So, this is an AU in case you didn't know. Dick is 14 in this but is still a Teen Titan and everything. Jason was the first Robin and died nine months after Dick was adopted (Dick was 9).

Also, Jason's death is closer to the comics, but still has sprinkles of me in it.

This may be a little confusing at first, but once you find out the POV, it's simple.

Disclaimer: I do not own Teen Titans or any of these characters.

If you weren't familiar with the sounds, Arkham Asylum was scary. You heard Joker's evil cackles resounding around the grounds, Two-Face's coin flipping (don't ask him how you could hear it), Killer Croc's roars at every passing human, Riddler spouting riddles faster than a fountain spouted water, and Scarface cussing Batman out. Basically a typical day at Arkham.

The man had hacked into the databases and found his target's cell easily, so he was prepared when he entered the mental prison. He snuck through the halls to Cell 0801 and picked the lock, pushing open the door and trying to ignore how loud the laughs were now.

The laughs stopped abruptly when the Joker realized someone was in his cell with him.

Joker looked up at the man and smiled. "Now, who might you be? Another fan of mine?" The clown laughed hysterically, rolling around in his straitjacket.

The man narrowed his eyes and brought the gun out from the holster in his boot. He aimed it at the maniac's head. "No. See you in hell you crazy ass clown."

Joker looked at the man and hummed. "Can't I know who's gonna kill me? After all, you didn't just barge in her because you dislike clowns, you have a personal vendetta. Against little old me."

Red Hood narrowed his eyes and slowly reached up with one hand and pulled the latch, lifting the helmet off his head. Joker's face brightened considerably. "Bird boy! Ya know, I thought Batsy didn't like killing, yet you're the second partner of his that's tried to kill me! Ah, memories." Joker cackled crazily, chest heaving up and down.

Jason narrowed his eyes farther. "Second partner?" Jason growled menacingly.

Joker calmed down and looked into the domino mask. "You mean no one told you? Well, after you died, Bird Boy #2 was kinda in a dark place. So was Batsy, who put me in a body cast for 6 months, but Bird Boy was worse. Of course, as soon as the cast came off, I was gone, and that's when he struck..."


Robin burst into the warehouse he knew Joker was in and defeated the henchmen in record time, even for Batman.

He flew up the stairs, his cape closer to touching the ceiling than the floor. He kicked the door to Joker's makeshift office and immediately released six birdarangs, pinning Harley Quinn and the two hyenas to the wall.

Robin gave Joker a feral grin that made Joker a little jealous. He jumped up onto the desk Joker was sitting at and took out a birdarang.

"I'm gonna enjoy this." Robin said in a deathly low voice, glaring hatefully at Joker.

Joker lunged for the ladder and climbed up hurriedly out of fear, Robin on his tail. They reached the roof and Joker whirled around, laughing suddenly for no apparent reason.

"Ya know kiddo, Batman doesn't like killing. I, as you most certainly know, enjoy it. I revel in it." Joker cackled.

"Since you seem to love death so much, perhaps I should introduce you to him." Robin growled.

"Wow, I'm proud Boy Blunder. The first one was always so angry and never frightened me, but you. You get angry once and I'm running to the rooftops. Just shows how insignificant he was. Insignificant things need to be disposed of." Joker howled with his high-pitched crazy laughter.

That was the last straw for Robin. Joker could not, would not, get away with both killing and insulting his brother. His face changed to one of inhuman fury and he lunged at the Joker, who backed up out of fear.

Robin punched at Joker, who deflected it just barely only for Robin's foot to come up and break his nose, sending him stumbling. Joker fell back another step and half his foot was met with empty air, leaving him precariously perched on the edge of a rooftop.

Joker looked past the tears forming in his eyes to see a gloved hand extending. He reached for it, expecting it to pull him up, only for it to jerk forward and push him off the rooftop.

He fell backwards and expected to hit the hard cement only to hit the hard chest of Batman and glide gracefully down to the sidewalk where the Police were waiting. He looked up at Robin and saw him glaring with enough force at Batman that Joker was sure if it was directed at himself he would've peed his pants.

End Flashback

Joker finished his retelling with an inhumane cackle. "That was the last I saw of him! Last I heard he was in Jump City, starting a Junior Justice League."

Jason narrowed his eyes and shot Joker through the head. "Thanks for the info. Looks like I need to take care of something in Jump City."

In Robin's dreams

Dick knew Jason wasn't just enjoying his mother's company. Jason never left Dick without some kind of message this long, no matter how distracted or happy he was. That left one thing. Something bad happened to him.

Dick took out his wrist computer and tracked Jason. He hurried out of the apartment they were waiting for Jason in, quickly donning the leotard version of Jason's costume.

He leaped off of the bike after skidding to a stop at a warehouse and flew towards the warehouse door. He heard Jason's shuddering breaths. Dick took the lockpick out of his utility belt and started working on the rusted lock.

"Jason, can you hear me? I'm gonna get you out, just stay calm." Dick strained his ears to hear the response.

"Dickie, there's a bomb. Get outta here now!" Jason's voice sounded wet. Oh shit, he was internally bleeding.

Dick bit back a sob as he shoved part of the lock out of the way. He's halfway there. "I won't leave my brother alone. You never left me, and you're not gonna die." Dick's voice was cracking horribly, as if he knew it wasn't true.

Jason started to cough wetly. Damn, he must be bleeding horribly. "Joker knew you were coming. Don't let Robin die, Dick. I love you." Jason whispered just loud enough for Dick to hear who did this to his older brother.

Dick forced the last part out of the way and discarded the lock quickly, swinging the door open to be met with his older brother tackling him to the ground as the warehouse exploded. A piece of the door knocked Jason off Dick and pinned his now motionless body to the ground.

Dick leaped up and tried to push the door off Jason, but couldn't until Batman came to help him. Dick started crying as Batman looked for a pulse and looked up at him, shaking his head.

"JASON!" Dick screamed, throwing his body atop his brother's.

Robin jolted up in his bed in a cold sweat, tears in his eyes.

He sighed, wiping away the tears in his eyes with his sleeve and heading to the bathroom for a shower. When he got out, he felt slightly better. Robin dried off and got into a clean costume, glancing at his calendar he had hung up. He gasped and went right back to feeling like shit.

Today, proof in the big red circle around the date and x's leading up to it, was April 27th. Four years ago today, Jason Todd had died.

So, how was that? I liked it, please tell me what you thought, even if it's only through a :) or :(...!