Hi guys! Welcome back to fanfiction :) This story is going to be about time travelling Avengers! It is mainly set just after the Battle of Manhattan and I hope that you enjoy it! It was just something to do whilst I write my Romanogers story. If you have any stories that you would like me to write about then please PM me or review my story. Thank you :)

"COME ON!" I shouted quickly at Luke.

He sprinted over and held my shoulders. "Are you hurt?" he said quickly.

"No. You?"

"I will be fine." Will be? I looked down at his suit. There was a red mark that was spreading across the material.

"You are not okay."

"That doesn't matter right now."

"Jesus. You're so stubborn. What are we going to do?" I asked our glorious leader and my closest friend. Over the past year, we've become really close. I mean, I like him and I think about him as more than a friend, but that's normal isn't it, considering all the time we've spent together? Maybe I sho-THIS IS NOT THE TIME TO BE THINKING ABOUT THIS!

"We blow it up. The whole tower. There's no one left here but chitauri. I've checked."

"There's no other option I can think of either. We can't stay and someone does need to wipe these things out quick." Loki left his machine up here, but he made sure that this time no one but him could turn it off. Loki was dead, so he couldn't turn it off. Exploding the building is our only chance. The other Avengers were out fighting on the streets of Manhattan, all except mum, dad, and Lucus' father, but what's the use if the chitauri are just going to keep coming through the portal that no one can get back through. The tower is where most of the chitauri are. We don't have a choice.

"You're right. This is the only way." I said. The hands that were placed on my shoulders started stroking them.

"I think we should use Banner's machine." he suggested. What?

"What? Go back?"

"We don't have a choice." Why is he always right?

"And we are going to die anyway."

The tower shook once more and the grip on my shoulders tightened. "We have to go." he said.

I nodded and asked "JARVIS, anyone left in the tower?"

"N-n-n-no one, but chitaurrrrri m-miss."

"Even JARVIS has given up." I said.

"Send a message to the others. We're jumping back to 2013." Lucus commanded and we were relieved when JARVIS said the message was sent. We went to the device in the corner of the room, looked at each other and our eyes caught. I could hear the chitauri charging up the stairs, their chants echoing through the whole tower. There were at least 11,000 in this building. That's more than half in the city. It would make a huge difference.

"You know it's only a one way trip right?" he asked.

"Yeah, I know. But at least I'm stuck with you and not Tony."

He chuckled slightly. "Always joking." He smiled sadly and we placed our hands on the scanners quickly. "JARVIS, self destruct in 10 seconds." Lucus instructed.

"Y-yes, Sir." he replied and started counting down. I looked at Luke and slithered my hand into his. He looked at me and whispered "See you on the other side."

I nodded and he pressed the button that would take us back. Please work!

Suddenly, I felt like I was being sucked into a black hole, like I was on the fastest roller coaster in the world. So fast. Too fast. Never stopping, never ending. I felt slightly sick as I was flying through the black air around us. I struggled to keep a hold on Luke, but he pulled me towards him and I hugged him for dear life to prevent me from slipping out of his grasp. We began to spin very fast and I screamed into his shoulder, even though I felt like I could hardly breath.

"HOLD ON!" he shouted and I held onto his even tighter, if that were even possible. Suddenly, we hit a hard surface and we rolled over the top of each other until we finally slowed to a stop and he was on top of me.

"We did it?" he asked shocked.

"Yeah, we did." I replied smiling. We were particularly close and his eyes were searching mine for something. I coughed slightly, trying to break the awkward romantic eye glares. He quickly stuttered an apology.

He quickly got up and then held his hand out for me to take. He pulled me to my feet, but groaned as he did. "That heavy, huh?" I asked, smirking.

"No, no. It's just...my side." he said clutching his stomach wound through his suit.

"We should get that checked out, wherever we-" My sentence dragged off as I turned around and saw us crowded by the adult Avengers, who were looking suspiciously at us. "Okay, I know where we are."

I saw Maria in the background holding a bunch of files that said Stark Industries on them. She's still working for Stark? I looked at the others, scanning them. My eyes landed on mum. Oh my God. "Tash?" I asked.

"Who are you?" she asked sternly, her gun pointed firmly in my direction.

I looked at the person standing next to her. "Clint?" I said, tears starting to fall down my cheeks. They were dead. I don't think I can deal with this.

I looked at Luke who was currently studying Maria and Steve very intently, his eyes flickering between both of them. "Dad?" he asked Steve, but before he could say anymore he fell to the floor. Why did he say that? We've been through the regulations.

"LUKE!" I shouted and went over to him. Please don't be dead. Please. The bag that I took with me, carrying our stuff, dropped carelessly off my shoulder and onto the floor. I ran over to him and touched the sides of his face, stroking them, almost lovingly. "Just stay awake for me okay."

I looked at the others, who were just standing there looking clueless about what they were going to do. "You gonna help or just stand there while he bleeds out?" I asked angrily. I saw Steve nod to the others and they all came around us.

Bruce came over and did a body check. "Bruce, what are we dealing with?"

He frowned at the fact that I knew his name, but spoke back to me. "He's been stabbed in his lower stomach. Bullet wound in his back and knife cuts on his shoulder."

"Stupid chitauri." I cursed. "You idiot. Why didn't you tell me?" I asked Luke.

"Didn't...want you to...worry." he said, sounding extremely weak.

"How do you think I feel now then? That as well as angry is the answer. Just don't die on me okay?"

"Okay." He nodded but started to shut his eyes anyway.

"LUKE!" I shouted and Banner said "We need to get him to the med bay now. Thor, can you carry him?" he called and Thor came over.

"Of course." he replied and lifted Luke up. I knew Thor was caring and he would be delicate even though his strength implies that he is otherwise. I went to follow Lucus, but Rogers blocked my way.

"You're staying here to answer some questions."

"Fine." I agreed. To disagree with a super soldier is a stupid thing to do. I looked over at my parents as I sat down on the chair. Maria and Steve sat next to each other on the sofa. Tony was standing behind their sofa.

"Do you guys have an autobrush? My hair looks dreadful."

"A what?" Tony asked. Oh yeah, we have different technology to the stuff that they do. 2013...right...

"Sorry, a hairbrush." I corrected.

"Nat? You must have one." Clint said. He sounded the same as when he...when he left me.

"Yeah, back in a minute." she said and left the room. I watched her leave, her red hair only at her shoulders. I missed her. My eyes started filling with tears and I felt a singular tear fall down onto my face.

"Are you okay?" dad asked, raising an eyebrow. I looked up at him. I missed him to. He doesn't look any different.

"Fine." I whispered, brushing the tear off my cheek.

"Okay, would you care to tell us what is going on?" Steve asked.

"Yeah. Why did we come into the living room to see two horny teenagers cuddling on the floor?" That made me blush extremely red, nearly as red as my hair.

"You never change do you Tony. And we aren't together." I insisted.

"How do you know us?" Steve asked me as Natasha came back into the living room, handing me a hairbrush.

"Me and Luke. We are...from the future." I answered, beginning to brush my hair with the brush.

"Ha, you're kidding right?" Clint said and I looked up at him. None of them have changed.

"There was an...an attack." I managed to say. I took a deep shaky breath and then continued. "There was an attack on the tower..."

I looked towards Steve who asked "He called me dad. Why?"

"Because you are his dad. He probably did it because of the shock. You've been missing for a couple of months. Maria's on the edge of killing herself because of it." I blurted without thinking. Steve looked at Maria and then back at me. "Oh shit." I said. "You two...you aren't."

"What?" Maria said, shifting away from Rogers a bit. "Me and Rogers? W-we...we have...a child."

"Lucus Rogers. The boy downstairs. That's him. I didn't mean to tell you, it just came out." I said trying to cover up my mistake. "Great."

"Hahaha." Tony laughed. "I knew you guys would always end up together." Steve just looked incapable of speaking and Maria was going a dark shade of red.

"What about the rest of us?" Clint asked.

"You...you and Nat...you're..." I struggled to finish and my breaths became laboured. I put my head in my hands and started crying, full on this time. I felt someone sit next to me and place an arm around my shoulder. It was Clint.

"Hey, don't cry. Everything'll be fine. Just...talk us through what happened." he said softly.

"Your...your voice. I've missed it." I managed to say and fell into his arms.

He pulled me closer and then asked "What's your name?" as if he wanted re-assurance.

"It's Nadia." I whispered.

"Nadia what?" he asked, but I didn't want to answer. I pulled back from him and put my hands in my lap. He pulled his hand away from my shoulder. "What's your last name Nadia?" he asked more firmly this time.

"I can't...I can't tell you." I whispered.

"Please. I'm begging you." he said.

"It's against regulations. We were trained for these situations, so that if we go back we are not allowed to tell you. We weren't even meant to go back, not until we were older. Look...I can't say."

"If you know me, then I don't listen to regulations. I will find a way for you to tell me." Clint argued. That was true.

"My name's..." I looked down at the floor. "Nadia Lily...Romanoff-Barton." I said, looking up at him when I mentioned my surname.

"So you're BlackHawk's child?" Tony asked.

"Why do you always use that nickname with me? It's so annoying." I complained.

"Me and Nat. We're...your parents?" Clint asked, looking sideways at Nat, who wasn't moving.

"Yes, you are." I said, showing a small smile. I rolled up the sleeve of my suit, revealing the tattoo I had of the Black Widow symbol resting on top of an arrow.

"Nat?" Clint asked, but she didn't move. He got up and gently placed his hand on her shoulder. She immediately pulled away like his touch caused a fire on her arm.

"Don't." she warned and stormed out of the room. Clint looked down at the floor, shaking his head.

"She'll come round. I promise." I assured him, but he just sat back down on one of the sofa's.

"What if she doesn't?" he asked, putting his head in his hands.

"I knew you had a thing for her." Tony said and Clint shot a death glare at him.

"That doesn't matter. I've told you what I know, now let me go and see Luke." I said, turning to Cap. "Please, Cap. I'm begging you."

"I need you to answer a question." Natasha said, from the door. We span around to face her and she started walking towards us.


"To come back from where you were...you must've had a reason. What was that reason?" she asked, crossing her arms, moving behind the sofa away from Clint.

I looked at the floor, searching it for a way out, but nothing came up. "There were thousands of chitauri in the building. We had to blow it up."

"You were going to blow it up with you inside it?" Clint asked, sounding caring.

"Yes, but then Luke thought that we should use the...the time travel device Banner was working on."

Tony burst out laughing and I just sat there. "Are you kidding? Time travel? No, you're lying."

"I'm telling the truth, Tin head. We had to come back. Clint and Nat...they were dead." I said, looking up at them.

"How?" Natasha asked.

"One of you had a bomb wrapped around your heart. You couldn't stop it. There was a timer." I coughed my emotions away and then continued. "It was set to blow for less than a minute. I could hear you talking over the comms about how much you loved each other." I said tearing up once more. "Not one of you could live without the other, so you decided that if one of you died...the other one would die too." I finished and they just stared at each other. "I tried to get to you, we all did. But it was no good."

"You should't blame yourself." Maria said.

"Look...I don't want to talk about this. I just want to go and see Luke."

"So...just to clarify. You are Clintasha's child?" Tony asked again. I think he just wanted to use that word."

"Oh for God sake. We are not going to be called that." Clint said.

"We are not going to be called anything." Natasha insisted. I saw Clint's face sadden for a moment before Tony started up again.

"As I said, you're Clintasha's child, who has been trained as an Avenger and has travelled back in time?"

"Correct." I said sweetly, but then stepped forward and stared Tony down with a dark glare. "Now, let me see Luke."

Tony looked petrified and said "Wow. She really is like her mother."