/ Author's note: Hello reader people,this is kinda my second fanfiction. Let's just say I don't think people liked my first one very much so I think I have given up on that one

So this is based on the song Girls like Girls by Hayley Kiyoko it's a good song. I easily can give a story line to it so here we go/

Korra was at a Fire Ferret concert,She was with her friend Opal. Korra was in the middle of playing the air guitar,She thought she was killing it while Opal thought she looked like a dork but she was too wasted to give two fucks or even one. She was laughing so hard to where she was in tears. She laughed even harder when Korra started trying to dance while playing the air guitar and she accidentally knocked over and fall on top of someone. Her eyes widden as Opal was now on the ground laughing so much it hurt. Korra find her eyes staring into beautiful green eyes as her cheeks tinted a light pink,the other girls was staring back at her into her eyes. "Uhhh should I get off of you?" Korra asked,rubbing the back of her neck nervously. Asami giggled,"Y-You're veyr pretyful" she told Korra. Korra nodded as she blushed,"And you're drunk..." She stood up and extended her hand to help the drunk girl up. The drunk girl slapped her hand away. "I'm fine" Asami said in a drunken state.

Asami tried to stand up but when she was almost all the way up. She started to lose her balance and fall. She gasped in shock as she started to fall. Korra quickly caught her without a second thought. Asami smiled at Korra ,"Thank you my hero" Korra chuckled as she brought the girl to her feet."I usually go by Korra,You?" she asked the green eyed beauty. Asami smiled happily,"I'm Drunk remember? I actually go by Asami since that is my name" She put her hand out for Korra to shake it,Korra took shook her hand as she once again got last in her eyes. Korra then noticed bruises in a shape of finger prints on Asami's shoulder. She was about to comment on her discovery when a guy with black hiar and with Tangerine colored eyes stepped up next to Asami. "Hello I'm Mako the leader singer and guitarist for the Fire Ferrets and Asami's boyfriend,what's going on here?" he asked.

Korra smiled at her,"I accidentally ran into Asami and she seems drunk"

Asami pouted at Korra,"I am not drunk my hero" she chuckled while Korra gave her an 'Oh really' look. Mako glared at Asami then at Korra. "My hero?" he asked while growling. "oh I saved her from falling." Korra told Mako so Asami didn't have to explain. He grabbed Asami wrist tightly and she whimpered in pain. "Yo bro chill" She glared at Mako not liking how he was touching Asami. She clenched her fist as anger boiled up inside her. Mako laughed,"I'll kick her ass,leave her alone till you calm the fuck down" She growled as loud as she could even Opal and Asami flinched at the sound. Mako let go of Asami arm and stromed off.

Korra gave Asami a look,"what the fuck was that?"

Asami sighed,"He has a bit of a anger problem if you haven't noticed." She chuckled sadly. Korra wrapped her arms around the girl she just met but cared about a great deal already even though she didn't know why. Asami leaned into her hesitantly because she was worried Mako was still around but once she looked he wasn't any where to be seen so she relaxed into Korra.

Korra wrote her number down on a piece of paper and handed it to Asami,"You can call or text if you ever need me or just wanna hang out and do stuff together." she rubbed the back of her neck again. Asami took the paper and put it in her purse. "Thanks that really means a lot" She had just now ended up really looking into Korra's beautiful blue orbs. She must of seemed to stare forever at the tan skinned girl who she was leaning against for comfort even though she barely knew this girl yet felt so safe being next to her. Asami was about to say something to Korra when Mako showed up in front of them. He eyes filled with guilt and sadness.

Mako looked at Asami,then glared at Korra who still had her arms around her. Korra slowly backed away not because she was scared for her safety but for Asami's. Mako eyes soften again I'm really sorry Asami,You know I didn't mean it like that and that I love you" he said sighing. Asami ran up to him and kissed him obviously forgiving him even though how he touched her was sicking,probably why Korra felt a sickness to her stomach as Mako kissed her back throwing his arms around Asami's. Korra couldn't stay to watch them be all lovey dovey so she sprinted off and out of the Arena. She didn't know why she felt like she did. She didn't drink that much but she felt really sick. She slowly walked home in the dark. Her mind full with thoughts she didn't know the answer too.

Why do I feel so weird? Why is she with that jerk? Why is she so beautiful? Why do I care so much? All those questions going through her mind,confusing her even more than she already was. She was looking at the ground kicking a rock,She thought of the kiss between Mako and Asami. Her blood boiled yet again and she kicked the rock as hard as she could and accidentally through someone's car window and she took of sprinting again as the car alarm went off as she didn't want to get caught for the damage done to the person's car even though it was her fault. She finally ended up at her apartment. She was panting trying to catch her breath from running away from what she had done or maybe she was trying to run from what she was feeling. She shook her head,she wanted to push those thoughts aside. She walked up the stairs to her apartment and walked inside to see Naga waiting for her. Naga barked with joy and licked her owners face.
Korra yelp and yelled "Yuck Naga really right now?!" The polar bear dog put her head down and eyes bent down. Korra sighed and pat the dog. "I'm sorry buddy just a lot on my mind right now" she said and the dog cheered up a little bit.

Korra took of the clothes,She wore to the concert and put on a tanktop and shorts as She crawled into her queen size bed. She felt Naga crawl into the bed with her. She smiled at Naga. "What should I do Girl,She is beautiful but as a boyfriend and I have never dated let alone a girl. How embarrasing right" Naga barked in agreement as Korra glared at her. "Thanks a lot,Naga you're so supportive." She said sarcastically. Naga just waged her tail happily as her owner spoke to her. Korra chuckled at her dog. Her phone went off to tell her she had a new text message. She rolled over to see who it was actually to find Two new messages. One from Opal and one from a number she didn't know.

Opal: Thanks for ditching me loser :p

Korra chuckled as she quickly texted back to her

Korra: You're welcome dork

Korra almost forgot she had another message till her phone beeped again with yet another new message from the number. She was getting tired so she hoped she could stay awake long enough to read and reply to the messages, She pressed the read button. Two messages popped up on the screen.

Asami:Hey it's Asami,I'm so sorry that I lefted you when Mako showed up and said sorry. I'm just crazy about him

Korra frowned at that message but read on anyway to see what She had to say after that.

Asami: Please forgive me I looked everywhere for you after but couldn't find you. I'm an idiot I should have spent more time with you and told Mako to hit the road for the night. I'm truly sorry please don't hate me. forgive me. Let me make it up to you. Lunch tomorrow my treat? please reply I'm sorry

Korra smiled hsppy at the thought Asami regretted leaving her for that jerk of a so called boyfriend,She entered her nameinto her phone as Asami/Green eyed beauty. Hopefully no one ever saw that she thought to herself as she giggled. She was about to reply with half lidded eyes from being exhausted she tried everythong on her well power to try and message her back and say yes to lunch but her body took control and She dropped her phone on the floor as she fell into a deep sleep for the rest of the night.

/So that is it for this chapter comment on what you think of it. Also I need help should I make Korra and Kuriva just meet in a later chapter or should they already know eachother and are friends?

Tell me what you think also I need a beta for my stories please someone message me if you want to help me with that. I need someone soon hopefully.

I will try to update as much as I can at least once a week or more. I'll be having next chapter up at least by Tuesday sorry my sister is getting married Saturday and I have a busy weekend ahead for me but I'll try to get one up sooner. Thank you for reading/