You guys are fantastic! I wish I'd written this faster for you! My brain came to a screeching halt when the show started back up. *facepalm* Here is the final chapter. Thank you all for your reviews and especially for reading along. :)


That first night was the hardest. Mixed memories flooded Nick's mind when they tumbled into his bedroom. They didn't stop, but he had to frequently blink away images of Hexonbiests of the past that overlapped their moments together.

Over the next couple of weeks, as fresh memories replaced old wounds, the two grew accustomed to eachothers' presence in the dead of night. Weeks turned to months, a year, two years.

Noah was just beginning potty training. Adalind had started a consulting law firm that she could run remotely without in person meetings. Primarily, she gave legal advice and provided the preliminary paperwork for paralegals in the field. The flexibility it gave her to chase after their toddler in his training diapers 24/7 made it essential if she wanted to work at all. Leaving Noah in a day care or at home with a nanny, who may or may not be a kidnapper sent after her son, wasn't an option in her mind.

Nick's detective work kept him busy, but it didn't stop him from trying to trace down the royals looking for Diana. The thought warmed Adalind's heart. But with three years passing since she'd held her daughter, she didn't have much hope. By the time she met her daughter, she wouldn't even recognize her. They'd be strangers. It didn't make the overwhelming desire to wrap her arms around her daughter go away, but added a bittersweet sensation to her longing.

Sometimes Nick went on trips across seas for work. He'd offhandedly mention a Wessen problem he was checking out for someone. Each time he came home worn and more distant. It was wearing on both of them and their fledgling marriage.

This time, it was three weeks before he returned home. This needed to stop. It was tearing her apart. The idea of losing him was just as painful as losing another child at this point. She'd never had a relationship with someone she cared this much about; and she wanted to keep it. All these thoughts ran through her head as she gazed unseeing at the office computer.

"I'm home." Nick's voice rang out from the front door. The sounds of the door closing and shuffles echoed through the hallway. Finally, she thought with dismay. Preparing herself for a confrontation once the homecoming was over, she rose from her seat.

"Daddy!" Noah came barreling out of the bathroom and zoomed around the corner ahead of her. She chuckled to herself while warring with the injustice of their son being without his father for the past three weeks.

"Hey, my little man!" Nick's voice bouncing off the walls alone was a comfort to her. She was just rounding the corner when she froze, paralyzed.

Before her stood her husband of six months, Nick Burkhardt, holding their energetic son. Noah was choke-holding his father in a pint-sized hug.

And a third person.

"Daddy, who dat?" Adalind faintly heard Noah's voice through the ringing in her ears. She couldn't breath. A flash of purple eyes lit up from a three foot tall young girl.

"That," Nick said, hearing it as if underwater, she only registered his beaming smile vaguely. "Is your sister."

"Diana?" Her voice shook as her knees gave out, dropping her onto the hallway floor.

There was a long pause. Diana blinked slowly once, twice.

Then with a whisper of wonder replied...

