there for him in this time of need. And for the first time yesterday, after we finished one of the season 6 Rugrats DVD's while playing, we asked my nephew if he wanted more Rugrats, and he responded with an, "Uh huh," so we started another DVD in the 6 disc set, and watched a little bit together before it was time for dinner. It was so cute how he requested to watch more Rugrats. He must really like seeing Tommy as a big brother and baby Dil, post The Rugrats Movie and before going to Paris, as I've noticed he seems to pay attention to those episodes the most. Speaking of Rugrats, I'll soon be the proud owner of every single Rugrats episode and Tales from the Crib special on DVD! Can't wait for the day when my package from Amazon arrives! Now, on with the last and final chapter of this story!

Chapter 3, Tommy's Reaction and Finale

After Rosie had finished telling her story to Tommy about her first slumber party, the two 2-year-old toddlers, sat there, their plates empty of pizza and their cups empty of drink, staring at one another before either one of them spoke up.

"Wow Rosie, I'm not sure if I would have liked playing that Truth or Dare game much neither, but sounds like in the end, you had the bestest slumber party a baby ever had, and I wish I could have been there, I would have stopped Reggie from picking on you guys." Said Tommy.

"Well thanks. So, do you now see why I thought your firstest slumber party was lame, and you now better see why it wasn't even a slumber party to begin with?" Rosie asked.

"Yeah I do and it makes me wanna go back and do that slumber party all over again." Said Tommy.

"Well, doesn't your friend Peter gots a time machine? Couldn't you borrow it, and you, Phil, Lil and Chuckie go back in time to the events of what your mommy and daddy called your firstest slumber party, and relive it, possibly having a similar experience to what I had?" Rosie asked.

"Uh, Rosie, Chuckie would probably be pretty worried about me at this moment if he heardid me right now, but I don't think this is such a good idea." Said Tommy.

"Oh? And why's that?" Rosie asked.

"Because, Peter's always talking about how we've gots to be careful, we don't wanna mess up something called the time space contenuem." Said Tommy.

"What's that?" Rosie asked.

"I don't know, but with how often Peter gives us that warning, it must be really bad if we were to mess it up. And besides, I don't know my days of the week, nor did I even know Peter back when that all happened. Who knows if we could even get back to the right date in time when that slumber party tooked place. Besides, I know Zack, Jesse, Kimi, and Dilly would wanna go back in time with us, and that would really mess stuff up, cuz Dilly wasn't even borndid at the time my firstest slumber party tooked place." Said Tommy.

"Oh, I get it." Said Rosie.

"Besides, my firstest slumber party wasn't all that great, but I've had lots of other sleepovers with my friends that were much betterer." Said Tommy.

"Ok Tommy, now that you know the difference between a sleepover and a slumber party, what's a memory of an event that's played out more like an actual slumber party, where all of your little friends stayed the night that you're fond of?" Rosie asked.

"Hmmm, I guess that would gots to be the time when Chuckie, Phil and Lil slept over, and we founded out my grandpa's bed was hurting him, cuz it had a monster in it. So we gotted the monster out of my house and feeded it to Hubert." Said Tommy.

"Hubert?" Rosie asked, unsure as to who Hubert was, as while she had seen garbage trucks in Boston, she had never heard them be called by any name.

"Come on Rosie, you know who Hubert is, that big monster that comes down the street every week, that eats cans of monster food." Explained Tommy.

"Oh, ok. Where I come from, there are monsters that eat cans, but they just squeak and make loud noises, they're never called by name. I didn't know the one where you lived had a name, interesting." Said Rosie.

"Uh, yeah." Tommy replied.

"So see? And while I have yet to have another slumber party with all of my friends, I know my nextest slumber party will be lots more funnerer, cuz if Reggie tries to ruin it, we'll lock him in a closet and make sure he has the worstest time." Said Rosie with a smile.

"That's the spirit." Said Tommy, as the two toddlers stared at one another and smiled, hoping their night together would never end.

No sooner had the two toddlers finished up their conversation, when Rosie's parents glanced at their watch.

"Oh my goodness, look at the time! Our plane to Boston leaves in an hour!" Terry exclaimed, as he stood up from the table, and left the money for the tip.

"Stu, Didi, seeing that the waitress has yet to come back with the bill, do you mind? We'll leave the tip." Said Shannon.

"It's no problem, we understand you've got a plane to catch." Said Didi.

"We do too, but ours doesn't leave for another two hours." Added Stu.

"It was great seeing you guys again, and our kids seemed to have a lot of fun on Baby Races." Said Shannon, as she scooped up Rosie, put her into her stroller, and took Mary by the hand.

"Indeed they did." Said Didi with a smile, as everybody waved bye bye to the Halls.

Rosie waved goodbye to Tommy and smiled, as her parents pushed her in her umbrella stroller towards the exit of the restaurant. Once they were out of sight, the bill was brought to the table, where Stu and Didi paid the bill and Stu finished his Diet Coke.

"Hey Deed, since we've got an hour to kill, why don't we let the boys go play in the play area." Suggested Stu.

"Oh I don't know Stu, it's growing awfully late." Said Didi.

"Come on Deed, our plane doesn't leave for two hours, we've got at least an hour to kill, and besides, it's an overnight flight back to California from Florida. We're gonna be sleeping on the plane, and the more tired out the kids are, the more likely they'll sleep on the flight back home." Said Stu.

"I suppose you're right Stu. Come on kids, let's go over to the play area." Said Didi, as she scooped up Dil while Stu scooped up Tommy and they headed over to the play area.

Upon getting there, Dil pointed to some shiny balls that you could throw into a basket and win a prize, so Didi took him over to that game, While Stu looked arounde for something to take Tommy to do. Then, Tommy spotted the dancing karaoke game, and pointed to it with excitement.

"Hey Champ, you wanna play on the karaoke dance machine?" Stu asked.

"Uh huh!" Tommy shouted excitedly, as he squirmed out of his daddy's arms and ran off towards the machine.

Unknown to any of the adults watching at this point, a few toddlers still remained in the play area, as it was growing late, getting towards nine o'clock at night. The adults knew the kids couldn't talk, but Tommy wasn't interested in playing with anything else, so Stu gave in and put tokens into the machine, and selected a song at random. The song that came up was called Baby be Mine by Michael Jackson, but Tommy had a bit of fun when the song came on, as he started dancing around and singing his own version of the song.

While Tommy's singing sounded like babbling to the adults, his one-year-old brother Dil and what few other toddlers who remained in the play area at this time of night, could hear Tommy's singing as clear as day. While Tommy sang, the two-year-old purple haired toddler had his own imaginary daydream, where he saw himself appear like a young version of Michael Jackson, doing the moon walk, showing off his Reptar training pants, and wearing a white glove on one of his hands. In the daydream, it appeared similarly to a music video, had the actual Michael Jackson song been made into a music video, and the song was now changed, from Baby be Mine, to Rosie be Mine, and here's what Tommy sang.

I don't need no dreams when I'm by your side

Every moment takes me to Paris dice

Rosie, let me hold you

Warm you in my arms and melt your fears away

Show you all the magic that a perfect love can


I need you night and day

So Rosie, be mine (Rosie you gotta be mine)

And girl I'll give you all I gots to give

So Rosie, be my girl (all the time)

And we can share this aventure

As long as we believe in friends and love

I won't give you a reason to change your mind

(I guess it's still you thrill me, Rosie, be mine)

You are all the foother that I desire

Baby, I need to hold you

Share my feelings in the meat of love's face

Show you all the passion burping in my heart


It's never gonna fade

So Rosie, be mine (Rosie you gotta be mine)

And baby I'll give you all I gots to give

So Rosie, be my girl (all the time)

You're everything this world could be

The reason that I live

Won't you stay with me until the sun wakes up

I promise you some milk in a sippy cup

Rosie can't you see that Heaven's really close

It's livin' here inside our hearts

There'll be no more mountain for us to climb

(I can't stay still you thrill me, Rosie, be mine)

This will be a love lasting for all time

Baby you gots to hold me

We can reach the Sky and light the darkest day

Hold me, only you and I can make sweet love at play

There's no more I can say

So Rosie, be mine (Rosie you gotta be mine)

And baby I'll give you all I gots to give

So Rosie, be my girl (all the time)

You're everything this world could be

The reason that I live

Rosie be my girl

And baby I'll give you all I gots to give

So Rosie, be mine, Rosie, be mine

You're everything this world could be to me

Come on, baby, come on

So Rosie, be mine

You're everything this world could be to me

After the song had concluded, the three toddlers who remained in the play area and Dil all clapped for Tommy, as he took a bow and ran off into the arms of Didi, who picked him up and placed him into his double stroller, where Stu came along carrying Dil, and placed him down in the stroller next to Tommy, who let out a huge yawn at this point, exhausted from all he had witnessed that day. His appearance on Baby Races, his dinner with Rosie at Piggy's Pizza Palace and listening to the story of her first slumber party, and singing that song at the play place, dancing the night away.

"Goodbye kiddies, and come back again really soon." Said the man in the pig costume as the Pickles left the restaurant and got into a cab to head off to the airport.

No sooner were they in the cab, when Tommy, snuggling up in Didi's arms, passed out from exhaustion, as they saw to getting to the airport, and heading for home.

The End

Author's Note: Well, I hope you all enjoyed that story. Maybe the music video at the end there wasn't necessary, but I've been listening to the original song a lot as of late, heck, I'm listening to it while I type up this chapter, and this parody that Tommy would perform for Rosie, kept popping up in my mind. Tommy was so exhausted by the end of that, that he failed to notice that Rosie never heard his song, but there's a good chance that someday, he'll perform it for her. Now, it's time for another challenge for all of you Rugrat fans, should you accept it. Only one person accepted and completed the challenge I gave over two months ago, with the favorite episode to feature all OC's, now, after reading this story, and seeing what I did here, let's see if any of you, can do something similar, when it comes to your least favorite Rugrats episode. It would have at least three chapters, the first chapter would have the character the episode is based around explaining the story to the OC who's about to witness a similar experience with alterations, and the OC would give their opinions of the Rugrat character's story, downplaying the story, giving a similar thought to the story as you, the author, thought of the Rugrats episode. Then, in chapter 2, we'd see the least favorite episode, told from the OC's POV, altered in the form the author wished the episode had played out, as the OC tells the original Rugrat character the story of their experience with these events. And just like in my story here, the altered least favorite episode, would feature nothing but OC's. And finally, wrapping up in chapter 3, we hear the original Rugrat character's reaction to the OC's story. In Tommy's case, while he resents his first slumber party experience, he's had plenty of other good ones, that he can more or less, let that bust of a slumber party go in the past, but maybe in your situation, the original Rugrat character will feel differently. Maybe they liked how their event turned out more than the OC's. Anyway, I hope I presented a good challenge here. I know having to face least favorite episodes isn't a lot of fun, but if I could do it, then I bet if you try really hard, you can do it too. Oh, and one more thing. It needs to be either an eleven or twenty-two minute episode that you didn't like, as I'm sorry, but the bulk of those three minute episodes they did during season seven to give three episodes per twenty-two minute block were lame, the only way I'd even consider those, is if someone were to take any of those short ones, and make them into longer stories, equaling what would have been a standard eleven minute episode. In the case of this challenge though, even if you agree, and thought those were lame, those episodes are excluded. But any eleven minute or twenty-two minute episode you didn't care much for, is welcome to take on the challenge, should you accept it. Good luck, and be looking for more stories from me, coming soon!