Huh. It seems like people aren't interested in romance. Guess I'll be toning it down to the minimum after this... I'm not making a poll though. Knowing me, it'll be made for nothing.

Anyways, please R&R.

BTW, this chapter has genderbending. Temporary genderbending.

Chapter Three: The Hogwarts Cards - Gryffindor Part 2

Though this wasn't the original Hogwarts, the one in the world of duel spirits, it was still his Hogwarts and Harry loved being here. He came here almost every night in his dreams and sometimes it would become the center of his existence.

Except that he kinda wished he had never gone over there for tonight.


Well, that was because Fred and George had been messing with one of Snape's potions, again, and we're looking for someone to test it on, again, so everyone had hidden away and forgotten to tell Harry. Harry, who's physical body was affected by whatever happens to him here. Harry, who had to use the at times useful, at times not creations that the twins (and Snape) came up with. Harry, who really didn't want to have to wake up a girl and explain that to his roommates.

Yes, the twins threw an unfinished genderbending potion at him, which was absolutely fabulous, since Harry was currently rooming with three guys in a boarding school and not in the privacy of his own home. His adoptive siblings and father didn't care too much about the weird things that sometimes happened around him, as long as it wasn't dangerous, saying that they had seen weirder. They were aquatinted with magic.

Now though, he had to either somehow explain why he had spontaneously become a woman to his three male, and very much muggle roommates or avoid them.


The latter was probably better, Harry thought to himself as he snuggled deeper into the covers, making sure his body was completely covered.

"Er... Harry?" That was Jaden. "It's time to go to class, you know?"

"I don't feel very good," Harry's voice came out muffled as he shifted so that one eye was visible. "Tell the teacher I'm sick, yeah?"

"Should I get you the nurse?" Syrus' voice drifted over, sounding concerned.

"Nah, I think it's just a cold," Harry lied, sniffling for effect. "I'm sure I'll be as right as rain soon enough."

"Well, if you're sure. Come on, Syrus! We'll be late if we don't hurry!"

"Ah, Aniki!"

Then the door shut.

Harry waited for a moment and deduced that Chumley had already left from the lack of sounds. He relaxed with a sigh. Good, so far everything's gone fine. But, now what was he supposed to do?

His stomach rumbled and he groaned softly. Damnit, he was hungry. But he couldn't go out like this. He sat up, letting the covers fall off his body, and looked around. As he did, something fluttered down onto his pillow. Frowning, he picked it up. It was a card depicting a half-full vial of some blue potion.

Genderbending Potion

His hand tightened and the card was scrunched up.

Goddamn those twins...

Luckily, despite that disaster, the week he was trapped as a girl went quite smoothly. Jaden and Syrus were eager to help and bring his meals to his rooms and all and Jaden, who hated to be trapped in hospital-like places, managed to convince Syrus to not call the nurse.

The potion wore off just in time for the exams, though he did miss going to see Jaden duel Alexis Rhodes for Syrus' freedom. The incident had him wondering, yet again, how people kept on getting Jaden's number without him giving it to them.

He couldn't wait to duel again - and get Fred and George to come over so he could scream at them, since they had been avoiding him ever since.

He got another surprise in the early morning of his exams though. There was a note under his pillow with what looked like instructions on it.

Try Pendulum Summoning.

Harry blinked, squinting at the instructions. He gave up quickly after the second sentence. Then he turned the note around and quickly scribbled on it.

Fat chance. Go disturb the timeline elsewhere.

It wasn't long before a reply formed.

But it's pissing off Fate.

Harry rolled his eyes, ripped up the note and fell back asleep. Death was a jerk.

The next time he woke, it was because of the alarm clock and Syrus' shrieking. Apparently, the shorter (and didn't Harry enjoy that?) boy was praying to Slifer for good results on his tests.

"Praying isn't going to work unless you give a sacrifice, you know?" Harry commented absently as he got ready for the day.

"S-sacrifice?" Syrus squeaked, turning away from where he was trying to wake Jaden despite Chumley's suggestion.

"Yeah. Gods like that. You know, the soul of a loved one, the heart of a true friend. If you offer something like that, they might answer your pleas," Harry added, still groggy with sleep. He was being truthful. Many gods did like that and usually wouldn't pay attention unless there was something really weird going on. Although perhaps it wasn't the best time to bring it up...

"Ah! Don't die Jaden, I'm so sorry!" Syrus practically screamed, "And I'm going to be late if I don't go soon, so please don't die!" With that, he sprinted from the room, leaving Harry blinking after him.

"Okay..." Harry muttered.

"What the hell was that about?" Chumley questioned.

"Beats me. I'm leaving. I hope Jaden manages to get up soon."

Jaden didn't manage to get up soon, but he did, at least, manage to make it before the test ended. Although it was all for nought since he and Syrus ended up sleeping the test away. Harry did about three quarters of the paper test, with Hermione's anxious hovering in the back of his mind (she'd never help him cheat, but he never told her that her presence gave away the answers to all his questions), before joining the other two and taking a nap.

A commotion woke him up just in time to see everyone storm straight out of there for some reason or another. He frowned, confused, but luckily Bastion was there to explain.

"The rare cards are coming today, so everyone wants to stock up on them for the practical exams," the Ra student had informed him before going to help him wake up Jaden and Syrus. Jaden was more easy to wake this time, it only took shaking his shoulders to wake him and Syrus and they immediately flew into a panic at the reason the class was empty.

Since Bastion had no interest in the cards, Harry decided to accompany Jaden and Syrus to the shop, despite his own disinterest. His deck held a sentimental value. Well, his decks, all three of them (because Voldemort refused to be in the same deck as the 'light idiots' and Severus didn't want to 'room with a werewolf'. In the end, Hermione and Ron had helped him build decks to everyone's satisfaction. Or, well, mostly. Severus still had to stay in the same deck as a werewolf sometimes).

Unfortunately, for Jaden and Syrus, the shop was empty and all out of cards by the time they got there. Except for one pack, which Jaden decided to let Syrus take. Luckily for Jaden though, his big heart got him a reward in the form of a pack of rare cards that the owner gave him.

It wasn't long before the exams started. And that was when Harry got his first taste of this school's idiocy. Or, well, Crowler's.

They had set Chazz up against Jaden, though Jaden didn't seem to mind. But the irritating thing was that Harry himself was against another Slifer when there were an even number of Slifers. Why didn't they just put Harry against Jaden?

"Oi!" Harry called out right after Jaden expressed his delight. "Why am I not against a blue? I beat you, too! And, anyways, there's an even number of Slifers, why didn't you just pit Jaden against me? You people don't make sense!"

"Ah, that's true!" Jaden decided with a firm nod.

"I want to battle a yellow. After all, there's an odd number of blues and yellows, but an even number of reds, isn't there?" Harry decided.

"What? But it's already-" Crowler's protest was cut off by a light-hearted chuckle from Sheppard, the principal.

"Very well. Bastion Misawa, Harry J. Pegasus, you two shall become opponents. And the two Slifer's who are opposing you can duel against each other for this exam." Said Slifer students let out simultaneous sighs of relief. "Please change duel fields!"

Harry waved goodbye to his opponent and went to join Bastion.

The other smiled at his approach and held out a hand for him to shake, which Harry took with a grin. "I'm very excited to be dueling you. With you and Jaden around, I have no idea where I truly place in this year," Bastion commented.

"Ah, it's an honor to duel you for me as well. I hear you're incredibly smart. I can't wait to see what deck you'll use against me," Harry replied.

"Unfortunately, you haven't given me enough information for me to calculate a method to defeat you, nor do I have much information on these... Xyz summons, but I believe you will not win easy."

"I hope that's the case. I'm looking forwards to such a challenge." Harry gave one last grin before they parted to go to their respective places. "I'll let you go first! Hit me with all you've got!" Harry looked over the cards he had drawn and nodded in determination. He didn't just have a good hand, he had a great one! Those three double summons he had in each deck were awesome.

"Gladly! I draw!" Bastion smirked at the cards in his hand and then at Harry. "I overheard some people talking about how you loved to use the fire attrbutes in your deck the most! Are you prepared to face monsters who can wash you away?"

"Is that a challenge? If so, I accept!"


What? It's all in the name of good fun, Hermione!

But still, it obviously means he's going to use monsters that have effects detrimental to fire attribute users. And he's probably added in a couple of cards that will kill spellcasters.

Don't worry, Hermione. I'll handle it!

"Very well," Bastion said before summoning a weird watery dinosaur thing. "I summon Hydrogedon (Lv4 1600/1000) in Attack position! Then I lay two cards face down and end my turn."

"My turn then, draw!" Harry grinned as he looked at the card he drew. Fate must be helping him or something because of his actions this morning. Fred, Gregory, Double Summon, Ruby Hourglass, Hogwarts and Pot of Greed. Not bad at all. "First, I activate Pot of Greed, allowing me to draw two cards," Harry announced. His face lit up when he saw the cards. Ginny and Field Barrier! "Then I activate Hogwarts' Ruby-Filled Hourglass! Everytime I summon a fire attribute Hogwarts Spellcaster, special, flip or normal summon, I get to put one House Point Counter on this card!" The hourglass appeared behind him.

"Then, I activate a monster effect from my hand! When there's a monster on my opponent's field, I can special summon Ginny, the Hogwarts Warrior (Lv3 1400/400)! She'll be in attack position." The fiery redhead appeared on the field with a smirk and gave Hary a wink. Harry grinned. "Then I summon Fred, the Hogwarts Prankster (1500/1000)! And with his effect, I get to call forth his brother, George (1500/1000 - 2000/1500) as well and give him a power boost!" Three rubies appeared in the hourglass behind Harry and the twin read heads appeared in front of Harry, resolutely not looking at him. Harry could see sweat beading on their necks and he smiled sweetly. "But I'm not stopping there, I activate Double Summon! This card allows me to normal summon again this turn. So, I'll summon Gregory, the Hogwarts Guard Dog (1900/1900)! With him, comes his best friend, Vincent (1400/1000 - 1900/1500), who also gets a power boost!"

A tremendous cheer went up as Hary paused. He looked at the audience and deduced that they were torn between watching his duel and Jaden's. He glanced to the other field and was surprised that Jaden was being overwhelmed. He was doing much better.

"Then I activate Hogwarts, School of Witchcraft and Wizardry!" Placing said card in his field spell zone, he smirked as the castle walls rose around them, Hogwarts in all its magical glory. "Next, I activate Field Barrier, which prevents the setting of a new field spell and the destruction of the current one!" A transparent dome rose around Hogwarts. Bastion frowned slightly, as if displeased and Harry grinned. "Now, it's time for battle!"

"I activate Threatening Roar, which prevents you from attacking this turn." Harry scowled at that, but then he grinned. He knew it wouldn't be an easy win.

"I end my turn."

"My turn. I draw!" Bastion smirked down at the card he drew. "I summon Oxygedon, in attack mode!" A dragon-like creature made of Oxygen appeared next to Hydrogedon. "Now, Hydrogedon, attack Fred!" The dinosaur opened its maw to release what looked like a torrent of rushing water at the read headed wizard.

"I activate Gregory's effect!" Harry interrupted. "Once per turn, I can redirect an attack to him!" Gregory jumped in front of Fred, easily holding his own against the attack.

"Spell card activate! Rush Recklessly. This gives my Hydrogedon 700 attack points (1600/1000 - 2300/1000)!" The dinosaur ceased its attack and instead rushed towards the Slytherin, tossing him in the air and destroying him. (LP - 3600/4000, Vincent: 1900/1500 - 1400/1000)

"When Hydrogedon destroys a monster, I can special summon another one from my deck," Bastion informed him. An identical creature appeared next to the first. "And it can still attack. Hydrogedon, destroy Vincent!"

This time, Harry could do nothing but watch as Vincent was destroyed. (LP - 3400/4000) Yet another Hydrogedon appeared on the field.

"Now, Hydrogedon, attack Ginny!"

Ginny was destroyed in much the same way, by a blast of what looked like muddy water. (LP - 3200/4000)

"Oxygedon, attack Fred!" Oxygedon attacked in much the same way Hydrogedon did. The attack easily blasted Fred to smithereens. (LP - 2900/4000, George: 2000/1500 - 1000/500) Harry bit his lip as he watched George visibly deflate and lose both attack and defense points.

At Bastion's questioning look, Harry clarified, "George loses an additional 500 attack and defense points when Fred is destroyed by battle."

"Well, my turn's not over yet because I play the spell card Bonding H2O! Using two of my Hydrogedons as tributes along with my Oxygedon, I can summon Water Dragon (Lv8 2800/2600)!" Bastion smiled up at his ultimate monster, a large serpent made of water. A wave of water drenched George (1000/500 - 0/500) "Unfortunately, my battle phase is already over, but Water Dragon reduces the attack of all fire types to 0. I end my turn."

"I draw!" Harry hoped to God this was a good draw, otherwise he'd be down to 100 life points this turn. "I activate Graceful Charity which allows me to draw three cards, but then discard two." He smiled down at his cards. Perfect. Sorry, Ron, Luna. He'd have to discard them, but Fate was definitely helping him. "I sacrifice George to summon Professor McGonagal, the Hogwarts Transfiguration Master (1800/2200 - 0/2200) in defense mode!" The stern professor did not look amused to have to be kneeling in defense mode when she appeared. She didn't look amused when she was drenched in water, either. Another ruby appeared in the hourglass. "I end my turn."

"Well, then, it's my turn now. I draw," Bastion glanced at his card before pointing towards Harry's professor. "Water Dragon, attack!" The blast of water destroyed Professor McGonagal, but in her place appeared a tabby cat. Another ruby fell into the hourglass.

"When Professor McGonagal is destroyed, I can special summon Minerva, the Cat Animagus (?/?)," Harry said with a grin. "And her attack and defense equal to the number of spells and traps on the field times 300 plus the number of level four or lower fire attribute Hogwarts spellcasters in the grave times 500. You do the math." Three spells on Harry's side and one face down on Bastion's.

"But that's only... 2700!" Bastion announced in confusion when Minerva bristled, her attack and defense becoming 3200.

"No, because of one of the cards I discarded with Graceful Charity. You remember Ron, right? From my entrance exams?" Harry grinned. Bastion's eyes widened.

"I switch Hydrogedon to defense mode and end my turn."

"Then it's my turn, draw!" Harry smiled at the card he drew. "I special summon Neville, the Hogwarts Defender (Lv3 500/2000 - 0/2000) from my hand in defense position. Neville can be special summoned when there is a level seven or above monster on my opponent's field. Additionally, when he is successfully summoned this way, I can add one fire attribute monster with 1500 or less attack from my deck to my hand." Neville appeared on field, crouched down, and got soked by Water Dragon. Quickly, he found Hermione and added her to his hand. "Then I summon the very monster I had just gotten. Hermione, the Hogwarts Spellmaster (1400/1500 - 0/1500)! And add a spell card to my hand with her ability." The bushy-haired witch did not look happy at the drenching she got. There was a total of seven rubies now. "I activate the effect of Hogwarts' Ruby-filled Hourglass. By tributing it, I can summon a monster from my grave with equal or less levels as the number of House Point counters on it. So, using my hourglass, I summon Professor McGonagal (1800/2200 - 0/2200) back to the field."

The hourglass cracked and then burst open, rubies falling out, to reveal Harry's professor inside. As soon as the stern witch stepped out, she was drenched by water.

"Then, I tune Hermione with Professor McGonagal," there was a collective gasp as Hermione jumped up, only to become four hoops of light and McGonagal followed, becoming six stars, "to Synchro summon Hogwarts Founder Godric Gryffindor (Godric: Lv10 3500/2900 - 0/2900, Minerva: 3400/3400)!" And from the light, the Hogwarts Founder appeared. He was a man with red curly hair and blue eyes. His body was covered in armor and expensive red robes and he had a staff in his hand.

Bastion's eyes were wide and there was a sudden silence. Even the other pairs who were dueling were watching them. Of course, it was Jaden that had to break the silence. "So that's what a Synchro summon looks like! Cool!" The naive boy exclaimed. That brought up a cheer from the crowd of both surprise and awe.

Harry grinned over at Chazz, who was looking at Godric in shock, and Jaden, who was nearly vibrating in excitement despite the fact that he was practically losing to Chazz.

"Also, because Hermione entered then grave, Minerva gains attack, though she loses some due to the hourglass not being here anymore," Harry then informed Bastion, after the crowd had somewhat calmed down. "Anyways, do you like my cards? Father loves them, though not as much as his toons."

"That is quite amazing," Bastion intoned, voice soft with awe.

"That's not it though, because I equip Godric with the Sword of Gryffindor!" Godric held up his free hand and a magnificent sword appeared in it. "The best part of it is that the Sword of Gryffindor inverts all decreases to attack. Meaning, instead of losing 3500 attack due to Water Dragon's effect, he gains 3500 attack." (0/2900 - 7000/2900)

"S-seven thousand!?" Bastion gasped. He then narrowed his eyes. "I activate Ring of Destruction and target Minerva! Ring of Destruction destroys one face up monster and inflicts damage equal to its attack to both of us."

Harry's eyes widened. Dang it, if this went off, he'd lose. But...

"Godric's effect can activate now! When I take damage due to a card effect, I can send one spell card from my deck to my grave to deal the same amount of damage to you. So, you take 6800 damage in total!" The ring on Minerva's neck exploded, destroying her, and at the same time, Godric cut through the explosion to strike Bastion. (LP - 0/0) "It's a draw!" He managed to shout after the smoke cleared.

The holograms all faded away and Bastion was still looking surprised. The audience cheered all around them and there was a huge explosion from Jaden's field. Harry caught a glimpse of a Kuriboh with dragon-shaped armor. "I did not expect that," he commented as Harry walked over. "That was a great duel though. You're very good."

"You're not too bad yourself. In fact, that was one of the most challenging duels I've had since coming here. Never expected that face down to be Ring of Destruction, since you were obviously using a different deck from the one you used at the entrance exams," Harry complimented with a smile.

"Ah, you saw that? I saw your duel as well, of course. It was very impressive. Even more so than Jaden's. I never thought I'd be able to duel you to a draw."

"Harry! That was great!" Jaden called over from his field. He had yet to finish, but it appeared that the playing field was even now. "You, too Bastion! Now, I have to win!" He grinned at Chazz and drew his card. "I summon, Elemental Hero Avian (Lv3 1000/1000)! And he has just the right amount of attack points to win this for me!"

When Avian destroyed the last of Chazz's life points, the audience cheered again and Sheppard's voice rang out over the intercom, congratulating Jaden, Harry and Bastion and proclaiming Jaden a Ra Yellow. Bastion and Hary both walked over to the widely grinning Jaden.

"I guess this means you'll be in my dorm now. Congrats, and welcome to Ra Yellow, Jaden," Bastion said.


"I guess this means I get your bunk now, Jaden," was Harry's response, "Thanks!"


In the end though, Jaden didn't move into Ra Yellow and Harry didn't get his bunk. Instead, Jaden stayed in Slifer, but was forced to move Harry's bed into their room since Harry had moved it out and was angry at his efforts being wasted (he actually used a simple levitation charm, but still).

Used Cards:

Ginny, the Hogwarts Warrior - Lv3, Fire, Spellcaster/Effect, 1400/400

When there's a monster on the opponent's side of the field, you can special summon this monster from your hand.

Neville, the Hogwarts Defender - Lv3, Fire, Spellcaster/Effect, 500/2000

If there is a level 7 or above monster on the opponent's field, you can special summon this card from your hand. If you successfully summon this card that way, you can add one Hogwarts monster with less than 1500 attack from your deck to your hand.

Hogwarts Founder Godric Gryffindor - Lv10, Fire, Spellcaster/Effect, 3500/2900

1 Fire attribute Tuner + 1 Level 5 or above Hogwarts non-tuner

When the opponent activates a card effect which deals damage (to any player), you can deal the amount of damage dealt to a selected player to the controller of the card by sending one spell card from your deck to your graveyard. If this card is destroyed and sent to the graveyard, you can remove it from play to summon the synchro materials from the graveyard.

The Sword of Gryffindor - Equip Spell Card

Ignore the all reductions in attack points of the equipped monster. Instead, the equipped monster gains attack points equal to the total amount attack points that would have been deducted from the equipped monster's attack. When the equipped monster would be destroyed, destroy this card instead.

Mentioned Cards:

Luna, the Hogwarts Seer

All other cards were mentioned/used previously or actually exist.

Please R&R.