Misty absentmindedly strolled down the street of New Orleans, her hands in the pocket of her black pants. The loud clicking sounds of her black boots echoed in her ears, and Misty hummed in satisfaction. It was a typical cloudy day, the sky threatening to pour in any time soon. The humidity in the air left an unpleasant feeling in her lungs. Sighing audibly, she brought her hand up and combed through her untamed blonde hair.

She searched for the thing she needed to find, but it's quite challenging when she didn't know exactly what it was. A faint sound of thunder from miles away reached her ear, and a noiseless curse slipped out of her mouth. Hurrying on the unknown path, the wild blonde looked around. She could feel some weak energy pulling her sleeve, so she let it lead her way.

When she turned the corner to her right, she found a girl no older than 10 sitting on the pavement crying. Misty tilted her head to assess the situation; it appears to be that the girl's knees were covered with scratches. She must've tripped on something. But where could her parents be? Misty casually sauntered to the crying girl while glancing over her shoulder.

"Hey, kiddo. What's wrong?" Squatting to be eye-level with the girl, she examined the injured knees. "Don't you worry. I'll make the pain go away." She covered the knees with her hands. She concentrated her power in her hands, and when she lifted the hands, not a single scratch could be seen on the girl's knees. The wild blonde smiled warmly at the girl, who had stopped crying and now was staring at the woman with wonder.

"Are you a witch, too?" The girl questioned with innocence, wiping her tears off with her hands frantically.

Misty tilted her head to one side to the question but decided not to answer. "Where is your mom, or papa? You can't be in the street alone."

"My family lives in Virginia. I live with Miss. Cordelia and Miss. Zoe and Miss. Queenie and other girls." The little girl proudly informed the woman about her family.

"Ok…Let's get you home, then." Misty let out a sigh, desperately wanting to get rid of the girl as soon as possible. She had better things to do than taking care of a tiny human being. God knows she could miss her target if she kept wasting time here. Yeah, God knows. She snorted at her own joke.

The girl stood up cheerily and unexpectedly grabbed Misty's hand before walking to her said home. "My name is Racheal. What is your name?" She looked up at the woman many feet taller than her.

"Misty." Sighing loudly in her mind, Misty reluctantly let the girl drag her down the street. I didn't sign up for this. She glared up to the sky.


The wild blonde was impressed when she entered the front gate of the enormous white house. New Orleans surely had a lot of historical buildings, but this one was esthetically pleasing to the woman's eyes. She couldn't help but look around to admire the beauty of the exterior while Racheal pulled her arm and invited her into the house.

Misty let out a sigh of relief when the girl finally let go of her hand and disappeared into a room closest to the door. Anxious to go back to her original task, she turned around to grab a door knob, but she froze instantly when a soft voice of a woman stopped her.

"Um, may I help you with something, miss?"

Misty turned around and saw a woman slightly shorter than her standing in the hallway. Her eyes filled with caution at the sight of the intruder. The wild blonde searched for words but was interrupted by the little girl, who re-emerged from the room and hugged the neatly clothed woman.

"She healed my knees, Miss. Cordelia! She is one of us. I fell down, but she made the pain go away!" Racheal told the woman excitedly.

The shorter woman raised an eyebrow at the girl before looking back at the wild blonde, who offered a forced smile. "I see, um, why don't you join your sisters? They are in the classroom." The woman pushed the girl's back a little. Racheal gave her a big nod and waved at Misty before walking away.

Misty waved back rather awkwardly, but her eyes soon moved from the girl to the woman before her. "Um." She breathed out and scratched her head in awkwardness. She still needed to continue her search, but something told her this was the exact place she needed to be. Deciding to explore the house more, Misty stepped closer to the other woman and offered a hand. "I'm Misty."

"Cordelia Goode, the headmistress." The woman graciously took the hand with a smile. "Would you like a cup of tea, Misty? It's the least I can do to thank you for helping my girl."

"Sure, I'd love that." Misty stuck her hands in her pocked and nodded shyly as she followed the shorter woman to the kitchen. There was something about this woman that made the wild blonde nervous. It could be the way she walked with grace or maybe the rosy scent of her perfume that the wild blonde somehow felt so familiar with. While Cordelia turned on the electric kettle and got two cups from a pantry, Misty's eyes barely left the other woman. It was like an invisible force was controlling her eye movement.

The headmistress poured boiled water in the cups before sitting on the aisle in the kitchen, offering one cup to the wild blonde, who quietly uttered a word of appreciation. "Thank you, again, for Racheal. She went to a field trip with her sisters, but no one told me she was missing." Cordelia knotted her brows and sighed, her hands cupping her mug.

"It's not a problem." Misty shrugged her shoulders. "May I have sugar?"

"Oh, of course." The headmistress grabbed a jar of sugar cubes swiftly and handed it to Misty. She was going to ask if she needed milk as well, but she shut up as she saw the wild blonde dumping six sugars or eight in her earl grey.

When Misty noticed the astonishment in the other's eyes, she smiled bashfully. "It's a nice house you got here." She cleared her throat and stirred her tea, trying to stimulate a conversation with the headmistress.

Cordelia raised her eyes from the cup of colored sugar water, still struggling to process what she just saw. "Thank you. It's an academy actually." She brought her cup to the mouth, but the steam of the beverage indicated it needed to be cooled down. Frowning slightly at the heat, her eyes moved to the wild blonde across the kitchen island. The headmistress watched with her mouth agape as Misty downed her tea as if it was lukewarm water. Granted, Cordelia wasn't one to handle hot food very well, but the tea must be still boiling hot. She blinked a few times in disbelief.

"Oh, ok." Misty gulped the liquid till the last drop before putting the cup down. "So, you are a teacher?"

"Well, sort of. I run this place." Cordelia waved her hands vaguely before glancing back at the empty cup on the other side of the table.

"What do you guys teach? It's obviously not a public school."

Cordelia hesitated at this question for a moment. "It's…it's Miss Robichaux's Academy for Exceptional Young Ladies." She hoped this answer would be sufficient for the wild blonde to understand, but Misty's face remained blank. The headmistress sighed silently and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear before continuing, cautiously selecting her words not to scare the other woman away. "We are a group of witches. I'm sure you've heard of the coven. It's everywhere on the media." Cordelia quietly explained, checking the other's facial expression.

The face of the wild blonde, however, stayed the same as before. The voice of the woman was surely registered in Misty's brain, but her thoughts were somewhere else. When the headmistress had lifted her hand to touch her hair, Misty surely had seen a tattoo on the woman's wrist. A tattoo of some kind of a plant with roots. And in that instant, the wild blonde knew exactly who she was talking to. It was the image that had been stuck in her mind for days. An invisible hand never failed to lead her to where she had to go, Misty mused. She internally smirked, thanking the little Racheal. "Yeah, I don't keep up with current events." Coming back to earth, the wild blonde shrugged nonchalantly and shot her a grin.

Cordelia was somewhat taken aback at the calmness of the woman. There were just so many weird things about the woman with untamed golden hair, and Cordelia momentarily remembered what Racheal had said. "Are you– What Racheal said, is it true?"

The wild blonde raised an eyebrow with a mischievously grin on her face, but she was interrupted by another person, who had just come running to the kitchen.

"Um, sorry, I didn't know we had a guest." A girl with straight brunette hair had an apologetic expression as she looked at the two women back and forth anxiously from the entrance of the kitchen.

"Zoe, this is Misty. She found Racheal alone in the street and brought her home." Cordelia calmly notified the brunette, who suddenly started to fidget.

"Ah, yeah, about that. I was going to tell you…" The girl looked down and mumbled, but her head shot back when she remembered why she was there. "You have to come, though. The girls are arguing with each other again. It might get physical soon."

Cordelia groaned and brought her hand to her forehead. "Ok, I'll be there." She heard the girl mumble something and run back to the classroom. She sighed with her shoulders, staring at the untouched cup of tea and glancing at the wild blonde.

Misty sensed it was time for her to leave and stood up from the chair. "I'll disappear, then." She smiled at Cordelia, who nodded apologetically. They made their way to the hallway, both looking in the direction of the source of voices.

"It was nice meeting you, Misty." Cordelia turned to the taller woman and offered her a sincere smile.

"You, too. Cordelia." The wild blonde shot back a smile, making sure to emphasize each syllables of her name like a prayer before heading to the front door.

After Misty had turned around, Cordelia did the same and walked to the said classroom to deal with her teenagers. When she reached the room at the end of the hallway, the headmistress turned her head to the front door of the building. She was certain she hadn't heard the door open or shut, but the woman in black clothes was nowhere to be seen.


Cordelia swiftly sauntered to the greenhouse to have some alone time after a hectic day of back-to-back telephone meetings. It was typical for the Supreme to spend most of her waking moments in her office, but a little break wouldn't hurt, the Supreme told herself. It wouldn't be surprising if her brain exploded if she kept stressing herself out any way. She let out a wholehearted sigh as she tried to find the key of the greenhouse among many.

The greenhouse was her sanctuary, and she barely let anyone inside. With the prosperity and growing population of the coven, the Supreme had considered several times opening the place for everyone, but she wouldn't have any place to relax then. Her office had a phone and a laptop, and the walls of her bedroom weren't thick enough to shut out noises. She would invite people into the greenhouse if it was the last resort, but until then, it was her safe haven.

Stepping inside, Cordelia made her way to the sink, grabbing a tin watering can on the way. It was her first thing to do in the greenhouse. Watering plants and checking their conditions was not only a necessity but also a source of relaxation. It calmed her perpetually troubling mind to be surrounded by her beloved plants. Filling up the watering can, she hummed lightly, but her humming stopped when her ears picked up some noise behind her. She cautiously turned around, ready to fight back any enemies, but there was nobody to be seen. Working too much. Cordelia shook her head to shake off her paranoid thoughts.

Deciding she could use distraction, Cordelia strolled across the greenhouse to the speaker. She attached her phone before putting the music on shuffle. The sweet melody of Kind of Woman filled the room, and Cordelia swayed her hip in rhythm.

"I like that song."

A voice came out of absolutely nowhere, and Cordelia thought her heart stopped for a second. Letting out a piteous yelp, her eyes shot in the direction of the voice, her hand on the chest in shock. A piercing sound of the watering can dropping on the floor echoed against the walls of the greenhouse, followed by deadly silence. The startled woman stared at the wild blonde sitting on the large table in the middle of the room, her legs dangling.


"How did you –?" Cordelia's eyes moved from the door and the woman back and forth. "You – you are…"

"Misty. Nice to see you again, Cordelia." Misty gave her a dramatic bow, her arm drawing a circle in the air and stopping at her chest.

"How did you get in here? I didn't hear you come in."

"Oh, I came in before you. That's why."

"No, it can't be true. The door was locked."

"No, it wasn't."

The Supreme grimaced. She was absolutely sure the door had been locked, and the only key to the door had been in her hand all day. "Ah, ok… um, what can I help you today?" She felt defeated, puzzled, and unnerved. Why does she have to be so elusive?

"Just stopping by, to see how you're doing." Misty got on her feet and sauntered around the greenhouse, her boots loudly clicking. "It's a lovely greenhouse you have here."

"Thank you." Cordelia quietly replied.

The wild blonde gave her a big dorky smile before going back to examine the room, humming along with the music. The Supreme wasn't happy with any of what the woman had said, but it appeared that the woman was satisfied just looking at the plants. Cordelia stood there helplessly as strange silence filled up the room, her eyes not daring to leave the taller blonde just in case.

Some more minutes passed, and the headmistress eventually decided to go back to her original task and started to water the plants. Misty tactfully stayed out of her way while wholeheartedly entertained herself with the environment. Neither of them spoke, Misty enjoying the music while Cordelia unsure of the situation.

The alchemist snatched a jar of herbs from the shelves, starting to brew some tea to calm her nerves. It didn't look like the wild blonde was leaving any time soon. She might as well use the time efficiently. The buzzing sound of boiling water had a relaxing effect, and Cordelia allowed herself to close her eyes, taking a deep breath.

"What'cha making right there?" The wild blonde appeared right next to her without making much sound, causing Cordelia's heart to jump yet again.

"Um, it's just tea. The herbs help you relax." Misty hummed in response, peering down into the water-filled glass. "Would you – would you like a cup?" The Supreme politely asked.

"Sure!" The wild blonde beamed, mischief in her eyes. "I love tea."

Cordelia couldn't help but give a bitter smile at this. The last time she offered the taller woman a cup of tea, she basically turned that into tea-infused sugar water. It was rather impossible to trust the woman's taste buds, but whatever. The Supreme sat at the island with her cup, blowing air to cool the beverage down.

Misty, on the other hand, wasted no time to take a big gulp. The greenhouse didn't have any sugar she could use, so she instead dumped a teaspoon of cinnamon (with Cordelia's permission, of course). The Supreme observed the other woman's every move with disbelief and curiosity. It didn't bother her that the wild blonde didn't enjoy the tea as it was, but it certainly troubled her to imagine what the tea would taste like with so much cinnamon.

"So, um, what do you do for living, Misty?" Clearing her throat, Cordelia asked softly. At least she can have a normal conversation like a regular person.

"For living, like, as a job?" Misty cocked her head while collecting the remnant of the spice at the bottom of the cup with her finger. "I take people where they're meant to be." She shrugged nonchalantly, licking the cinnamon off her finger.

"A taxi driver?"

"More like a guide." The wild blonde learned on the table, resting her chin on her palm. "What do you do for living?" With a sassy grin, she challenged the other as if it was some kind of a game.

"Well, I am the Supreme and the headmistress of the coven."

"But what do you do?"

"I lead the witches and deal with the media as a Supreme, and as a headmistress, I recruit new girls to the coven, make sure everyone has what they need, and manage finance." Of course it was just a part of her duties, but Cordelia didn't think the other woman wanted any more details. It was just for the sake of the conversation anyway.

Misty hummed. "It sounds like you are an awfully important person, then."

"In a way, yes. The coven has only one Supreme at a time."

"What happens when you die?"

Cordelia grimaced slightly; it was not every day even for the Supreme to be asked such a question. "Um, generally speaking, when a Supreme dies, it's because her energy is absorbed by the next Supreme. So, it can be said that the most important task of the Supreme is to find her successor while she's still alive." Which my mother failed to do, Cordelia silently added.

"You don't feel like your energy is sucked up by someone yet?"

"…No…No, I don't."

"But you can get killed in a conventional way, too, yes? Like, getting shot or getting hit by a car?"

The Supreme was dumfounded at this point, her mouth left open and forgotten. She had dealt with the press many times, and some of them were quite rude, but she had never been asked so casually about her death. It confused her even more that the wild blonde didn't seem to notice the graveness of her inquiry. What is she trying to achieve here?

"Are you, planning to kill me or something?"

Misty cocked her head as if the other woman had said something strange. Glancing sideways, she pondered for a hot second before shaking her head. "Nope."

"Are you sure? Because there was a pause before you said no."

"Nah, I'm sure, yeah. I am not trying to kill you."

Cordelia had no clue how to react. Is she mocking me? Why me? Who is this woman? What does she want from me? Take back what she had said earlier; the wild blonde couldn't hold a conversation like a regular person. Cordelia's brain seemed to have given up on her, and all she could do was to sip her tea pathetically, eyes staring into space. Silence occupied the room ever again.

Just as the deafening silence was about to drive Cordelia insane, there was a light knock on the heavy door of the greenhouse. Behind the door was Zoe, standing awkwardly.

"Sorry if I interrupted you're alone time, but I came to fetch you for dinner." The brunette glanced over Cordelia's shoulder but said nothing to the other woman inside.

"Ah, I'll skip it tonight. I'm not really-"

"But it's the anniversary. I thought you were giving a speech." The girl knotted her brows in confusion.

"Shit, I totally forgot. You know what? I'll be there soon. Thanks."

And with that, Zoe walked away swiftly. This entire weird situation messed up her brain, and it has slipped out of her mind that it was the second anniversary of her ascension to the Supremacy. She couldn't miss this dinner. On the second thought, she was actually grateful for the interruption. God knows the conversation with the wild blonde was going absolutely nowhere.

"Misty? I'm sorry but I-"

Sighing quietly, the Supreme turned around to ask the other to leave. But there was no one in the greenhouse but herself. She looked around in puzzlement. The only exit was blocked by her, but there was no sign of the wild blonde anywhere, either. She considered the possibility that she might've been delusional, but there was nothing to cause a delusion, and there was a cup with cinnamon residue on the table. What on earth is she? Cordelia sighed greatly, and she put the cups in the sink before heading back to the academy building.

The wild blonde watched the door shut behind the other woman, her legs swinging from the island. The greenhouse was such a cozy place for the woman, and she could easily spend hours in there. But it was her duty to watch the Supreme until her time. She jumped off of the island and walked to the door. Cordelia had locked it, but it didn't matter to the wild blonde as she walked right through it.