"Well, come on!" The Doctor urgently called out from the hill above. "No use dawdling when a carnivorous plant is chasing you!"

Clara looked up at the small hill. It wasn't impossible, but it was still a very steep climb. "Give me a moment!" She said, bowed forward, catching her breath. Usually she would have no problem climbing it without any hardship, but it was proving to be especially difficult that day. She looked around and saw the walking, zombie like plant, almost at reach. She hysterically screamed as she finally made it up the hill.

"Come on!" The Doctor yanked on her wrist, and Clara was pulled into the TARDIS. They both leaned on the door and slid down onto the floor. Clara looked at the Doctor, and he looked back at her. Momentarily after their eyes met each other, they laughed.

"You were useless out there!" He teasingly provoked her.

"Excuse you! It's not my fault that you have long, skinny grasshopper legs!" She threw back a comment.

"Oooh. Ouch. I'm not the tall one, you're the short one. You're a little lass about yay high." He pointed to the ground. Clara huffed and gave him a punch. He rubbed the impact area. Clara sure did pack a punch.

"You deserved it." She pouted and looked away. Then, a moment later, they started laughing again. Clara honestly enjoyed the banters, and never thought much of it ever since this reincarnation has taken over her life.

Clara yawned. "Right, as much as the jungle planet was an eye-opener, I really need to shower and have some shut-eye. That running has finished me."

The Doctor opened his mouth to speak. Clara quickly blocked his mouth.

"- smart comments will not be appreciated." She glared. The Doctor's eyebrows deflated.

"Good night, Doctor." She gave him a sweet smile and a light kiss on his cheek. "Thank you for the great adventure today."

After a drowsy shower, Clara wore her silky nightgown and floated into a dream about the Doctor as a lanky grasshopper.

"Wakey, wakey." Clara woke to a light obnoxiously flickering in front of her. It was the Doctor flickering a small lamp in front of her face. She sleepily batted the lamp away and dug herself into the pillow. "Clara, wake up! You've had plenty of sleep. I'm bored." He poked her nose until she had to wake up.

"Jeez, Doctor. You're so annoying." She sat on the bed, still half asleep. "How long was I asleep?"

"43 hours." He said, gazing at the TARDIS clock.

"What?" She looked at the clock in shock as well. "Well, I must have been really tired. Because honestly, I could go back for more." She yawned as she laid down again. The good thing about sleeping in a time machine was that time did not matter. She could sleep as much as she wanted to and still be early for work.

"No, no more sleep. I'm sick of being alone in the console room." He winged. "I'm getting tired of listening to myself talk."

"Just… five more minutes?" Clara smiled with her eyes closed.

"Fine." He crossed his arms and trudged out. "I am going to be back in exactly five more minutes, h-okay?" Clara smiled. Ah, Time Lords and their control-freak sense of time.

The next time he was in her room (which felt like two seconds after the last time he woke her up), he brought an ineffably loud air horn.

Clara rolled off the bed and banged her nose on the corner of the bedside table.

"Clara, are you okay?" He quickly checked her face. And then straightened himself. "Well… you deserved it for sleeping so much." He quickly tried to hide his sensitive side, but it was too late. Clara had seen it already.

Clara chuckled. The Doctor was adorable when he was trying to be all defensive. Blood started trickling out of her nose. His face paled.

"Aah! Blood!" The Doctor ran out of the room.

Clara sighed as she pinched her nose. She was looking for a box of tissues when the Doctor came back. He was holding a tower of boxed tissues.

"Is this… enough?" He dumped it on her.

"More than. Thanks." She quickly wiped the blood and held the tissue by her nose.

"I have an infirmary aboard the TARDIS. We can-"

"No. The last time you did that, you gave me a cold medicine for a bruise." She glared at him. She paused and continued. "Doctor, I might go home." She sighed. "Come back tomorrow or somethin'. Yeah?"

The Doctor pouted. "Fine." He landed the TARDIS and walked her from her TARDIS room to her flat.

"See you soon." He closed the TARDIS door and dematerialised.

The Doctor pranced around the TARDIS and landed on her flat six hours later. He opened the door to a Clara sitting on her sofa watching TV. She still had a tissue on her nose. The Doctor checked the time. He was sure that he got the time right.

"Still bleeding?" He asked. Clara looked slightly pale, but nothing of concern.

Clara jumped. She obviously did not see or hear the Doctor arriving at all. "Oh, hi! No. It's just about finished."

"Is this the same one from six hours ago?" He pointed his screwdriver at her nose. Clara lowered it again to stop him from scanning her.

"No, I banged it on the wall again." Clara gave a nervous chuckle. She was lying – the Doctor was right. It was the same one from six hours ago, and it frightened her. But there was no way she was going to worry the Doctor about it.

"So clumsy." He tutted. Clara sighed inwardly as he swallowed that lie.

"Not as much as the bowtie you." She gave a snarky comment.

The Doctor tried to say something, and instead just pouted. "Oh, shut up." He embarrassingly looked away. "Shall I come another day?"

"Yeah, that might be the best." Clara nodded. "See you later."

The Doctor took off again and arrived a week after. "Are you up for travelling now?" The Doctor burst out.

"I think I have the flu, but it's in the early stages. Just a bit of fever and stiff joints. I think I'm fine for an adventure. Although, do try to pick a peaceful destination. I'm not at 100 percent." Clara said, following inside.

"Fine." He patted the console. "Got that, TARDIS?" He looked up at the time rotor.

The TARDIS was in flight and landed with a thud. The Doctor peeked outside and smiled.

"Wonderful choice, TARDIS! Clara, bring some wine and cheese. We'll have a picnic."

Clara brought a picnic basket prepared by the TARDIS and walked outside. She didn't forget to thank the TARDIS for being so nice to her (for once).

The metallic purple grass swayed gently in the cool breeze and the silvery moon on the indigo sky was slowly rising. The Doctor had already placed a picnic rug on a spot.

"Wow." She opened her mouth in wonder. "This is beautiful."

"The planet of Gatapia. Famous for its gigantic silver moon and the soft purple grass." He pulled some out from the ground and let it go in the breeze. "Oh, and fireflies of various colours."

As if that was the cue, the fireflies lit up the surrounding grass like Christmas lights. Clara laid down and looked at the sky. The Doctor laid beside her for a bit, and reached for the wine glasses in the basket. Clara breathed the crisp air and observed the sky above her. The Doctor poured two glasses of sparkling wine and handed one to her. "Salut!" They clinked the glass. She drank it and felt her stomach knot.

"Are you sure this is wine?" She winced in pain. But as soon as she felt it, it was gone. The wine itself tasted very nice, but it was unsettling her stomach.

"Yeah, sparkling. I got it from –"

The Doctor rambled on about an adventure with a French aristocrat in the 1700s. Clara frowned at the glass, then continued to drink it despite the discomfort.

When they returned back to the TARDIS, the Doctor pranced along. "So, where to next?"

Clara leaned on the wall rubbing her head. "Home, I think." Her fever was getting worse, and same with the nagging pain in her back.

"Are you okay?" The Doctor stopped and slowly approached her.

Clara nodded. "Just a flu. I told you before. I wasn't 100 percent. I'll be okay."

The Doctor held the screwdriver and Clara batted it out again. "I told you, I am fine. Just need rest. At home."

The Doctor dropped her home and Clara waved as the TARDIS dematerialised. As soon as the Doctor was gone, she stumbled onto the sofa. She took off her boots and found red rashes on her ankle. When she took off her clothes to have a shower, she noticed more rashes and strange bumps around her body. Her eyes inflated in shock.

The Doctor stood in front of the telephone and debated whether to call Clara. He wasn't sure how long she was going to be sick for, and he was already bored with going on adventures with himself. But he learnt from Clara that it was rude to nag a human being to travel with him. He held the receiver momentarily and hovered his hand over the 'call Clara' button. Then, he placed it down and sat on his sofa.

He sighed. He was going to wait until she called him.

Clara was sitting at her GP waiting room after an intense talk with her doctor. She sighed as she looked at the referral paper. She held the phone and hovered her finger above the Doctor's number. Then, she turned the phone off, and frustratingly ran her hands through her face.

She sighed. She was going to wait until he called her.

A/N Hello! Nice to meet you! Call me Lumi. I've recently had to acquaint myself with the process of the treatment of cancer, so I thought, maybe a fanfic would be great way to express it? (Cliched and overused story line I know, I know. I will try not to bore you.) Let me know what you think. :)
(Also, I need a Beta Reader. Where do I get one of those? :S )