A/N: This is a story I simply had to write, because well… it's Kalijah and I can't believe that Klaus knew Katherine was dying but Elijah didn't. Anyway, I'm studying English Literature in Germany and I try to improve my skills during writing. So if you find any mistakes (both grammar and OOC) please let me know.

Oh, and of course I do not own The Vampire Diaries or any of its characters, otherwise there would have been a lot more Kalijah.

Elijah took a deep breath. The witches in New Orleans were wreaking havoc and his siblings were nowhere to be found. Of course. Niklaus loved to make a mess, but refused to clean up after everything burned to the ground and Rebekah's interests lied somewhere else. So it was left to him to establish order once again. Witches, a pregnant werewolf, a willful human fraction; it was enough to keep him occupied for the next fifty years at least. A Salvatore brother in his front yard was the least he needed now.

Elijah sighed, adjusted his collar and tie and stepped out. Stefan Salvatore was not a vampire who would be discouraged by ignoring him, so Elijah would be dealing shortly with him. Time was valuable in this town and he doubted that Stefan would have anything important for him to say. But then, otherwise he would not seek the older vampire out. "Stefan. It has been a while", Elijah welcomed him, frost creeping into his tone. "I doubt you just came to be in New Orleans and thought it would be rude not to step by and say hello, so… What business brings you here?" What drama had come to Mystic Falls this time that required his help? Or was some vampire bitten by a werewolf and they needed Niklaus's blood? Again.

Stefan shoved his hands into his pockets and squared his shoulders. "I'm here to see you. I'm sure you have your reasons why you didn't came to Mystic Falls to say good-bye, but… well, I thought I'd give it a shot. I know, I know, Katherine has done some terrible things, but… she's just a girl that wanted to live. That much I now know about her. And I think it would mean a lot to her to see you one last time, even if she would never admit it. But…"

Elijah raised a hand to stop Stefan. He needed one or two seconds to proceed. One last time? A good-bye? "What happened to Katerina?" He had thought her safe, after he left her back in Willoughby. She became Katherine Pierce, after all. A woman, who always had a plan to survive. If she did not manage it, who would?

Stefan looked at him dumbfounded and scratched his neck. "You, ahem… So you don't know? Well, Klaus was there and Rebekah, too, so I thought, you would have known about her."

"Known what, Stefan?" Patience was a virtue but right now Elijah could not care less. If something happened to Katerina because he had not been there… And why on earth did Niklaus know more than he did? One last time… Did Niklaus wanted to use his last chance of torturing her? "What happened to Katerina? And what did Niklaus do to her?" If his brother had hurt her, tortured her … Elijah did not want to think about the consequences.

"Katherine and Elena fought and Elena forced her to take the cure. After Silas sucked her dry because of her blood which then held the cure, she started aging rapidly. As if the last five centuries were catching up with her. Klaus was in Mystic Falls, presumably not to give her a friendly hug but he… got distracted to say the least." Stefan grimaced.

"And you left while Niklaus is still in town?" It took all his will to keep Elijah calm. That would explain why his little brother refused to take his phone calls. But there was more important information. Katerina was dying. Stefan would not be here if she had found a solution to her problem. "I assume vampire blood does not help change her status. What about a witch?" There had to be something they could do. Katerina Petrova, the girl who managed to outrun his brother for half a millennium simply could not die from old age. It seemed wrong.

"I don't think Klaus is still there. And there is someone with her who would give her live for Katherine. Damon didn't exactly play nice." Stefan shook his head and raised helplessly his shoulders. "It's not like Katherine has a great amount of supporters in Mystic Falls. Or elsewhere. There would be no witch to help her, even if there was some sort of spell. I'm only here because she needs you. Your forgiveness. Whatever. She called your name in her sleep, but she won't talk to me about it. Or to Nadia. I only want her to die in peace, you know?"

Elijah swallowed around the lump in his throat, but forced his face to remain blank. Katerina was dying. He had connections to various witches and warlocks around the globe; there had to be someone who knew a solution. And a plan started to take shape in his head.

Stefan seemed to misinterpret his silence. "Look, I just wanted to tell you. For her. Make up your mind. I don't think Katherine has much time left." He turned to leave, but Elijah called him back.

"Do you love her?" Elijah looked at his ring as if Stefan's answer would not matter. Indeed, it did not. Even after five hundred years, his own feeling had not changed. It did not matter how Stefan felt about Katerina or how she felt towards this boy. Elijah had to help her if he wanted to save that sweet peasant girl from back then.

Stefan smiled the tiniest bit and shrugged. "Not as I did in 1864. But I can understand her, I saw the girl she had to be when she was a human the first time. She ran for so long, why should she die in agony?" And with this words he turned around. Elijah never saw him leave. He had some things to arrange.

"Do you have to stare? You'll notice when I'm dead, trust me. Stopped heart, cool skin… you've seen enough bodies over the last centuries to know that sort of things." Katerina rolled her eyes, annoyed. And bored. Since her last heart attack Nadia wanted to keep her in the hospital where any doctor was at arm's reach. Sadly enough there was no McDreamy to keep her company. At the boarding house she could have had at least some quarrels with Damon or Elena; it was always fun to irritate her doppelgänger. But lately, her daughter was a little to overprotective for her taste.

"Well, you wouldn't have to if you would simply use the spell. Nobody would know who you are. You would be free, even from Klaus", Nadia tried again. She couldn't understand why her mother stayed stubborn. A new body traded for a live of peace and freedom. What was wrong about that?

Katerina coughed and closed her eyes. "Accept it, Nadia. And don't come up with all this abandoning-you-thing. It's my decision and you really are old enough to take care for yourself. You don't need mummy to pick out your clothes. By the way, those are my boots."

"They are cute. And they match my-" Nadia trailed of when she noticed the man standing in the room. He wasn't a physician; those seldom wore suits during work. She did know his face from somewhere but she was sure to never have him met in person.

Katerina opened her eyes when Nadia stopped talking and spotted the man as well. Her heart accelerated and shock was all over her beautiful, now wrinkled face. "Elijah? What the hell are you doing here?" she finally managed to bring out. It had been months since she last spoke to him, and he was the least person she expected to see here. Klaus, yes, taking a very late revenge, but Elijah? They once had been close, but he had left her. Without blinking. Fury still raged within her, whenever it came to her mind.

"Good evening, Katerina." He smiled.

Katerina fought to sit up. She didn't want to look weak, not to him, while Nadia looked questioning from her mother to Elijah and back again. "Elijah? Elijah Mikaelson? The Elijah?"

"No, the other one", Katerina snapped and crossed her arms. "What, no flowers? Or is it too much to ask after you vanished to follow your brother like a lost puppy?" Oh no, she wouldn't make it easy for him. Katerina might didn't have much time left but damn her if she wouldn't bite.

Elijah still didn't lose his smile. "No flowers, I fear. But what kind of a gentleman would I be if I did not bring a gift?" He pulled a flacon out of his pocket and put it on the nightstand before leaning against the window frame, looking into the night.

"Well, it's no scotch. And I don't think, I will have any use for perfume." Katerina didn't understand what was going on. And if she truly hated one thing, then it was not knowing. Aside from a few other things as well.

"It is a potion I required from a witch who owed me a favour", Elijah explained and turned back to Katerina. "It will bring back your youth."

Nadia still watched him suspiciously, but her eyes lit up a little. "That's good, right? I mean, it won't make you a vampire again, but it would give you another fifty, sixty years. Minimum. That gives us enough time to find a longer lasting solution."

"Ah ah ah." Katerina pointed to the potion and narrowed her eyes. "You're going head over heels, Nadia. If there is a witch involved, there is always a catch. So, Elijah, where is the catch?" She wanted to trust him, wanted to believe him, but she couldn't believe that it should be that easy.

Elijah nodded. "It will give you back your youth for a certain period of time. One day for each year you have seen. Each human year."

"You walk in here, handing over a potion which will give her barely three more weeks? Klaus must have learned his cruelty from someone, I suppose", Nadia scoffed and glared at Elijah. "I can't believe you have the nerve to-"

By this point Elijah had gripped her neck and held her one foot above the ground. "First, you really need to learn to show some respect to your elders. Second, I do not have to explain my intentions to you. Third, it would be solely Katerina's decision if she wants to take the potion or not. And fourth: do you really think this potion would be everything I had to offer? I'm disappointed. It seems that newer vampires do not know enough about their origins."

"Let her down! Now, Elijah." It was no plea, Katerina's voice was fierce. Her look laid solely on Nadia's face, but her daughter showed no fear. Proud welled in her heart. She really was a Petrova, but some sort of instinct would do her good. She slowly started counting. Somewhere between three and four Elijah let Nadia down, returning to his former place at the window. Katerina waited another five seconds, watching Nadia shooting daggers at Elijah's back while she rubbed her sore neck. Well, that did start fine. "You said there was more than this potion?" Katerina fought to stay focused, her voice raspy. The situation tired her but she feared that she wouldn't wake again if she fell asleep now.

Worry flickered for a split second over his face before he turned absolutely calm again. "Yes. As your minion so smartly observed, this potion will only give you a few days more. But I have another potion in my possession which may solve your problem. It only has to be checked, if it would work the way we want, and for that I need to consult another witch. A descendant of the one who created said potion. It is worth the trial."

"Where is this witch? If you couldn't consult her until now she has to be in another country at least." Katerina eyed the potion. Eighteen days more. It was not much, but it would be enough to get away from Mystic Falls. Every hour she had to fear Damon showing up, using her weakness for his vengeance for not being able to let her go for one hundred and fifty years, gnawed at her nerves. Or Klaus, who could now seek her out and let her pay. Eighteen days would be enough do die in peace if the second potion wouldn't work. And she had worked with Elijah before when they searched for the cure. She could spent time with him if only a little.

"Another continent, to be exact", Elijah responded. "She took residence in Europe fifteen years ago. England. You will recognize the place once we got there."

"You're taking her with you?" Nadia asked furiously, ignoring the insult about the minion. "You have no right to do so. She could stay here with me while you're talking to that witch of yours. I can keep her safe."

"I appreciate your concern regarding Katerina, but I can assure you, she will be safe in England. Here her foes are capable to find her and without trying to insult you, but you cannot fight off everyone." The original vampire slowly went to Katerina's bedside and sat down on the chair standing there. "I know, you are probably still mad at me. I understand. But let me help you, Katerina. Trust me this one time that I can save your life."

Katerina knew he meant the night back then in England, when she discovered that Klaus was going to sacrifice her. She had been running, saving her life herself, using Trevor's feelings towards her to make it out in time and turn herself into a vampire. But then again her trust had run deep enough to ask for his help while searching for the cure. Could she still trust him, after he left her? Katerina knew the answer instantly. Yes. She would trust him with her life, hoping that one day he would return the favour. "Well, whether I'll die today, tomorrow or in three weeks, I can as well try that potion of yours, right?" Katerina's trademark smirk appeared on her face and she took the potion to examine the flacon. The liquid inside was thick and from a blue similar to a calm sea. Small silver flakes swirled inside with a hypnotizing pattern. It was beautiful. "What will happen, when I drink this?"

"You will fall asleep. The potion will renew your body and delete the traces of age. When the eighteen days are over, your body will return to this state within twelve hours. And presumably-"

"I will die. I get it." Katerina threw a look to Nadia. "Look, Nadia, I have nothing to lose. And I haven't been in England for… way to long. I missed London Fashion Week the last four years and even if I don't like the eternal rain there, the landscape is beautiful. I could use a vacation. And just because Elijah will be coming doesn't mean that you are forced to stay here. There will be room enough. Right, Elijah?"

Elijah cleared his throat and throwing a glance to the woman who stared murderously at him. "Of course. There is plenty of room for all of us."

Nadia scoffed and crossed her arms, but nodded. Katerina sighed and pinched the back of her nose. "Fine. I'm going to need some clothes for changing. There should be still some at the boarding house if Damon didn't burn them yet. Nadia, could you-"

"No", her daughter interrupted. "I'm staying until you wake. I'm not going to leave your side."

"I will go", Elijah quickly offered, glad to escape this irritating woman for some minutes. "I have something to talk about with Damon either way. He once called me his favourite original, so I assume that he will let me take your clothes. Unsolicited."

Katerina nodded and gave him a short smile. "Good. See you later, I hope." She opened the tiny bottle and drank the liquid within. Instantly her eyelids fluttered and her head sank back. Elijah caught the flacon before it could fall to the floor while Nadia pulled up Katerina's blanket.

"I will be back soon", Elijah said, then vanishing out of the room. He needed to hurry.

Well, what do you think? The following chapter is almost done, so let me know whether you want to read it or not.