Regina sits on the bed with a shaking hand holding her phone, the bright screen showing her son's name and her thumbs hovering over the button that will allow her to talk to him. She wants to tell her son what Belle had said, that he could live here with them every few weeks.

But she's scared, terrified of his answer.

She had been so excited about the prospect of seeing her son more often that she hadn't given a thought to the possibility that he might say no.

What if he says no?

But she shouldn't be so nervous, this is her son, and with a quick flick of her finger, her phone is ringing.
Regina tries to keep the waver of uncertainty out of her voice as she asks Henry in a shy voice if he'd like to live with her in Rumple's mansion every other week.

"I'd love to Mom!" Henry shouts into the phone excitedly.

Hearing Henry's excitement eases Regina's nervousness greatly, causing her to let out the breath she hadn't known she'd been holding.

Hearing Henry's voice as he talks about his day at school and everything he can think to tell his Mother now eases her worry, and she allows her tight grip on the phone to loosen.

After a few minutes of rambling on Henry's side, he asks eagerly, "when can I move in?"

"As soon as you want," Regina chuckles with a tearful smile.

Her eyes shining with emotion. With all her stress, day after day, the only thought that manages to bring a smile to her face is her son. Regina needs this, someone to show her she can be happy.

At the thought of seeing her son who she had missed so dearly, makes her smile. Thinking of everything they could do together, just as they had when he was younger.

Minutes later, she descends the stairs of the large mansion. Despite her efforts, she can't seem to stop smiling.

She had gotten dressed today. For the past few weeks she had been resting in casual attire, however, Regina's casual attire may be seen as a little more classy from someone else's point of view. Today, having heard not only her son's voice, but also his eager answer of staying with her at her current place of residence, she has decided to change.

Her whole demeanor brightening.

"What's got you so cheerful?" Rumple asks curiously as she walks into the living room, never having seen an honest smile on Regina's face since she had come to stay in the house.

"Henry's coming," she says giving a shy smile to the pair sitting next to each other on the couch.

"He's moving in?" Belle asks smiling as she sees Regina's obviously changed mood, having looked up from her book in excitement.

Regina nods, her smile only brightening by the second by merely thinking about the time she'll be able to spend with her son.

"That's wonderful news!" Rumple exclaims smiling, happy to finally see Regina smiling.

He thinks that he might be able to see some of the young queen he had met all those years ago. The smile on her face only reminding him of when she was younger. How she looked when she was happy. A smile he wishes to never see vanished.

Sitting cautiously next to Rumple on the couch she asks, "will you... will you check on my child?"

Rumple nods sensing Regina's concern, "of course."

"I'll give you some privacy," Belle says, walking into the kitchen, no doubt starting on dinner.

Regina thinks about all the meals Belle has cooked for her since her stay, how she had never once complained about adding another place setting to the table.

I need to help her more, maybe cook her a meal for a change. She already does so much.

Turning her attention back to Rumple, she smiles thinking of her son once again.

Seeing the smile on Regina's face, Rumple says, "are you sure you're not just trying to zap me with your weird baby magic?" He teases as he moves his hands to hover over Regina's abdomen.

Always being cautious, knowing Regina's well placed distrust in him.

Regina chuckles, "I'd use something a bit stronger if I'd want to 'zap' you."

"I would expect nothing less," Rumple hums as he feels the rush of energy, "I will never get used to that." Rumple says taking a deep breath and lowering his hands.

Please don't cause your Mother too much harm.

Regina smiles looking down at her stomach affectionately, "does it hurt?"

"Sometimes... but nothing I can't handle."

"Rumple?" Regina asks in a whisper, her insecurities running through her mind.


"If my child is so powerful... why don't you want to use her for yourself? Her power... is that what you're planning on doing?" Regina says cautiously moving slightly at the sudden thought.

Rumple takes a deep breath at the question he knew she'd ask eventually, "I know I have done terrible things, especially to you. And I know, it will take time to gain your trust. I don't expect anything more or anything less. You have every reason to not trust me, or my motives. But, I do not want to use your child. I know that I can do nothing to show you that I'm telling the truth. How sincere I really am. But I promise you, I won't use your child."

"Even if she could bring back the dead?"

Rumple nods, without a thought saying, "yes. Even then."
Sorry for the really long wait. I hope you liked the chapter, I know it was short but I'd appreciate reviews.
Thank you ALL so much for reading my story.