Chapter 1

Tenrou Island, X784

After battling the Dark Guild known as Grimore Hearts, the Fairies took the time to rest and collect themselves, but fate didn't have that in mind for them. Suddenly a Black Dragon appeared over the island and the Fairies were in shock. After they battle the Black Dragon for a few minutes, they knew their victory was impossible. "I'm a fricking Dragon Slayer," Natsu said as he got on both knees and slammed the ground with his fists. "I can't even kill a single Dragon."

"Everybody run," Gildarts shouted. The Fairies began to retreat to the boats. Noticing Master Makarov wasn't retreating, Gildarts shouted, "Master come on!

"You go my children," Master Makarov said. "My final act as Guild Master will be protecting you all," he continued as he enlarged himself and charged the Dragon. Battling for a few minutes, Master Makarov found himself pinned to the ground by the Dragon's talon. Suddenly the Fairies returned to fight alongside their Master. "You spoiled brats, what do you think you're doing?"

"We're not the kind of guild to make an old man fight our battles," Laxus said as he extended his hand to help Master Makarov up. The Fairies then combined all their attacks, but it was to no avail.

The Dragon took flight and began charging its breath attack. The Fairies realized they won't be able to defend against the attack and began losing hope. Seeing a crying Lucy, Natsu grabbed her hand and said, "Come on Lucy. We're not gonna go out crying." Lucy nodded and stood up.

"Let's join hands my children," Master Makarov said. The Fairies formed a circle, and he continued, "Let's all go home to Fairy Tail." The Dragon released its breath attack, obliterating the island.

Earth 671, New York City, December 23rd, 2015

A robber is spotted exiting a store with a bag of cash. Suddenly he is cut off by a man in a red and blue costume. "Out of my way," the robber shouted. "I'll sh-HMMMPH!"

"You're definitely going on Santa's Naughty List," the man replied. Charging and taking down the robber, he continued, "Hope you like your presents: Coal and hard time." The man webbed onto a building and swung away.

"Thanks Spider-Man," the store owner shouted as he left.

"No problem" Spidey shouted back as he continued swinging. Landing on a rooftop, Spidey thought, Another beautiful day in New York City. Seeing a car chase, Spidey thought as he began his pursuit, Another day of being Spider-Man. Swinging for a few minutes he finally landed on top of the car. Peeking his head on the driver side, he said, "Whoa whoa, you guys doing some last minute Christmas shopping?"

"It's Spider-Man," a robber shouted. "Blast him!" The robbers inside began opening fire towards the roof.

Dodging bullets, Spidey said, "Look guys! I know you want to be New York traffic, but the presents aren't going anywhere." Reaching in and pulling the driver out, Spidey webbed him to a nearby building and said, "Hope your car has an autopilot system." The robbers inside began to panic. "No? Well you'll be happy I'm here," Spidey said as he leaped off and made a giant web where the car was heading. The cop cars arrived and thanked Spidey for the help. "Consider it an early Christmas present," Spidey said as he swung away. Swinging through the city, Spidey thought, It's been a year since I graduated high school and Nick Fury's Shield Academy. I wanted to go to college, but tuition ain't cheap, so I got a job at STARK Labs. Aunt May wanted to pay, but she's done a lot for me already, so I felt like I needed to do this myself. With all the money I saved up and my super sharp intellect, I managed to get in with a Scholarship. Also as a bonus for being a loyal employee, Tony let me have one of his penthouses, half off! I can also buy presents for all my friends this time! Mary Jane, Harry, White Tiger, Iron Fist, Power Man, Agent Venom, Iron Spider, Squirrel Girl, Cloak and Dagger, even Nova…

"Breaking News," a news reporter shouted on the monitor. "There has been a prison break at Ryker's Island!"

Santa's Naughty List just got a lot bigger, Spidey thought as he made his way to Ryker's Island. Around 2 AM, Spidey returned to his apartment, swapped out of his costume, into his pajamas, fell onto his bed and said before he passed out, "Ok...that's a lot of coal Santa is going to be delivering." During the night he felt a sudden rumbling and uttered, "The other heroes can deal with it…." About 4:30 AM, Peter's phone rang, picking it up he answered, "Hello…"

"Good morning sunshine," a male voice said.

Looking at his phone, he saw an African American man with an eye patch and sweet facial hair, and replied, "Nick Fury…."

"Good, it looks like I have your attention," Fury responded.

You had my attention when a strange man said 'Good morning sunshine', Peter thought. "Do you know what time it is," Peter asked.

"Yes I do," Fury replied. "Hey, could you look out your penthouse?"

"Why would I do that," Peter replied.

"Do it or I will send SHIELD Bots," Fury said.

"Fine fine," Peter said as he made his way to a window.

"Tell me, what do you see?"

Examining the area, Peter replied, "The Statue of Liberty, a island with a giant tree, the br-"

"Ah ah ah ah. Go back."

"An island with a giant tree…..HOLY CRAP THERE IS AN ISLAND WITH A GIANT TREE!"

"I see gears are turning."

"What's going on?"

"About an hour ago, SHIELD picked up some strange anomalies in the atmosphere, followed by a sudden rumbling."

I knew I should've woken up, Peter thought.

"Then the island just appeared. I sent in a team to investigate and they discovered inhabitants."

"Ok, so why did you call me?"

"Those inhabitants said they know you."

"Huh? I don't know anybody from an island." Unless you're talking about Guam and Hawaii, Hafa Adai and Aloha is all I know.

"Anyway, report to the Helicarrier for more details."

"Aaaaaahhhh, why do I have to do it," Peter said.

"SHIELD Bots."

"I'm on my way," Peter said as he put on his costume and exited his apartment. I planned to go Christmas shopping today…. Arriving on the Helicarrier, Spidey made his way to the designated room.

"What up Web Head," Nova said as he passed Spidey.

"Nova," Spidey questioned. "I thought you were with the Guardians of The Galaxy?"

"I was, but the way they do Christmas, well…let's say Star Lord shouldn't plan the party," Nova replied as he continued on.

Good reason to escape, Spidey thought.

"Greetings Spider-Man," Iron Fist said as he bowed.

"Danny," Spidey said. "I thought you were on a mission with White Tiger and Power Man?"

"We completed it," Iron Fist replied. "As soon as I got back, I was summoned by Fury. Something about the island."

"Ohhh, well I'm glad I'm not doing this alone then," Spidey said as they walked. Reaching a door, they noticed Dr. Strange in the hallway. "Dr. Strange," Spidey asked. "Why are you here?"

"Nick Fury requested my assistance," Dr. Strange replied.

"Let me guess, it's about the island."

"Yes. I feel magical energy coming from it."

"Magical energy?" Why do I have a bad feeling about this…

"I see we're all here," Nick Fury said as he approached the three heroes. "Come on in," he continued as he opened the door.

Entering the room, Spidey thought, I wonder what kind of p-

"Yo," Gray said as he and the rest of the Fairy Tail members sat around a table.

Oh you've got to be kidding me, Spidey thought.

What up guys! I present to you! Chapter 1 of The Fairies in New York! For new readers. This is the sequel to "The Spider and The Fairies"! I hope you enjoy the first Chapter! I know I said it wouldn't come out soon, but after playing some Unlimited Spider-Man on my phone, I was like, "I CANT TAKE IT! I HAVE TO WRITE THE SEQUEL!" and that's it. But i won't be pumping Chapters out as fast as i did with the first story because I have to come up with like: 1. What are the problems Spidey and The Fairies will face, 2. Plot, 3. Finale, 4. Everything in the middle, 5. Romance or no romance? It was easier to write the other story, because I followed the Arc. Anyway, sorry if the chapters come out slow and thanks for reading! Means a lot! Cya!