Hello! Sorry I haven't updated in a while! I've been suffering from major writer's block and I've been trying to plan out how this fanfic is going to play out. Thank you all for reading this fic and I hope you enjoy this new chapter!

(Misaki POV)

I sit there on Sumi-sempai's porch sipping my tea and trying to think of anything other than Usagi-san. It's been a whole week since Usagi left the hospital and I wasn't been able to visit him during his stay. I tried going back after visiting him the first time, but I was stopped at the hospital entrance by one of the Usami security guards. After that attempt I finally gave up, maybe it is best that I'm out of his life.

"Misaki-kun, are you going to school today? You also have work at Marukawa. This may sound harsh, but though you've been erased from sensei's memories you can't just stop living when there are people who have you in their memories," Sumi-san says and I look down to my coffee. Everything he's saying is right, but being completely forgotten by Usagi has left a deep gash in my heart. He's constantly on my mind to the point where I can't focus. I wonder if he's eating well or if anyone is taking care of him. I'd hate for him to be alone through all of this.

"You're right. I'll get ready and we can walk to school," I say and get up from my spot.

"Well that was much easier than I expected," he comments.

"I need to stop moping around. Besides I've been free loading in your house, I'll look for a place of my own today."

"Take as long as you need Misaki-kun," he smiles and I leave to my guest room.

I change into my usual apparel of jeans, t-shirt, and a flannel. I sigh as I look in the mirror, I can see my puffy eyes and red cheeks from crying so much. I just need to move on. But how can I?

I brush my teeth and try to make my hair look somewhat presentable in public. Sumi-san waits for me at the front door as I slip on my shoes and pull my bag over my shoulder.

"We'll be late if we don't hurry and catch the train," sempai says and I nod my head.

"Let's go," I smile and we both head out.

The walk to the station is longer than usual, but what else did I expect. I'm not staying with Usagi-san anymore. We barely make it on to the train due to our lateness but also by how crowded it is. I grab ahold of the rail above me and stay quiet for the dureation of the short trip. Being on these trains always brings back memories of the Usami family, since my kindness is the reason why I got mixed up with them. Curse my good heart!

Exiting the train is even more of a hassle when we have to wade our way through the crowd of people to get to the platform. Sumi-sempai tries to instigate a conversation with me on the way to school, but after his third conversation starter and my third shrug he stops talking.

"Well meet me after class and we can go grab some coffee after," He offers and I shake my head.

"No thanks. I'm going to stay a little later and catch up on some of my missed assignments," I say.

"Alright. I'll see you when you get back from work," he says.

"Yeah, see you later sempai," I reply and head towards my Psychology class.

I take my usual seat in the back and I try to follow along with the lecture my professor gives but my mind continues to wander and no matter how hard it try I always end up thinking about him. I was never so obedient to Papa Usagi, why must I now? Maybe I'm realizing that my feelings weren't as strong as I thought they were. No. I love Usagi-san. I know that for sure. But why can't I face him? Why am I listening to his father? I'm an adult I should be able to do what I want, let alone listen to someone else's father.

But, there's also another part of me who believes that I need to let Usagi-san go. To let him live out his life to his full potential and not having an annoying kid ten years his senior tagging along. I'll never be at the same level as Usagi-san and maybe he needs someone who is.

I rub my temples and I'm pulled out of my thoughts when I hear my name be called.

"Takahasi-kun, can you answer this?" my professor asks.

"I apologize, but my thoughts were somewhere else at the moment. I can't answer the question," I reply.

"I'd like to see you after class," he announces and I see heads turn and whispers begin, but I nod my head.


The bell rings and I gather my bag and sling it over my shoulder and head down the stairs to meet with my professor. He's going to kick me out of this class.

"You wanted to speak with me Professor Soto," I say cowering with my tail between my legs.

"Take a seat," He says and I do so, "You've been gone for the past few days and haven't turned in assignments. Is everything okay outside of school?"

"Ah, yeah, I've just been sick. I've been having a hard time focusing since my fever went down," I lie and I know he doesn't buy it.

"Alright. I'll extend the turn-in dates for your missed assignments and please feel better Takahashi-kun," he says, not pressing the matter.

"Thank you for the extension. I promise not to let you down," I say getting up and giving him a deep bow.

"Takahashi-kun you can always talk to me if you need to. Remember I am a psychologist. Don't hesitate to make an appointment or come in and talk to me after class," he offers and I nod my head.

"Thank you again sir," I say and bow another time for good measure.

"See you Thursday," he smiles and waves as I leave the lecture hall

I let out a deep breath and clutch my chest. I think I was going to have a heart attack. I thought for sure he was going to kick me out of class. At least I only had one class today, I think I have time to head back to Sempai's and start my assignments before work.

This is the first time I've felt at ease for the past couple of days, to at least know that there's someone out there who will listen to me and somewhat cares about me. But, the feeling ends rather quick as I walk up to the front gate of school and the all too familiar red sports car is parked at the curb with Usagi-san leaning up against it with his arms crossed.

"Usagi, I mean Usami-san, what are you doing here?" I ask and he lifts his head up and our eyes meet.

"Misaki you go to this university? I just had this strange feeling in the back of my mind and it was telling me to come here. I'm just going to assume I visited Kamijou a lot before the accident." He replies and I think my heart skips a beat. He remembers picking me up everyday. It must be his muscle memory. I guess I have learned stuff in psychology.

"Maybe that's it," I say.

"Odd though, how you walked up at the same time I got out. Must be destiny," he laughs and my heart goes back to aching. Missing his laugh and his smile, "Anyways Misaki-kun, what are you up to right now? I'm sure Kamijou is busy and I've wanted to get to know you. Let's go get some coffee."

"Uh, okay. Are you sure you can drive? You still have your arm casted," I say and make a notion to his pink, plastered arm.

"I got here didn't I," he says and I nod my head. I climb inside the car and I'm overwhelmed with his strong, but familiar cologne.

"How are you healing?" I ask as we merge onto the road.

"Well actually. My leg is almost healed up, my ribs have a few more weeks and I get my cast off my arm in two weeks," he says.

"That's great! Who's been aiding you for the past week?" I ask.

"My father. I'm sure you guys met before the accident since we were all together before it happened," he says.

"Yeah," I say quietly and I'm stumped for words. I've wanted to talk to him for so long and yet I have nothing to say. I've just missed him so much; just being in his car with him makes my heart race.

For the most part of the trip we stay quiet with some music playing in the background from the radio. I resist reaching out and grabbing his hand while his arm sits on the armrest in-between the seats. He then manages to stop at one of our favorite cafes that we used to frequent. It's right across the street from the florist I bought Usagi-san's flowers after he won that award. It's amazing how his mind is remembering small details about our life before and yet he struggles to remember the big picture.

"Are you coming Misaki-kun?" Usagi asks and I realize I've been sitting in the car while Usagi is out holding the door open for me.

"Yeah. Sorry, I've just got a lot on my mind.

"It's fine. Why don't you grab us a seat and I'll go get the coffee," he offers.

"Oh, here's some money," I say digging into my bag before we enter the café.

"It's fine. Coffee is on me," he says and I nod my head and find a table near the window overlooking the street.

As I settle in I peek to the line where Usagi-san waits and I can't take my eyes off of him. He looks the same as usual, but something just seems different. What am I thinking? Of course something is different. He doesn't remember me.

I look around him and I can see women staring at him also. Jealousy rises within me, but what could I do? Nothing. He doesn't belong to me anymore. He's just my old roommate or so he thinks.

"I got you a mocha," he says while placing the large mug in front of me and taking a seat, "I pegged you as a sweets kind of guy."

"Thanks. This is actually my favorite drink. You must've gotten a black coffee. You hate anything sweet," I reply and he raises an eyebrow.

"Misaki-kun, how close were we before the accident. I've just been hearing so many mixed things. The doctor at the hospital said he was surprised when you never visited me, but my father said you and I barely spoke," he comments as I take a sip of the warm coffee.

"Well, I'd say we were good friends. We kind of knew everything about each other," I reply and Usagi-san nods his head.

"I wonder why my father said that then. He must've not known how close we were," he says.

"Yeah, I wonder," I say with bitterness in my tone.

"Since we knew a lot about each other, Misaki do you like men?" he asks and I nearly spit out my coffee.

"What!" I yell a little too loudly, "Who told you that?"

"My father told me you had a significant other, the son of Sumi-sensei. He said it was one of the reasons why we were never close," he says and I can only imagine the copious amount of lies Papa Usagi has told him.

"He must've gotten the wrong idea. Sumi-sempai and I are good friends nothing else," I say irritated.

"Oh, then it was all a misunderstanding," he says and stirs his coffee.

"I did have a significant other though," I say quietly, "He and I were incredibly close, but something happened and I couldn't see him anymore."

Should I tell him about us? I mean his father isn't here to stop me. What's holding me back? I open my mouth once more to speak but the words don't roll easily off my tongue and Usagi-san starts talking.

"I see. If you don't mind me asking, what happened?"

"Just a lot of stuff," I reply and he can tell I don't want to keep talking.

"So have you found any new apartments?" he asks changing the subject.

I don't answer since my mind has wondered somewhere else. What's wrong with me? Why can't I just say he was my significant other? Why must I be afraid of these feelings for him? Why do I have to be like this? Constantly drowning in my thoughts about him and yet I can't even tell him the effect he has on me. I just don't want to get in his way of a successful life, one where he'd be better off without me.

"Misaki-kun?" he waves his hand in front of my face, "Are you feeling alright?"

"Yeah. I was sick last week and I've been struggling to focus ever since my fever went down," I say using the same excuse as I did for my professor, but Usagi seems to buy into it, "What was the question again?"

"I was just asking whether or not you've found any apartments yet," Usagi repeats.

"Not yet. I honestly haven't started looking, but I plan to pick some flyers and packets tonight at the train station," I reply and he nods his head.

"You could always move back in with me," he offers and I feel my heart sink because I know I can't accept the offer.

"Thank you for the offer, but I can't. You were a great landlord for the time being, but I think I need to live on my own now," I say and not meaning a single word.

"Oh, alright. I could help you find some apartments," he says.

"I wouldn't want to trouble you Usagi-san," I say, "I think I'd rather do this on my own.

"Usagi-san?" he questions and I feel my cheeks burn.

"Ha, I used to call you that," I say and I know I'm as red as a tomato, but Usagi-san smiles.

"Misaki-kun, I'd like us to become as close as we were before this accident. I'd like to apologize again for not remembering our friendship," he says earnestly.

"Yeah, that'd be nice," I say. Papa Usagi never said I couldn't be friends with him. But is this really safe for myself. I don't know if my heart will be okay solely knowing that we're only friends, but just being beside him would be great.

"Good. I'm very happy," he says bluntly and I blush even more.

"Usami-san do you mind driving me to Marukawa. I need to get to my part-time job there," I say while looking down to my watch.

"Of course," he says and we both get up and head out of the café.

Again I'm bombarded with Usagi-san's scent as we enter his car again, and I can feel my heart flutter from just being so close to him.

I hate how he has this effect on me. I wish I didn't feel this way towards him. I wish he were never my tutor. I wish I never fell in love with him. I wish the accident never happened. I wish for him to remember me. But, if being friends gets me close to Usagi-san, I won't complain. I just hope I don't get in his way.

"Misaki, I didn't mention this at the café when you said it, but please call me Usagi-san. It has a better ring than Usami, and I'd like things to be the same way as they were before the accident," he says. If only things could be the same.

"Okay Usagi-san," I say and I can see his lips tug into a smile.

"Here we are," he says pulling up to the curb in front of Marukawa.

"Thank you again for driving me," I say and get out of the car and give him a deep bow.

"No need for formalities Misaki. I hope we can do this again, and please stop by my apartment anytime," he says and I nod my head.

"That'd be great," I smile and so does he."Have a good day Misaki-kun," he says and I close the door to his car and watch as his car drives away.

I clutch my bag to my chest wishing for this constant pain in my heart to stop, but Usagi-san has managed to take complete control over it. I can feel tears prick my eyes, but I quickly wipe them away from my eyes before walking into Marukawa.

Thanks for reading! I hope you liked this chapter and please comment and review about what you thought. Your guy's comments really motivate me to write and I just want to say thank you for taking your time out of your day and reading my work! Talk to you in the next update!