Belle POV:

It's been two days since we've escaped from the Maze and everyday was the same.

Wake up, eat, shower, pee, eat, sleep.

Aris had to sleep in a different room from us since he was a boy, it wasn't like any of the girls actually cared, so he just sat in the corner. I could tell he thought about Rachel.

We all did.

I missed her so much, she was my best friend and she was dead.

I still couldn't believe it.

The only thing that meant anything to me was finding Newt, Sonya was still the only one who knew and I though about telling the others but I wasn't ready yet.

I lay down for another sleepless night but something felt different, something was wrong.

I slept underneath Sonya on the bunk beds.

"Belle?" Sonya whispered.


"I can't sleep, something isn't right," she explained.

"I know, I feel it too."

"What do you think it is?" She asked.

I thought for a second before shaking my head. "I don't know."

As if on cue the banging started. I shot out of bed and Sonya was right behind me as girls started to wake up.

"What's going on?" Rosa asked sleepily

"I'm not sure," I answered looking around as the room erupted in chaos.

I heard a girl scream and I turned to see a girl hadn't met yet with blonde hair that looked almost grey staring in horror at the window.

A face of a woman who was missing her nose and had a large scar that sealed her eye shut preventing it from opening stood there smiling crookedly at the window, her blonde tangled hair flopping down over her one open blood shot eye that looked brown but was hard to see exactly.

The face of the woman was behind bars behind the curtain but she wasn't the only one. Men and woman different scars and bruises.

"What the hell is going on?" Harriet asked.

"We need to get out of here," I said shakily.

I heard a banging on the door as Sonya tried to break down the door. "It won't budge."

I saw a fire extinguisher and ran over and grabbed it handing over to Sonya. "Try this."

She nodded and banged on the door with all her strength as the door swung open revealing darkness.

"I'll go first," Harriet said from behind us walking confidently over to the doorway and was soon engulfed by darkness.

"I'll go next," I offered and walked through the door and I soon missed the light of the dorm. I heard the footsteps of the girls following me.

The smell hit me immediately and I regretted the decision of being out here.

"I think I remember where the light switches are," Rosa said she sounded close as I walked into something that was hanging from the ceiling.

I was taken by surprise and was knocked into what I had to guess was a table and landed on my back across it.

"Who was that? Are you ok?" I heard the worried voice of Sonya ask.

"Found 'em," I heard Rosa say triumphantly I looked up and saw bodies hanging upside down from the ceiling and I just walked into one.

I felt like I was gonna be sick and I heard a girl do that.

"Are they the people who rescued us?" I heard a girl ask.

"I think they are," I heard another girl answer.

"They stink," I heard a girl say

I even heard one girl say: "Damn it the cute ones dead."

I saw a door on the other end of the hall I walked over to it and on the door read.

Aris Jones. Group B, Subject B1

The Partner

"What the hell?" I turned and saw Rosa who I didn't even know was behind me.

I tried to open the door but it was locked. "Can I get the fire extinguisher?"

She nodded ran off then came back with the extinguishers, now a crowd had crowded around the door.

I grabbed it and slammed it again and again against the handle until it opened. I walked though and saw a messy bed I looked at it and remembered how Rachel would always put the blankets down neatly.

I heard a toilet flush and the door swung open but Aris didn't walk through the door it was a girl.

"Who are you?" Harriet demanded but I recognised her immediately from my dreams.

Black hair and piercing blue eyes.

It was Teresa.

FIRST CHAPTER OF THE SEQUEL! WHOOP WHOOP! I was going to update yesterday but my Grandma and Grandad came over so I couldn't and I spent all day cooking so sorry it took forever to post! It's still going to be Belle, Newt, Belle, Newt! I hope you like the first chapter!