Update-12/28/2015: I've finally hit the 10,000 view mark on this story! This is an important milestone for me! I am so glad at how popular this story had become. Thank you, everyone who has read this story! You have made me proud as a writer!

Children Ages: Turquoise [10] Amazonite [8] Aquamarine [6]

Characters created by: Rebecca Sugar

Chapter 1: Gems In Training


Outside Of Crystal Gem Temple

Stepping out of the Crystal Gem Temple was Steven and Connie. Behind them emerged a 10 year old girl with dark skin, black hair down her back, blue eyes, and a light blue stone with brown streaks on it attached to her forehead. Then there was an 8 year old boy with a mix of dark and light skin with black hair, hazel eyes, and a green gem on his belly. Then there was a small 6 year old boy with dark skin, black hair, blue eyes, and a light blue gem on his right hand.

Steven was thirty eight, and Connie was thirty six. Steven was around Greg's size, so he was now taller than Connie, with the top of Connie's head reaching Steven's neck. Steven now had a new personal fashion style. Over his red shirt with yellow star, he wore a red jacket with two white armbands with a yellow star on each. Steven's hair was mostly the same from when he was a child, except that he had multiple curls in the back like his mother. Connie's hair reached the bottom of her neck, as she now liked this hairstyle.

"I'm so excited that we're going to learn how to summon our weapons!" said the 10 year old girl, jumping around, all excited.

"Me too Turquoise." said Steven, "Me and your mother have been waiting for this day to come."

"I guarantee I'll be a better Crystal Gem then you two." said the 8 year old boy to his two siblings.

"If you say so Amazonite." said Steven.

"I'd just love to be trained by grandma Garnet, she's my favorite." said the 6 year old boy.

"Aquamarine, did you know grandma Garnet's a fusion?" said Steven.

"You never told us that!" said Turquoise.

"It's true though." said Steven.

There on the beach waited the Crystal Gems. After the Grinon attempted invasion of Earth years ago, Jasper, Peridot, and Lapis joined the Crystal Gems. The three were now official Crystal Gems, and were now accustomed to the human life-style.

"Gather around children." said Connie.

The kids and Steven gathered around Connie.

"Today, you three will learn how to summon your weapons." said Connie, "Once you learn how to summon your weapons, you will then learn how to fuse."

"Yes, fusion!" said Amazonite.

"Let's start with you, Turquoise." said Steven.

"Now, because your gem is on your forehead, Pearl shall train you to summon your weapon." said Connie.

Pearl stepped up in front of Turquoise.

"Hello Turquoise." said Pearl.

"Hey grandma Pearl." said Turquoise.

"Now, as you know, yours and my gem are both on our foreheads." said Pearl, "The way I summon my weapon is by using my mind to think and see my weapon, my gem will glow, and my spear appears."

Pearl then placed her hands surrounding her gem. Pearl's gem glowed, and out came Pearl's spear. Pearl grabbed her spear and stabbed it into the sand in front of her.

"Now, you try." said Pearl.

"Alright." said Turquoise, "But I don't know what my weapon is."

"The way you do it, is keep thinking of a type of weapon, and eventually, the right one will be summoned." said Pearl.

"Ok." said Turquoise. Turquoise surrounded her gem with her hands.

"Ok, it's not a spear." said Turquoise, "It's not a helmet, it's not a whip, it's not a gauntlet, and it's not a shield. If I can just…"

Turquoise started to think even more. Suddenly, Turquoise's gem started glowing, but Turquoise did not know that. Turquoise's gem then gave a blinding flash, her long hair rising up and levitating.

The flash disappeared, and her hair fell back down her back. Turquoise opened her eyes and saw something laying on the sand in front of her.

It was a sword.

"Turquoise, it's a sword!" said Connie.

The sword was almost as tall as Turquoise. It had a light blue shiny handle, and a clean white blade.

Turquoise picked up the sword, stars in her eyes.

"I did it!" said Turquoise. Turquoise jumped around, with sword in hand.

Connie ran over to Turquoise.

"Do you know what this means, Turquoise?" said Connie.

"What?!" said Turquoise.

"You get to swordfight with Pearl and me!" said Connie.

"Awesome!" said Turquoise.

Turquoise got in position on one side of the beach, and Pearl and Connie on the other.

"You against me and Pearl." said Connie, "But I gotta warn you, sometimes I get carried away when swordfighting."

Connie and Pearl then charged at Turquoise. Turquoise was ready, ready as she'll ever be.

Turquoise blocked Connie's strike, but Pearl was right behind Connie. Turquoise tripped Pearl over with her foot. Connie was rapidly striking at Turquoise's sword. It was overwhelming for Turquoise. Turquoise tried to strike at Connie, but Connie blocked it. Connie rapidly struck at Turquoise's sword more. After a few more strikes, Turquoise fell back.

Turquoise then saw Connie extend her arm over Turquoise, to which Turquoise grabbed Connie's hand and stood back up. Turquoise's sword, which laid on the sand, disappeared.

"You did good, Turquoise." said Connie.

"Smart move tripping me when I least expected it." said Pearl.

"Thanks grandma Pearl." said Turquoise.

"Nice job, Turquoise!" said Amethyst.

"Very impressive." said Peridot.

"You go girl!" said Jasper.

"We'll continue swordfighting tomorrow." said Connie.

"Awesome, can't wait mom!" said Turquoise.

"Up next is you, Aquamarine." said Connie.

Aquamarine stepped up, jumping around in excitement.

"Now, since your gem is on your right hand, you'll be training with Garnet." said Connie.

"Yay, grandma Garnet's my favorite!" said Aquamarine.

"Ah man, I wish I was his favorite." said Amethyst.

"Jealous much, Amethyst?" said Garnet.

"Oooh!" said Jasper.

Garnet stepped up in front of Aquamarine, her tall stature making her seem like a giant to the small Aquamarine.

"Now," said Garnet, "When I need to summon my gauntlets, I do hand movements in order to do it, so you should do hand movements to summon your weapon. Here, I'll help you, just do what I do."

Garnet then started making hand movements like the ones you see in karate movies. Aquamarine tried his best to copy Garnet's hand movements.

"Try your best to mimic what I'm doing." said Garnet.

"Got it." said Aquamarine.

After a few minutes of more and more mimicking of hand movements, Aquamarine was starting to get impatient.

"It doesn't seem to be working, grandma Garnet, what do I do?" said Aquamarine.

"Just try your hardest to mimic my hand and arm movements." said Garnet.

"Okay!" said Aquamarine.

Aquamarine started rapidly moving his arms around.

"Okay, I didn't mean it literally when I said "try your hardest"." said Garnet.

But then, Aquamarine's gem started glowing. Garnet stood back as the glow became brighter.

From Aquamarine's right hand appeared a big blue axe. The axe was as big as Aquamarine was.

"Woah, oh no!" said Aquamarine, starting to lose his balance.

"Woah!" said Steven as he ran over to Aquamarine. Steven grabbed Aquamarine before he could fall from the heavy axe.

"We're gonna have to wait until you grow enough so that you can carry that big axe around." said Steven.

The axe then disappeared.

Jasper started to laugh.

"Don't laugh Jasper." said Steven.

"I did it, it's a battle axe!" said Aquamarine.

"You did very good, son." said Steven.

"Now for you, Amazonite." said Connie.

"Ah yeah!" said Amazonite, "I'm gonna summon my weapon!"

Amazonite stepped up.

"Now, since your gem is on your belly, your dad shall be teaching you." said Connie.

"Alright son," said Steven, "the way I summon my shield is when I care about someone and want to protect them, that's how I summon my shield. Hopefully your weapon is a shield too."

"Wait Steven," said Pearl, "if that's the case, then how is he really gonna be able to summon it if someone he cares about is not in danger."

"Hmm, good point." said Steven.

"Oooh, oooh," said Jasper, raising her hand, "I have an idea!"

"What is it Jasper?" said Steven.

Jasper began to laugh suspiciously. Jasper got up and walked toward Amazonite. Jasper then summoned her helmet.

"Get ready boy!" said Jasper.

"Uh oh." said Amazonite. Amazonite extended his arm, hoping it would summon something, but nothing.

"Oh no!" said Amazonite. Amazonite then ran away from Jasper. Jasper then started chasing Amazonite.

"No one escapes Jasper, ahahahaha!" screamed Jasper, still chasing Amazonite.

"Ok ok Jasper, I think that's enough." said Steven.

"Awww," said Jasper, "but I was having so much fun."

"How am I gonna be able to summon my weapon?" said Amazonite, "Turquoise and Aquamarine summoned theirs right away."

"It's ok, son," said Connie, "we can try again tomorrow, you'll be able to summon your weapon sometime, I promise."

"Maybe he's an elemental Gem, like me." said Lapis.

"Maybe, who knows, we'll have to find out tomorrow." said Connie.

"Don't worry son, you'll figure it out soon, we promise." said Steven.

"Thanks dad." said Amazonite.