AN: This is the actual Chapter 14, and it focuses on Wash and some stuff dealing with the Elemental Nations and our Hidden Villains.

It also has some interesting bits of information teasing at his background.

Wash is, by far, my favorite OC that I've written so far.

In other news, the choices for Naruto Peerage have been narrowed down quite a bit to these ones:

Ghost (Fallout New Vegas)(Pawn)

Jon Snow (Game of Thrones) (Pawn)

Ornstein the Dragonslayer (Dark Souls) (Pawn)

Neo (RWBY) (Pawn)

Anna (Shimoneta) (Pawn)

Jax (League of Legends) (Pawn)

Deadpool (Marvel) (Pawn)

Nui Harime (Kill la Kill) (Pawn)

Lily (Fallout New Vegas)(Rook)

Emile (Halo:Reach) (Rook)

Makina (Deadman Wonderland) (Rook)

Eto (Tokyo Ghoul) (Rook)

Hercules/Berserker (Fate/Stay) (Rook)

Lancelot/Berserker (Fate/Stay) (Rook)

Vi (League of Legends) (Rook)

Tyrion Lannister (Game of Thrones) (Bishop)

Shiro (Deadman Wonderland) (Bishop)

Kurumi Tokisaki (Date A Live) (Bishop)

Kuro Usagi (Mondaiji) (Bishop)

Illya (Fate/Stay) (Bishop)

Rin Tohsaka (Fate/Stay) (Bishop)

Orihime (Bleach) (Bishop)

All of those people have been repeatedly, and I mean more than twice, suggested by people via PM to me, so I'm going to leave it up to you guys to decide who is chosen for the Peerage. The rules are as follows:

One vote per person per piece. Example: I vote for Emile, Jax, Tyrion as pieces.

The the four Pawns with the highest votes are selected.

The Rook with the highest votes will be selected.

The two Bishops with the highest votes will be selected.

Votes can be sent either PM or Review or whatever.

Voting ends by Chapter 18, so hurry and vote!

(Real Chapter 14- Wash Gets to Play While the Others Are Away)

Wash would be the first to admit that he wasn't exactly a saint.

Oh hell no, he was so not a saint.

He had killed, lied, stolen, and destroyed so many people and things in his life that he very much doubted he would ever, ever, be considered for a saint.

The Executioners saw to that when they picked him up from the slums of Caresal.

Unlike most of the other Executioners, Wash very much remembered his life before he was found and 'recruited' by the Executioners. He remembered every detail of the Hell that was the slums.

And it was why he despised Tyrus, hated the 'Great Leader' Raizen, hated what the nation stood for.

You see, Tyrus was a nation who thrived on the two-hundred and fifty year long war. Yes, it originally was capable of self-sustainment before whatever happened to cause the war happened, but now it was incapable.

Too many people, too many lives, depended on the War's continuation. Factories mass producing weapons, clothing, food, ammunition, vehicles, fuel, all depended on the seemingly never ending war. If it stopped, suddenly and without any notice, the entire economy would collapse.

Millions of people would lose their jobs, the already fragile connection Tyrus had with the provenances, like Helghan, the Southern Islands, Ostri, Vercuta, and Par Vollen would disintegrate.

But Wash hated Tyrus for more than just that reason, hated the nation more than just ruining and controlling the lives of it's people by the Never Ending War.

Wash hated Tryus because it ignored the people it was supposed to protect, in favor of those who could protect themselves.

Raizen had ordered, right after Wash had turned four, that the Trench, the nickname for the Tyran Defensive Line along the Badlands, be moved closer to Ephyra, leaving thousands of villages, settlements, and cities to suffer without the protection.

Caresal was one of them.

Caresal used to be a small, but moderately wealthy, Vercuta town, built by farmers around two hundred years ago. It never grew any bigger than, at most five thousand people, but it produced the bulk of the wheat and grain that Vercuta, which was a rocky, muddy, sparsely vegetated land, depended on.

When the soldiers were pulled back, the Indies came charging forward, and suddenly Caresal was under new management.

The Indies didn't really stop the production of wheat and grain, they merely changed where it went. Now, instead of feeding and warming the bellies of their fellow Vercutans, they were filling the bellies of the silver armored bastards who patrolled the streets. Soon afterwards, Vercuta was a hotbed of violent and horrible combat between the Vercutan people and the Indiashka occupying force...

The Vercutan Rebellion would go down in history as the shortest, bloodiest, and most brutal 'war' in the history of the Elemental Nations. Not a single rebel was spared. No mercy or quarter shown. When Vercuta fought back, Indiashka crushed them brutally, ruthlessly, and without mercy.

The 'war' didn't even last four days.

Wash still remembered seeing the bodies of men and women, old and young, hanging from the large, wooden crosses, crucified and left in the town square as a reminder of what fighting back meant. He still remembered the massive ditches he and his fellow children were made to dig, dump the bodies in, and light on fire.

After a year of occupation, suffering, and starvation, Wash was saved.

Executioners held a peculiar place in the Elemental Nations. Neither side wanted to fight them, and yet both sides hated what they stood for with a passion. As such, and agreement was made that Executioners would be allowed to move and go anywhere in each country without being stopped, in exchange for remaining neutral, or mainly neutral, in the War.

Because of this, Executioners quickly began to find orphans, lost children, and other variations of people who they could train.

Jiraiya the Toad Sage, one of the more publicly well known Executioners, found Wash one day after he had tried to pickpocket the man, and after scaring the living shit out of him, took him to the Executioners.

But Wash never forgot what Tyrus had done to him, his people, and the lives they had destroyed. Wash never forgave what the Indies had done to his people. Wash may hate Tyrus, despise it with his every being, but Indiashka was a close second.

Which was why, while the kids were going to the Familiar place, he decided to check out the portal that had opened not even ten minutes after they had left.

So here he was, sitting in a tree, dressed in his Executioner uniform, ready to fight if need be, as the multi colored portal began to spasm.

His uniform consisted of a black, long sleeved shirt, black pants with many pockets and pouches, black calf length boots, and darkened grey armor covering his arms, legs, chest, and back. On his back, hanging from it's black leather strap, was his sword, Urfael, a long, thin sword that had no guard, with double edges that ended in a sharp, very pointy point.

He watched intently, his eyes staring as a figure began to make it's way out of the portal. He had to stop himself from bolting back to the clubroom as and Indiashka Inquisitor strolled out and looked around, the portal closing silently.

The man was very tall, standing around 6'7" in height. He had bright, neatly combed blonde hair and sharp green eyes behind wire glasses. He wore a black, almost skin tight suit underneath his silver plated armor, with the plates being located on his shins, thighs, forearms, chest, back, and hands. Hanging from his side was a silvery, smooth looking helmet that had a gasmask attached to it. Over his armor were dark clothes including a hood. He had no visible weapons, but because he was wearing an Inquisitor's Armor, he was definitely dangerous.

Wash easily recognised the man, because he had seen him before, once, and he left a major impression on the Executioner.

This man was Cyrus Temple, otherwise known as the 'Bane of Kashkur'.

Wash thought for a few moments as Cyrus began to wander around the area, examining the trees and brush in the clearing, before he had to jump as his tree was cut in half at the base of the trunk.

Landing and turning quickly, Wash was surprised to see that Cyrus' arm, plate armor and all, had turned into a massive, silvery, organic looking blade, long enough that it dragged behind him. Cyrus had a narrow eyed glare that Wash easily returned. When the blonde man spoke, his voice carried the barest hints of his accent. "And what is an Executioner doing in this...New World?"

"I could ask you the same thing, Inquisitor." Wash replied. "How the hell did you get here?"

Cyrus just let a brief flicker of surprise cross his face before his replied to Wash's question. "Why do you wish to know, Executioner?"

Wash looked at him with a raised brow. "Because you kind of just showed up out of nowhere. I think that warrants at least a little bit of curiosity."

The Inquisitor just paused, shifting his arm back to it's original state in a mess of red and black things, before he replied. "Mayhaps we should have a conversation in a more...private setting." Wash saw his eyes flicker to the left, his right, and gave a nod. Even if he hated the Indies, he could work with one to deal with the intruder he sensed that just appeared.

"Yeah. That's probably a good idea." He put his hands behind the back of his neck, close to Urfael's hilt. "This conversation is best left for our ears only." He twitched his arm slightly to the right, before both he and Cyrus sprang into action.

The tree stood no chance after Cyrus shifted his hands into massive mitts of muscle and meat, slamming into the wood and splintering it all over the place. The now revealed figure sitting in the tree barely managed to avoid Urfael taking his head from his shoulders with a twist of his body, sending himself across the clearing.

When the dust and splinters settled, Cyrus and Wash got a good look at their new opponent.

He was a bit on the short side, standing around 5'4", with white hair slicked back with large, vacant eyes that he red iris' and strange, shuriken shaped pupils, his body emaciated and thin, yet still having lean muscle to it. He wore a high-collared kimono shirt with a wide, dark blue obi wrapped around his waist. He had dark blue armguards, dark blue pants, and a pair of dark blue, open-toed boots with distinct zig-zag threads. What really unnerved Wash and Cyrus were the many other pairs of eyes seemingly surgically inserted into his body, all of whom were sewn open, with bloodshot eyes that resembled the ones in his skull all zigzagging around in search of something. His left hand had some kind of black seal on the back of it, a twisted circle of a three-headed man. Across his right arm were thick bandages that when Wash glanced at them, set him on edge. Whatever was under there was bad news.

Wash was the first to speak after getting a good look at the guy, who couldn't have been any older than Naruto. "What the fuck are you?"

The white haired boy just tilted his head and stared blankly at Wash before replying in a completely emotionless voice. There was no coldness, no anger, hate, sadness, nothing, in his voice. "I am Shin-143210."

"I asked what the fuck you were, not who you were." Wash said with a small glare, Cyrus cautiously keeping his giant meat-fists up in preparation.

"I am Shin-143210." Came the same reply from the boy, whose voice was still so empty.

Cyrus spoke next, green eyes narrowed into a glare. "Why are you here, Shin-143210?"

He didn't get a verbal reply right away, because Shin-143210 stretched his arm out, a long, thin bone growing out from his palm to face the two. Grabbing the bone, Shin tore it out of his palm and pointed it at the two of them. "I am ordered to investigate the opening of the Gap Portal, and kill anything that comes out."

At that, Shin-143210 threw the piece of bone right at Cyrus, who caught it, snapping it like a twig. The blonde man rushed forward, giant fist quickly meeting the boys face, sending him flying back into a tree as retaliation.

Shin-143210 lay there for a moment before getting up and charging again, swiftly covering the ground between he and Cyrus, before Urfael came down and cleaved him diagonally in half.

Wash jumped back beside Cyrus as Shin-143210 lay on the ground, staring blankly into the sky as green blood oozed from him. The Executioner held Cyrus back before the man could finish the job, saving his life in the process.

Right after Wash held Cyrus back, oozing green Chakra, in the form of a thick, liquidy tentacle, reached out from Shin-143210, connected to his spine, before connecting with the other half of his lower spine, swiftly bringing the two parts together again.

Wash had to stop himself from snarling in fury as he recognised the Chakra the boy used as Tailed-Beast Chakra. He had met and spoken with every Jinchuriki at one point, so he recognised the Chakra signature of every Tailed-Beast.

That was the Zero-Tailed Leech's Chakra inside Shin-143210.

Wash held Urfael in both hands, sending some of his Chakra through the blade, black flames licking across the metal as he did. Narrowing his eyes at Shin-143210, Wash swung his sword. "Amaterasu: Black Flame Halo!"

A crescent shaped blade of black flames flew at Shin-143210, faster than the boy could react, slicing through his upper body and right arm, before the crescent looped around and came back to his lower body, cutting his legs off in a diagonal fashion.

As the Zero-Tails Chakra leaked out and tried to reattach his body, Wash vanished in a blur of speed only Cyrus, having trained to see it, saw, grabbing the bandaged limb in spite of his instincts screaming at him to leave it alone.

Shin-143210 stood up with out his arm, not showing an ounce of fear or pain as he did. Looking at Wash, he spoke in the same blank tone. "Please give me back my arm."

"Go fuck yourself." Was the snappy reply.

Wash did not expect tree limbs to suddenly sprout from Shin-143210 in wicked looking spears, from every spot on his body, tearing his clothing. From his missing right arms stub, a long wooden shaft extended and twisted itself to look like a fist. Shin-143210 lifted it up and changed it into a Hindu-styled dragons head.

Before he could go on the offensive, he stopped and lifted his right hand, silently looking at the mark on his hand before beginning to sink into the ground. Cyrus ran to stop him, but before he could get closer, the wooden spears sticking out of Shin-143210 began to shoot out like a machine gun, forcing the blonde back as he retreated into the ground.

After a few moments of tense silence, Wash spoke in a deadly serious tone. "Cyrus, that conversation can wait. Whatever is in this arm is making my instincts go wild."

The Inquisitor nodded as he came closer, his hands shifting back to normal as he came closer. "Then unwrap it and let's see what it is."

Carefully setting it on the ground, Wash began to meticulously unwrap the bandaged arm. After a few seconds, he and Cyrus were treated to a horrific sight.

The arm was pitch black, the same muscle shape and emaciated state that Shin-143210 had, but that was where the similarities ended. All along the arm were faces, screaming in agony and pain, writhing and moving all along the arm as the agony tormented them. In the palm of the hand, a large maw of a mouth with razor sharp teeth snapped and snarled as it opened and closed, black ooze that Wash recognized as the Zero-Tails Chakra leaking out like saliva. When the 'saliva' hit the ground, it sizzled and popped like acid, killing the grass it fell on, and the surrounding plant like, before turning it into twisted remnants of what it was.

Wash swallowed the bile and puke he wanted to let out as best he could, the feeling of the vile, evil, and disgusting Chakra the Zero-Tails let out making him sick.

Cyrus had no such compunctions, turning and throwing up everything in his stomach right then and there. Wiping his mouth, Cyrus turned and gave the arm a hate filled glare. "What in the name of the Emperor is that?"

Now wasn't the time to be a smartass, but Wash just couldn't help it. "That is Shin-143210's arm." Cyrus gave him a dry glare. "What it is, why it's like this, I don't know. What I do know is that there is a small concentration of Zero-Tails Chakra in it."

"What does that mean?" The Inquisitor asked.

Wash looked up, his eyes conveying the seriousness of the discovery. "I don't know. But whatever it is, we need to find out."

"We?" Cyrus asked with a raised brow.

Wash gave Cyrus a tired glance and replied. "Listen, I'm not exactly a big fan of Indiashka. But right now, you and I are the only ones from the Elemental Nations in this world above the age of eighteen. We need to figure this out...together." It was obvious Wash had trouble saying that, and Cyrus silently agreed. "As much as you might not want to admit it, Cyrus, you need my help in getting to know this world. There is so much new and different stuff, you'll become overwhelmed."

Cyrus was silent for a moment, contemplating the offer. "What of the other?" At Wash's look, Cyrus explained. "What of the Elemental Nation Native under eighteen?"

"He is currently working with his new...boss, trying to get something called a Familiar, I don't know. He has enough on his plate trying to understand and adjust to the new emotions he's feeling, not to mention all the crap he has to do for his new boss." Wash replied as he carefully pulled out a sealing scroll, before sealing the arm into the scroll itself for later study.

Fuinjutsu was something he was definitely going to have to teach Naruto soon.

"So what now?" Cyrus asked.

"Now we go and wait in the ORC Clubroom for the Brats to get back." Wash said with a sigh.

XXX-Line Break-XXX

Shin-143210 returned a failure, but one that provided some results that were...interesting.

Even as he lay, dead, on the cold metal table, his clothes off to reveal many, many stitches and scars from various experiments, Shin-143210 continued to provide valuable data for future experiments.

Clipboard in hand, he began to write down every little detail his trained eyes could see on the dead boys face, the glowing of a set of large tubes being the only light in the room, even if his silver eyes could catch every detail in the dark.

Shin-143210 had been hit with a tremendous amount of force, directly in the side and upper part of his torso. He had been cut apart multiple times, each one precise and exact in placement.

As he continued to write down his observations before he truly began to dissect the subject, the door to his dimly lit lab opened and the shadow of his Boss entered, followed, as always, by the shadow of his loyal bodyguard. "Greetings, Dr. Klein. Have you brought good news for me today?"

Dr. Klein was a skinny and pale man in his mid forties, with graying brown hair and a thick mustache. His silver eyes gleamed clearly in the dark, even as his lower face held a gasmask, stitched to his face by string. His labcoat his the large tank of gas on his hunched back, black gloved hands rubbing together excitedly. "Oh yes, Shin-143210 has provided many interesting discoveries for me to unlock." He gestured to the cut open boy with a wild wave of his hand. "While it is problematic that his right arm was cut off before we could harvest it, he gives some measure of information."

"You have repeatedly said that, Doctor, and yet to have explained what it is that is so...special...about it." His Boss said with narrowed eyes.

Nodding hurriedly, so as to not get on his bad side, Klein walked over to Shin-143210. "The Subject's organs, for some reason as of yet known, turned completely to that of a plant. His heart pumps a chlorophyll like fluid through his system that, upon loss of a limb that is unable to reconnect, grows vegetation all along the missing area and random parts of the body." He held up the wooden arm as an example before continuing. "Shin-143210 is not the first to exhibit such signs, as Shin-143111 also exhibited such signs along with the others in his series."

The Boss nodded in satisfaction before turning the the giant test tubes. "Good, Doctor. I would be most displeased if he didn't provide some kind of...result. What of the others?"

Klein turned to the tubes, gazing at the floating figures with fatherly pride, as twisted as it was. "Only one of them is currently capable of exiting the tubes, but..." he gestured to a vaguely male shape in the farthest tube. "...he is too willful to obey any orders in the simulations."

"Have them ready soon. The bumbling incompetence of Volfe cost me a somewhat valuable piece in Tenran, whom I had hoped would assist in teaching Them how to fight." The Boss' sharp gaze turned to the last, most advanced tube across the room, where a floating male could clearly be seen.

He would have been handsome, if it weren't for the scars running down his arms, legs, sides, chest, back and cheeks, as well as the fact he had the same eyes as Shin-143210 sewn into him all over his shaved head and body. His hair was shaved off, and his mouth was loosely sewn shut. His right arm, like Shin-143210, was black, faces screaming in agony all along it. Periodically he would spasm and shake in the tube, thrashing about violently. "And what about him? How far along is he?"

Klein looked happy as he looked at the Subject. "He is ready for you, he just finished the last simulation this morning."

"Wake him."


"I said wake him" The Boss said simply, eyes boring into the young man. "I wish to see the efficiency of the program in action." A darker look came to his eyes as he gazed at it. "Let us see just how much better he has become, shall we?"

"Yes Sir." Klein muttered.

Finally, he looked at a large, cocoon like device that had what looked like an egg sack connected to it. "Also send of of the Shin's with him. Four should do. I want to see if they will follow his orders as well."

Klein went forward and easily activated the machine, which began to spew copies of Shin-143210 immediately. Each one, however, was different than Shin-143210.

The first was bald, with only one eye that was bloodshot and sewn open. Black Zero-Tails Chakra leaked from his gaping mouth.

The second had faces contorted in agony all over the right side of his body, covering his face and head, all of the eyes open and the mouths leaking the same Zero-Chakra.

The third was an exact copy of Shin-143210, down to the last eye.

The fourth, however, was by far the worst. It was small and pitiful, with not even legs to carry it, but instead a set of mutilated hands that looked as if three hands were combined together. A gaping mouth hung open in a sick grin as it crawled around, and the many eyes on it were all bloodshot and sewn open.

As the Shin clones finished being produced and clothed, the tube that held the male finished emptying. Standing on shaky legs, the bald man turned his head this way and that, as if smelling things, before his eyes snapped open.

Neither of the other two men seemed to care or notice as they continued speaking to each other calmly. "Sir, was that all, or is there anything else I might help you with?"

A pause before an answer came. "Have you continued tracking the Void Openings as I ordered?"

"Yes Sir. I have already tracked and graphed the locations of all of the coming openings to their general areas." He gestured to a computer that was displaying just that information. It was a detailed map of the forests surrounding Kuoh, red dots illuminating certain parts all over, numbers counting down the weeks, days, hours, and minutes until the next Void Opening occurred. "it's a shame, though. I would have loved to have the chance to examine the effects of the Void on sentient creatures, if only Shin-143210 hadn't of jumped the gun."

XXX-Line Break-XXX

Wash half expected Naruto to have found the biggest and baddest Familiar in the forest, so he wasn't shocked when he came riding in on what had to be several hundred pounds of killing potential.

Cyrus didn't go over so well, though.

Naruto had demanded to know why he was here, glaring heatedly at Wash for an answer.

The man had replied that, for the moment, they were allies until they figured out what to do to go back to the Elemental Nations.

Naruto had accepted, grudgingly, as Rawr was shrunk by Rias to the size of a small dog, who then proceeded to assert his dominance of Asia's Familiar.

As Wash sat there gazing at the group of Brats he had, subconsciously, began to look at as his students, he silently vowed he would never let anyone hurt them.

He had already lost one family in Caresal, and another in the Executioners. He wouldn't lose this one. Even if he had to storm the gates of Hell to do it.

Well, anyways, tomorrow was going to prove to be an interesting day for everyone. After all, some bird-guy was coming by, and Wash had no desire to miss what was sure to be an interesting day.

AN: Yes, Shin-143210 is the same from Naruto Gaiden. I just didn't want to use Zetsu Clones, who will have a major role later on, for this.

With the attack/spying done by Shin-143210 on Cyrus and Wash, we can now start really getting into the first stages of the overarching plot.

The Black Arm is going to be a major part of the story, and the mysterious Boss has some bad plans for everyone.

Questions you might ask are: What does the Zero-Tails have to do with anything? Why does Shin-143210 matter? Why are the Shin Clones so imperfect?

Well, they will be answered eventually. Just be patient and go along for the ride.

(Omake- What Could Have Been)

The Inquisitor just paused, shifting his arm back to it's original state in a mess of red and black things, before he replied. "Mayhaps we should have a conversation in a more...private setting." Wash saw his eyes flicker to the left, his right, and gave a nod. Even if he hated the Indies, he could work with one to deal with the intruder he sensed that just appeared.

"Yeah. That's probably a good idea." He put his hands behind the back of his neck, close to Urfael's hilt. "This conversation is best left for our ears only." He twitched his arm slightly to the right, before both he and Cyrus sprang into action.

The tree stood no chance after Cyrus shifted his hands into massive mitts of muscle and meat, slamming into the wood and splintering it all over the place. The now revealed figure sitting in the tree barely managed to avoid Urfael taking his head from his shoulders with a twist of his body, sending himself across the clearing.

When the dust and splinters settled, Cyrus and Wash got a good look at their new opponent.

He was a bit on the short side, standing around 5'4", with white hair slicked back with large, vacant eyes that he red iris' and strange, shuriken shaped pupils, his body emaciated and thin, yet still having lean muscle to it. He wore a high-collared kimono shirt with a wide, dark blue obi wrapped around his waist. He had dark blue armguards, dark blue pants, and a pair of dark blue, open-toed boots with distinct zig-zag threads. What really unnerved Wash and Cyrus were the many other pairs of eyes seemingly surgically inserted into his body, all of whom were sewn open, with bloodshot eyes that resembled the ones in his skull all zigzagging around in search of something. His left hand had some kind of black seal on the back of it, a twisted circle of a three-headed man. Across his right arm were thick bandages that when Wash glanced at them, set him on edge. Whatever was under there was bad news.

Wash was the first to speak after getting a good look at the guy, who couldn't have been any older than Naruto. "What the fuck are you?"

The white haired boy just tilted his head and stared blankly at Wash before replying in a completely emotionless voice. There was no coldness, no anger, hate, sadness, nothing, in his voice. "I Shin Shady."

Wash paused and stared confusedly at the apparent 'Slim Shady' as Cyrus prepared to attack. "Shin Shady?"

Slim Shady nodded jerkily as he brought up a hand in a one finger salute. "I'm Shin Shady, all the other Shin Shady's are just imitating."

"What the hell are you talking about?" Cyrus asked, angry and very much confused.

"I told you, I am Shin Shady, all of the other Shin Shady's are just imitating." Shin Shady said in an almost singing way.

"Well fuck you, Shin Shady! Why are you here?" Wash asked with a glare.

Shin Shady's reply was short. "Go hump a Dead Moose like Tom Green."


Dr. Klein sung along as Eminem played over a loudspeaker in his lab, right next to the cocoon. He really liked the rappers music for some reason.

(End Omake)