Ciel Phantomhive had only been to the States twice before and both times he'd found it different but pleasant. This time it was a disaster. Several things had happened in the week and a half since Grell Sutcliffe had decided to drop by for an unpleasant visit.

One and a Half Weeks Ago:

"He's in Hell?" Ciel had guessed as much. There was no way it was a coincidence that Sebastian's half brother would kidnap Ciel on his wedding day and then proceed to tell Ciel that Sebastian was next in line to become Hell's king only to have Sebastian mysteriously disappear the next morning.

"Yes, Bassie is in hell."

"How do you know?" Ciel asked, his lone eye narrowing at the tricky reaper.

"Oh you know, from here and there, but that's not important. The point is he is there and we need to go get him."

"Excuse me, but what do you mean we? You and I…us, we are not a team. Not even close. Thank you for bringing me the news but I'd figured as much. Mey Rin, you may escort him out." Ciel said, dismissing the reaper.

"Yes Master." Mey Rin started to escort him out and expected the reaper to follow but he just looked at Ciel with sparkly green eyes and a devilish grin.

"Yes Ciel, of course you figured it out, but then tell me, why are you stuck here and not fetching your butler? After all, you're incomplete without each other. Or is it just that…you don't need him anymore?" There was an undertone in Grell's voice that Ciel did not appreciate and he glared at the reaper.

"I will do as I see fit. I believe I have dismissed you."

"Oh no no no, you see here's what I think. You obviously still care about finding Sebastian which is why you inquired about him at every last place you could think of. Hell, you even went to that old lady's gypsy shop on Thornwell, but you don't have any leads, do you? That's not anger I see in your eyes, it's desperation masked by pride."

"Shut up and get out." Ciel turned, his walking stick making a loud clicking noise against the hard wood floor.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk. It's so sad that you are letting your phony anger get the best of you…especially since I know how to get you where you want to go."

That had caught Ciel's attention and despite his better judgement, he decided to hear the reaper out.

Three days later, Ciel and Grell, disguised once again as a butler, boarded a ship headed towards New York.

He'd given his farewell to his beloved Lizzie and had ordered Mey Rin and the others to look after her and the Manor. Somehow, he'd known deep down they wouldn't follow his orders exactly but never would he have thought to find Lizzie hiding out in his cabin room on board the ship.

"Lizzie! What are you doing here?!" He was too shocked to be angry.

"I'm here for you, silly."

"I told you I'm going on business." Ciel said, looking slightly away from her. He wasn't exactly lying but there was no way he was putting Elizabeth in any danger by dragging her along.

"Honey, I know where you're going and why. I want to come and help." Lizzie walked up to Ciel and took his hand.


"Lizzie." She said, lovingly but firmly.

"Lizzie, you absolutely cannot come along. Come I'll have a coachman escort you back."

"It's too late for that, the boat has already left the dock." She said calmly.

Ciel looked out of his cabin window and true to her words, the ship was already en route.

"Looks like you're stuck with me." Elizabeth said happily and hugged Ciel.

Ciel just shook his head, wondering how many more surprises he could handle.

In the other room, Grell glared at Mey Rin who had already claimed the bed.

"This is my room. Understand? I am not sharing it with you." Grell declared.

"Too bad. The other rooms are booked and I need a place to stay." Mey Rin continued to fix the bed.

"Fine, then I'll go to Ciel's room." Grell was about to stomp out when Mey Rin stopped him.

"Don't be ridiculous. The young master would never share his room and besides, he'll be spending the night with Mrs. Phantomhive."

"Good god!"

"You believe in him?" Mey Rin asked skeptically. Seeing the dramatic reaper get worked up was good entertainment.

"I'm a damn reaper. I collect souls that go to heaven. Of course I do!" Grell huffed and puffed a little more until it was dinner time.

The days it took to reach New York, Grell grumpily slept on the couch, trying to block out the sounds of sexual activity happening between the Phantomhive couple next door. He wondered if Mey Rin heard but if she did, she never commented on it.

Surprisingly, he found Mey Rin nicer than he'd expected although it still pissed him off when he saw the slight blush creep across her cheeks whenever his sweet Bassie came up.

Still, he liked her enough to help her with her luggage when getting off the boat. They hailed a carriage which delivered them to a hotel where a man would meet them in regards to the location of the crossroad they needed to gain entrance into hell.

"Crossroad's are common entrances to hell in America." Grell said happily as he enjoyed his dinner.

"You say they are common but we still haven't found one." Ciel said, a bit annoyed.

"Don't worry, Ciel, we will."

"Call me Master, do not forget that you are acting as my butler." Ciel ignored Grell's frown as Mey Rin and Elizabeth gave each other a funny look.

"Yes, master." Grell said, trying his best to impersonate Sebastian. That had Mey Rin and Elizabeth laughing until they were in tears and Ciel clutching his head wondering when he'd find Sebastian so he could order him to pummel Grell.

It was a week later when they'd finally caught a break. There was a cornfield in Pennsylvania where crossroad demons were said to make deals.

They arrived late at night, when the field were shrouded in darkness, barely lit by the lanterns they each carried.

"These American pants are so comfortable." Elizabeth said suddenly as she walked behind Mey Rin.

"Master, your wife is funny." Grell said, laughing ahead.

Ciel disregarded him and continued onward. "When we get there, we need to make a deal."

"Yes, and it must be of worth to the demon." Grell confirmed, suddenly serious.

They reached the given spot and looked up and down the road to make sure no one was around.

"Let's do this." Ciel said and motioned at Mey Rin to bury the box they'd prepared with personal artifacts and drops of blood in order to summon the demon.

Moments ticked by as Mey Rin dug the hole and buried the box. She breathed heavily as she slowly got up and took a step back.

"You called?" A woman's voice rang out from within the darkness surrounding them, sending shivers up Mey Rin's spine.

"Yes we-" Ciel started.

"Not you, Earl. Her. Her blood is the one offered and it is her I will listen to." She said, fixating on Mey Rin.

"But-" Grell grabbed Ciel's arm, audaciously and effectively cutting Ciel off. Ciel looked at him and noticed a grave expression on Grell's face as he shook his head no.

"Well…okay…fine. I- I mean we, yes we'd like to be taken to Sebastian Michaelis please."

"Is that all? Are you sure you're heart desires nothing more?" The demon asked playfully, circling her.

"Do not play with her emotions, vermin." Grell was serious, Ciel observed.

"You dare to call me here and insult me?" The demon's eyes flared red, reminding Ciel of the first time he'd seen Sebastian's.

"No, he didn't mean it. I don't require anything else. Just please fulfill this wish. Thank you." Mey Rin said, afraid the demon would get angry and leave.

"Well of course dear, but you know very well, everything comes at a price. What are you willing to give in order to meet your beloved Sebastian?"

"I-I'm willing to trade my soul."

"What a hefty price to pay! But of course, you are speaking of our future king."

"Mey Rin-" Ciel tried to intercede. No one was giving up their soul, not under his watch.

"No master, please. This is not for you. It is for him." That's when Ciel understood. Something similar resonated in Mey Rin's plea to him, something he'd heard in Elizabeth's voice when she voiced her concerns for him as adoringly as a wife or lover should. Mey Rin loved Sebastian.

"Yes, I am willing to trade my soul. Please take my master to him."

"I will do as you wish but I won't collect on my reward just yet." That's when the demon leaned in and whispered something in Mey Rin's ears. Mey Rin nodded and the demon smiled before turning to look at the others.

"Alright ladies, gentleman, and filthy reaper, welcome to Hell."