Elizabeth remembered the first time she had seen Ciel's eye. The mark etched into his eye was frightening, intimidating, and ancient. Yet at the same time, it intrigued her in a way that scared her.

It was an accident. Ciel had just returned from a trip to London. God only knows what kind of trip the Queen had sent her beloved Ciel on this time. No doubt she was worried about him but she rested in peace knowing that Sebastian, his unearthly butler, would be there with him.

Elizabeth had decided to hide in Ciel's bedroom to surprise him. She had warned the servants not to tell Ciel about her coming and so when Ciel had entered the manor, he did not know of the disaster that awaited him in his own bedroom.

Sebastian of course picked up on Elizabeth's scent as soon as they arrived at the elegant manor, yet said nothing to his master. He was more interested in seeing what this sudden turn in events would come to.

Both the master and his fiancé had certainly matured in the past few years. Ciel could easily walk without his heels now, puberty having hit him hard as he shot like a root and his voice deepened. Even his private regions had grown to an exceptional size he could be proud of.

Elizabeth had grown into a beautiful young lady herself, slender with perfect curves. She had ditched the gigantic curls on each side of her head and opted for a half updo instead, giving her face a more sophisticated feel.

She assessed herself in the bedroom mirror, hoping she was presentable enough to go in front of Ciel. She bashed herself for wearing such a plain dress, even though she had plenty of fancy dresses to show off to Ciel.

She heard his approaching footsteps and quickly hid behind the folding screen that was set up towards the back of the room.

The door opened and in came the earl and his butler. They continued to discuss some odd details from their case and soon, Ciel sent Sebastian to get him some refreshing tea as he sat back in his armchair.

From her position, Elizabeth could see Ciel's face clearly. 'He looks so tired',she thought. "If only there was something I could do."

Just then, Ciel got up from the armchair and walked to the full length mirror and stared at his reflection. Rubbing a hand on his cheek, he brought his hand to the eyepatch that covered his eye that served as evidence that indeed he had made a contract with a demon.

To Elizabeth's surprise, Ciel pulled at the string that tied the patch at the back of his head and it gave way as a glowing eye stared back at her. At that moment, Elizabeth gasped loudly as she took it in. The glowing symbol in Ciel's 'injured' eye.

Ciel had heard the gasp and immediately he turned in his spot and demanded that whoever was there had better come out. He was prepared to see an enemy, ready to attack and he took up a defensive stance.

"Come out! Now!" He demanded as he looked around for the source of the sound.

Elizabeth, hearing the command in his voice, silently stepped out from behind the screen and looked at her fiancé.

Ciel stood there, too shocked to say anything, too stunned to cover his blaring eye. It was no use, she had already seen it. So he decided to do the next best thing. Ignore the fact that she had seen it.

Ciel leaned down for the patch that had fallen to the floor when he turned around abruptly, picking it up and placing it over his eye before tying the strings again at the back of his head.

Elizabeth watched him carefully, daring not to make a sound. Once he finished, he used his normal eye to gaze upon her.

"Lizzie. What brings you here?" His voice was neither cheerful nor nervous. It was the same tone he always used.

"I-..." She was too shocked to say anything. Her sweet surprise to Ciel seemed like a distant memory. Never in her wildest dreams had she'd thought to see Ciel like that.

"Cat got your tongue? What are you doing in my room?" Ciel asked, casually.

"No...nothing." Ciel arched his brow at Elizabeth who still seemed at a loss for words.

"Are you scared of me?" Ciel asked, coming closer to Elizabeth. He was now a few inches taller than Elizabeth.

Elizabeth stared at Ciel's approaching form but did nothing to move from where she was standing.

"You're not moving away. I'll take that as a no." Something shifted in Ciel's voice as he said that and Elizabeth noticed the change in his look too.

"C-Ciel...!" Was all she could cough up. Was she scared of him? No! That was ridiculous. This was the same boy she had grown up with, the same man she had grown to love and care for.

"And yet you stutter my name. There is no reason to be frightened." Ciel was now a foot away from her. As he inched closer, Ciel extended his hand and perched his fingers under Elizabeth's chin, bringing it up to look directly into his eye.

"You saw something you shouldn't have but it couldn't be avoided. One day we will be wed, and then you will know." Elizabeth's eyes widened at the mention of their betrothal. Ciel and Elizabeth had always spent time together but never had Ciel actually mentioned them getting married. It was just something that was always there, arranged since they were kids, a title each held as the fiancé of the other.

"There is no need to be concerned. Now you know what my true self looks like. It is good in a way. Something else we can share. Our little secret." He smiled at her and despite the confusion at what she saw, Elizabeth smiled back briefly.

Satisfied with the smile, Ciel offered his lady a hand and together, the two walked out of his room and towards the dining room.

Elizabeth walked in pure silence, the only sound echoing through the halls was the sound of Ciel's boot hitting the tile of the floor.

"C-Ciel." Elizabeth stammered again, bringing Ciel to a halt as he turned to look at the girl.

"Yes?" He asked, waiting patiently.

"I promise." Elizabeth looked determinedly into the young Earl's eye. "I promise I won't tell anyone." For the second time that day, Elizabeth saw Ciel smile and inside, she knew that indeed today was a special day.