Ch 1

It as been eight moons since Ash' proposal to Twilight but now the wedding was only days away. Everypony and I mean everypony was ecstatic over the whole thing. From the simple ponies to Princesses themselves were helping the wedding along. But a minor issue had accrued in Euros; the continent across the sea east of Equestria. Esponia and Hetalia (Think about it ^W^) had some small disagreement and wanted Equestria to settle it in the Crystal Empire. That's were our story begins...

Twilight waited outside to chamber doors pacing. Then the door opened and six ponies stepped out. Four she knew well but the other two were strangers to her. One from Esponia was tall green earth pony with a mane of dark green and yellow. He wore a large wooly hat and he had a huge brown coat that covered his entire body. The other pony from Hetalia was about her size. He was a cream color unicorn with brown hair. His clothes were blue military coat over his front. But the strangest things about him were a single hair that collided at the end and his cutie mark. She had never seen a cutie mark like his. A white flag of surrender behind a plate of pasta. (XD)

"Princess Twilight," said the pony from Esponia "Thank you for your understanding that these meetings be kept to need to know bases."

"You were just complaining that Hetalia runs though your country to get to Gerponia!" Ash and Luna scolded. Celestia chuckled under her breathe and Cadence rolled her eye indifferently. The Estonia pony went red with embarrassment and anger and stormed out with the Hetalian pony following happily behind. Twilight watch them go still feeling left out.

"Hey," Ash coming over to her "Don't dread on this. You still have a wedding to look forward to." he beamed

She blushed lightly. "And I cant wait to marry you. But I feel like I haven't been a real princess."

"In what way?" Cadence asked

"I mean Princess Celestia raises and lowers the sun plus she is the head of Equestria. Princess Luna controls the moon and she is the voice of Justice. Princess Cadence protects the Crystal Empire. Ash, you change all of Equestria. You gave the common pony the hope that they can be strong and courageous even without royal help from us. You also balance power so everypony can have a voice; heck you are their voice and make their own choices. You are the Aura Guardian of Equestria. But all I've done is smile and wave."

[Twilight Sparkle]

It isn't that I'm ungrateful

For all the things that I've earned,

For all the journeys I have taken,

All the lessons that I have learned

But I wonder where I'm going now,

What my role is meant to be

I don't know how to travel To a future that I can't see

I have my wings, I wear this crown I'm a princess, this is true

But it's still unclear to me

Just what I am meant to do

I wanna have a purpose

Wanna do all that I can

I wanna make a contribution I want to be a part of the plan

[Princess Celestia]

Your destiny's uncertain

And that's sometimes hard to take

But it will become much clearer

With every new choice you make

[Princess Luna]

Patience is never easy

I understand wanting more

I know how hard it is to wait

To spread out your wings and soar

[Princess Cadance]

But you stand here for a reason

You're gifted and you are strong

That crown is upon your head because

You belong

[Princesses Celestia, Luna, and Cadance]

Know that your time is coming soon

As the sun rises, so does the moon

As love finds a place in every heart

You are a princess; you'll play your part

[Princess Luna]

We understand you wanting more

A chance to shine, a chance to soar

[Princess Cadance]

Soon will come the day it turns around

[Princesses Celestia, Luna, and Cadance]

Know that your time is coming soon

As the sun rises, so does the moon

As love finds a place in every heart

You are a princess; you'll play your part

[Princess Celestia]

You are a princess; you'll play your part

(Song over)

"Your time will come." Celestia said softly and with that Celestia, Luna, and Cadence left Ash and Twilight alone.

"Just a few more days huh?" he spoke after a long pause.

"Yeah, a few more days" she took her engagement ring on her horn to gaze at it again. The ring had a 4.0 karat diamond the turned bluish-green in the day and purple in the night. It also had six smaller gems each a different color to match their friends elements. To her it was worth more than world itself. "I have a song too for you" he said and sat down with her in his arms.

Maren Ord - Shining Time Lyrics | MetroLyrics

Every now and then
There appears a sign
That points just 'round the bend
To a place you'll find

Covered in clover
The magic comes over you
Showing up right on time

This is your shining time

Climbing through stars to your own cloud nine
Soft strokes of lightning
Paint the sky's brightening
Over your shining time

Feel the golden sun
And your heart will soar
Moving all at once
You've been here before

Wandering through stories
Of your childhood memories
Calling you back once more

This is your shining time

Climbing through stars to your own cloud nine
Warm cozy places
Welcoming faces
Greet you in shining time

Climb aboard, we'll take a magic journey Wondrous worlds await you down the line

All you need
To get you there
Is a ticket in your hand
Time's up
Hold on tight

This is your shining time

Climbing through stars to your own cloud nine
It's always with you
If you can just see through
Into your shining time

(Song over)

"You see you will have your shining time. And when you do I will be there with you." he whispered into her sleep


"Cross my heart hope to fly and stick a cupcake in my eye."

Twilight smiled in her sleep hearing every word and loving the idiot now holding her.

Somewhere in Equestria

A unicorn pony was heading home down a dark ally until he bumped into a clocked figure.

"Oops. Sorry about that friend." he said kindly

"Is he friend or is he foe the pony one wonders?" said the cloaked figure in a raspy sort of voice. "I assure you I am no friend. I have returned to take my revenge." he open his mouth wide and began to drain the magic out of young pony.

"And will have what was rightfully mine long ago."

The young stallion fell as his magic left him and could only what in horror as the figure grew and his yellow eyes beamed with power.

"NO!" Celestia cried as she sat up in her bed.

"He as come back. And on my brother's and faithful students wedding." she cringed as her imagination taunted her 'with what' is and 'what now's.

"God only knows how this will end."

Ok here is my new story and at the end of ths story will kick off my original story idea. Ask any questions you my want answered in the reveiw box or PM me.

See ya next time